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Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CASH AVAILABLE! Real Estate or con- tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn i e_ee Communm4 Mortgage Cente Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or" Refinance • bTxed and Adjustable Rate Loans • Construction • VA Loans • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 * 800-426-5657 , 2948 Olympic Hwy. N. [ LEGAL NOTII:ES File No. 7886.20313/Schrader, Jee d. Grantors: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. National City Mortgage a division of National City Bank Grantee: Schrsder, Jee J. Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. I. On December 21, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. inside the main lobby of the Mason County Courthouse, Corner of 4th St. and Alder St. in the City of Shelton, State of Washington, the undersigned Trustee (subject to any condi- tions imposed by the trustee to protect lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the Coudty(ias) of Mason, State of Washington: Tax Parcel ID No.: 122077590242 Abbreviated Legal: Lot B, Short Plat No. 1566 Parcel 1 : Lot B of Short plat No. 1566, re. corded on August 27, 1979, under Auditor's File No, 448597 and being a portion of the Tract 24 of survey recorded in Volume 5 of surveys, Page 94, under Auditor's File No. 366040, Section 7, Township 22 North, Range I West, W.M, in Mason County, Washington. Parcel 2: A 30 foot wide easement for access and utilities, the centarline of said easement being the South line of the above described Lot A, lying Westerly of the 60 foot easement. Parcel 3: A 60 foot perpetual, nonexclusive easement for ingress, egress, and utilities, as shown on Survey recorded August 27, 1979, in Volume 5 of Surveys, Page(s) 94, 95 and 96, under Auditor's File No. 366040 and in instrument recorded March 29, 1979, under Auditor's File No. 358895 and in Volume 5 of surveys, Page 137, under Auditor's File No. 368713, and as descried In declaration and reservation of nonexclusive easement for in- gress, egress and utilities, recorded May 13, 1980, under Auditor's File No. 376576.27 x 60, f 994, Liberty, Liberty, ORE 282579/80 Commonly known as: 1392 East Rasor Road, Be/lair, WA 98528 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 10/23/06, recorded on 10/31/06, under Auditor's File No. 1881717, records of Mason County, Washington, from Jee J. Schrader, a married woman as her sole and separate property, as Grantor, to Land Title Company, as ,Trustee, to secure an obliga- tion in favor of National City Mortgage a divi- sion of National City Bank, as Beneficiary. I1. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor's or Borrower's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the follow- ing amounts now in arrears and/or other de- faults: Amount due to reinstate by 9/14/2007 Monthly Payments $6,922.92 Late Charges $230.75 Lender's Fees & Costs $33.35 Total Arrearage $7,187.02 Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trustee's Fee $725,00 Title Report ' $658.46 Statutory Mailings $66.00 Recording Costs $55.00 Postings $115.00 Sale Costs $0.00 Total Costs $1,619.46 Total Amount Due: $8,806.48 Other potential defaults do not involve payment to the Beneficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must als0 be cured. Listed below are categories of common de- faults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary. Opposite each such listed default is a brief description of the action/ documentation necessary to cure the default. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any defaults identified by Beneficia- ry or Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT: ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments: Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the property are paid current Default under any senior lien: Deliver to Trustee written proof that all se- nior liens are paid current and that no other defaults exist Failure to insure property against hazard: Deliver to Trustee written proof that the property is insured against hazard as re- quired by the Deed of Trust Waste: Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale): Revert title to permitted vestee IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Balance of $144,593.93, together with interest as pro- vided in the note or other instrument secured from 03/01/07, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute V. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regard- ing title, possession, or encumbrances on December 21, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any sub- sequent payments, late charges, advances costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 12/10/07 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before the close of the Trustee's busi- ness on 12/10/07 (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after 12/10/07 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the bolder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance paying the entire balance of principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): NAME AND ADDRESS Jae J. Schrader 1392 East Rasor Road Belfair, WA 98528 Unknown Spouse and/or Domestic Part- ner of Jae J. Schrader 1392 East Rasor Road Belfair, WA 98528 Jae J. Schrader 23969 Northeast Street 3, Box 110 Belfair, WA 98528 Unknown Spouse and/or Domestic Part- ner of Jae J. Schrader 23969 Northeast Street 3, Box 110 Belfair, WA 98528 by both first class and either certified mail, return receipt requested, or registered mail on 08/13/07, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 08/14/07 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted on a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it a statement of all fore- closure costs and trustee's fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their right, title and interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is enti- tled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and any- one having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. The trustee'e rules of auction may be accessed at and are Incorporated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www. northwesttrustee,com and www.USA- ee EFFECTIVE: 9/14/2007 Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Trust- By/s/Chrle Ashcrsft Authorlzed Slgnsture P.O. BOX 997 Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 Contact: Chris Ashcrsft (425) 586-1900 NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES PLLC FKA NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, LLC, P.O. BOX 997, BELLEVUE, WA 98009- 0997 PHONE (425) 586-1900 FAX (425) 586-1997 0004823945 File No. 7886.20313 Client: National City Mortgage Co. Borrower: Schrader, Jae J. SERVING WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO & ALASKA Thle Is an attempt to collect a debt and any Informstlon obtained wlll be used for that purpose. 11/22 It NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE PURSUANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. GRANTOR(S): Daniel L. "Sonny" Rogers, a single man, who also appears of record as Daniel L. Rogers GRANTEE: McFerran & Burns, P.S. ABBREVIATED LEGALS: Ptn NE 1/4 of $18 T22N, RlW; Ptn of NW 1/4 $18, T22N, RlW ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 122077500640 and 222052400170 M&B # 25687 TO: DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 200 NE White Owl Drive Tahuye, WA 98588-9665 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested; and Via First Class Mail DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS PO Box 1790 SIIverdsle, WA 98383-1790 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested; and Via First Class Mail DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 6219 NW Gross Rd. Bremerton, WA 98312-9538 Via Certified Mall Return Receipt Requested," and Via First Class Mail Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 7457 Clover Valley Rd. SE Port Orchard, WA 98367-7882 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested; and Via First Class Mail (All Notices mailed via regular and certified). (This Notice is accompanied with the statutorily required Notice of Foreclosure as well as a copy of the Promissory Note and Deed of Trust and is being mailed via regular and certified mail only to the Grantor, as pre- scribed by statute). I. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned trustee will on the 21st of Decem- ber, 2007, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock a.m. outside the 4th Street side (or inside the 4th Street Side Lobby if raining) of Mason Coun- ty Courthouse, I - 411 N. 5th, Shelton, Ma- son County, Washington, sell at public auc- tion to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Mason County, State of Washington, to-wit: PARCEL 1: Lot 64 of Belfair Acreage Tracts Survey recorded In Volume 5 of Surveys, page(s) 94-96, recorded August 27, 1979, under Auditor's File No. 366040, being a portion of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washing- ton. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF MASON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Parcel No. 12207 75 00640. Commonly Known As: 64 Lot E Teepee Lane, Belfair, WA 98528. TOGETHER WITH: A 60-foot perpetu- al, non-exclusive easement for Ingress, egress and utilities as shown on Survey recorded August 27, 1979, in Volume 5 of Survey's page(s) 94-96, Auditor's File No. 386040, and In Instrument recorded March 29, 1979, under Auditor's File No. 358895, and In Volume 5 of Surveys, page 137, under Auditor File No. 360173, and as de- scribed In "Declaration and Reservation of Non-Exclusive Easements for Ingress, Egress and Utilities;' recorded May 13, 1980, under Auditor's File No. 376576. PARCEL 2: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter and the South- west quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washington; thence North 87°36'04" East along the North line of said subdivision 892.19 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; thence continuing North 87036'04 '' East 261.27 feet; thence South 30043'04 '' East 815 feet, more or less, to the center- line of the Tahuya River; thence Westerly along the centerllne of the Tahuya River 290 feet, more or less, to a point which bears South 30043'04" East of the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 30°43'04" West 1110 feet, more or less, to theTRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel No. 22205 24 00170. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF MASON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Commonly Known As: 200 NE White Owl Dr., Tahuya, WA 98588-9665. TOGETHER WITH: A road and utility easement over a strip of land 60 feet in width being 30 feet on each side of the fol- lowing described centerline: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washington; thence North 87°36'04" East along the North line of said subdivision 195.96 feet; thence South 2°23'56" East at right angles to said subdivision line 348.18 feet; to the centerllne of the Tahuya Valley Road and the TRUE POINT OF BE- GINNING of this easement description; thence South 56°08'59 '' East 196.76 feet; thence North 60042'48 '. East 355.81 feet; thence North 87020'46 '' East 164.25 feet to the Point "A"; thence North 87020'46" East 211.08 feet; thence North 78°44'31" East 327.36 feet; thence North 57°34'231" East 248.00 feet; thence North 66°54'36" East 270.52 feet; thence North 64°17'23" East 169.82 feet to the terminus point of this easement dsecrlptlon. And an easement for road and utilities being 60 feet In width end