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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 22, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2012
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Soup Continued from page B-1 variety of musical styles to serenade while they enjoy their soup people lunch. The second lunch, scheduled for Dec. 14, brings the Harstine Is- land Commu- nity Choir to the Methodist church. The Harstine Island choir i§ now made up of singers from all over Ma- Max son County, but Folsom originated on the island. The group, led by Elizabeth Berndt, performs songs varying from classical to jazz, with influences from America, Europe, Asia and Africa. The group also performs religious and Broadway standards, along with various other styles of choral music. The final lunch is scheduled for Dec. 21, and will showcase the Paul Nakhla Family. The Nakhla family is made up of father Paul, mother Anne Marie, and six children -- Jamie, 11, Ju- lian, 10, Lexi, 9, Max, 7, and 3 year- old twins Sophia and Amikha. The children and their parents play various instruments, includ- ing cello, mandolin, guitar, fiddle and piano. Paul Nakhla is the choir director at Shelton High School and 'Oakland Bay Junior High and is a vocal coach with Olympic College. After 29 years, the program is still going strong, partly due to the soup, and partly because of the quality of musicians the program attracts, Folsom said. "It's a ~ from the church to the community ... to celebrate not only the season but the marvelous artists that come to perform," he said. Soup and Sound soup 30 pounds ground beef 20 pounds carrots 10 pounds large onions soup is done. Don't overcook it. Begin heating 4 #I0 cans of tomato juice 1 6 1/2 oz jar of beef bouillon 1 6 1/2 oz jar chicken bouillon Clean celery and cut lengthwise. Cut into he_a_ds e 1/4 inch lengths and add 1/3 to each stockpot. gallons water Add cooked, drained ground beef. 4 tsp. pepper Add kidney beans, bouillon, tomatoes and 2 tsp. thyme heat and add seasoning. Do not add salt. Brown the ground beef in an electric roaster, Add cabbage I0 to15 minutes before serv- stirring occasionally; Drain grease in metal col- in~ Do not let the souo boil while waiting to ander. : s~e. Clean and chop the cabbage and hold until ~rves 250. Harstine Continued from page B-1 Thanksgiving dinner. But, if you want and if you hurry, you can still make it. Din- ner will be served today. Community club volunteers will serve turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy along with coffee and tea. They will gather at 2 p.m. and eat around 2:30 p.m. or when the turkey is done. Remember, this is a potluck, so you have to bring along your own special dish to share. They will need an early head count so if you are planning to attend call the Bensons at 426-7803 or Jim Irish at 426-0266. As I'm writing this, Judy is on the phone talking to a friend about the upcoming holi- day house. She will be there along with two buildings full of crafters selling their wares. This has been a growing event that attracts people from far and near. So, save some of your money and energy from Black Friday and head over to the community hall that same day. Harstine Island Community Choir invites you to experience the joyful tunes our fore- bears composed to celebrate the nativity, and tap your toe to the lilt of banjo and fiddle while enjoying other early American carols. This Christmas music and its counterpart from rural England -- tunes sung in parish churches' "west galleries" along with wassail songs sung by "Christmas Waits" in village streets or country lanes, form the core of this entertaining Christmas presentation. Re- member, all concerts are for donations only and are performed in three locations in Ma- son County so you can attend a concert near you. Mark your calendar today to ensure you have an oasis of calm beauty in the hectic of the holiday season. Performances will be at 7 p.m. on Dec. 14 at Shelton United Method- ist Church, 1900 King St., Shelton; 3 p.m. on Dec. 15 at St. Hugh Episcopal Church, 280 E Wheelwright, Allyn; and 3 p.m. on