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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00usin 00ournal DOG TRAINER Karen Cannard of K9Kapers Dog Training in Shelton has earned Level I certification through the Certi- fication Council for Professional Dog Trainers, an internation- ally recognized certification program for pet dog trainers. She joins the more than 1,000 certified trainers located throughout the U.S. and in a number of other countries. Until the creation in 2001 of the independently operated Certification Council for Proissional Dog Trainers, there was no nationally available certification process for dog trainers. 00i]aoreline landscaping fill be workshop topic The Mason County Extension of Washington State University will present a free workshop on how to preserve and replant shorelines to stabilize slopes, protect Puget Sound and pro- vide wildliib habitat. Interested Correction: Corey, Kether, spelled wrong Corey Kane and Kether Hoag were identified under the wrogg names in a photo on page 3 in last week's edition of The Journal. persons will gather from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on December 3 in the Griffin Fire Hall at 3707 Steamboat Loop Road in Thur- ston County. Workshop leaders will host a discussion of how to create a beautiful landscape that pro- tects the shoreline and requires little maintenance. They will talk about what homeowners can do on their own and when they should call in the experts. Among the shoreline steward- ship tips will be advice on how to have a view and trees too. A grant from the Washington Department ()t" Ecology makes this program possihle. Advance registration is requested and may be arranged by calling 42%9670, Extension 680. TA]., Real Downhome Cooking by: Owner/Chef Susan Fleck S If(: :)ll S OPEN THANKSGIVING Dinners served from noon until 5pm Traditional Old Fashioned Prime (.d r95 with an Turkey or Ham or Rib lZ the Irimnlings (hild's plate S5.q5 (10 & raider) (360) 432-8939 • 1927 Olympic Hwy. North Happy Tllanksgiving t Choirs will join for Christmas conc The Harstine Island Commu- nity Choir and the Annas Bay Community Choir plan a joint el: fort during the holiday season in- volving more than 60 voices and an assortment of accompanists in a free concert by what may be the largest volunteer choir in the his- tory of Mason County. A program of 21 classic Christ- mas songs will begin at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 16, in the Shelton High School Auditorium at 3737 Shelton Springs Road. Organizers include Elizabeth Berndt, director of the Harstine Island Community Choir, and Matthew Melendez Blegen, direc- tor of the Annas Bay Community Choir. "In a sparsely populated region, the key is to start small," Berndt said. "Interested people will come to an embryonic cultural activ- ity if" it's convenient. Then, when there is a system and structure in place, all sorts of wonderful peo- ple come out of the woodwork." Berndt is a conservatory- trained professional director with experience at the secondary school and symphonic levels. She formed the Harstine Island Choir in 2004 and has seen it grow to al- most 50 members ranging in age from 12 to 83. Melendez Blegen said the Annas Bay group is open to all who wish to join on a volun- teer basis. "The key is to remem- ber that choral singing is about the joy of making music together with others," he said. "Provided we keep that objective in mind, things never get hard." Melendez Blegen has both an academic and perfbrmance back- ground in classical music, gradu- ating magna cum laude from the master's program of the Univer- sity of Washington. He has per- formed with opera companies from New Jersey to Los Angeles and has been with the Annas Bay Music Festival since its inception last year. Members of the choirs include vocalists who also arrange music. "Ave Maria" is a work of Cathryn Mecham of Annas Bay that will be sung by the combined choirs. "Scarlet Ribbons" as arranged by Patricia Nutt of the Harstine choir will be sung by a quartet. Many of the members of both choirs have extensive musical backgrounds, while others are just beginning to enjoy rience of singing with oth I crating without any inc0. expenses for music, musi¢ ing, hall rental for the and costumes have beenj by the. members. "We dues or participation fees t0L certain that anyone can atx ( come and share the joy o.i'/ o Berndt said. This spirit[ 'ld peated in not charging adS] to any of the performances lk, tions, however, will be gra accepted." EC "In addition to the perforl[ E¢ 0r of the combined choirs, the ],,or_ ine Community Choir wfll concerts at the Harstine 29' Community Hall at 7 p.m._ cember 8 and 3 p.m. on De¢ C 9. I.00d '|WClir A booster for flu shot00 Mason County Public Health has announced that National In- fluenza Vaccination Week is No- vember 26 through December 2. Officials make the point that during the holiday season, as crowds in malls and other public places increase, so does your risk of exposure to germs such influenza virus. Vaccinatiok way to decrease the potentxe getting the flu. |ga, ;le For more infomation, ca "pr' af° Mason County flu hotline }ri 9670, Extension 599. 1 )0 0 KITq IIN 134 B N 1st BINGO Monday ,pro ,.,. BAn & GRILL s2°° Burger w/fries NiteI ,114 WEST COT • SHELTON, WA • [Come See Our 1st-Run 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 www.