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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TICE OF TRUSTEES SALE Pursuant .:".C.W. Chapter 61.24, et seq. and 62A. (a)(2) et seq. Trustee's Sale No: 01- 1',..7835 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'lhe undersigned Trustee, REGIONAL 'EE SERVICES CORPORATION, will mber 21, 2007, at the hour of 10:00 THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE MA- ['COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 4TH & AL- SHELTON, WA, sell at public auction I. highest and best bidder, payable at the  sale, the following described real and 1 property (hereafter referred to collec- i' the "Property"), situated in th.e Coun- t.MASON, State of Washington: TRACT 8HORT SUBDIVISION NO. 1878, RE- tt'l, ED JULY 6, 1989, AUDITOR'S FILE J[495792, AND BEING A PORTION OF I.,)UTHWEST QUART (SW 1/4) OF NORTHWEST QUARTER (NWI/.4) OF ON THIRTYONE (31), TOWNSHIP .,NTY (20) NORTH, RANGE THREE(3) W.M., in Mason County, Washington 'lement for ingress, egress and utilities, lD.Under and across a strip of land as de- 1 and delineated in short plat No. 1878, July 6, 1989, under Auditor's File 1495792, being a portion of the Southwest. lter Of the Northwest quarter of Section ITownship 20 North, Range 3 Was, W.M., lllson County, Washington. Tax Parcel No: 11.2390021, commonly known as 2101- _ CLOQUALLUM ROAD AKA 2101-190 "UALLUM ROAD, SHELTON, WA. The arty is subject to that certain Deed of dated 12/27/2004, recorded 1/4/2005, r Auditor's/Recorder's No. 1828067, re- =of MASON County, Washington, from YN PATRICK ROBINSON, AN UNMAR- INDIVIDUAL, AS HIS SEPARATE )ERTY, as Grantor, to MASON COUN- TLE COMPANY, as Trustee, in favor of [:NT MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, as bficiary, the beneficial interest in which is tntly held by WELLS FARGO BANK, NA RUSTEE. II No action commenced by leneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now Ing to seek satisfaction of the obligation Y court by reason of the Borrower's or tor's default on the obligation secured by teed of Trust. III The default(s) for which foreclosure is/are made are as follows: URE TO PAY THE MONTHLY PAY- IT WHICH BECAME DUE ON 6/1/2007, I ALL SUBSEQUENT MONTHLY PAY- TS, PLUS LATE CHARGES AND OTH- OSTS AND FEES AS SET FORTH. Fail- lifo pay when due the following amounts are now in arrears: Amount due as of lamber 21, 2007 Delinquent Payments IJune 01,2007 1 payments at $1,663.89 $1,663.89 1 payments at $ 1,658.90 'l $1,658.90 2 payments at $ 1,764.51 $ 3,529.02 (06-01-07 through 09-21- ,ate Charges: $ 256.89 Beneficiary Ad- as: $ 0.00 Suspense Credit: $ -953.13 L: $ 6,155.57 IV The sum owing on the !ltion secured by the Deed of Trust is: ICipal $154,674.79, together with interest ovided in the note or other instrument Ured, and such other costs and fees as due under the note or other instrument Ured, and as are provided by statute. V above described real property will be to satisfy the expenses of sale and the lation secured by the Deed of Trust as :led by statute. The sale will be made ut warranty, express or implied regard- ;.title, possession, or encumbrances on mber 21, 2007. The default(s) referred paragraph Ill must be cured by Decem- 10, 2007 (11 days before the sale date) Ruse a discontinuance of the sale. The b Will be discontinued and terminated if at "/time on or before December 10, 2007, ! days before the sale date) the default(s) at forth in paragraph Ill is/are cured and 'Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The may be terminated at any time after De- Ibsr 10 2007 (11 days before the sale e) and Iefore 'the sate, by the Borrower, itor, any Guarantor or the holder of any 0rded junior lien or encumbrance paying entire principal and interest secured by Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and ad- :as, if any, made pursuant to the terms le obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and lg all other defaults. Vl A written Notice Mault was transmitted by the Beneficiary 'Ustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the Ving addresses: GLENN PATRICK ROB- ;ON 2101-190 CLOQUALLUM ROAD, ELTON WA 98584 GLENN PATRICK BINSOhJ ,'101-190W CLOQUALLUM #,b, SHELTON, WA, 98584,SPOUSE GLENN PATRICK ROBINSON, 2101- CLOQUALLUM ROAD, SHELTON, 98584 SPOUSE OF GLENN PATRICK INSON, 2101-190W CLOQUALLM 13, SHELTON, WA, 98584 by both frst and certified mail on 8/8/2007, proof of P.,h is in the possession of the Trustee; and /8/2007, the Borrower and Grantor were IOnally served with said written notice of kutt or the written Notice of Default was 1 in a conspicuous place on the real rty described in paragraph I above, and Trustee has possession of proof of such he or posting. VII The Trustee's Sale will aid in accordance with Ch. 6124 ROW | anyone wishing to bid at the sale will be lUired to have in his/her possession at the IJ the bidding commences, cash, cashier's tck, or certified check in the amount of at lff one dollar over the Beneficiary's open- bid. In addition, the successful bidder be required to pay the full amount of his/ 'bid in cash, cashier's check, or certified k within one hour of the making of the . The Trustee whose name and address set forth below will provide in writing to Oe requesting it, a statement of all costs es due at any time prior to the sale. VIII effect of the sale will be to deprive the lntor and all those who hold by, through or let the Grantor of all of their interest in the 's described property. IX Anyone hay- arty objection to the