November 22, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 22, 2007 |
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WINTER storms can have some devastating ef-
including prolonged power outages. To prepare for
storms, county officials have organized an emer-
preparedness class at the library in Belfair.
SAINT NICHOLAS' church in Tahuya will hold its popular annual festi-
mergency class val December 6-8.
on December 5 Saint Nichola s, Festival
ontinuedfrompagel.) will run over three days
al winter weather becomes
threatening and dangerous
Tilcials from the emergency
agement department want to
nd residents about the basics
roviding for heat, light, food,
rity and health needs should
power go off for an extend-
! I Period of time or if roads are
eked by winter storm damage.
he planned presentation will
Mde information on the types
of events that area residents can
expect and how to best prepare to
keep one's self, family, pets and
business safe.
The emergency management
office can also be contacted by
any person who wants more pre-
paredness information and their
presentations can be scheduled
for any group. The office can be
called during regular county busi-
ness hours at 275-4467, Exten-
sion 801
00ids' story time is
00ext Wednesday
ie North Mason Timberland on Wednesday, November 28.
ional Library will be closed to- All Timberland programs are
, Thursday, November 22, for
Thanksgiving holiday.
The next scheduled event at
!library will be Preschool Story
ae from 10 a.m. on Wednesday,
Vember 28, for children ages 3-
he event is a chance to enjoy
ties, rhymes, songs and move-
at games. Parents or caregivers
welcome to attend with their
addition, the Friends Of the
thh Mason Timberland Library
old a board meeting at 7 p.m.
free of charge unless otherwise
noted. Anyone needing special ac-
commodations to participate in a
library's program may contact the
library at least four days in ad-
For information on any topic
or for help finding information
resources, the TRL Central Refer-
ence librarians are available toll-
free at 1-800-562-6022.
The belfair library, which can be
reached by calling 275-3232, is lo-
cated at 23081 NE State Route 3.
The annual Saint Nicholas
Festival presentation is being
planned for December 6, 7 and 8
at Tahuya's Saint Nicholas' Epis-
copal Church.
Displays will tell the story of
Nicholas, the Archbishop of Myra
in 300 A.D., who became the mod-
el for today's Santa Claus.
A large collection of nativities
and angels will also recount the
birth of Christ. Christmas carols
on the church's pipe organ and
The Retired and Senior Volun-
teer Program has several volun-
teer opportunities for North Ma-
son residents. Anyone interested
in helping out can call 360-426-
3405 for information, referring
to the numbers at the end of the
items listed below.
t chamber: • Wetlands Exhibit Host: Meet
and greet visitors at the indoor
Theler Wetlands Exhibit Cen-
ter and Wetlands Trails. Du-
ties include answering phones,
00embers get the
tion and guiding tours. Training
provided. Volunteers 16 and older
welcome (252637).
talc at luncheon *YouthMentorf£utor:Helptu-
tor youth in reading, writing and
math or teach them new hobby
skills at the Boys and Girls Club
FEVAN MOORE hospital district, the health of Hood in North Mason (36533).
iae North Mason Chamber of Canal, the fully funded Belfair sew- • Home Care Assistance: Help
[raerce's regular monthly lun- er project, State Route 3 improve- the elderly and physically chal-
e a will get started at 11:30 a.m. ments, the Belfair Bypass and more. lenged remain independent in
dnesday, November 28, at the The North Mason chamber holds their own home by assisting with
E. Theler Community Cen- a regular monthly luncheon meet-
ing with a featured speaker or pre-
lather than having the typical sentation on the fourth Wednesday
tp of one featured speaker, or- of every month at the Theler Center
izers say that the upcoming lun- in Belfair. The Shop Local winner
will feature a number of brief for each month is drawn and an-
eSentations by chamber officials nounced at these meetings, but win-
! members regarding positive ners need not be present to win or
ats and activities that will be oc- claim prizes.
iag in the coming year. As always, the luncheon is open
orth Mason chamber president to members of the general public.
Mk Kenny will share a presenta- The lunch cost is $8 per person.
'O ' " " '
nthechamberslatestactlwtms Networking begins at 11:30 a.m.
|future plans. Several local busi- and lunch is served at noon. The
!8 owners will also take to the mi- program concludes by 1 p.m.
Phone to briefly talk about their Those that would like more in-
Mdual businesses. Kenny says formation about the luncheon or the
es expected to be covered at the chamber in general should call the
:ting include the newly formed chamber office at 275-4267.
Dr. Nancy Isbell
fl • General small animal medicine/surge,
• Acupuncture certified, TCM herbs
; • Internal medicine residency
• 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
• 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway
Open M..F 8 am-6 pm
,__ 360.277.3800
music on compact disc will lend a
festive air to this celebration of the
namesake of the season.
The event will open at 6 p.m.
on Thursday, December 6, with a
two-hour wine and cheese party.
The church will also be open
from 3 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Decem-
ber 7, and from noon to 4 p.m. on
Saturday, December 8.
The church is located at 15000
NE North Shore Road in Tahuya.