Dec. 16 at Harstine Island Community Hall, 3371 E. Harstine Island Road, Shelton. The Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail is lo- cated between Olympia and Shelton. It will be open for visitors over the Thanks- giving weekend from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity for local South Sound residents to see thousands of chum salmon spawning in a natural environment. If you have family and friends visiting the island this holiday, the salmon run is a fun and exciting event, especially for the kids. We have one more senior lunch left in the month of November. So, on Nov. 28, if you are still hungry after all that Thanks- giving turkey, senior lunch will have some macaroni and cheese with ham for you. They will also have fresh veggies or as they like to call them, cruditds and for des- sert there will be some cake. They open the line to serving at noon, but try to get there a little early. As usual, for these great lunches, served by great volunteers, there is a small donation of $3 asked. All those 50 and over are welcome as are their guests. Ginger and Scamp are brother and sis- ter. They were turned in by their owner that could no longer care for them. Since they have grown up together we would like to find them a home they could go to together. They are 7 years old and couldn't be any sweeter or more loving. Although they were frightened, shy and under socialized when they first came to us they have come out of their shell and are ready to go to a loving home. They are great to take for walks and they love all the attention they can get. If you have a yard big enough for them to play in, please contact Adopt-A-Pet so you can meet them. Call 432-3091 or email Sugar is a sweet young kitten. She had a rough start, and now is ready for a spe- cial home that will keep her safe so she will never be homeless again. Sugar's holiday wish is for a sunny windowsill, daily food and water and a safe warm bed and a lov- ing family of her own. For information on Sugar and other indoor-only kitties, call 584-0594 or leave a message at 426-2455. Mason General Hospital Foundation would like to thank the Fantasy Forest Steering Committee, event volunteers, contributors and community participants for their support of our annual fundraising event. It is because of the hard work and dedication of our volunteer leadership that Fantasy Forest 2012 "Remember Into the Future" event was such an outstanding success! We sincerely appreciate their involvement and please join us in thanking and acknowledging the great work of all our volunteers. Happy Holidays! EVENT CHAIR Kathy Howe FASHION SHOW Ginger Brooks and Marian Greenberg WINE TASTING- A TOAST TO FANTASY FOREST Mary Anne Munson and Sallie Faughender SENIOR TEA Alpine Way Continuing Care Community FATHER DAUGHTER DANCE Tanya Frazier MASON COUNTY PROFESSIONALS LINENS GALA SILENT AUCTION BANKING and CASHIERING GREENERY LUNCHEON & CONFECTIONS Darryl Cleveland Jessica Gibbs Stacey Stoles on loan from Hiawatha Corporation AUCTION Richard D. Thornbrue CPA Rebecca Jonas and Jeff McHargue PUBLICITY TREE DESIGNERS and Michelle Corral with Heritage LIVE AUCTION and EMCEE The Shelton-Mason County Journal Jennifer Fitchitt and Peggy Cleveland Bank Stokes Auction Group and Karry Trout BATTLE OF THE BANDS Shelton-Mason County Chamber Amy Corley Coffee News CELEBRATION OF LIFE TREERAFFLE TICKETS SET UP & TEAR DOWN Karen Anderson and Karen Hilburn Adele DuPont MGHF Volunteers, Central Mason CANDY CANE CARNIVAL WINE Fire District Bill McComb and Tanya Future Generations Guild Medyn Flakus GIFT SHOP VOLUNTEER VILLAGE Frazier Beth Gregg, Joanne Jurin, Tanya Frazier GALA EVENT & TREE PHOTOGRAPHYSallie Faughender SITE DECORATIONS Heidi McCutcheon and Chris Brotche Jennifer Rutledge Photography Stephanie White and EVENT TICKETS Judy Nicholson and Cooper Studios Photography Mary Anne Munson Meghan Lucas Oakland Bay Landscaping GALA LIVE & SILENT AUCTION IN KIND DONATIONS MARKETING NO HOST CASH BAR FACILITIES COORDINATOR MGHF Board Members and Gin McCarty with McCarty & Centennial Guild Denis Leverich Volunteers Associates, A Marketing