sale on any grounds }tsoever will be afforded an opportunity heard as to those objections if they =3 lawsuit to restrain the same pursuant W 61 .24.130. Failure to bring such a lit may result in a waiver of any proper ds for invalidating the Trustee's Sale. TICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS Purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is enti- t !o possession of the property on the 20th ilOllowing the sale, as against the Grantor Isr the Deed of Trust (the owner) and any- having an interest junior to the Deed of t, including occupants and tenants. After Z0th day following the sale the purchaser the right to evict occupants and tenants Jmmary proceeding under the Unlawful iner Act, Chapter 59.12 ROW. DATED: ember 20, 2007. REGIONAL TRUSTEE VICES CORPORATION Trustee By: ORAH KAUFMAN, VICE PRESIDENT ress: 616 1St Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, 98104 Phone: (206) 340-2550 Sale Infor- :ion: www. ASAP# 906831 -)2/2007, 12/13/2007 11/22 It NOTICE TO BIDDERS COUNTY OF MASON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT RENTAL & REVOLVING FUND SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the County of Mason at the office of the County Commissioners, located in Court- house Building 1, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584, until 9:00 AM, Wednes- day, December 12, 2007, and will then and "there be publicly opened and read, for fur- nishing Asphalt Concrete, MC 250 (cold mix) and/or CSS1 Tack Coat for the calendar year 2008, to the Mason County Department of Public Works, Equipment Rental and Revolv- ing Fund. Bids will be awarded at the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Mason County Commissioners. SPECIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS AND BID FORMS may be ob- tained in the office of the Department of Pub- lic Works, Courthouse Building 8, 415 North Sixth Street (P. O. Box 1850), Shelton, WA 98584. ALL BID PROPOSALS must be on forms furnished by the Mason County Department of Public Works Equipment Rental and Re- volving Fund Manager, sealed and filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commis- sioners on or before the day and hour above- mentioned. MASON COUNTY RESERVES THE RIGHT to reject any or all bids, to waive infor- malities, and may accept any bid and make such award that is judged to be in the best interest of the County. DATED at Shelton, Washington, this 20th day of November, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By:/s/Becky Rogers Clerk of the Board 11/22-29 2t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MASON COUNTY 2008 BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, on Monday, December 3, 2007, at 9:00 AM. SAID HEARING will be to consider the adoption of the 2008 budget for Mason Coun- ty (including the 2008 property tax levy), Copies of the Preliminary 2008 Budget will be available in the Commissioners' Of- rice, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Wash- ington, from November 20th through Decem- ber 3rd, 2007. All interested citizens are invited to attend this hearing. If you need special accommo- dations or have questions, please contact the Commissioners' Office at 427-9670 Ext. 422. DATEDTHIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 11/22-29 21 NOTICE OF NEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse, Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING wig be to take public comment regarding the 2006 applications for the Current Use Timber and Open Space Taxation program. If there are any questions, please contact the Assessor's Office, 427-9670 ext. 497; if special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 20th day of November, 2007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 11122 It Super Crossword - IN CHAR( ;E - Answers are on page 31, NOTICE OF BRIEFING MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE CITY OF SHELTON PROPOSED GREGORY LAND ANNEXATION. Notice is hereby given that the City Com- mission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a briefing meeting beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 26, 2007 and a public hearing beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 3, 2007 at the Shelton Civic Center located at 525 West Cots Street to consider the following project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed property annexation to the City legally de- scribed as Tract 28-B of David Shettons Donation Land Claim #37, Township 20 North, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian lying west of Olympic Highway North on the corner of "G" Street and Madison Street, Also referred to as County Parcel Number: 420134500282. Questions regarding the proposal may be directed to Erik N. Birk, Associate Planner for City of Shelton by calling (360) 432-5132. Written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to: City of Shelton Department of Community and Economic Development, Attention: Erik N. Birk, Associate Planner, 525 West Cots Street, Shelton, WA 98584. The complete project file may be viewed at the same address. 11/22 It NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing before the Mason County Hearings Examiner will be held at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shefton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the request by Dennis Hanberg, for a one-year extension of preliminary plat approval for the Plat of Ironhorse Crossing. The proposed subdivision is located in the Belfair Urban Growth Area lot is located near the intersec- tion of SR 3 and NE Ridge Point Blvd, in Sec- tion 28 Township 23 N., Range 1 W., WoM. Questions regarding this application should be directed to Michael MacSems in the Planning Department at 427-9670 Ext 571. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Mason County Commissioners' office at 427-9670, Ext 419. 11/15-22 2t Habitat cl(00cticates new home (Continued from page 29.) the work of 85 different volunteers. All told, the volunteers and mem- bers of the Bates family worked thousands of hours. A grant from Thrivent Builds provided 65 percent of the funds needed to build the home. Addition- al support for the project came from members of the four Lutheran con- gregations in Mason County: Faith and Mount Olive Lutheran church- es in Shelton and .Christ Lutheran in Belfair provided volunteers and contributors to the project; and Living Stones, a congregation at Washington Corrections Center, provided financial support. BILL SLEEP of the Lewis-Ma- son-Thurston Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans super- vised the project. He was assisted by Bert Pedersen from Faith, Mark Hanson from Mount Olive, and Linda and David Zeh from Christ Church. Volunteers worked on-site from groundbreaking in March to November 14, when the home was completed. Bill Novak was the on- site construction manager. Pastor Mark Griffith of Faith Lutheran officiated at the dedica- tion of the home. He observed that a house comes together with all of the building supplies and yet "this house is more than just the stuff it's built with. It's the love and faith of the workers and of all the peo- ple who gave money for this home. We're here to celebrate with all of the givers who made this home pos- sible ." Because the crowd attending the dedication was so large, the ceremo- ny was held outdoors in spite of the damp, chilly weather. Warmed by coffee and the spirit of the celebra- tion, those in attendance shared the excitement of the accomplishment and offered thanks for the blessings of the experience. The Faith Lu- theran choir, under the direction of ABANDONED VESSEL SALE In compliance with RCW 88.26.020, Law of 1993, notice is hereby given that Jarrelrs Cove Marina, 220 East Wilson Road, Shel- ton, Washington 98584, will at public auction on December 1, 2007 at 1:00 p.m., sell for cash to the highest bidder the following de- scribed vessels: 27 foot Bayliner Buccaneer fiberglass sailboat. Registration No. WN3252KE. 20 foot 1988 Bayliner fiberglass sailboat. Registration No. WN6985KS. 22 foot 1974 Catalina fiberglass sailboat. Registration No. WN1080W. Vessels available at 10:30 a.m. Decem- ber 1, 2007 for inspection. Jarrelrs Cove Marina 426-8823 11/15-22-29 3t Suzanne Olson, sang "A Lord Built House" and Sally Thomas present- ed a quilt to each family member. The children received quilts made by the women of Mount Olive, and the quilt presented to Vivian Bates was made by the Sewing Saints of Faith. *'One who sleeps under a quilt fs comforted by love," Thomas told the family members. RUSS AND CYNDI Noski from the Grocery Outlet in Olympia filled the home with food and sup- plies and presented the family with gifts and a gift certificate. "What we do pales in comparison to all that these people have done; this celebration is really touching," Ms. Noski said. "What we do is just the cherry on top." Sandy Carlson, president of Hab- itat for Humanity of Mason Coun- ty, stressed the cooperative nature of this accomplishment. "Our affili- ate greatly appreciates and greatly benefited fi, om this cooperative ef- fort with Thrivent in working with the Bates family. It's our first Thri- vent Builds project, and we hope to have the opportunity to work with them again," she said. Marianne Joy, office manager of the Shorecrest Community Club, welcomed the Bates family to the neighborhood and offered to help make an easy transition to the area. "We're a family here as well," Joy said. Among those in attendance were Terresa Morris and Danya Tallett, recent recipients of Habi- tat homes in Shorecrest who are spending their first Thanksgiving in the neighborhood. This will be their first Thanksgiving in their new homes, as well. Also on hand were Terina McCord and her son Donald, two members of the new- est family selected to partner with Habitat to build a house. Assisted by volunteers, they will begin work in the spring on House 15. nnnununnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunuuuuuuuu 00cides ' uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnuuuun Hood Canal at Union Thursday, November 22 High .................. 3:10 a.m ........... !0.6 ft. Low ................... 8:28 a.m ............. 6.1 ft. High .................. 1:57 p.m ........... 12.8 ft. Low ................... 9:10 p.m ........... -1.9 ft. Friday, November 23 High .................. 4:10 a.rn ........... 11.8 ft. Low ................... 9:26 a.m ............. 7.1 ft. High .................. 2:33 p.m ........... 12.9 ft. Low ................... 9:52 p.m ........... -3.3 ft. Saturday, November 24 High .................. 5:06 a.m ........... 12.6 ft. Low ................. 10:22 a.m ............. 7.8 ft. High .................. 3:13 p.m ........... 12.8 ft. Low ................. 10:35 p.m ........... -4.0 ft. Sunday, November 25 High .................. 5:59 a.m ........... 13.1 ft, Low ................. 11:17 a.m ............. 82 ft. High .................. 3:56 p.m ........... 12.5 ft. Low ................. 11:20 p.m ........... -4.2 ft. Monday, November 26 High .................. 