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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Calls reported to Shel- ton Police, Mason County Sheriffs Office and tribal agencies included: Burglaries At 8:57 p.m. on Nov. 13, a burglary was reported in the 300 block of North Lake Surf Drive, Lilliwaup. At 6:03 p.m. on Nov. 14, a burglary was reported in the 100 block of East Wal- lace Kneeland Boulevard. At 3:20 a.m. on Nov. 15, a burglary was reported in the 200 block of West Rail- road Avenue. At 10:05 a.m. on Nov. 15, an attempted burglary was reported in the 100 block of North Fifth Street. At 11:19 a.m. on Nov. 15, a burglary was reported in the 300 block of East Wal- lace Kneeland Boulevard. the 2100 block of Olympic block of Southeast Arca- ported in the 400 block of Highway ~orth. din Road. Fairmount Avenue. ed stolen from the 3300 17, a vehicle theft was re- block of Shelton Springs ported in the 2300 block of Road. West Highland Road. Assaults At 12:06 p.m. on Nov. At 7:21 p.m. on Nov. 14, At 11:36 a.m. on Nov. 14, 17, a domestic disturbance a shoplifter was reported At 11:34 a.m. on Nov. 16, At 7:10 p.m. on Nov. 17, an assault was reported in was reported in the 300in the600 block of Westa mail theft was reported a shoplifter was reported the 3700 block of Shelton block of South Fifth Street. Franklin Street. in an undisclosed address in the 100 block of East Springs Road. of West Loertscher Road. Wallace Kneeland Boule- At 5:20 p.m. on Nov. 17, At 8:45 p.m. on Nov. 14, vard. At 10:49 a.m. onNov. 16, a domestic disturbance a theft of signs was report- 'At 2:32 p.m. on Nov. an assault was reported in was reported in the 100ed in an undisclosed ad- 16, two shoplifters were At 7:44 p.m. on Nov. 17, the 600 block of East Agate block of Southeast Sol La dress on West Skokomishreported in the 100 block a theft of a phone was re- Road. Tah Loop. Valley Road. of East Wallace Kneeland ported in the 200 block of Boulevard. East Northlake Drive. At 2:10 a.m. on Nov. 17, At 1:45 a.m. on Nov. 18, At 7:40 a.m. on Nov. 15, an assault was reported in a domestic disturbance a shoplifter was reportedin the 6400 block of East Ag- was reported in the 1500 the 100 block of East Wal- ate Rd~d. block of Holman Street.lace Kneeland Boulevard. At 2:28 p.m. on Nov. 17, At 6:38 a.m. on Nov. 18, At 7:55 a.m. on Nov. 15, a burglary was reported in a domestic disturbance was a red 1997 Chevrolet Tahoe the 100 block of West Lost reported in the 100 block of Lake Park Drive. Pacific Court. At 11:26 p.m. on Nov. 18, an assault was report- ed in the 100 block of East Bayv?ew Drive. Domestic violence At 1:13 a.m. on Nov. 14, At 12:38 p.m. on Nov. a domestic disturbance was 15, a residential burglary reported in the 400 block of was reported in the 3700 South llth Street. block of West Cloquallum Road. At 1:14 p.m. on Nov. 14, a mail kheft was reported At 7:04 a.m. on Nov. 15, in the 500 block of East a burglary was reported Capital Prairie Road. in the 5100 block of East State Route 3. At 9:51 p.m. on Nov. 15, a domestic assault was re- At 10:59 a.m. onNov. 16, ported, in an undisclosed a burglary was reported in address on North U.S. the 127.00 block of East Highway 101. State Route 106, Union. Thefts At 12:21 p.m. on Nov. 13, a Nintendo Wit, a game and a controller were re- ported stolen in the 500 block of North First Street. Estimated value is $300. At 8:48 a.m. on Nov. 17, At 10:03 p.m. on Nov. a theft of a generator was 18, a vehicle prowl was re- reported in the 1500 block ported in the 900 block of of West Gallagher Road.East Philips Lake Road. At 9:07 a.m. on Nov. 17, was reported stolen from a theft of a bicycle was re- At 3:54 p.m. on Nov. At 5:16 p.m. on Nov. 17, 16, a domestic assault a burglary was reported in was reported in the 4400 Fires At 4:28 p.m. on Nov. 18, the 200 block of Southeast ported in the 100 block of a structure fire was report- Currie Way. East Maple Drive. ed in the 500 block of Lau- At 4:18 p.m. on Nov. rel Street. At 3:32 p.m. on Nov. 13, a theft of mail was re- bailer were reported in the ported in the 600 block of 1300 block of Southeast North Second Street. Arcadia Road. At 10:59 a.m. on Nov. • • • 15, a theft of UPS pack- SITS START~ ages was reported in theI see Arcadia Smalt E~gine Repair now for affordable 800 block of Terrace Sou- I: : WINTERIZATION levard. At 1:30 p.m. on Nov. I Generator • Riding Mower • Pressure Washer • Push Mower 15, a theft of a tractor and ARCADIA SMALL At 3:42 p.m. on Nov. At 2:22 p.m. on Nov. 15, 13, library