being 30 feet on each slde of the following described centerllne: BEGINNING at Point "A"; thence South 10°20'31 '' West 88.89 feet; thence South 51°38'01" West 230.54 feet; thence South 22°39'16" West 323.88 feet; thence South 69°04'16 '' West 148.67 feet; thence South 36°14'31 "West 256.12 feet to the terminus point of this centerllne description. which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated July 20, 2006, recorded July 24, 2006 under Auditor's File No. 1873470, re- cords of Mason County, Washington, from Daniel L. "Sonny" Rogers, a single man, who also appears of record as Daniel L. Rogers, as Grantors, to A & F Trustee Services, Inc., as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Michael LaRosa, a single person, and RON PAULSON, an unmarried person, assignee (36.36% Interest) c/o Boyd Real Estate In- vestments Inc., a Washington Corporation, as Beneficiary. McFerran, Burns & Stovall, RS. was subsequently appointed as succes- sor Trustee by instrument dated August 29, 2007. U. THERE ARE NO LEGAL ACTIONS PENDING No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's de- fault on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. DEFAULTS The defaults for which this foreclosure is made are: Failure to pay the following past due amounts, which are in arrears: Currently reinstate on September 12, 2007 Arrears: Estimated amount due to reinstate on December 21, 2007 (11 days before the sale): Principal, Maturity January 17, 2007 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 Interest on Principal Balance from Matu- rity ($59.02 per diem for 238 and 338 days respectively) 14,046.76 t 9,948.76 Late Charge (4%) of outstanding princi- pal 3,400.00 3,400.00 Unpaid Late Fees (May 3, 2007) 285.00 285.00 Total amount In arrears: $102,731.76 $108,633.76 IV. SUM OWING ON THE OBLIGATION The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $85,000.00, together with interest as in the Note or other instrument secured from the 20th day of July, 2006, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. ACTS REQUIREDTO CURE DEFAULT The above described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied, regard- ing title, possession, or encumbrances on the 21st day of December, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph lit must be cured by the 10th day of December, 2007 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinu- ance of the sale. The sale will be discontin- ued and terminated if at any time on or before 10th day of December (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in para- graph III is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be termi- nated any time after the 10th day of Decem- ber (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale by the Borrower, any Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance paying the entire principal and inter- est secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. PRIOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT TRANSMIT- TED A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addresses: DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 200 NE White Owl Drive Tahuya, WA 98588-9865 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS PO Box 1790 Sllverdale, WA 98383-1790 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 6219 NW Gross Rd. Bremerton, WA 98312-9538 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 7457 Clover Valley Rd. SE Port Orchard, WA 98387-7882 by both first class and either registered or certified mail on the 20th day of June, 2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served on June 22, 2007, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted, in a conspicu- ous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above and the Trustee has pos- session of proof of such posting. VII. STATEMENT OF COSTS AND FEES The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. EFFECT OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property. IX. RESTRAINT OF SALE BY LAWSUIT Anyone having any objections to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be qJ;torded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRAN- TIES BY SUCCESSOR-TRUSTEE The Successor-Trustee makes no repre- sentations or warranties concerning what in- terest in the real property described above is being sold. The Deed of Trust lien foreclosed may not be a first lien position, or there may be other prior encumbrances of title. The Successor-Trustee is not required to provide title information concerning this property. Any person interested in this foreclosure is encouraged to make his or her own investiga- tion concerning the ownership of the property, and the position on title of the Deed of Trust being foreclosed. Any person interested in the foreclosure is also encouraged to consult an attorney, as the Successor-Trustee will not provide legal advice concerning the fore- closure. The Successor Trustee does not provide information concerning the location of the debtors nor concerning the condition of the property, or whether there are any en- vironmental or hazardous waste liabilities or problems connected with this property. Any person desiring title information, informa- tion concerning the physical condition of the property, information concerning any hazard- ous waste or environmental issues, or other information about the real property being foreclosed should obtain all such information independently. Xl. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS The purchaser at the trustse's sale is entitled to possession of the property on the twentieth (20th) day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest ju- nior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants, after the twentieth (20th) day fol- lowing the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. XlI. NOTICE TO GUARANTORS If this Notice is being mailed or directed to any Guarantor, said Guarantor should be advised that (1) the Guarantor may be li- able for a deficiency judgment to the extent the sale price obtained at the trustee's sale is less than the debt secured by the deed of trust; (2) the Guarantor has the same rights to reinstate the debt, cure the default, or repay the debt as is given to the grantor in order to avoid the trustee's sale; (4) subject to such longer periods as are provided in the Washington Deed of Trust Act, Chapter 61.24 RCW, any action brought to enforce a guaranty must be commenced within one year after the trustee's sale, or the last trust- ee's sale under any deed of trust granted to secure the same debt; and (5) in any action for a deficiency, the Guarantor will have the right to establish the fair value of the property as of the date of the trustee's sale liens and encumbrances, and to limi ity for a deficiency to the difference the debt and the greater of such fail the sale price paid at the trustee's I interest and costs. DATED this 12th day of S( 2007. McFERRAN, BURNS & STOVA| By Martin Burns Agent for Successor-Trustee STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF PIERCE On this 12th day of September, I fore me, the undersigned, a and for the State of Washington, missioned and sworn, personally Martin Burns, to me known to be for McFerran, Burns & Stovall, P.S poration that executed the Tent, and acknowledged the to be the free and voluntar said corporation, for the uses and therein mentioned is duthorized to execute said that the seal affixed is the cor said corporation. GIVEN under my hand and this 12th day of September, 2007. (Print Notary Name) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the My Appointment Expires on THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO A DEBT, AND ANY TAINED WILL BE USED FOR POSE. THIS NOTICE IS FROM COLLECTOR. Notice of Application for A Permit required under Mason Development Regulations Public Hserlng Notice is hereby given that Crosawhlte, who is the applicant lowing proposal, has filed an Special Use Permit. The request for a Special Use required under Mason County Regulations Ord. No. 82-96 is for ing single-family residence that is to be designated as a Accessory Unit of approximately 900 square single-family home that is proposed primary residence on the proximately 3,552 square feet. The location is at NE 201 Ranch Drive, 98528. Parcel No. 2232934-90020. Date of complete application: 2007. The proposed development is as a Special Use Permit under the County Development Regulations ing Examiner approval, i A PUBLIC HEARING will be held l Mason County Hearing Examiner on tit posed project on Tuesday, Deceml 2007 at 1:00 p,m. in the County C01 sioners Chambers, Bldg, 1, 411 N. 5th Sheiton, WA. Please contact Charles Mead M of the Mason County Department of munity Development at (360) 427-967( 294, with any questions or comments (I development and Special Use Pert I, Cation. 11/ NOTICE AND SUMMONS INI FOR PUBLICATION ! Dependency *CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED '.'. NO. 07-7-00228-8 COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Dependency of: MISSOURI MUASAU Doe: 07/25/03 MIRANDA MUASAU DOB: 05/07/02 Minor Children. TO: LIUAVANO MUASAU Father; I. NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a has been filed in this court by the State Department of Social and vices, on August 29, 2007, in which it leged that dependency should on behalf of the above-named child. A FACT-FINDING HEARING HELD on this matter on: DATE: January10, 2008 TIME: 1:30 p.m. PLACE: Mason County house _,,d 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98 n IFYOnU DO NOT APPEAR the coUdl • te a order In your absence establishes dependency, placing the named child in the custody of DSHS. II. SUMMONS YOU ARE SUMMONED AND REQUI TO APPEAR at the hearing on the and place indicated. The purpose of the ing is to hear and consider petition. i YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be ', sented by an attorney at any hearings 0 ! petition regarding the above-namedo' to introduce evidence, to be heard own behalf, to examine witnesses, to a decision based solely on the eviden duced at the hearing, and to an unl:/; fact-finder. =A(' YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you areal,4 gent and cannot afford an attorney, to | an attorney appointed for you by the In order to apply for a court-appointed ney, contact Mason, County Juvenile by telephone at 360-427-9670 or in i!  at 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA -%i, An attorney can look at the social and files in this case, talk to the social workd,| you about the law, help you understand Y:'k rights, and help you at trial.  tl YOU MAY BE responsible for the fin  :"t support of the above.named child if the w is placed in out-of-home care. - 11t YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT Ali HEARING. If you do not come, the judg not hear what you have to say. If you additional information about vour child, - w should contact the Department of Social Health Services at 360-432-2050. NOTICE: A DEPENDENCY pETP BEGINS A PROCESS WHICH, IF,l CHILD ,S FOUND DEPENDENT, SLT U IN PERMANENT TERMINA1. O THE PARENT-CHILD RELATION. , WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF A FINDING Or "! PENDENCY. DATED: 11-8-07 PAT SWARTOS, County Clerk /s/P, Thale, Deputy Clerk 11/22.29.1/0 CASH AVAILABLE! Real Estate or con- tract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. J3/16tfn i e_ee Communm4 Mortgage Cente Our Community Credit Union HOME MORTGAGES THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS • Purchase or" Refinance • bTxed and Adjustable Rate Loans • Construction • VA Loans • Specialized Loan Programs Serving anyone living or working in Mason or Grays Harbor County 432-5210 * 800-426-5657 , 2948 Olympic Hwy. N. [ LEGAL NOTII:ES File No. 7886.20313/Schrader, Jee d. Grantors: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. National City Mortgage a division of National City Bank Grantee: Schrsder, Jee J. Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. I. On December 21, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. inside the main lobby of the Mason County Courthouse, Corner of 4th St. and Alder St. in the City of Shelton, State of Washington, the undersigned Trustee (subject to any condi- tions imposed by the trustee to protect lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the Coudty(ias) of Mason, State of Washington: Tax Parcel ID No.: 122077590242 Abbreviated Legal: Lot B, Short Plat No. 1566 Parcel 1 : Lot B of Short plat No. 1566, re. corded on August 27, 1979, under Auditor's File No, 448597 and being a portion of the Tract 24 of survey recorded in Volume 5 of surveys, Page 94, under Auditor's File No. 366040, Section 7, Township 22 North, Range I West, W.M, in Mason County, Washington. Parcel 2: A 30 foot wide easement for access and utilities, the centarline of said easement being the South line of the above described Lot A, lying Westerly of the 60 foot easement. Parcel 3: A 60 foot perpetual, nonexclusive easement for ingress, egress, and utilities, as shown on Survey recorded August 27, 1979, in Volume 5 of Surveys, Page(s) 94, 95 and 96, under Auditor's File No. 366040 and in instrument recorded March 29, 1979, under Auditor's File No. 358895 and in Volume 5 of surveys, Page 137, under Auditor's File No. 368713, and as descried In declaration and reservation of nonexclusive easement for in- gress, egress and utilities, recorded May 13, 1980, under Auditor's File No. 376576.27 x 60, f 994, Liberty, Liberty, ORE 282579/80 Commonly known as: 1392 East Rasor Road, Be/lair, WA 98528 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 10/23/06, recorded on 10/31/06, under Auditor's File No. 1881717, records of Mason County, Washington, from Jee J. Schrader, a married woman as her sole and separate property, as Grantor, to Land Title Company, as ,Trustee, to secure an obliga- tion in favor of National City Mortgage a divi- sion of National City Bank, as Beneficiary. I1. No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Grantor's or Borrower's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. The Beneficiary alleges default of the Deed of Trust for failure to pay the follow- ing amounts now in arrears and/or other de- faults: Amount due to reinstate by 9/14/2007 Monthly Payments $6,922.92 Late Charges $230.75 Lender's Fees & Costs $33.35 Total Arrearage $7,187.02 Trustee's Expenses (Itemization) Trustee's Fee $725,00 Title Report ' $658.46 Statutory Mailings $66.00 Recording Costs $55.00 Postings $115.00 Sale Costs $0.00 Total Costs $1,619.46 Total Amount Due: $8,806.48 Other potential defaults do not involve payment to the Beneficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must als0 be cured. Listed below are categories of common de- faults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary. Opposite each such listed default is a brief description of the action/ documentation necessary to cure the default. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any defaults identified by Beneficia- ry or Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT: ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments: Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the property are paid current Default under any senior lien: Deliver to Trustee written proof that all se- nior liens are paid current and that no other defaults exist Failure to insure property against hazard: Deliver to Trustee written proof that the property is insured against hazard as re- quired by the Deed of Trust Waste: Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust Unauthorized sale of property (Due on Sale): Revert title to permitted vestee IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal Balance of $144,593.93, together with interest as pro- vided in the note or other instrument secured from 03/01/07, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute V. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regard- ing title, possession, or encumbrances on December 21, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III, together with any sub- sequent payments, late charges, advances costs and fees thereafter due, must be cured by 12/10/07 (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before the close of the Trustee's busi- ness on 12/10/07 (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III, together with any subsequent payments, late charges, advances, costs and fees thereafter due, is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after 12/10/07 (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the bolder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance paying the entire balance of principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust. VI. A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): NAME AND ADDRESS Jae J. Schrader 1392 East Rasor Road Belfair, WA 98528 Unknown Spouse and/or Domestic Part- ner of Jae J. Schrader 1392 East Rasor Road Belfair, WA 98528 Jae J. Schrader 23969 Northeast Street 3, Box 110 Belfair, WA 98528 Unknown Spouse and/or Domestic Part- ner of Jae J. Schrader 23969 Northeast Street 3, Box 110 Belfair, WA 98528 by both first class and either certified mail, return receipt requested, or registered mail on 08/13/07, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 08/14/07 Grantor and Borrower were personally served with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted on a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it a statement of all fore- closure costs and trustee's fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their right, title and interest in the above-described property. IX. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is enti- tled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and any- one having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. The trustee'e rules of auction may be accessed at and are Incorporated by this reference. You may also access sale status at www. northwesttrustee,com and www.USA- ee EFFECTIVE: 9/14/2007 Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Trust- By/s/Chrle Ashcrsft Authorlzed Slgnsture P.O. BOX 997 Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 Contact: Chris Ashcrsft (425) 586-1900 NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES PLLC FKA NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, LLC, P.O. BOX 997, BELLEVUE, WA 98009- 0997 PHONE (425) 586-1900 FAX (425) 586-1997 0004823945 File No. 7886.20313 Client: National City Mortgage Co. Borrower: Schrader, Jae J. SERVING WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO & ALASKA Thle Is an attempt to collect a debt and any Informstlon obtained wlll be used for that purpose. 11/22 It NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE PURSUANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. GRANTOR(S): Daniel L. "Sonny" Rogers, a single man, who also appears of record as Daniel L. Rogers GRANTEE: McFerran & Burns, P.S. ABBREVIATED LEGALS: Ptn NE 1/4 of $18 T22N, RlW; Ptn of NW 1/4 $18, T22N, RlW ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 122077500640 and 222052400170 M&B # 25687 TO: DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 200 NE White Owl Drive Tahuye, WA 98588-9665 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested; and Via First Class Mail DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS PO Box 1790 SIIverdsle, WA 98383-1790 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested; and Via First Class Mail DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 6219 NW Gross Rd. Bremerton, WA 98312-9538 Via Certified Mall Return Receipt Requested," and Via First Class Mail Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 22, 2007 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 7457 Clover Valley Rd. SE Port Orchard, WA 98367-7882 Via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested; and Via First Class Mail (All Notices mailed via regular and certified). (This Notice is accompanied with the statutorily required Notice of Foreclosure as well as a copy of the Promissory Note and Deed of Trust and is being mailed via regular and certified mail only to the Grantor, as pre- scribed by statute). I. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned trustee will on the 21st of Decem- ber, 2007, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock a.m. outside the 4th Street side (or inside the 4th Street Side Lobby if raining) of Mason Coun- ty Courthouse, I - 411 N. 5th, Shelton, Ma- son County, Washington, sell at public auc- tion to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Mason County, State of Washington, to-wit: PARCEL 1: Lot 64 of Belfair Acreage Tracts Survey recorded In Volume 5 of Surveys, page(s) 94-96, recorded August 27, 1979, under Auditor's File No. 366040, being a portion of Section 18, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washing- ton. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF MASON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Parcel No. 12207 75 00640. Commonly Known As: 64 Lot E Teepee Lane, Belfair, WA 98528. TOGETHER WITH: A 60-foot perpetu- al, non-exclusive easement for Ingress, egress and utilities as shown on Survey recorded August 27, 1979, in Volume 5 of Survey's page(s) 94-96, Auditor's File No. 386040, and In Instrument recorded March 29, 1979, under Auditor's File No. 358895, and In Volume 5 of Surveys, page 137, under Auditor File No. 360173, and as de- scribed In "Declaration and Reservation of Non-Exclusive Easements for Ingress, Egress and Utilities;' recorded May 13, 1980, under Auditor's File No. 376576. PARCEL 2: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter and the South- west quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washington, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washington; thence North 87°36'04" East along the North line of said subdivision 892.19 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- NING; thence continuing North 87036'04 '' East 261.27 feet; thence South 30043'04 '' East 815 feet, more or less, to the center- line of the Tahuya River; thence Westerly along the centerllne of the Tahuya River 290 feet, more or less, to a point which bears South 30043'04" East of the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 30°43'04" West 1110 feet, more or less, to theTRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Parcel No. 22205 24 00170. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF MASON, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Commonly Known As: 200 NE White Owl Dr., Tahuya, WA 98588-9665. TOGETHER WITH: A road and utility easement over a strip of land 60 feet in width being 30 feet on each side of the fol- lowing described centerline: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., In Mason County, Washington; thence North 87°36'04" East along the North line of said subdivision 195.96 feet; thence South 2°23'56" East at right angles to said subdivision line 348.18 feet; to the centerllne of the Tahuya Valley Road and the TRUE POINT OF BE- GINNING of this easement description; thence South 56°08'59 '' East 196.76 feet; thence North 60042'48 '. East 355.81 feet; thence North 87020'46 '' East 164.25 feet to the Point "A"; thence North 87020'46" East 211.08 feet; thence North 78°44'31" East 327.36 feet; thence North 