6:51 a.m ........... 13.3 ft. Low ................. 12:14 p.m ............. 8.5 ft. High .................. 4:43 p.m ........... 12.0 ft. • Tuesday, November 27 Low ................. 12:07 a,m ........... -3.8 ft. High .................. 7:42 a.m ........... 13.2 ft. Low ................... 1:15 p.m ............. 8.4 ft. High .................. 5:34 p.m ........... 11.2 ft. Wednesday, November 28 Low ................. 12:56 a,m ........... -3.0 ft. High .................. 8:34 a,m ........... 13,0 ft. Low ................... 2:21 p.m ............. 8,1 ft. High .................. 6:32 p,m ........... 10.3 ft. Thursday, November 29 Low ................... 1:47 a.m ........... -1.8 ft. High .................. 9:26 a.m ........... 12.8 ft. Low ................... 3:35 p.m ............. 7.4 ft. High .................. 7:39 p.m ............. 9.3 ft. Oakland Bay at Shelton Thursday, November 22 High .................. 4:35 a.m ........... 12.9 ft. Low ................. 10:23 a.m ............. 5.3 ft. High .................. 3:22 p.m ........... 15.5 ft. Low ................. 11:05 p.m ........... -1.7 ft. Friday, November 23 High .................. 5:35 a.m ........... 14.2 ft. Low ................. 11:21 a.m ............. 6.2 ft. High .................. 3:58 p.m ........... 15.6 ft. Low ................. 11:47 p.m ........... -2.9 ft. Saturday, November 24 High .................. 6:31 a.m. ', ......... 15.2 ft. Low ................. 12:17 p.m ............. 6.8 ft. High .................. 4:38 p.m ........... 15.5 ft. Sunday, November 25 Low ................. 12:30 a.m ........... -3.5 ft. High .................. 7:24 a.m ........... 15.9 ft. Low ................... 1:12 p.m ............. 7.2 ft. High .................. 5:21 p.m ........... 15.1 ft. Monday, November 26 Low ................... 1:15 a.m ........... -3.7 ft. High .................. 8:16 a.m ........... 16.1 ft. Low ................... 2:09 p.m ............. 7,4 ft. High .................. 6:08 p.m ........... 14.5 ft. Tuesday, November 27 Low ................... 2:02 a.m ........... -3.3 ft. High .................. 9:07 a.m ........... 16.0 ft. Low ................... 3:10 p.m ............. 7.3 ft. High .................. 6:59 p.m ........... 13.6 ft. Wednesday, November 28 Low ................... 2:51 a.m ........... -2,6 ft. High .................. 9:59 a.m ........... 15.8 ft. Low ................... 4:16 p,m ............. 7.0 ft. High .................. 7:57 p.m ........... 12.5 ft. Thursday, November 29 Low ................... 3:42 a.m ........... -1.6 ft. High ................ 10:51 a.m ........... 15.5 ft. Low ................... 5:30 p.m ............. 6.4 ft, High .................. 9:04 p.m ........... 11,2 ft. t | l $ :o i, ACROSS 49 Tankard filler 94 Pinnacle DOWN 1 Weaken 50 Step parts 95 - roll 1 Splinter group 4 0'Connor's "The 52 Even if, 97 Bailiwick 2 Cognizant - Hurrah" informally 98 TV's "My Sister - 3 Charlemagne's dad 8 Composer Bartok 54 Durango district 99 "Gotcha!" 4 Composer Francis 12 "Ad - per aspera" 57 Maestro Lorin 100 '80 Stevie 5 Sothern or (Kansas' motto) 59 Rent Wonder hit Sheridan 17 Meadow mamas 61 "The Hustler" 106 Worry 6 Forest father 19 Pro foe setting 107 Result 7 Use a stopwatch 20 Sleep like - 63 Crowded 108 Singer Stratas 8 Musical measure 21 Wide belts 65 "Just - thought!" 111 Knock 9 Lilly of 22 Comic-book hero 66 Petite pest 112 Russian river pharmaceuticals 25 "Oh, How I - Get 67 Genetic into 113 Superlative 10 Rapper Tone - Up ... " 68 Actress Anna suffix 11 '92 Wimbledon 26 Error's partner 70 Tammany Hall 116 Sans emotion winner 27 Procure name 118 Lets up 12 Battery letters 28 - Paulo, Brazil 73 Left open 121 "F Troop" role 13 Fast way to the 30 Tons of time 74 Item in a lock 127 Kidman of "To UK 31 Box up 75 Premiere Die For" 14 O'Neill drama 34 Masters 77 Baby butter 128 Columnist 15 Shot another Tournament site 78 Fracas Bombeck photo 38 Urban problem 81 Advance 129 Notion 16 For- (cheaply) 39 Animated TV 83 'This - Moment" 130 Silvers or 18 "Unsolved series ('60 hit) Spector Mysteries" host 42 Hwv. 85 Hut t31 Hardened 21 Shallow area 43 Bud 88 Van of "Shane" 132 "- of the Cat" 23 Jai - 46 Taj town 89 Cycle starter ('77 hit) 24 Coup d' - 47 Tallahassee sch. 91 Barely there 133 Side 29 Part of NATO 48 Rita- Brown 93 Baseball stat 134 - Aviv 32 Sluggish sorts 33 - Benedict 35 Like some TV channels 36 "Beau -" ('39 film) 37 "No dice!" 38 Bandit Belle 40 City on 112 Across 41 Polo's place 43 Shriver of tennis 44 Dothan's st. 45 '64 Shangri-Las hit 48 Boy or boar 50 Cartoon canine 51 Lip lash? 53 Mayberry moppet 54 Marsh 55 New Rochelle. college 56 General Bradley 58 - Buddhism , 60 Alaskan city 62 "Against All -" (1984 film) 64 Recedes 66 Curative 68 Frosh's superior 69 Grocer's measure 71 Eject 72 Assumed manes? 73 - standstill 75 Wet blanket 76 Velvet finish 79 Graceland, for one 80 Yesterday's your 82 Rub it in 83 Sal of "Exodus" 84 Irene of "Fame" fame 86 La-la lead-in 87 Tasty tuber 90 Coll. cadets 92 Tree house? 96 Jacket part 99 Lawrence's locale 100 "Archie" character 101 Great bird? 102 Dash of "Cluelese 103 Fast-food favorite 104 Cleveland's lake 105 Summarize 106 French bread? 