books were re- a mail theft was reported ported stolen from an un- in the 200 block of North disclosed address on Vista Potlatch Road. View Court. At 3:49 p.m. on Nov. 15, At 10:09 a.m. on Nov. 14, a vehicle prowl was report- a theft of a wedding ring ed in the 500 block of Cas- was reported in the 2300 cade Avenue. block of North 13th Street. At 12:57 p.m. on Nov. At 4:29 p.m. on Nov. 14, a vehicle prowl was re- 15, a phone was report- ENGINE REPAIR Generators • Repair & Service • All Makes Mowers • Tillers • Outdoor Power Equipment 1305 SE Arcadia Rd. • Shelton (360) 427-6588 UPBRADES All Brands - Come See Tech Warriors/ • Computer repair • Cell phone repair • Website design • Chip Reffows • Pad Repair (ipad, Android) • Virus removal • Game System Repair * SEO (Search Engine Optimization) • Flat rates • Networks • Internet marketing coach -- visit City seeks ideas for possible grant funds y GORDON WEEKS Monday at city hall. and give local organizations the oppor- Residents can also submit written tunity to partner with the city on sub- suggestions to the City Clerk, City mitting an application. of Shelton, 525 W. Cota St., Shelton, The city will review the proposals, Do you have any ideas how the City WA 98584, or email them to vicki@ and select one project to submit for of Shelton could spend $750,000 to The deadline is 5 funding in January. benefit residents who have low or mad- p.m. Dec. 3. The city's most recent CDBG was crate incomes? The annual CDBG program pro- $825,000 it received for the Mason The city is accepting proposals on vides funds, through a competitive County Shelter for a new complex and how it would use a potential Cam- application process, to assist small apartments, McDonald said. munity Development Block Grant cities and counties to fund projects Since 1982, the state CDBG pro- (CDBG) in 2013. benefitting low-and moderate-income gram has distributed and managed No one offered any proposals at the persons. The projects are focused on more than $445 million from the U.S. Shelton City Commission's meeting on public facilities, infrastructure, cam- Department of Housing and Urban Monday night. But Dennis McDonald, munity centers and micro-enterprises. Development. the city's regional project manager, Before the city can submit an appli- In 2013, Washington state expects will be available to answer questions cation for a single grant of $750,000, to get about $12 million in federal at the commission's meeting at 2 p.m. it is required to host a public hearing CDBG funds. r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PARTS COUNTER CLERK- Full-time, year round counter clerk position, working week- days and weekends. Computer experience is needed. This po- sition works directly with our customers on a daily basis, an- swering phones, writing work orders and many other tasks. Drop an application-resume at Verle's Sports Center & Ma- rine. V-11/21-11-29 SOUTH MASON COUNTY AUCTION. We are licensed, bonded and insured. Our next auction will be at 1 pm on Sun- day, December 2 and we are accepting consignments for fu- ture auctions from 10 am to 6 pm every day at 831 W Golden Pheasant Rd in south Shel- ton, WA. Our auction house is located behind that delightful new shop called Nana's Attic, right next door to Verle's Sport- ing Goods off US Highway 101. Havea question'? Check out the auction link on our website at or call us at 360-791-0448 or 360- 915-4637. B 11-21/11-29 PHONE & FAX ORDERS WELCOME! FAX (360 898-2221 SENIOR MOBILE Park 2 bedroom, DBL wide mobile home on extra large corner lot. $24,000. For sale by owner. Call for appt. 360-426-0927. C 11/21-12/13. MASON LAKE Studio apart- ment, partially furnished, all utilities included w/ washer/ dryer, phone available, Refer- ences required. No Smoking & No Pets. $500 monthly & $500 deposit. 360-432-1143. L 11/21-11/29 PLACE AN AD in the Journal Classified Call 426-4412. MASON LAKE -one bedroomincludes 16x20 heated outbuild- community water system. $750 singlewide just completed in- ing. Beach access, boat moor- a month. First & last deposit. side remodel. Neat & clean & age, year round fishing & new 360-426-4564. 11-21-11-29 Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF ABSCONDED/WANTED SEX OFFENDER Date: November 20, 2Ol 2 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: ! 