Those that would like more infor-
mation about the church or the
upcoming festival should contact
Donna Hedlund by calling 275-
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
i i
• Food Bank Volunteer: Assist
those in need by handing out food,
stocking or picking up donations.
North Mason Food Bank in Belfair
• Special Events Coordinator:
Help plan special events at the
Theler Center with event commit-
tee manager, including recruiting
volunteers. Average of 12 hours a
month (252635).
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Walk to services and beach.
(360) 275-3120
Space available.
site manager
position available
to RV owner.
light housekeeping, yard mainte-
nance, home repairs or transpor-
tation to medical appointments.
CCS Volunteer Services (36339)
and Faith in Action-West Sound
RO. Box 275 NE 431 Log Yard Rd. Belfair, WA 98528
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
275-0228 .ease ca, for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
ii i'i
AG3 Garden Center
All About Kids Preschool
All Pro Tax & Accounting
All Star Boat & RV Storage
Arnold and Smith
Insurance Agency
Ayers Automotive
Belfai ComputerLab
Belfair Power Equipment
Belfair Valley Starbucks
Boat House Restaurant
Boys & Girls Club
Catherine Ann Wolf CPA
The Children's Closet
China Capital
The Clipper Barber Shop
Copy It Mail It
Creative Memories
Crown Auto Sales
Dragoun's Leir
Elesman Family
Eternity Salon
Faith In Action
Garden Gate Nursery
Heavenly Treasures
Hood Canal Family Bistro
Hood Canal Interiors
Hood Canal Travel
Hood Canal Vacation
Hunter Farms
Identity Theft Protection
and PPL
IMPACT Writing & Design
Kayak Hood Canal
Kelly Day Photography
Key Bank in Belfair
Lakeland Village Golf
Land Title
Les Schwab Mansker Tire
Mary Kay Cosmetics,
Tammey Grable Newton
Master Blaster's Paintball
Park in Grapeview
McLendon's Hardware
Mitchell Lumber
Mr. Bill's Sportscards &
North Bay Mortgage
Northwest Outdoorsman
Old Cedar Forge
Olympia Federal Savings
Ornamental Stone
OUTLOOK Writing & Demgn
Peninsula Topsoil
Petersen Chiropractic
Prudential NW Real Estate
Reid Real Estate
Selah Inn on Hood Canal
Shoreside Gardens
Theler Community Center
Valley Feed
Vivier Interiors
West Bay Auto
Westsound Bank and
Wilson Communications
Winds of Change
Ninjutsu Temple
Your Dream Team, Rob &
North Mason -
Shop Local!
Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3
WINTER storms can have some devastating ef-
including prolonged power outages. To prepare for
storms, county officials have organized an emer-
preparedness class at the library in Belfair.
SAINT NICHOLAS' church in Tahuya will hold its popular annual festi-
mergency class val December 6-8.
on December 5 Saint Nichola s, Festival
ontinuedfrompagel.) will run over three days
al winter weather becomes
threatening and dangerous
Tilcials from the emergency
agement department want to
nd residents about the basics
roviding for heat, light, food,
rity and health needs should
power go off for an extend-
! I Period of time or if roads are
eked by winter storm damage.
he planned presentation will
Mde information on the types
of events that area residents can
expect and how to best prepare to
keep one's self, family, pets and
business safe.
The emergency management
office can also be contacted by
any person who wants more pre-
paredness information and their
presentations can be scheduled
for any group. The office can be
called during regular county busi-
ness hours at 275-4467, Exten-
sion 801
00ids' story time is
00ext Wednesday
ie North Mason Timberland on Wednesday, November 28.
ional Library will be closed to- All Timberland programs are
, Thursday, November 22, for
Thanksgiving holiday.
The next scheduled event at
!library will be Preschool Story
ae from 10 a.m. on Wednesday,
Vember 28, for children ages 3-
he event is a chance to enjoy
ties, rhymes, songs and move-
at games. Parents or caregivers
welcome to attend with their
addition, the Friends Of the
thh Mason Timberland Library
old a board meeting at 7 p.m.
free of charge unless otherwise
noted. Anyone needing special ac-
commodations to participate in a
library's program may contact the
library at least four days in ad-
For information on any topic
or for help finding information
resources, the TRL Central Refer-
ence librarians are available toll-
free at 1-800-562-6022.
The belfair library, which can be
reached by calling 275-3232, is lo-
cated at 23081 NE State Route 3.
The annual Saint Nicholas
Festival presentation is being
planned for December 6, 7 and 8
at Tahuya's Saint Nicholas' Epis-
copal Church.
Displays will tell the story of
Nicholas, the Archbishop of Myra
in 300 A.D., who became the mod-
el for today's Santa Claus.