$HELTONOINEMA$.com Newly expanded and remodeled dining rooml Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007 00usin 00ournal DOG TRAINER Karen Cannard of K9Kapers Dog Training in Shelton has earned Level I certification through the Certi- fication Council for Professional Dog Trainers, an internation- ally recognized certification program for pet dog trainers. She joins the more than 1,000 certified trainers located throughout the U.S. and in a number of other countries. Until the creation in 2001 of the independently operated Certification Council for Proissional Dog Trainers, there was no nationally available certification process for dog trainers. 00i]aoreline landscaping fill be workshop topic The Mason County Extension of Washington State University will present a free workshop on how to preserve and replant shorelines to stabilize slopes, protect Puget Sound and pro- vide wildliib habitat. Interested Correction: Corey, Kether, spelled wrong Corey Kane and Kether Hoag were identified under the wrogg names in a photo on page 3 in last week's edition of The Journal. persons will gather from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on December 3 in the Griffin Fire Hall at 3707 Steamboat Loop Road in Thur- ston County. Workshop leaders will host a discussion of how to create a beautiful landscape that pro- tects the shoreline and requires little maintenance. They will talk about what homeowners can do on their own and when they should call in the experts. Among the shoreline steward- ship tips will be advice on how to have a view and trees too. A grant from the Washington Department ()t" Ecology makes this program possihle. Advance registration is requested and may be arranged by calling 42%9670, Extension 680. TA]., Real Downhome Cooking by: Owner/Chef Susan Fleck S If(: :)ll S OPEN THANKSGIVING Dinners served from noon until 5pm Traditional Old Fashioned Prime (.d r95 with an Turkey or Ham or Rib lZ the Irimnlings (hild's plate S5.q5 (10 & raider) (360) 432-8939 • 1927 Olympic Hwy. North Happy Tllanksgiving t Choirs will join for Christmas conc The Harstine Island Commu- nity Choir and the Annas Bay Community Choir plan a joint el: fort during the holiday season in- volving more than 60 voices and an assortment of accompanists in a free concert by what may be the largest volunteer choir in the his- tory of Mason County. A program of 21 classic Christ- mas songs will begin at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 16, in the Shelton High School Auditorium at 3737 Shelton Springs Road. Organizers include Elizabeth Berndt, director of the Harstine Island Community Choir, and Matthew Melendez Blegen, direc- tor of the Annas Bay Community Choir. "In a sparsely populated region, the key is to start small," Berndt said. "Interested people will come to an embryonic cultural activ- ity if" it's convenient. Then, when there is a system and structure in place, all sorts of wonderful peo- ple come out of the woodwork." Berndt is a conservatory- trained professional director with experience at the secondary school and symphonic levels. She formed the Harstine Island Choir in 2004 and has seen it grow to al- most 50 members ranging in age from 12 to 83. Melendez Blegen said the Annas Bay group is open to all who wish to join on a volun- teer basis. "The key is to remem- ber that choral singing is about the joy of making music together with others," he said. "Provided we keep that objective in mind, things never get hard." Melendez Blegen has both an academic and perfbrmance back- ground in classical music, gradu- ating magna cum laude from the master's program of the Univer- sity of Washington. He has per- formed with opera companies from New Jersey to Los Angeles and has been with the Annas Bay Music Festival since its inception last year. Members of the choirs include vocalists who also arrange music. "Ave Maria" is a work of Cathryn Mecham of Annas Bay that will be sung by the combined choirs. "Scarlet Ribbons" as arranged by Patricia Nutt of the Harstine choir will be sung by a quartet. Many of the members of both choirs have extensive musical backgrounds, while others are just beginning to enjoy rience of singing with oth I crating without any inc0. expenses for music, musi¢ ing, hall rental for the and costumes have beenj by the. members. "We dues or participation fees t0L certain that anyone can atx ( come and share the joy o.i'/ o Berndt said. This spirit[ 'ld peated in not charging adS] to any of the performances lk, tions, however, will be gra accepted." EC "In addition to the perforl[ E¢ 0r of the combined choirs, the ],,or_ ine Community Choir wfll concerts at the Harstine 29' Community Hall at 7 p.m._ cember 8 and 3 p.m. on De¢ C 9. I.00d '|WClir A booster for flu shot00 Mason County Public Health has announced that National In- fluenza Vaccination Week is No- vember 26 through December 2. Officials make the point that during the holiday season, as crowds in malls and other public places increase, so does your risk of exposure to germs such influenza virus. Vaccinatiok way to decrease the potentxe getting the flu. |ga, ;le For more infomation, ca "pr' af° Mason County flu hotline }ri 9670, Extension 599. 1 )0 0 KITq IIN 134 B N 1st BINGO Monday ,pro ,.,. BAn & GRILL s2°° Burger w/fries NiteI ,114 WEST COT • SHELTON, WA • [Come See Our 1st-Run 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 www.$HELTONOINEMA$.com Newly expanded and remodeled dining rooml Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007