109 Vision 110 TV's "Kate & -" 114 "M*A*S*H" Emmy winner 115 "The- Is High" ('80 hit) ,, 117 Say "Hey! 119 Low diglt 120 Knight time 122 Hapsburg. dom. 123 ',Believer ('66 hit) 124 Corn portion 125 Grazingground 126 Rin Tin Tin's mother i i i i i I Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 37 TICE OF TRUSTEES SALE Pursuant .:".C.W. Chapter 61.24, et seq. and 62A. (a)(2) et seq. Trustee's Sale No: 01- 1',..7835 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'lhe undersigned Trustee, REGIONAL 'EE SERVICES CORPORATION, will mber 21, 2007, at the hour of 10:00 THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE MA- ['COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 4TH & AL- SHELTON, WA, sell at public auction I. highest and best bidder, payable at the  sale, the following described real and 1 property (hereafter referred to collec- i' the "Property"), situated in th.e Coun- t.MASON, State of Washington: TRACT 8HORT SUBDIVISION NO. 1878, RE- tt'l, ED JULY 6, 1989, AUDITOR'S FILE J[495792, AND BEING A PORTION OF I.,)UTHWEST QUART (SW 1/4) OF NORTHWEST QUARTER (NWI/.4) OF ON THIRTYONE (31), TOWNSHIP .,NTY (20) NORTH, RANGE THREE(3) W.M., in Mason County, Washington 'lement for ingress, egress and utilities, lD.Under and across a strip of land as de- 1 and delineated in short plat No. 1878, July 6, 1989, under Auditor's File 1495792, being a portion of the Southwest. lter Of the Northwest quarter of Section ITownship 20 North, Range 3 Was, W.M., lllson County, Washington. Tax Parcel No: 11.2390021, commonly known as 2101- _ CLOQUALLUM ROAD AKA 2101-190 "UALLUM ROAD, SHELTON, WA. The arty is subject to that certain Deed of dated 12/27/2004, recorded 1/4/2005, r Auditor's/Recorder's No. 1828067, re- =of MASON County, Washington, from YN PATRICK ROBINSON, AN UNMAR- INDIVIDUAL, AS HIS SEPARATE )ERTY, as Grantor, to MASON COUN- TLE COMPANY, as Trustee, in favor of [:NT MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, as bficiary, the beneficial interest in which is tntly held by WELLS FARGO BANK, NA RUSTEE. II No action commenced by leneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now Ing to seek satisfaction of the obligation Y court by reason of the Borrower's or tor's default on the obligation secured by teed of Trust. III The default(s) for which foreclosure is/are made are as follows: URE TO PAY THE MONTHLY PAY- IT WHICH BECAME DUE ON 6/1/2007, I ALL SUBSEQUENT MONTHLY PAY- TS, PLUS LATE CHARGES AND OTH- OSTS AND FEES AS SET FORTH. Fail- lifo pay when due the following amounts are now in arrears: Amount due as of lamber 21, 2007 Delinquent Payments IJune 01,2007 1 payments at $1,663.89 $1,663.89 1 payments at $ 1,658.90 'l $1,658.90 2 payments at $ 1,764.51 $ 3,529.02 (06-01-07 through 09-21- ,ate Charges: $ 256.89 Beneficiary Ad- as: $ 0.00 Suspense Credit: $ -953.13 L: $ 6,155.57 IV The sum owing on the !ltion secured by the Deed of Trust is: ICipal $154,674.79, together with interest ovided in the note or other instrument Ured, and such other costs and fees as due under the note or other instrument Ured, and as are provided by statute. V above described real property will be to satisfy the expenses of sale and the lation secured by the Deed of Trust as :led by statute. The sale will be made ut warranty, express or implied regard- ;.title, possession, or encumbrances on mber 21, 2007. The default(s) referred paragraph Ill must be cured by Decem- 10, 2007 (11 days before the sale date) Ruse a discontinuance of the sale. The b Will be discontinued and terminated if at "/time on or before December 10, 2007, ! days before the sale date) the default(s) at forth in paragraph Ill is/are cured and 'Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The may be terminated at any time after De- Ibsr 10 2007 (11 days before the sale e) and Iefore 'the sate, by the Borrower, itor, any Guarantor or the holder of any 0rded junior lien or encumbrance paying entire principal and interest secured by Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and ad- :as, if any, made pursuant to the terms le obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and lg all other defaults. Vl A written Notice Mault was transmitted by the Beneficiary 'Ustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the Ving addresses: GLENN PATRICK ROB- ;ON 2101-190 CLOQUALLUM ROAD, ELTON WA 98584 GLENN PATRICK BINSOhJ ,'101-190W CLOQUALLUM #,b, SHELTON, WA, 98584,SPOUSE GLENN PATRICK ROBINSON, 2101- CLOQUALLUM ROAD, SHELTON, 98584 SPOUSE OF GLENN PATRICK INSON, 2101-190W CLOQUALLM 13, SHELTON, WA, 98584 by both frst and certified mail on 8/8/2007, proof of P.,h is in the possession of the Trustee; and /8/2007, the Borrower and Grantor were IOnally served with said written notice of kutt or the written Notice of Default was 1 in a conspicuous place on the real rty described in paragraph I above, and Trustee has possession of proof of such he or posting. VII The Trustee's Sale will aid in accordance with Ch. 6124 ROW | anyone wishing to bid at the sale will be lUired to have in his/her possession at the IJ the bidding commences, cash, cashier's tck, or certified check in the amount of at lff one dollar over the Beneficiary's open- bid. In addition, the successful bidder be required to pay the full amount of his/ 'bid in cash, cashier's check, or certified k within one hour of the making of the . The Trustee whose name and address set forth below will provide in writing to Oe requesting it, a statement of all costs es due at any time prior to the sale. VIII effect of the sale will be to deprive the lntor and all those who hold by, through or let the Grantor of all of their interest in the 's described property. IX Anyone hay- arty objection to the sale on any grounds }tsoever will be afforded an opportunity heard as to those objections if they =3 lawsuit to restrain the same pursuant