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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LISA&apos;S IN-HOME Daycare has open- CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup- ings for 2 full-time infants and 1 full-time py and manners starting every month. over 2. Great learning environment and Companion or competition dog classes. USDA Food Program. (360) 427-3763. Certified Trainer. Family friendly. Train- R9/27tfn ing gift certificates are perfect for Christ- .............................................................. mas. K9 Kapers, Karen Cannard, CPDT, GIGGLING GOOSE Daycare now has (360) 432-1478. LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's.' All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn openings. Open Monday-Friday 6 a.m.- K11/15-12/6 AFFORDABLE CLEANING Service. De- 5:30 p.m. Call Sara (360) 426-3649. - ............................................................................................ tail oriented cleaning for homes, offices G11/1-22 and moveouts. Call Shelly at (360) 432- 8945; (360) 813-2796. G11/22-12/13 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool has some full-time and part-time open- ings for three, four and five year old chil- dren only. Openings are filling up quickly. We take kindergarten children on their non-kindergarten days. No school-age openings available. Excellent Christian program with caring, Christian teachers. Call Margarete at (360) 427-3165 for more information. M11/1-22 FARMERS ADD ELEGANCE to your event with af- fordable live music by Shelton cello solo- ist, arranger and composer David Pierik. Holiday bookings still available, book now for your company's Christmas party. Hear more songs you love, from eight-plus hour repertoire of romantic pop melodies and holiday favorites. From Bach to The Beatles, Paul Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing, fun and unobtrusive, each pro- gram is specially selected and prepared to be perfect for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events, banquets, a celebration of life or any special occasion. Availability limited, event rates starting at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available on-line. Visit, e-mail cel- or call cell (360) 490- 4695 for advance bookings. P11/15tfn MUSICIANS WANTED - for Christian worship band at open-minded Shelton church seeking to reach out and love its community. Looking for drums, bass, lead guitar. Opportunities for writing original music, and a variety of musical styles; E- mail U11/1-22 MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes music theory, ear training and advanced tech- niques. Over 20 years experience. Eve- nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu- sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail for available times. P5/25tfn FOUND BASSET/beagle cross, morn- ing of 11/16/07 near city limits on CIo- quallum Road. Tri-colored, neutered male, very friendly. Weighs approxi- mately 30 pounds, wearing red collar. Estimated age approximately 4-5 years. (360) 426-3912, (360) 490-6613 or (360) 426-8717, ask for Lisa. R11/22 DOG LISTENER, solve and prevent be- havior problems• In-home behavior con- sults, private and group training. Sep- tember B. Morn (30+ years professional trainer and best-selling training book au- thor). (360) 432-3633. M9/27tfn WEANER PIGS, $60 each. (360) 275- 6687. P11/15-22 l HAY! STOP HORSIN" AROUND Check out the %t Journal Classifieds! ,p. JOLENE'S CLEANING Service. Resi- dential/Commercial. New to area, over 10 years experience. (360) 581-3995 (cell)• D11/8-29 STOR.M CLEANUP. Limbs, cones, leaves, trees. Bush trimming, tree prun- ing. Have truck to haul debris away, if needed. Free estimates. (360) 426- 4504, ask for Randy. H11/8-29 HOUSE CLEANING - local Shelton - monthly, twice monthly, weekly. (360) 426-4651. B11/8-29 K&L YARD Services, four seasons• All types yard work. Landscaping and yard maintenance, roof cleaning and gutters. Decks, pruning, hauling plus. Referenc- es, licensed. Free estimates. (360) 432- 5919. Call or record message or (360) 402-1677 Kris. K11/8-29 LG HandyWorks "Handyman Services" Decks • Floors • Trim Interior/Exterior Repairs Pressure Washing Lance Goehring IIi(# IGHAN**98iPH 36@ 507 447Q • 36(.1 432.9649 seolay28(!igr nail.corn • 25+ years experience • References 1 .,..A • Free estimates |  • Senior discounts I  360-432-8847 360-49985 -- LIc GARHAP*942KH • EPTIC TANK SALES INSTALLATION--REPAIRS 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Conc. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfair Lic #SHAREDS207OB III I Free Estimates Craig Jennings General Contractor (360) 432-0333 Lic# CRAIGJG954CM JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping .Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 ," .... .... " I Sludge-free I I Composted Top Soil I I Double-screened I I $299/22 yds Shelton I I -- This price ts within city limits only -- I I LAND CLEARING I I Site Preparation ° Landscaping I I Ponds *Rockeries I I AND MORE I I Demolition ° Excavating I I I I Hauling ° Drainage I I We buy timberl I Bill McTurnal Enterprises I I 360.432.0971 e360,8@$,4594 I I Senior Discount Available I L ..... mBILLMEI BN ...... .JI REX RABBITS for pets, show or meat. (360) 551-9196. T11/22 RAT TERRIER puppies. Red and white male and rare high-red chocolate and white female. 2 retired adult show dogs also available; black and tan male and female. $200-$600. (360) 426-7288. K11/22-12/13 FREE AMERICAN Bulldogs, male and female, 31/2 years old. Offspring 21/2 years. Call (360) 484-7812 for appoint- ment to see in Nase'lle. L11/22-29 ........................... -,7 ............................... BLUE HEELER/Australian Shepherd mix. 3 females available. $150 each. (360) 877-6131. C11/15-22 STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af- fectionate companion cats and kittens. Adoption fee includes altering, immuni- zation, testing and parasite control. No- vember only 1/2 price sale. Contact us at (360) 426-2455 or cell (360) 584-0594; website: K11/8-29 KIMBER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 360-4584240 Pierce/Thurston Counties Licensed • Bonded • Insured * KIMBECI977CG Look for our MONEY-SAVING COUPONS in the SHELTON DEX YELLOW PAGES under "contractors general" 360-877-5125 Mason County Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn include gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, I dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks sewed. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 ,,,,h, Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit AHT ADS G£T ILI4/LT- Call us at 426-4412 before 2pm Tuesdays to place your ad. Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C. Network System Engineering Services Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery Repair - Maintenance - Upgrades ISpecializing in Microsoft, Novell & GroupWise Onsite Service for Office & Home :! Call for Free Estimate ' 360-490-7043 or 360-898-3800 A Full-Service General Contractor • All types of projects welcome • New homes • Excavating • Remodels • Additions • French drains • Foundations • Siding • Finish • Decks Freeesthnates 360-432-3147 iii i iii • Framing • Garages • Logging • Roofing Llc #EtKRIKSgS0QD Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 years experience, reasonable rates. Refer- ences. (360) 427-5941. K11/8-29 HOUSE-SITTING AND other services. Dependable and reliable. Licensed, bonded and insured for your peace of mind. Call today. (360) 432-8858. A11/8-29 HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn FURNITURE REFINISHING and repair at reasonable rates. Call Walter at (360) 275-8421. A11/15-12/6 I CAN fix anything and build anything. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 490-8008. PERPEC931DL. Pll/15- 1/3/08 SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con- struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426- 7181. J11/15tfn GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart- ment. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including mo- torhomes. Call us - some services re- quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426- 5585. G1/29tfn PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides and documents by having them scanned to disc. Retouching and color restora- tion available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360) 426-0824, for more information. Calls will be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn I PAINT anything inside. (360) 490- 8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. P11/15-1/3/08 SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- pair, landclearing, digouts, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U 11/8-29 TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home repair/remodel/new construction. Decks, pressure washing, painting, roof and gutter cleaning. (360) 490-0228. TC- SHOHR933LN. S10/18tfn E.I. KRISTYN & Son 10,000 lb. mini excavator for hire, utilities, drains• All types of excavation clearing. Call for details (360) 4!ILIILB£ Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16Pda ......... --------er r CUSTOM PAINTING & Carper4 cializing in finish .carpe.lntry (,A T crown molding, cha_,,f.i!etll'r rounds). Quahty painting//walll:_  ,1: • ws." doorS, IP Is sheetrocking, windows, doo rSJ'_  fences and repairs. Call Mike (31:a' 0237 (Olympia)• License #01J, cc C981RE. C1 l/9tfn [.,yli bZ,s- clearing, floweT0000 cioar;i00g, installation, pruning. Tree/shr.,ulL_ - ing. Rock/stone retaining walli scape maintenance, bark Bonded and insured. JOELSI; SITE PREP, landclearing, ro') 1 driveways, tree removal, excavate, molition work, rockeries, retainir storm clean-up, slide clean-uJFc drains, rock and pit run. (360) 4  call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZlRKLTr u Z3/11 tfn .,Jr I'LL CLEAN up . .r-.-or haul anythir' 490-8008 or i3601 426-600000, J_eerry. 11/____ 15-1/3/08 e  experien'ng.'se_l tem installation, digouts, rol:J and logging. Just-about al, v, • " . lr, Qual,ty first-time. (3_1 r' RICK WOKOJANCE window dL,<,, u Serving Mason County for 20r., __i1(360) 426-9354. W12/1 lffn "' W. and roofi HURT Masonry, construction and repairs. 50 ye _ rience, free estimates. (360) Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfrl It, 0o with a Hurry and Save/ This sale only happens once a year/ POULSBO RV 19705 VIIdngAve NW Poulsbo, WA 08 FOREST RIVER SUNSEEKER 2860 VIN # 1FDE45SOSDAOO419 MSRP $92,525 s462.00o. Dealer Cost Price $67,684 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! 08 WINNEBAGO VIEW 2411 VIN # WDXPF4453/9347363 MSRP $97,982 Dealer Cost s533 Price $78,139 Hurry and 8avel 08 WINNEBAGO VOYAGE 32H VIN # 1F6NP53Y/70A04420 MSRP $139,797 Dealer Cost s76000o Price $,562 POULSBO RV 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA 1-888-680-0111 1-360-697-4445 GET YOUR SALES TAX DEDUCTION BEFORE THE YEAR ENDS! Towables 08 Rainier Ute 18F MSRP $15,758 Now $10,995 VIN # 4/C 1 ()RK2,38T 202764 08 Wildcat Ute 19PSi MSRP $17,102 Now $11,995 VIN # 4X4]WC,[J2XS| 009/27J 08 Fleetwood Prowl# 270FQ  MSRP $28,715 Now $20,508 ! VN # 1EC1F2724B2319543 !" .,dl 08 Thor Aerolite 25RWr MSRP $26,802 Now $20,661 ! VIN # 47C'I'A2L268K122220 Motorhomes 08 Fleotwood Rang# 25GPT MSRP $78,353 Now $63,321 VIN # 1FI)XE4[S78OA(X)613 07 Winnebago Vista 30B MSRP $83,788 Now $68,624 VIN # 1FBMF'53Y56OA12302 07 Winnebago Aspect 26A MSRP $87,936 Now $70,044 VIN # 1FDXE45S 16DB41 ,']66 , ; 08 Winnebago Outiod( 31H MSRP $94,834 Now $76,450 VIN # 1FDX{-45S47DB07777 1-888-680-0111 1-360-697-4448 *Subject to credit apWol. Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, i=.,ng.FI charges with tier 1 credit rating on approval by lender. Terms: (1) 8.25% @ 240 mo. Prices an_. I ments do not lr¢lnde tax, llconesormandatoryPOIchsrge$525to$2,000(POIclrgesam!  I In all Rainier models). All units may be dlfforant from Images shown and are 1 only.The dealsr  I charge a documentary sendce fee of up to $.50. Prices are not applicable to dealers or resal .I.e= ,l ends 11/26/07. All offers not to be combined with any ob3er offers, and are not valid on prevlOtm "- I See dealer for complete details li LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has open- CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup- ings for 2 full-time infants and 1 full-time py and manners starting every month. over 2. Great learning environment and Companion or competition dog classes. USDA Food Program. (360) 427-3763. Certified Trainer. Family friendly. Train- R9/27tfn ing gift certificates are perfect for Christ- .............................................................. mas. K9 Kapers, Karen Cannard, CPDT, GIGGLING GOOSE Daycare now has (360) 432-1478. LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's.' All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn openings. Open Monday-Friday 6 a.m.