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open houses to discuss project
As visible work on the
Mason Transit Authority's
(MTA) Transit-Community
Center at on Franklin Street
gets nearer, the author-
ity has scheduled a series of
open house events to discuss
the project.
%Ve're co-hosting them
with the Community Center
Association to give the pub-
lic a status report of where
we're at, showing the design,
talking about the programs,"
MTA General Manager Brad
Patterson said.
The Community Center
Association (CCA) is a local
nonprofit affiliated with the
Transit-Community Center
The open house events are
scheduled for 4 p.m. and 7
Courtesy photo
An architect's rendering shows what Mason
Transit Authority's Transit-Community Center
will look like when completed.
p.m. on Dec. 11 at the Tran- St., 5 p.m. on Dec. 13 at the
sit Community Center at the North Mason Timberland
old Shelton National Guard Regional Library in Belfair
Armory at 601 W. Franklin and 7 p.m. on Dec. 13 at the
Activities Association
We are Grateful for Your Support & Donations to Our Building Fund
DONORS Kath,ee..,ne.
Darryl & Peggy Cleveland Doyle & Jean Howard =:::::i ........ '~ ~'~ ~
Dale Hubbard Ina Hudson
Jerry Eckenrode Elsie Inmon ~: .... ......
Ross & Kathy Gallagher Esther & Bill Kirk
Linda Gott Adelheid Krohne
Susan & William Stahl Mary & Paul Kucharik
Joseph & Vivienne Zorich Leslie Lueck & Frank Fox Matt Matoyoski & the Economic
Jim & Pat Ballsmith Char & Rod Mann Development Council of Mason
Bobbie Bamford Reiko Mauer County
Charlotte & Craig Bardell Marcie McKaig Kari Sleight, Publisher
Susanne Barr Laurel & Rex Morgan Shelton-Mason County Journal
Vivian Bentkowski Lily & Allen Nielsen City of Sheiton: Mayor Gary Cronce
Frank & Marie Bishop Patricia Oltman (in memory of and Commissioners
Sandy & Antone Bisser Kay Smith) City of Shelton staff
Reda Buhl Rosina Peterson Dennis McDonald, Steve Goins &
Ruth Coots Dolores Pickering Jason Dose
Michelle Corral Rev Charles Nesmith Joan Garrow
Ann & Bill Dagle Maxine Rhoades (in memory of PUD No. 3
Margaret & Diane Deason Betty Jo St Clair & Martha Taylor) Commissioners Linda Gott, Tom
Barb & Robert Dennis Nellie Rossmaier Farmer & Bruce Jorgenson
Lorraine & Paul Duggan Seattle Shell Fish Company Wyla Wood & Joel Myer, PUD No. 3
Diane Good & Pat Peckham Verda 'Sam' & Robert Selby Dennis McDonald, City of Shelton
Green Diamond Resource Co Terri Shaw KMAS News Radio
Linda ~3ruer Nadine & Lynn Shively Shoppers Weekly
Diane Hartley Kay Smith Shelton Life
Diane Hartley (in memory Sandy & Lee St. Clair
of Helen Elkin & Kay Smith) John Tarrant Attendees and donors to our Senior
Rose Davidson Marlene Taylor Senior Prom & Pig Roast
Lorraine Hauenstein Evelyn & Robert Trenckmann PUD No. 3 Commissioners & Staff
Nancy Hausser (in memory of MaryAnn & Dan Vogress Shaw fWe continue to move forward"~
Kay Smith) (Order of the Eastern Star)I on our dream of a larger 1
Maria & Ken Heintzelman Wyla & Charles Wood 1 senior Center. 1 ~i
Rene Herrera & Rhonda McCunn Keiko & John Wyatt 1 To get involved, please call 1
Juanita Hibbert Diane & Bill Young | Terri at 426-7374 or email J
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Mason County Fire District 6 tion Grant, the CCA will be can be completed as funding
fire hall at 50 E. Seattle St. helping raise the additional allows, Patterson said.
in Union. $3.2 million, either through "There's defmitely work
'qb'e're a county agencyfundraising, or by seeking to be done, it's going to take
and our board represents the grant funding, some time," he said, of fund-
whole county, and we need to In the future, the groups raising efforts.
reflect that with the public hope to jointly apply for a Patterson said he expects
meetings," Patterson said. Community Development visible construction to begin
At each open house MTA Block Grant through the U.S. in March or April 2013, but
staff will discuss several as- Department of Housing and said a lot of work has gone on
pects of the construction, Urban Development, as well behind the scenes in recent
including financing and bud- as other grants, months.
geting, the phasing and time- "This will kick off an op- "A lot of the environmen-
line of the project and the portunity for people to invest tal work inside the facility
green designofthebuilding, themselves financially into has been done and they're
Patterson said he hopes to the building of it," Patterson right in the process of get-
hear feedback from the com- said. "There's still a signifi- ting everything surveyed,"
munity, and address any corn- cant amount of fundraising he said.
ments or concerns that mem- that needs to be done moving Such "environmental
bers of the public might have. forward." work," includes identifying
The project, initially esti- The CCA plans to sell pav- and removing lead based
mated to cost $6.8 million in ers with donors' names on paint and asbestos from in
2008, is now expected tp cost them. and around the old armory.
closer to $7.2 million, after In order to spread out the "Those were all anticipat-
four years of inflation, Pat- cost of the project, MTA has ed, given the age of the build-
terson said. worked with architects HHJ, ing," he said.
While $4 million of the PLLC/Merritt Architecture to Patterson said the com-
project is paid for through a phase the project so portions munity center should be open
Federal Transit Administra- as small as individual offices in the first quarter of 2014.
Teddy bear drive a success
Journal photo by Gordon Weeks
Members of the Yesteryear Car Club of Shelton last week finished their
annual Teddy bear drive, and presented stuffed animals to Mason
General Hospital in style -- on a 1931 Model-A Ford roadster owned by
Gene and Sherry Myers. The hospital gives the stuffed animals to
children to comfort them when they enter the hospital.
d will also need identification Journal at P.O. Box 430,
Fun for the shopping day. Shelton, WA, 98584, or
Continued from page A-1 Food basket pick up will be dropped off at the office at
held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 227 W. Cota St. during busi-
'includes birth certificates or Dec. 22 at the old Shelton Ar- ness hours.
paperwork from state assis- mory on Franklin Street.Those who donated to the
tance programs that shows .Volunteers cansignupat 10 program will be recognized
the child's age. a.m. on Nov. 17 at the 40 et 8. in the newspaper unless they
The toy shopping day is Donations to support thechoose to remain anonymous.
scheduled for 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Christmas food basket pro- Donations can also be made
Dec. 15 at Walmart. Parents gram can be mailed to the in memory of a loved one.
FACTORY OUTLET ® 360-426-5254
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Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012
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