W 61 .24.130. Failure to bring such a lit may result in a waiver of any proper ds for invalidating the Trustee's Sale. TICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS Purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is enti- t !o possession of the property on the 20th ilOllowing the sale, as against the Grantor Isr the Deed of Trust (the owner) and any- having an interest junior to the Deed of t, including occupants and tenants. After Z0th day following the sale the purchaser the right to evict occupants and tenants Jmmary proceeding under the Unlawful iner Act, Chapter 59.12 ROW. DATED: ember 20, 2007. REGIONAL TRUSTEE VICES CORPORATION Trustee By: ORAH KAUFMAN, VICE PRESIDENT ress: 616 1St Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, 98104 Phone: (206) 340-2550 Sale Infor- :ion: www. ASAP# 906831 -)2/2007, 12/13/2007 11/22 It NOTICE TO BIDDERS COUNTY OF MASON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT RENTAL & REVOLVING FUND SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the County of Mason at the office of the County Commissioners, located in Court- house Building 1, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584, until 9:00 AM, Wednes- day, December 12, 2007, and will then and "there be publicly opened and read, for fur- nishing Asphalt Concrete, MC 250 (cold mix) and/or CSS1 Tack Coat for the calendar year 2008, to the Mason County Department of Public Works, Equipment Rental and Revolv- ing Fund. Bids will be awarded at the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Mason County Commissioners. SPECIFICATIONS, INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS AND BID FORMS may be ob- tained in the office of the Department of Pub- lic Works, Courthouse Building 8, 415 North Sixth Street (P. O. Box 1850), Shelton, WA 98584. ALL BID PROPOSALS must be on forms furnished by the Mason County Department of Public Works Equipment Rental and Re- volving Fund Manager, sealed and filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commis- sioners on or before the day and hour above- mentioned. MASON COUNTY RESERVES THE RIGHT to reject any or all bids, to waive infor- malities, and may accept any bid and make such award that is judged to be in the best interest of the County. DATED at Shelton, Washington, this 20th day of November, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON By:/s/Becky Rogers Clerk of the Board 11/22-29 2t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MASON COUNTY 2008 BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington, on Monday, December 3, 2007, at 9:00 AM. SAID HEARING will be to consider the adoption of the 2008 budget for Mason Coun- ty (including the 2008 property tax levy), Copies of the Preliminary 2008 Budget will be available in the Commissioners' Of- rice, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Wash- ington, from November 20th through Decem- ber 3rd, 2007. All interested citizens are invited to attend this hearing. If you need special accommo- dations or have questions, please contact the Commissioners' Office at 427-9670 Ext. 422. DATEDTHIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 11/22-29 21 NOTICE OF NEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the Commission Chambers at the Mason County Courthouse, Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, Washington on Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING wig be to take public comment regarding the 2006 applications for the Current Use Timber and Open Space Taxation program. If there are any questions, please contact the Assessor's Office, 427-9670 ext. 497; if special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 20th day of November, 2007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 11122 It Super Crossword - IN CHAR( ;E - Answers are on page 31, NOTICE OF BRIEFING MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE CITY OF SHELTON PROPOSED GREGORY LAND ANNEXATION. Notice is hereby given that the City Com- mission of the City of Shelton, Washington will hold a briefing meeting beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, November 26, 2007 and a public hearing beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 3, 2007 at the Shelton Civic Center located at 525 West Cots Street to consider the following project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed property annexation to the City legally de- scribed as Tract 28-B of David Shettons Donation Land Claim #37, Township 20 North, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian lying west of Olympic Highway North on the corner of "G" Street and Madison Street, Also referred to as County Parcel Number: 420134500282. Questions regarding the proposal may be directed to Erik N. Birk, Associate Planner for City of Shelton by calling (360) 432-5132. Written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to: City of Shelton Department of Community and Economic Development, Attention: Erik N. Birk, Associate Planner, 525 West Cots Street, Shelton, WA 98584. The complete project file may be viewed at the same address. 11/22 It NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing before the Mason County Hearings Examiner will be held at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, 411 North Fifth Street, Shefton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the request by Dennis Hanberg, for a one-year extension of preliminary plat approval for the Plat of Ironhorse Crossing. The proposed subdivision is located in the Belfair Urban Growth Area lot is located near the intersec- tion of SR 3 and NE Ridge Point Blvd, in Sec- tion 28 Township 23 N., Range 1 W., WoM. Questions regarding this application should be directed to Michael MacSems in the Planning Department at 427-9670 Ext 571. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Mason County Commissioners' office at 427-9670, Ext 419. 11/15-22 2t Habitat cl(00cticates new home (Continued from page 29.) the work of 85 different volunteers. All told, the volunteers and mem- bers of the Bates family worked thousands of hours. A grant from Thrivent Builds provided 65 percent of the funds needed to build the home. Addition- al support for the project came from members of the four Lutheran con- gregations in Mason County: Faith and Mount Olive Lutheran church- es in Shelton and .Christ Lutheran in Belfair provided volunteers and contributors to the project; and Living Stones, a congregation at Washington Corrections Center, provided financial support. BILL SLEEP of the Lewis-Ma- son-Thurston Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans super- vised the project. He was assisted by Bert Pedersen from Faith, Mark Hanson from Mount Olive, and Linda and David Zeh from Christ Church. Volunteers worked on-site from groundbreaking in March to November 14, when the home was completed. Bill Novak was the on- site construction manager. Pastor Mark Griffith of Faith Lutheran officiated at the dedica- tion of the home. He observed that a house comes together with all of the building supplies and yet "this house is more than just the stuff it's built with. It's the love and faith of the workers and of all the peo- ple who gave money for this home. We're here to celebrate with all of the givers who made this home pos- sible ." Because the crowd attending the dedication was so large, the ceremo- ny was held outdoors in spite of the damp, chilly weather. Warmed by coffee and the spirit of the celebra- tion, those in attendance shared the excitement of the accomplishment and offered thanks for the blessings of the experience. The Faith Lu- theran choir, under the direction of ABANDONED VESSEL SALE In compliance with RCW 88.26.020, Law of 1993, notice is hereby given that Jarrelrs Cove Marina, 220 East Wilson Road, Shel- ton, Washington 98584, will at public auction on December 1, 2007 at 1:00 p.m., sell for cash to the highest bidder the following de- scribed vessels: 27 foot Bayliner Buccaneer fiberglass sailboat. Registration No. WN3252KE. 20 foot 1988 Bayliner fiberglass sailboat. Registration No. WN6985KS. 22 foot 1974 Catalina fiberglass sailboat. Registration No. WN1080W. Vessels available at 10:30 a.m. Decem- ber 1, 2007 for inspection. Jarrelrs Cove Marina 426-8823 11/15-22-29 3t Suzanne Olson, sang "A Lord Built House" and Sally Thomas present- ed a quilt to each family member. The children received quilts made by the women of Mount Olive, and the quilt presented to Vivian Bates was made by the Sewing Saints of Faith. *'One who sleeps under a quilt fs comforted by love," Thomas told the family members. RUSS AND CYNDI Noski from the Grocery Outlet in Olympia filled the home with food and sup- plies and presented the family with gifts and a gift certificate. "What we do pales in comparison to all that these people have done; this celebration is really touching," Ms. Noski said. "What we do is just the cherry on top." Sandy Carlson, president of Hab- itat for Humanity of Mason Coun- ty, stressed the cooperative nature of this accomplishment. "Our affili- ate greatly appreciates and greatly benefited fi, om this cooperative ef- fort with Thrivent in working with the Bates family. It's our first Thri- vent Builds project, and we hope to have the opportunity to work with them again," she said. Marianne Joy, office manager of the Shorecrest Community Club, welcomed the Bates family to the neighborhood and offered to help make an easy transition to the area. "We're a family here as well," Joy said. Among those in attendance were Terresa Morris and Danya Tallett, recent recipients of Habi- tat homes in Shorecrest who are spending their first Thanksgiving in the neighborhood. This will be their first Thanksgiving in their new homes, as well. Also on hand were Terina McCord and her son Donald, two members of the new- est family selected to partner with Habitat to build a house. Assisted by volunteers, they will begin work in the spring on House 15. nnnununnuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunuuuuuuuu 00cides ' uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnuuuun Hood Canal at Union Thursday, November 22 High .................. 3:10 a.m ........... !0.6 ft. Low ................... 8:28 a.m ............. 6.1 ft. High .................. 1:57 p.m ........... 12.8 ft. Low ................... 9:10 p.m ........... -1.9 ft. Friday, November 23 High .................. 4:10 a.rn ........... 11.8 ft. Low ................... 9:26 a.m ............. 7.1 ft. High .................. 2:33 p.m ........... 12.9 ft. Low ................... 9:52 p.m ........... -3.3 ft. Saturday, November 24 High .................. 5:06 a.m ........... 12.6 ft. Low ................. 10:22 a.m ............. 7.8 ft. High .................. 3:13 p.m ........... 12.8 ft. Low ................. 10:35 p.m ........... -4.0 ft. Sunday, November 25 High .................. 5:59 a.m ........... 13.1 ft, Low ................. 11:17 a.m ............. 82 ft. High .................. 3:56 p.m ........... 12.5 ft. Low ................. 