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Volunteers fill backpacks
for local school children
Dr. Gary Olson joined Food for Kids Plus, recent-
the volunteers on the line ly donated $3,000 to the
at the Saints' Pantry to program.
help fill backpacks forEach year the organi-
the homeless and food- zation holds an auction
deprived children in the at Bob's Tavern to fund
Shelton School Districtholiday gifts for chil-
system, dren.
The pantry has been This year's auction will
putting together between be held at 1 p.m. on Dec. 8.
135-150 packs of food each Organizers said they
week. hope to raise $35,000 at
The packs are deliveredthe auction.
to the school and distrib- Last year, Saints' Pan-
uted on Fridays at the end try raised $85,000 through
of the school dayto the stu- its community programs.
dents. All of it was donated to
Olson's organization, community programs.
Courtesy photo
From left, Pat O'Neill, Maxine O'Neill, Marv
Pasquan, Dr. Gary Olson, Ben VanWormer,
Karen Robb-Peterson, backpack coordinator
Patti Russell, Alice Wilson and Travis Hanes
help fill backpacks for children in the Shelton
School District. Other volunteers included
Saints' Pantry Director Steve Russell, as well
as Norm Blouin and Gene Wiles.
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Shelton Memorial Park expenses are additional }:
Linda Farrimond .................................................................. ............................................... that she liked watching
Linda Sue (Newman) ~~ ~i~ game shows, documenta-
Farrimond, 60, a resident ries and various true-to-
of Shelton, died on Nov. life shows.
13, 2012, in Lacey. {ross ai She is survived by
She was born on Feb.
5, 1952, to CM (Moore Jo~ Ha~l~ C~swai~i ~ ~ resident ~Sh sons Audey Parker of
Olympia and Stan and
Snider and Leroy New- °n~°v !6i 2~2:i at hom~ ~ange~tS:~ ~ Shawn Parker of Shel-
man. FU~I Hom~ tmd~ t~h~ dire~i~ of Dave LticaS ton; and daughters
She married Harvey Kathy Parker of Shel-
Farrimond on Oct. 17,
1981, in Shelton.
She was an educa-
tor and principal in the
District appropriate ~b~t~ ~0 ~he deCeaSed but ~ part of
and Holy hi,toni We e~ fami|ies ~ indu~: thei~ |~ea
Family Lnt re i men rs p and acti i e i
School in urviVorsi in rie iTheJo ! rovid
She was
also a
Linda board
Farrimond member
in the
School District. She held
a master's degree in edu-
cation from the Univer-
sity of Washington.
She was a former
member of Skookum
Rotary Club, VFW Aux-
iliary (lifetime member),
and enjoyed gardening
and cooking. Her fam-
iJy shared that she liked
to play bingo at the 40
et 8 veteran's club. She
also liked to travel and
visited Europe with stu-
She also loved the the-
ater. She met her hus-
band at the Shelton Civic
Arts Theater, where the
two were actors.
She is survived by her
husband of 31 years Har-
vey Farrimond of Shel-
ton; step-daughter Cori
of Shelton; Charlie "The
Wonder Dog"; sister-in-
law Cookie Newman; and
nephews Bill and Jeff
She was preceded in
death by her father Le-
roy Newman; brother
Bill Newman and mother
Maggie Snider.
A service will take
place at 3 p.m. on Dec. 2
at Oakland Bay Junior
High School. It will be of-
ficiated by Kevin Ryan.
Inurnment will be by
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton under the direc-
tion of Dave Lucas. Me-
morial donations can be
made to 40 et 8 Nurses
Training Scholarship
Shirley Ann Lopeman
Shirley Ann Lope-
man, 69, a resident of
Kamilche, died on Nov.
15, 2012,
at Puget
Center in
was born
on April
Shirley 6, 1943,
Lopeman toTony
and Ma-
bel (Beck-
with) Rogers in Oakville.
She married David
Lopeman on Feb. 17,
1968, in Kamiliche.
Shirley worked as a
store manager for Ka-
milche Trading Post for
more than 30 years. She
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadline is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
was a member of the Che-
halls Indian Tribe, and
enjoyed basket weaving,
garage sales, playing bin-
go, going to casinos and
She is survived by
husband David Lopeman
of Kamilche; daughter
Donna Baker (Robert)
of Kamilche; brothers
Buck Rogers of Shelton,
Tony Rogers and Ricky
Rogers of Seattle, Ar-
nold Cooper, Ed Cooper,
Russell Cooper and Mike
Cooper of Kamilche and
Duane Cooper of Port
Angeles; sisters Theresa
Davis of Austin, Texas,
Ruth Rogers of Shel-
ton and Rene Smith of
Suquamish; mother Ma-
bel Cooper of Shelton;
grandchildren Steven
Dorland, Cynthia Dor-
land and David Dorland;
and great-grandchild
Owen Dorland.
She was preceded in
death by father Tony
Rogers and sister Dee
A service took place on
Monday at the Squaxin
Event Center in Ka-
milche. Burial took,place
at the Squaxin Island
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Online condolences can
be made to the family at
Patrick McClanahan
Patrick (Pat) T. McCla-
nahan, 54, a resident of
Shelton, died on Nov. 4,
He was
born on
Jan. 18,
1958, to
Dale Mc-
and Carol
Lee Per-
Patrick nert in
McClanahan Shelton.