57°34'231" East 248.00 feet; thence North 66°54'36" East 270.52 feet; thence North 64°17'23" East 169.82 feet to the terminus point of this easement dsecrlptlon. And an easement for road and utilities being 60 feet In width end being 30 feet on each slde of the following described centerllne: BEGINNING at Point "A"; thence South 10°20'31 '' West 88.89 feet; thence South 51°38'01" West 230.54 feet; thence South 22°39'16" West 323.88 feet; thence South 69°04'16 '' West 148.67 feet; thence South 36°14'31 "West 256.12 feet to the terminus point of this centerllne description. which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated July 20, 2006, recorded July 24, 2006 under Auditor's File No. 1873470, re- cords of Mason County, Washington, from Daniel L. "Sonny" Rogers, a single man, who also appears of record as Daniel L. Rogers, as Grantors, to A & F Trustee Services, Inc., as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of Michael LaRosa, a single person, and RON PAULSON, an unmarried person, assignee (36.36% Interest) c/o Boyd Real Estate In- vestments Inc., a Washington Corporation, as Beneficiary. McFerran, Burns & Stovall, RS. was subsequently appointed as succes- sor Trustee by instrument dated August 29, 2007. U. THERE ARE NO LEGAL ACTIONS PENDING No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's de- fault on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III. DEFAULTS The defaults for which this foreclosure is made are: Failure to pay the following past due amounts, which are in arrears: Currently reinstate on September 12, 2007 Arrears: Estimated amount due to reinstate on December 21, 2007 (11 days before the sale): Principal, Maturity January 17, 2007 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 Interest on Principal Balance from Matu- rity ($59.02 per diem for 238 and 338 days respectively) 14,046.76 t 9,948.76 Late Charge (4%) of outstanding princi- pal 3,400.00 3,400.00 Unpaid Late Fees (May 3, 2007) 285.00 285.00 Total amount In arrears: $102,731.76 $108,633.76 IV. SUM OWING ON THE OBLIGATION The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $85,000.00, together with interest as in the Note or other instrument secured from the 20th day of July, 2006, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. ACTS REQUIREDTO CURE DEFAULT The above described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied, regard- ing title, possession, or encumbrances on the 21st day of December, 2007. The default(s) referred to in paragraph lit must be cured by the 10th day of December, 2007 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinu- ance of the sale. The sale will be discontin- ued and terminated if at any time on or before 10th day of December (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in para- graph III is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be termi- nated any time after the 10th day of Decem- ber (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale by the Borrower, any Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- brance paying the entire principal and inter- est secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. PRIOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT TRANSMIT- TED A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addresses: DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 200 NE White Owl Drive Tahuya, WA 98588-9865 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS PO Box 1790 Sllverdale, WA 98383-1790 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 6219 NW Gross Rd. Bremerton, WA 98312-9538 DANIEL L. "SONNY" ROGERS 7457 Clover Valley Rd. SE Port Orchard, WA 98387-7882 by both first class and either registered or certified mail on the 20th day of June, 2007, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served on June 22, 2007, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted, in a conspicu- ous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above and the Trustee has pos- session of proof of such posting. VII. STATEMENT OF COSTS AND FEES The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. EFFECT OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property. IX. RESTRAINT OF SALE BY LAWSUIT Anyone having any objections to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be qJ;torded an opportunity to be heard as to those objec- tions if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale. X. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRAN- TIES BY SUCCESSOR-TRUSTEE The Successor-Trustee makes no repre- sentations or warranties concerning what in- terest in the real property described above is being sold. The Deed of Trust lien foreclosed may not be a first lien position, or there may be other prior encumbrances of title. The Successor-Trustee is not required to provide title information concerning this property. Any person interested in this foreclosure is encouraged to make his or her own investiga- tion concerning the ownership of the property, and the position on title of the Deed of Trust being foreclosed. Any person interested in the foreclosure is also encouraged to consult an attorney, as the Successor-Trustee will not provide legal advice concerning the fore- closure. The Successor Trustee does not provide information concerning the location of the debtors nor concerning the condition of the property, or whether there are any en- vironmental or hazardous waste liabilities or problems connected with this property. Any person desiring title information, informa- tion concerning the physical condition of the property, information concerning any hazard- ous waste or environmental issues, or other information about the real property being foreclosed should obtain all such information independently. Xl. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS The purchaser at the trustse's sale is entitled to possession of the property on the twentieth (20th) day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest ju- nior to the deed of trust, including occupants and tenants, after the twentieth (20th) day fol- lowing the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceedings under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. XlI. NOTICE TO GUARANTORS If this Notice is being mailed or directed to any Guarantor, said Guarantor should be advised that (1) the Guarantor may be li- able for a deficiency judgment to the extent the sale price obtained at the trustee's sale is less than the debt secured by the deed of trust; (2) the Guarantor has the same rights to reinstate the debt, cure the default, or repay the debt as is given to the grantor in order to avoid the trustee's sale; (4) subject to such longer periods as are provided in the Washington Deed of Trust Act, Chapter 61.24 RCW, any action brought to enforce a guaranty must be commenced within one year after the trustee's sale, or the last trust- ee's sale under any deed of trust granted to secure the same debt; and (5) in any action for a deficiency, the Guarantor will have the right to establish the fair value of the property as of the date of the trustee's sale liens and encumbrances, and to limi ity for a deficiency to the difference the debt and the greater of such fail the sale price paid at the trustee's I interest and costs. DATED this 12th day of S( 2007. McFERRAN, BURNS & STOVA| By Martin Burns Agent for Successor-Trustee STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF PIERCE On this 12th day of September, I fore me, the undersigned, a and for the State of Washington, missioned and sworn, personally Martin Burns, to me known to be for McFerran, Burns & Stovall, P.S poration that executed the Tent, and acknowledged the to be the free and voluntar said corporation, for the uses and therein mentioned is duthorized to execute said that the seal affixed is the cor said corporation. GIVEN under my hand and this 12th day of September, 2007. (Print Notary Name) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the My Appointment Expires on THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO A DEBT, AND ANY TAINED WILL BE USED FOR POSE. THIS NOTICE IS FROM COLLECTOR. Notice of Application for A Permit required under Mason Development Regulations Public Hserlng Notice is hereby given that Crosawhlte, who is the applicant lowing proposal, has filed an Special Use Permit. The request for a Special Use required under Mason County Regulations Ord. No. 82-96 is for ing single-family residence that is to be designated as a Accessory Unit of approximately 900 square single-family home that is proposed primary residence on the proximately 3,552 square feet. The location is at NE 201 Ranch Drive, 98528. Parcel No. 2232934-90020. Date of complete application: 2007. The proposed development is as a Special Use Permit under the County Development Regulations ing Examiner approval, i A PUBLIC HEARING will be held l Mason County Hearing Examiner on tit posed project on Tuesday, Deceml 2007 at 1:00 p,m. in the County C01 sioners Chambers, Bldg, 1, 411 N. 5th Sheiton, WA. Please contact Charles Mead M of the Mason County Department of munity Development at (360) 427-967( 294, with any questions or comments (I development and Special Use Pert I, Cation. 11/ NOTICE AND SUMMONS INI FOR PUBLICATION ! Dependency *CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED '.'. NO. 07-7-00228-8 COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Dependency of: MISSOURI MUASAU Doe: 07/25/03 MIRANDA MUASAU DOB: 05/07/02 Minor Children. TO: LIUAVANO MUASAU Father; I. NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a has been filed in this court by the State Department of Social and vices, on August 29, 2007, in which it leged that dependency should on behalf of the above-named child. A FACT-FINDING HEARING HELD on this matter on: DATE: January10, 2008 TIME: 1:30 p.m. PLACE: Mason County house _,,d 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98 n IFYOnU DO NOT APPEAR the coUdl • tea order In your absence establishes dependency, placing the named child in the custody of DSHS. II. SUMMONS YOU ARE SUMMONED AND REQUI TO APPEAR at the hearing on the and place indicated. The purpose of the ing is to hear and consider petition. i YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be ', sented by an attorney at any hearings 0 ! petition regarding the above-namedo' to introduce evidence, to be heard own behalf, to examine witnesses, to a decision based solely on the eviden duced at the hearing, and to an unl:/; fact-finder. =A(' YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you areal,4 gent and cannot afford an attorney, to | an attorney appointed for you by the In order to apply for a court-appointed ney, contact Mason, County Juvenile by telephone at 360-427-9670 or in i!  at 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA -%i, An attorney can look at the social and files in this case, talk to the social workd,| you about the law, help you understand Y:'k rights, and help you at trial.  tl YOU MAY BE responsible for the fin  :"t support of the above.named child if the w is placed in out-of-home care. - 11t YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT Ali HEARING. If you do not come, the judg not hear what you have to say. If you additional information about vour child, - w should contact the Department of Social Health Services at 360-432-2050. NOTICE: A DEPENDENCY pETP BEGINS A PROCESS WHICH, IF,l CHILD ,S FOUND DEPENDENT, SLT U IN PERMANENT TERMINA1. O THE PARENT-CHILD RELATION. , WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF A FINDING Or "! PENDENCY. DATED: 11-8-07 PAT SWARTOS, County Clerk /s/P, Thale, Deputy Clerk 11/22.29.1/0