Firm CATERING Alderbrook Resort & Spa, John Cruse from MGH&FC and Robin Williams DISTRIBUTION MGHF Board Members and Volunteers SNEAK PEEK Adele DuPont and Joan Hayes A JESSICA ACKLEY ALDERBROOK RESORT STAFF ALPINE WAY STAFF KAREN ANDERSON TAMMY ANDERSON MERRY ANTRIM BOB APPEL MELANIE APPEL ANDREA ARMANINO KATHY AUSETH B ALVERDA BALDWIN JANENE BANDES RACHEL BARNES KARl BEELER ELIZABETH BERNDT BLOOMS BY THE PARK STAFF CHRISTIAN BOAD ELIZABETH BRADENBURG BETTY BRINKMAN GINGER BROOKS CHRIS BROTCHE MARTA BURAN DENISE BURDITUS HEATHER BURNS GERI BURT C JENNIFER CAPPS NANCY CAREY LINDA CARGILL MARGIE CARGILL CHRISTINA CASTRO CENTENNIAL GUILD DARRYL CLEVELAND PEGGY CLEVELAND CONI COOKSTON TINA CONKLIN MICHELLE CORRAL JO COWLING JUSTIN COWLING JOHN CRUSE KARIANE CUNNINGHAM D JOAN HAYES LUELLA LINDLEY N VIRGINIA DAVIS MARTHA HAYES TRUDI LOERTSCHER MARK NAULT TRACI DELEMARTER BRANDON HEGGIE MEGHAN LUCAS JULIE NELSON JERI DEMIERO LAURIE HElM GUY LUSlGNAN PAULINE NICHOLS STEVE DEMIERO JODY HENRY JANN LUSIGNAN JUDY NICHOLSON KELLY DEWEESE LORA HEWlNS JO LUSIGNAN PATRIClA NICHOLSON ADELE DUPONT KAREN HILBURN LYNCH CREEK FLORAL KYLIE NIX JANET HILDERMAN SANDY NIX E GERRY HIMLIE M CODY NORRIS JOANN EAGLE VlNCE HIMLIE MARK MAGER DEIDRE EATON TERESA HOLCOMB ROBI MARTINSON, O ASTRID ELLESEN BILL HOLMAN TENIELLE MASTELLER OAKLAND BAY PEDIATRICS STAFF KRISTY ENGEL BRIAN HOLMES MGHF SHERWOOD GUILD JODY OLSEN STEPHANIE HOLTER MGH&FC BIRTH CENTER STAFF GERRY ORR F KATHY HOWE MGH&FC CENTRAL RON ORR LAURA FARR LARAE HOWELL REGISTRATION JENNIFER OWENS SALLIE FAUGHENDER MARGARET HULTS MGH&FC CLINICAL ADMIN BRANDY FAUGHT LEN HUNT MGH&FC CULINARY & P FRED FINN NUTRITIONAL SERVICES STAFF JASMINE PAINE JENNIFER FITCHII-i I MGH&FC DIABETES WELLNESS SHANNON PAINE MERLYN FLAKUS KIM INGHAM MGH&FC DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING CHIEF MIKE PAI-rl ASHLEY FLICK TAMRA INGWALDSON MGH&FC HEALTH INFORMATION DELILAH PEELER MARK FRAZIER MANAGEMENT STAFF PENINSULA CREDIT UNION STAFF TANYA FRAZIER J MGH&FC ICU STAFF JIM PENNEY FUTURE GENERATION GUILD COZIAN JACOBY MGH&FC MATERIALS STAFF PEG STOCK PENNEY JAN JANDA MGH&FC ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC JEAN PESCAR G PETE JANDA MGH&FC PATIENT RESOURCES JOAN PETERSON JESSlCA GIBBS JULIE JOHNSON MGH&FC PHYSICAL THERAPY NANCY PLEWS PEGGY GONZALES BETH JOHNSTON MGH&FC SURGERY STAFF VlCKIE GONZALES REBECCA JONAS MASON COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS R JENNY COOS WHITNEY JONES LEA MCCARTNEY ELISABETH RASLER MARIAN GREENBERG JOANNE JURIN VIRGINIA MCCARTY DYLAN REEVE BETH GREGG BILL MCCOMB HEIDI PEGGY REINHART LAURA GRUBB K MCCUTCHEON CURTIS ROBINSON JANE GRUVER PAT KEVlN COLLEEN MCEACHIN CASSlE RODGERS BEV GUNKEL BRENDA KILLIAN ANN MCELHINNEY COLE ROSE BLAINE GUNKEL JEFF MCHARGUE JENNIFER RUTLEDGE L JAN MCMULLIN H BEI-rY LAMONT REBECCA MCPHEETERS S CINDY HALL LINDA LANE TERRY MEGIVERON KRISTIN SAGE DIANE HAMMER EDEE LARSON STEPHANIE MICHAELIS STACEY SCOLES NORM HAMMER MELODY LARSON TINA MILLER DONNA SCOTT NANCY HANBY GLEN LATHAM JIM MORRELL KATIE SHRUM WAYNE HANBY JOHN LESTER MT VIEW WOMEN'S CLINIC STAFF PETE SKOGSTAD ANDREA HARRIER DENIS LEVERICH MARY ANNE MUNSON MYRON SKUBINNA SHARYL HARVEY ROGER LEWIS SHERRY MYERS FRANCES E SMITH LORRAINE HAUENSTEIN VERNA LILES GENA SMITH Volunteer names listed were submitted by 11-13-12. Every effort has been made to include each and every name of GINNY SMITH JANET SMITH KAREN SPERRY TANYA M. STROSS CAROL SROKE JIM SROKE JACK STARK JUDY STARK TERESA STEVENS MADISEN STRIPLIN MARNIE STRIPLIN MICHAEL STRIPLIN LINDA STRONG VERA SUTFON T JANE THILO AMANDA THURBER ROBIN THURBER KAY THYKESON KARRY TROUT NANCY TRUCKSESS PA'I-i'I TUPPER V GAlL VAN COEVORDEN KRISTINE VANDERWAL DAVE VIMONT W SARA WATKINS JUDY WEAKLEY KENN WEAKLEY JUDY WEBB MARGARET wEBB SHAUNNA WEBB KATHY WEBER HEIDI WESTLING STEPHANIE WHITE ROBIN WILLIAMS BONNIE WILSON DON WILSON MICHAEL WILSON SHERI WILSON BROOKE WUOLLE our supporters. If your name was inadvertently omitted, please accept our sincere thank you for your generous support. Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012 i' Ill I ! I II lil I