11:20 p.m ........... -4.2 ft. Monday, November 26 High .................. 6:51 a.m ........... 13.3 ft. Low ................. 12:14 p.m ............. 8.5 ft. High .................. 4:43 p.m ........... 12.0 ft. • Tuesday, November 27 Low ................. 12:07 a,m ........... -3.8 ft. High .................. 7:42 a.m ........... 13.2 ft. Low ................... 1:15 p.m ............. 8.4 ft. High .................. 5:34 p.m ........... 11.2 ft. Wednesday, November 28 Low ................. 12:56 a,m ........... -3.0 ft. High .................. 8:34 a,m ........... 13,0 ft. Low ................... 2:21 p.m ............. 8,1 ft. High .................. 6:32 p,m ........... 10.3 ft. Thursday, November 29 Low ................... 1:47 a.m ........... -1.8 ft. High .................. 9:26 a.m ........... 12.8 ft. Low ................... 3:35 p.m ............. 7.4 ft. High .................. 7:39 p.m ............. 9.3 ft. Oakland Bay at Shelton Thursday, November 22 High .................. 4:35 a.m ........... 12.9 ft. Low ................. 10:23 a.m ............. 5.3 ft. High .................. 3:22 p.m ........... 15.5 ft. Low ................. 11:05 p.m ........... -1.7 ft. Friday, November 23 High .................. 5:35 a.m ........... 14.2 ft. Low ................. 11:21 a.m ............. 6.2 ft. High .................. 3:58 p.m ........... 15.6 ft. Low ................. 11:47 p.m ........... -2.9 ft. Saturday, November 24 High .................. 6:31 a.m. ', ......... 15.2 ft. Low ................. 12:17 p.m ............. 6.8 ft. High .................. 4:38 p.m ........... 15.5 ft. Sunday, November 25 Low ................. 12:30 a.m ........... -3.5 ft. High .................. 7:24 a.m ........... 15.9 ft. Low ................... 1:12 p.m ............. 7.2 ft. High .................. 5:21 p.m ........... 15.1 ft. Monday, November 26 Low ................... 1:15 a.m ........... -3.7 ft. High .................. 8:16 a.m ........... 16.1 ft. Low ................... 2:09 p.m ............. 7,4 ft. High .................. 6:08 p.m ........... 14.5 ft. Tuesday, November 27 Low ................... 2:02 a.m ........... -3.3 ft. High .................. 9:07 a.m ........... 16.0 ft. Low ................... 3:10 p.m ............. 7.3 ft. High .................. 6:59 p.m ........... 13.6 ft. Wednesday, November 28 Low ................... 2:51 a.m ........... -2,6 ft. High .................. 9:59 a.m ........... 15.8 ft. Low ................... 4:16 p,m ............. 7.0 ft. High .................. 7:57 p.m ........... 12.5 ft. Thursday, November 29 Low ................... 3:42 a.m ........... -1.6 ft. High ................ 10:51 a.m ........... 15.5 ft. Low ................... 5:30 p.m ............. 6.4 ft, High .................. 9:04 p.m ........... 11,2 ft. t | l $ :o i, ACROSS 49 Tankard filler 94 Pinnacle DOWN 1 Weaken 50 Step parts 95 - roll 1 Splinter group 4 0'Connor's "The 52 Even if, 97 Bailiwick 2 Cognizant - Hurrah" informally 98 TV's "My Sister - 3 Charlemagne's dad 8 Composer Bartok 54 Durango district 99 "Gotcha!" 4 Composer Francis 12 "Ad - per aspera" 57 Maestro Lorin 100 '80 Stevie 5 Sothern or (Kansas' motto) 59 Rent Wonder hit Sheridan 17 Meadow mamas 61 "The Hustler" 106 Worry 6 Forest father 19 Pro foe setting 107 Result 7 Use a stopwatch 20 Sleep like - 63 Crowded 108 Singer Stratas 8 Musical measure 21 Wide belts 65 "Just - thought!" 111 Knock 9 Lilly of 22 Comic-book hero 66 Petite pest 112 Russian river pharmaceuticals 25 "Oh, How I - Get 67 Genetic into 113 Superlative 10 Rapper Tone - Up ... " 68 Actress Anna suffix 11 '92 Wimbledon 26 Error's partner 70 Tammany Hall 116 Sans emotion winner 27 Procure name 118 Lets up 12 Battery letters 28 - Paulo, Brazil 73 Left open 121 "F Troop" role 13 Fast way to the 30 Tons of time 74 Item in a lock 127 Kidman of "To UK 31 Box up 75 Premiere Die For" 14 O'Neill drama 34 Masters 77 Baby butter 128 Columnist 15 Shot another Tournament site 78 Fracas Bombeck photo 38 Urban problem 81 Advance 129 Notion 16 For- (cheaply) 39 Animated TV 83 'This - Moment" 130 Silvers or 18 "Unsolved series ('60 hit) Spector Mysteries" host 42 Hwv. 85 Hut t31 Hardened 21 Shallow area 43 Bud 88 Van of "Shane" 132 "- of the Cat" 23 Jai - 46 Taj town 89 Cycle starter ('77 hit) 24 Coup d' - 47 Tallahassee sch. 91 Barely there 133 Side 29 Part of NATO 48 Rita- Brown 93 Baseball stat 134 - Aviv 32 Sluggish sorts 33 - Benedict 35 Like some TV channels 36 "Beau -" ('39 film) 37 "No dice!" 38 Bandit Belle 40 City on 112 Across 41 Polo's place 43 Shriver of tennis 44 Dothan's st. 45 '64 Shangri-Las hit 48 Boy or boar 50 Cartoon canine 51 Lip lash? 53 Mayberry moppet 54 Marsh 55 New Rochelle. college 56 General Bradley 58 - Buddhism , 60 Alaskan city 62 "Against All -" (1984 film) 64 Recedes 66 Curative 68 Frosh's superior 69 Grocer's measure 71 Eject 72 Assumed manes? 73 - standstill 75 Wet blanket 76 Velvet finish 79 Graceland, for one 80 Yesterday's your 82 Rub it in 83 Sal of "Exodus" 84 Irene of "Fame" fame 86 La-la lead-in 87 Tasty tuber 90 Coll. cadets 92 Tree house? 96 Jacket part 99 Lawrence's locale 100 "Archie" character 101 Great bird? 102 Dash of "Cluelese 103 Fast-food favorite 104 Cleveland's lake 105 Summarize 106 French bread? 109 Vision 110 TV's "Kate & -" 114 "M*A*S*H" Emmy winner 115 "The- Is High" ('80 hit) ,, 117 Say "Hey! 119 Low diglt 120 Knight time 122 Hapsburg. dom. 123 ',Believer ('66 hit) 124 Corn portion 125 Grazingground 126 Rin Tin Tin's mother i i i i i I Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 37