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Thursday Friday
All Timberland libraries All Timberland
will be closed, will be closed.
Buy & Sell!
Vendor Space Available
831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. •
Open 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
7 Days A Week
(360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-4637
10-11 a.m., a free Social
Security update presenta-
tion will take place at the
Mason County Senior Ac-
tivities Center, 826 W. Rail-
road Ave. Kirk Larsen from
the Social Security Admin-
istration, as well as other
speakers from Health In-
surance Benefits Advisors
and the Lewis-Mason-Thur-
ston Area Agency on Aging,
will advise attendees points
of confusion. For more in- information, call 426-1362. information, call 432-
formation, call 426-7374. 5400.
Nov. 29 4-5 p.m., The Shelton
Wednesday 1:30-3 p.m., Olympic Timberland Library will
3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim- College Shelton will hold present "Robots, Recon-
berland Library presents a worker retraining infor- structed" for children in
Teen Game Lounge. Play mation session for individ- first through sixth grades.
Xbox Kinect, Wii and other uals receiving unemploy-Listen to books about robots
games, or bring your own ment insurance, who haveand then construct your
laptop and connect to the exhausted their benefitsown Mr. Potato Head style
library's WiFi. Snacks and within the last 24 months, robot with bits and pieces of
supplies provided by the are displaced homemakerstin cans, magnets, bolts and
Friends of the Shelton Tim- or are self-employed in a other recycled hardware.
berland Library. For more declining field. For more Materials provided.
$1 [lli) CI D/A$
24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000
Daily 4:00, 0:45pm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:30pm
Sat-Sun 1:15pm
Breaking Dawn - Part 2
Dally 4:30, 7:00pm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:20pm
Sat-Sun 2:00pm
Serving all organic, fair trade espresso drinks
Happy Thanksgiving!
Call for Parties, natlonalh/known
Meetings, Receptions FRESH AWideVa$~/0f ...............
& Special SHELLFISH Seafood & Other Meat Dishes
Occasion Lunches DAILY with ChefXinh T. Dwellers Asian Twist
(360) 427-8709 • Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton. Comer of 3rd and West Railroad X !
................. . Work Injuries
Newman Family .Car Accidents
• Wellness Care
Sarah Newman, DC
Accepting Medicare
and most Insurances
2211 Jefferson Street, Shelton WA 98584
• . I
A t this tzme 0f year
many folkslmay be
I JLdeciding between a
real, fresh tree or a fake,
artificial tree to decorate
their homes. There are
many factors tha~make
an artificial tree attrac-
tire. These include price,
longevity, and conve-
nience. Other factors may
care and
and the
eco fac-
Cost of
By JEANNE trees
REHWALDT widely,
but can
be found from under $100
to several hundreds of
dollars. Companies often
give a two- to three-year
warranty, with higher
end trees with a warranty
as long as 10 years. On
average, an artificial tree
wears out after about six
years. Many trees are pre-
lit and ready to decorate.
Some retailers even ship
straight to your home. Di-
rections for assembly vary
in difficulty and type. I
have a small tree that I
purchased the very first
year the Shelton Walmart
held its black Friday sale.
It is more complicated to
assemble and is not pre-lit
but still works beautifully
for our bedroom "country-
themed" decorations. Oth-
er newer trees are much
simpler to put together.
Keep in mind that once
its life expectancy is up,
it will need to be hauled
off to the
ers have
found that
you'd have
to use your
tree for
at least
20 years
before it
becomes a
better op-
tion than a
real tree.
ing to
Patti Case,
public af-
fairs manager for Green
Diamond Resource's
Northwest Timberlands
Division in Shelton, start-
ing sometime in the 1950s
SheltonJMason County
was one of the largest
Christmas tree exporting
areas in the world. The lo-
cal chamber of commerce
took advantage of that
ranking and developed
the moniker "Christmas-
town USA" to help market
the area. Since that time
places like the Willamette
Valley in Oregon have far
surpassed Mason County
due to better growing
conditions. Despite this,
Christmas tree farming
continues to thrive in Ma-
son County, although on a
smaller scale.
U-cut tree farms in
Mason County include
Forester Firs Christmas
Trees on Binns Swiger
Loop, Hunter Farms on
Highway 106 in Union,
and Brewer's Farm on
West Deegan Road. Nu-
merous small tree farms
in addition to these are lo-
cated all over the county.
A cut tree stays fresh
from about two to three
weeks. After that, it can
get dry and become a fire
You can
A cut tree stays
a pre-eut
fresh from
about two to
three weeks.