- K11/15-12/6 AFFORDABLE CLEANING Service. De- 5:30 p.m. Call Sara (360) 426-3649. - ............................................................................................ tail oriented cleaning for homes, offices G11/1-22 and moveouts. Call Shelly at (360) 432- 8945; (360) 813-2796. G11/22-12/13 MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool has some full-time and part-time open- ings for three, four and five year old chil- dren only. Openings are filling up quickly. We take kindergarten children on their non-kindergarten days. No school-age openings available. Excellent Christian program with caring, Christian teachers. Call Margarete at (360) 427-3165 for more information. M11/1-22 FARMERS ADD ELEGANCE to your event with af- fordable live music by Shelton cello solo- ist, arranger and composer David Pierik. Holiday bookings still available, book now for your company's Christmas party. Hear more songs you love, from eight-plus hour repertoire of romantic pop melodies and holiday favorites. From Bach to The Beatles, Paul Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing, fun and unobtrusive, each pro- gram is specially selected and prepared to be perfect for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events, banquets, a celebration of life or any special occasion. Availability limited, event rates starting at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available on-line. Visit, e-mail cel- or call cell (360) 490- 4695 for advance bookings. P11/15tfn MUSICIANS WANTED - for Christian worship band at open-minded Shelton church seeking to reach out and love its community. Looking for drums, bass, lead guitar. Opportunities for writing original music, and a variety of musical styles; E- mail U11/1-22 MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes music theory, ear training and advanced tech- niques. Over 20 years experience. Eve- nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu- sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail for available times. P5/25tfn FOUND BASSET/beagle cross, morn- ing of 11/16/07 near city limits on CIo- quallum Road. Tri-colored, neutered male, very friendly. Weighs approxi- mately 30 pounds, wearing red collar. Estimated age approximately 4-5 years. (360) 426-3912, (360) 490-6613 or (360) 426-8717, ask for Lisa. R11/22 DOG LISTENER, solve and prevent be- havior problems• In-home behavior con- sults, private and group training. Sep- tember B. Morn (30+ years professional trainer and best-selling training book au- thor). (360) 432-3633. M9/27tfn WEANER PIGS, $60 each. (360) 275- 6687. P11/15-22 l HAY! STOP HORSIN" AROUND Check out the %t Journal Classifieds! ,p. JOLENE'S CLEANING Service. Resi- dential/Commercial. New to area, over 10 years experience. (360) 581-3995 (cell)• D11/8-29 STOR.M CLEANUP. Limbs, cones, leaves, trees. Bush trimming, tree prun- ing. Have truck to haul debris away, if needed. Free estimates. (360) 426- 4504, ask for Randy. H11/8-29 HOUSE CLEANING - local Shelton - monthly, twice monthly, weekly. (360) 426-4651. B11/8-29 K&L YARD Services, four seasons• All types yard work. Landscaping and yard maintenance, roof cleaning and gutters. Decks, pruning, hauling plus. Referenc- es, licensed. Free estimates. (360) 432- 5919. Call or record message or (360) 402-1677 Kris. K11/8-29 LG HandyWorks "Handyman Services" Decks • Floors • Trim Interior/Exterior Repairs Pressure Washing Lance Goehring IIi(# IGHAN**98iPH 36@ 507 447Q • 36(.1 432.9649 seolay28(!igr nail.corn • 25+ years experience • References 1 .,..A • Free estimates |  • Senior discounts I  360-432-8847 360-49985 -- LIc GARHAP*942KH • EPTIC TANK SALES INSTALLATION--REPAIRS 1,000 gal., 1,150 gal., 1,200 gal. Drain Fields, Ditching, Backhoe, Conc. Pump Tanks, Pumps Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 275-2157 Belfair Lic #SHAREDS207OB III I Free Estimates Craig Jennings General Contractor (360) 432-0333 Lic# CRAIGJG954CM JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping .Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 ," .... .... " I Sludge-free I I Composted Top Soil I I Double-screened I I $299/22 yds Shelton I I -- This price ts within city limits only -- I I LAND CLEARING I I Site Preparation ° Landscaping I I Ponds * Rockeries I I AND MORE I I Demolition ° Excavating I I I I Hauling ° Drainage I I We buy timberl I Bill McTurnal Enterprises I I 360.432.0971 e360,8@$,4594 I I Senior Discount Available I L ..... mBILLMEI BN ...... .JI REX RABBITS for pets, show or meat. (360) 551-9196. T11/22 RAT TERRIER puppies. Red and white male and rare high-red chocolate and white female. 2 retired adult show dogs also available; black and tan male and female. $200-$600. (360) 426-7288. K11/22-12/13 FREE AMERICAN Bulldogs, male and female, 31/2 years old. Offspring 21/2 years. Call (360) 484-7812 for appoint- ment to see in Nase'lle. L11/22-29 ........................... -,7 ............................... BLUE HEELER/Australian Shepherd mix. 3 females available. $150 each. (360) 877-6131. C11/15-22 STARS ADULT DAY CARE South Sound Senior Services in Mason County KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af- fectionate companion cats and kittens. Adoption fee includes altering, immuni- zation, testing and parasite control. No- vember only 1/2 price sale. Contact us at (360) 426-2455 or cell (360) 584-0594; website: K11/8-29 KIMBER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 360-4584240 Pierce/Thurston Counties Licensed • Bonded • Insured * KIMBECI977CG Look for our MONEY-SAVING COUPONS in the SHELTON DEX YELLOW PAGES under "contractors general" 360-877-5125 Mason County Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn include gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, I dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks sewed. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 ,,,,h, Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit AHT ADS G£T ILI4/LT- Call us at 426-4412 before 2pm Tuesdays to place your ad. Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C. Network System Engineering Services Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery Repair - Maintenance - Upgrades ISpecializing in Microsoft, Novell & GroupWise Onsite Service for Office & Home :! Call for Free Estimate ' 360-490-7043 or 360-898-3800 A Full-Service General Contractor • All types of projects welcome • New homes • Excavating • Remodels • Additions • French drains • Foundations • Siding • Finish • Decks Freeesthnates 360-432-3147 iii i iii • Framing • Garages • Logging • Roofing Llc #EtKRIKSgS0QD Page 32 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 years experience, reasonable rates. Refer- ences. (360) 427-5941. K11/8-29 HOUSE-SITTING AND other services. Dependable and reliable. Licensed, bonded and insured for your peace of mind. Call today. (360) 432-8858. A11/8-29 HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, repairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe- cialist, landscaping consultant. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn FURNITURE REFINISHING and repair at reasonable rates. Call Walter at (360) 275-8421. A11/15-12/6 I CAN fix anything and build anything. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 490-8008. PERPEC931DL. Pll/15- 1/3/08 SITE PREP - land clearing, driveways, excavating, utility ditches. Roan Con- struction ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426- 7181. J11/15tfn GILLIS AUTO Center Service Depart- ment. Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to any automotive services." All makes and models including mo- torhomes. Call us - some services re- quire no appointment. W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426- 5585. G1/29tfn PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides and documents by having them scanned to disc. Retouching and color restora- tion available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360) 426-0824, for more information. Calls will be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn I PAINT anything inside. (360) 490- 8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. P11/15-1/3/08 SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- pair, landclearing, digouts, utility ditch- ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union City Excavation. UNIONCEO5207. (360) 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U 11/8-29 TC'S HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home repair/remodel/new construction. Decks, pressure washing, painting, roof and gutter cleaning. (360) 490-0228. TC- SHOHR933LN. S10/18tfn E.I. KRISTYN & Son 10,000 lb. mini excavator for hire, utilities, drains• All types of excavation clearing. Call for details (360) 4!ILIILB£ Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16Pda ......... --------er r CUSTOM PAINTING & Carper4 cializing in finish .carpe.lntry (,A T crown molding, cha_,,f.i!etll'r rounds). Quahty painting//walll:_  ,1: • ws." doorS, IP Is sheetrocking, windows, doo rSJ'_  fences and repairs. Call Mike (31:a' 0237 (Olympia)• License #01J, cc C981RE. C1 l/9tfn [.,yli bZ,s- clearing, floweT0000 cioar;i00g, installation, pruning. Tree/shr.,ulL_ - ing. Rock/stone retaining walli scape maintenance, bark Bonded and insured. JOELSI; SITE PREP, landclearing, ro') 1 driveways, tree removal, excavate, molition work, rockeries, retainir storm clean-up, slide clean-uJFc drains, rock and pit run. (360) 4  call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZlRKLTr u Z3/11 tfn .,Jr I'LL CLEAN up . .r-.-or haul anythir' 490-8008 or i3601 426-600000, J_eerry. 11/____ 15-1/3/08 e  experien'ng.'se_l tem installation, digouts, rol:J and logging. Just-about al, v, • " . lr, Qual,ty first-time. (3_1 r' RICK WOKOJANCE window dL,<,, u Serving Mason County for 20r., __i1(360) 426-9354. W12/1 lffn "' W. and roofi HURT Masonry, construction and repairs. 50 ye _ rience, free estimates. (360) Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfrl It, 0o with a Hurry and Save/ This sale only happens once a year/ POULSBO RV 19705 VIIdngAve NW Poulsbo, WA 08 FOREST RIVER SUNSEEKER 2860 VIN # 1FDE45SOSDAOO419 MSRP $92,525 s462.00o. Dealer Cost Price $67,684 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! 08 WINNEBAGO VIEW 2411 VIN # WDXPF4453/9347363 MSRP $97,982 Dealer Cost s533 Price $78,139 Hurry and 8avel 08 WINNEBAGO VOYAGE 32H VIN # 1F6NP53Y/70A04420 MSRP $139,797 Dealer Cost s76000o Price $,562 POULSBO RV 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA 1-888-680-0111 1-360-697-4445 GET YOUR SALES TAX DEDUCTION BEFORE THE YEAR ENDS! Towables 08 Rainier Ute 18F MSRP $15,758 Now $10,995 VIN # 4/C 1 ()RK2,38T 202764 08 Wildcat Ute 19PSi MSRP $17,102 Now $11,995 VIN # 4X4]WC,[J2XS| 009/27J 08 Fleetwood Prowl# 270FQ  MSRP $28,715 Now $20,508 ! VN # 1EC1F2724B2319543 !" .,dl 08 Thor Aerolite 25RWr MSRP $26,802 Now $20,661 ! VIN # 47C'I'A2L268K122220 Motorhomes 08 Fleotwood Rang# 25GPT MSRP $78,353 Now $63,321 VIN # 1FI)XE4[S78OA(X)613 07 Winnebago Vista 30B MSRP $83,788 Now $68,624 VIN # 1FBMF'53Y56OA12302 07 Winnebago Aspect 26A MSRP $87,936 Now $70,044 VIN # 1FDXE45S 16DB41 ,']66 , ; 08 Winnebago Outiod( 31H MSRP $94,834 Now $76,450 VIN # 1FDX{-45S47DB07777 1-888-680-0111 1-360-697-4448 *Subject to credit apWol. Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, i=.,ng.FI charges with tier 1 credit rating on approval by lender. Terms: (1) 8.25% @ 240 mo. Prices an_. I ments do not lr¢lnde tax, llconesormandatoryPOIchsrge$525to$2,000(POIclrgesam!  I In all Rainier models). All units may be dlfforant from Images shown and are 1 only.The dealsr  I charge a documentary sendce fee of up to $.50. Prices are not applicable to dealers or resal .I.e= ,l ends 11/26/07. All offers not to be combined with any ob3er offers, and are not valid on prevlOtm "- I See dealer for complete details li