He was a woodsman
and brush picker. He
enjoyed hunting and fish-
He is survived by
brothers Michael T. Mc-
Clanahan and Kevin T.
McClanahan; and nieces
Carol, Revell, Samantha,
Whitney and Amanda.
A celebration of life
will take place from 2-4
p.m. on Saturday at Bob's
Tavern. Arrangements
are by Forest Funeral
Home of Shelton.
Etta Parker
Etta A. Parker, 75, a
resident of Shelton, died
on Nov. 13, 2012.
She was born to Ruth
and Leslie
on July 2,
She at-
S. Reed
School in
Etta Shelton.
Parker She
Ray Parker (Bill). The
marriage ended in divorce
after nearly 30 years.
She worked at the
Nisqually Valley Nurs-
ery in Olympia and in
the state liquor control
board clerical office in
Olympia, as well as at a
liquor store in Tumwa-
She also worked a
number of bartending
jobs, such as at the Mod-
el-T in Hoodsport and
Logger's Inn in Dayton.
She belonged to the
Gully Jumpers Jeep
Club, and enjoyed
crocheting, knitting,
TriChem embroidering
canning and baking. She
was a Seahawks and
Mariners fan.
Her family shared
ton and Sonia Pamuki
She was preceded in
death by granddaughter
Rachel Gonzales, Har-
mony Parker and Salina
Parker and grandson
Parker Pamuki.
A service is scheduled
at 5 p.m. on Saturday at
the Model-T. Memorial
donations can be made to
West Coast Bank under
Sonia Pamuki.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Online condolences can
be sent to the family at
Don Peters
Don Thomas Peters,
59, a resident of Mc-
Cleary, died on Nov. 12,
2012, while hunting near
Helena, Mont.
He was born on Nov.
....... 3.1953~
~to Robert
and Mar-
ian Fer-
guson in
Don erie Ann
Peters Bandy on
May 5,
Don was employed with
the Muckleshoot Indian
Tribe as a tribal gaming
agent. He retired as a
deputy sheriff from the
Mason County Sheriffs
Office in 2004.
He previously worked
in law enforcement in
the Elma, Rainier and
Olympia police depart-
His family shared
that he loved classic
cars, hunting, fishing,
horse racing and spend-
ing time with his grand-
children, family and
He is survived by wife
Valerie Peters; children
Tami Normand (Guy),
Steven Peters (Angela),
Kaleb Mathews, Jenny
Peters, Christopher Eg-
gers (Lisa), Jesse Eg-
gers (Jessica), Alethea
Pyhala (Eric), Robin
Spencer (Kevin) and
Jason Eggers; sisters
Faye Olson (Jeff), Cath-
erine Plante and Laura
Burgess; and numerous
nieces, nephews, grand-
children and lifelong
He was preceded in
death by his parents and
sister Gale Swigart.
A memorial service
took place on Nov. 17 at
New Bridge Community
Church in Olympia.
Individuals can visit
and sign an online obitu-
ary for Don at www.
Arrangements are by
Whiteside Mortuary in
Funeral Alternatives proudly serves all faiths, venues and cemeteries
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Eileen Ethel Davis
Bom in Seattle, WA. on December 2, 1942. Passed away peacefully
on November 8, 2012. Survived by her daughter, Julie Kilts; son, Dan
Davis; sisters, Marlyn Patrick and Nancy Huag; grandchildren, Joshua
and "Prier Kilts, Jannelle Weythman; great-grandchildren Aiden and
Carter Weythman; Zachary and Casey Davis, and many nephews and
Eileen loved spending time with her family and had a very gentle,
kind and loving heart. She had a wonderful sense of humor and will
be greatly missed. She loved playing Scrabble and cards, reading,
traveling, and knitting.
The family extends a special thank you to the Assured Hospice team
for your generosity and compassionate, loving care.
We love and miss you Mom, but know heaven has gained an angel and
we will see you again someday with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
. Mildred Winsor Rye Schmitt
"Modie may be gone, but
her love, her legacy and our
gratitude will live on forever."
Mildred Schmitt gently passed
away on November 4th, 2012
wrapped in the arms of Jesus
and welcomed by her son,
Tommy, and daughter, Joan,
who preceded her to their
heavenly home. Mildred was
born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
in 1918 and immigrated to Shelton
to join family who had already relocated
to the states. Although she left for a number of years, Mildred's
heart remained in Shelton where she returned and renewed the many
wonderful relationships she had with family and friends.
She truly was the woman who could do it (C.C. Cole
and Sons for 22 years), care for family and home, hobbies (flowers
and dolls), give to her friends and above all serve her Lord. What
an amazing woman we have lost but she will live on in the hearts of
all who were touched by her. She is survived by daughters, Donna
Nelson and Verdell Harrison and their families (many grandchildren
and great grandchildren who she dearly loved), sister, Mary Roberts,
sister-in-law, Verdell Crockett, nieces Terry Mills, Gerry Orr, Freddie
Ervin, and Karin Coolen and nephews, Jim Roberts and Fred Winsor.
A family celebration of her life will take place on her 94th birthday,
November 24th, 2012.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012 - Page B-~
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