A large collection of nativities
and angels will also recount the
birth of Christ. Christmas carols
on the church's pipe organ and
The Retired and Senior Volun-
teer Program has several volun-
teer opportunities for North Ma-
son residents. Anyone interested
in helping out can call 360-426-
3405 for information, referring
to the numbers at the end of the
items listed below.
t chamber: • Wetlands Exhibit Host: Meet
and greet visitors at the indoor
Theler Wetlands Exhibit Cen-
ter and Wetlands Trails. Du-
ties include answering phones,
00embers get the
tion and guiding tours. Training
provided. Volunteers 16 and older
welcome (252637).
talc at luncheon *YouthMentorf£utor:Helptu-
tor youth in reading, writing and
math or teach them new hobby
skills at the Boys and Girls Club
FEVAN MOORE hospital district, the health of Hood in North Mason (36533).
iae North Mason Chamber of Canal, the fully funded Belfair sew- • Home Care Assistance: Help
[raerce's regular monthly lun- er project, State Route 3 improve- the elderly and physically chal-
e a will get started at 11:30 a.m. ments, the Belfair Bypass and more. lenged remain independent in
dnesday, November 28, at the The North Mason chamber holds their own home by assisting with
E. Theler Community Cen- a regular monthly luncheon meet-
ing with a featured speaker or pre-
lather than having the typical sentation on the fourth Wednesday
tp of one featured speaker, or- of every month at the Theler Center
izers say that the upcoming lun- in Belfair. The Shop Local winner
will feature a number of brief for each month is drawn and an-
eSentations by chamber officials nounced at these meetings, but win-
! members regarding positive ners need not be present to win or
ats and activities that will be oc- claim prizes.
iag in the coming year. As always, the luncheon is open
orth Mason chamber president to members of the general public.
Mk Kenny will share a presenta- The lunch cost is $8 per person.
'O ' " " '
nthechamberslatestactlwtms Networking begins at 11:30 a.m.
|future plans. Several local busi- and lunch is served at noon. The
!8 owners will also take to the mi- program concludes by 1 p.m.
Phone to briefly talk about their Those that would like more in-
Mdual businesses. Kenny says formation about the luncheon or the
es expected to be covered at the chamber in general should call the
:ting include the newly formed chamber office at 275-4267.
Dr. Nancy Isbell
fl • General small animal medicine/surge,
• Acupuncture certified, TCM herbs
; • Internal medicine residency
• 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
• 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway
Open M..F 8 am-6 pm
,__ 360.277.3800
music on compact disc will lend a
festive air to this celebration of the
namesake of the season.
The event will open at 6 p.m.
on Thursday, December 6, with a
two-hour wine and cheese party.
The church will also be open
from 3 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Decem-
ber 7, and from noon to 4 p.m. on
Saturday, December 8.
The church is located at 15000
NE North Shore Road in Tahuya.
Those that would like more infor-
mation about the church or the
upcoming festival should contact
Donna Hedlund by calling 275-
Construction, Inc.
Serving the North Mason area
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
i i
• Food Bank Volunteer: Assist
those in need by handing out food,
stocking or picking up donations.
North Mason Food Bank in Belfair
• Special Events Coordinator:
Help plan special events at the
Theler Center with event commit-
tee manager, including recruiting
volunteers. Average of 12 hours a
month (252635).
Allyn View RV Park
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Walk to services and beach.
(360) 275-3120
Space available.
site manager
position available
to RV owner.
light housekeeping, yard mainte-
nance, home repairs or transpor-
tation to medical appointments.
CCS Volunteer Services (36339)
and Faith in Action-West Sound
RO. Box 275 NE 431 Log Yard Rd. Belfair, WA 98528
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
275-0228 .ease ca, for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
ii i'i
AG3 Garden Center
All About Kids Preschool
All Pro Tax & Accounting
All Star Boat & RV Storage
Arnold and Smith
Insurance Agency
Ayers Automotive
Belfai ComputerLab
Belfair Power Equipment
Belfair Valley Starbucks
Boat House Restaurant
Boys & Girls Club
Catherine Ann Wolf CPA
The Children's Closet
China Capital
The Clipper Barber Shop
Copy It Mail It
Creative Memories
Crown Auto Sales
Dragoun's Leir
Elesman Family
Eternity Salon
Faith In Action
Garden Gate Nursery
Heavenly Treasures
Hood Canal Family Bistro
Hood Canal Interiors
Hood Canal Travel
Hood Canal Vacation
Hunter Farms
Identity Theft Protection
and PPL
IMPACT Writing & Design
Kayak Hood Canal
Kelly Day Photography
Key Bank in Belfair
Lakeland Village Golf
Land Title
Les Schwab Mansker Tire
Mary Kay Cosmetics,
Tammey Grable Newton
Master Blaster's Paintball
Park in Grapeview
McLendon's Hardware
Mitchell Lumber
Mr. Bill's Sportscards &
North Bay Mortgage
Northwest Outdoorsman
Old Cedar Forge
Olympia Federal Savings
Ornamental Stone
OUTLOOK Writing & Demgn
Peninsula Topsoil
Petersen Chiropractic
Prudential NW Real Estate
Reid Real Estate
Selah Inn on Hood Canal
Shoreside Gardens
Theler Community Center
Valley Feed
Vivier Interiors
West Bay Auto
Westsound Bank and
Wilson Communications
Winds of Change
Ninjutsu Temple
Your Dream Team, Rob &
North Mason -
Shop Local!
Thursday, November 22, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3