2-51 [he Mason Count~ SbcrtIFs ()ltice is releasing the Ibllo~ving inlormation pursuant to RCW 4.24,550 and the Washington State SupJ~zme Court decision ill State v. War(I. whicl~ authorizes law en fo/~em efn agencies to inform the public of a sex offenders release when; in the discrelion of file agency. Ihc release o['infonnatkln will enhance public sal~y and protection. Tbe individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex oflbnse that requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their lesidence. Further. lheir previous criminal histol)r places them in a classification level which reflecls the potential to re-offend. This sex oflbnder bas served Ihe senlence imposed on Ililn by the courts and has advised ihe Mason Coutlly SberifPs OPfice thai be will he li~ing in the location below. |ZAK SHACKELFORD l~ WANTED B]/THE P~)LI(2E~ THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATtlER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. Tile Mason County Sberifl's Of lice has no legal autbority to direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless coi, n ordered restrictions exist, Ihis nflender [s constitutionally free to live wherever he chooses. Sex offenders have alv*ays lived in our communities, but it wasn't until passage of the Community P~e~i~nAc~f~99~whichmandat~ws~x'q~j~nderregistrati~n)~h~th~wen~br~ementevenkneww~e~et~eywere~iving. In many cases, law en to/cement is now able Io y.hare Ibal information witb you. Citizen abuse of tiffs infornmtion to threaten, inlhnidale or harass I egJst¢l'~ ~ex offenders will not be tolerated. Furlher, sucb abuse could pelenllally end law enlbrcernem's abdily to do community notifications. We believe the only person who wins if community notification ends is the sex oflbnder, since sex offenders derive their power through secrecy. If you have any information re[ardin2 cu rrent criminal activity of this or any other offender~ please call 91 I. For other sex offender information, http';/st co mason wa us/and go to" IZAK LEE SHACKELFORD WHITE MALE-DaB: 02/10/1992 5'-03"- 175 LBS., BROWN HAIR & BLUE EYES izak SHACKELFORD has failed to follow WA State registration laws and is wanted by the Police. SHACKELFORD is required to register as a sex offender due a conviction DO 07/31/2007 for htdecent Liberties, class C Felotty, Clark Cotmty Superior Court cause number 06-8-01347-1. This conviction stems from when SHACKELFORD was 14 years old, he raped a 14 year old developmentally disabled girl that he knew. During registration, SHACKELFORD admitted that he had sexual intercourse with the girl on mttltiple occasions. NOTE: SHACKELFORD has a severe hearing disability, SHACKELFORD is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a level I Sex Oft~nder. but due to hint absconding from his registration requirements, he is now a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that SHACKELFORD is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. SHACKELFORI) has also fitiled to report to the Department of Corrections and the)' have issued a Secretary's Warrant for his arrest. If anyone knows of SHACKE LFORD's whereabouts, do not approaeb~ but call 9-1-1. SHACKELFORD's Location Is Unknown and He is WANTED By The Police Thank you for voting us #1 for the 3rd year in a row. ~~ In appreciation for your continued ~/ support, 10% off slacks/pants ~'~ Nov. 26-Nov. 30, 2012. "~ We will be closed Thanksgiving Weekend November 22-25 Russ Denney, owner We'll re-open at 6:30 AM Monday, November 26, CLEANERS & TAlL ........... .............. 215 South Second- 426-3371 III Serving Shelton and Mason County for 86 years ::!~~] Send a special gift to a friend or relative this season SHIP A WREATH! Fir Wreath s32"99 [ Large Swag /Fir Wreath S3G'D9I ML~ ~"d evera .... th wi, incen~ ~ ~lixed evera ........ th WUlw~ / S26"99I OIdM, juI1]pet .... ,'bow. i ........ ,at. junipe ..... ~:rg ....... d ........... ~ Finished size approximately re'. and red bow, Finished size Noble fir boughs with mixed Item #10NFW proximately 18~, ttem #12N , Each item includes decorated gift box. bow and card. . Be sure to order early to insure delivery and availability. , Prices Includes shipping & tax in continental USA (shipping is through UPS Ground) Extra shipping charge d$15.00 to Alaska, Hawaii and Canada Please do not emil ordor~ Seafood "BUTCHER" I TI USTIN US | ~ All Packages Freezer Ready | ~ ~ qF No TIme Spent Re-Wrapping, I~~ Locker Packs Available, J ~ Locally Owned, Family-Run Meat Shop PPJCES EFFECTIVE 11-23 to 11-27 Petite Sirloin Steak 2P Petite Sirloin Roast Lb. Boneiess Pork Lliin .............................. Boneless PorkLOin Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012 - Page A~5 [I ;