After that, it
can get dry
and become a
fire hazard.
tree at a
lot or on
the u-cut
prefer the
ritual of
going to a
tree farm
to select
and cut
a tree on
the spot.
You w~ll
many varieties of trees
growing on the farms.
According to the Brewer
Farm website, they have
a selection of six types of
trees .in many sizes.
Noble Fir: Short stiff
branches spaced apart
& covered with bluish-
green needles that appear
silver. Needles generally
grow upward leaving the
underside of the branch
exposed. Keep ability is
Douglas Fir: The Doug-
las Fir needles radiate
in all directions from the
branch. When crushed,
these needles have a
sweet fragrance. These
soft needles are dark
green-blue in color and
are approximately 1-1/4
inches in length. Nation-
ally, it remains one of the
most popular Christmas
trees species.
Grand Fir: One of the
tallest firs, reaching
heights of 300 feet. It is
easily, distinguished from
other Pacific Northwest
firs by its sprays of lus-
trous needles in two dis-
tinct rows that are usu-
ally horizontally spread so
that both the upper and
lower sides of the branch-
es are clearly visible. The
needles are 1 to 1-1/2
inches long with glossy,
dark-green tops.
Fraser Fir: This fir has
needles that are a short,
lustrous dark green and
slightly twisted at their
bases. It is strong and
durable, and has tiered
Nordman Fir: Dark,
shiny evergreen color on
the tops of the needles
and frosty silver color on
needle undersides with
unique white bark. Su-
perior needle retention/
shelf-life. The perfect
shape is produced by
lightly shearing, leaving
an easy to decorate den-
Scotch Pine: Short, stiff
and twisted needles with
a blue-green cast cover
this pine, which is ,eery
dense and bushy. Planta-
tion grown and nurtured
using modern techniques,
this species is the hardi-
est Christmas tree grown
and one of the most popu-
Please visit the WSU
website at http://mason. for a fact sheet
on caring for your fresh,
Mason County tree? It
can be found at the bot-
tom of the home page,
along with a report about
Christmas trees, towns
and trivia with a focus on
Shelton and Washington
state. For all your gar-
dening questions, contact
a Master Gardener on
Mondays from noon to
3 p.m. at 427-9670 ext.
Fellowship & Bible study
Services 5pm Sundays
Meets at the new PUD#3 building
2621 E. Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton
Office phone: o~)789-1209
! ii!ii :iiiiiii iiii!ii!iiiiiii!!ii~::~ :: iiiiii!i~ !
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Wednesday, November 21,7:00
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m.
Christian EducaHon ................. @45 a.m.
Traditional Worship ............... ll:O0 a.m.
Office 426-6353
Daycare 4273165
Sunday Morning Worship * S3.j~
9:00 + 10:30A. A
. Domingos - 6 PM /~-~
~ervicios en Espafiol ~
,::y~ Worship Service
: :: 10:00 a.m.
( h(,ir
Children and Adult School 9 AM • Childcare both services
F "" L "h r n %urch" 1212 Connection St.
ut e a t, Shelt0n, WA
Christ-centered Church T (360) 426-8611
[rSunday Morning Worshi.'~ ~ k []
/ Traditional-8:45a.m. / k/d ' iJ
/C°"temp°rary-11:00 a.m. J l~.~l~ ~" Bible Study
J &~/~'~ Youth Activities
;asSle°r BStr iea'e wO leSeberer WtN~N. FLCWA.J~rg~
NEEHI~[~EEcAKR[~AY S,D.~d fW~¢
.... .......... Epgcop
;Z'~ b'..k-360 426-so89 "~ ~ ~':~ A place where all are welcome
Sunday Serv~c=e~ ~dne~da~ N~Servlce
.......... I ,',qe.u,,-,~,, to,, s,-,'vl,-e ( 700 ,..,, I Mid Week Servt,,-- 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 •
......... ,-, .................. .o,,o SUNDAY SERVICES Ancient Service of
( hildrt')lS ( I,~,~("~,
......... , ....................................... ...................... 7:30 & 10:30 a,m. Chanting & Prayer
....... , ..... .................. ..... , ......... ........... , .............. ....... 9:15 Conversational Bible Study Every Thursday 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
1113 E. Shckon Springs Road
Shclton, WA 98584
(360) 427-6998
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
i ( iii!il¸;¸ 51i¸¸
Meets at new ~Dt3 b.ilding
;o. ~ erairle Rd,
Sun. - 10:30 am • Thurs. - 7:00 pm
Church info line:
(360) 427-4033
Refreshed -- Reswred -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 WashingWn SL
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
New Community
Church of Union
Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site:
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012
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