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November 22, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 22, 2012
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By EMILY HANSON Phelan, Rodgers and Ryan Taylor will be swimming on the relay teams .this year and should do well. "Clemmons and Smith are solid butter- With between 37 and 42 swimmers, the fliers, so we'll be counting on them there," Shelton boys' swim team is larger than its he said. coaches have ever seen. On the diving team, Phelan said there "There's a lot of new people and there's are 10 divers, which is the most he's ever potential where I see possibilities," co-head had. coach Chad Youngquist said. "They're not "Usually, I try to keep divers at about novice swimmers, either. They are really five," Phelan said. "We have a lot of seniors young, but I see us doing as well as the this year and a really good group of under- girls did in 3A Narrows League competi- classmen. We're going to be creative with tion. Depthwise, our league is going to have how we arrange them at practice because trouble with us." there are so many." Youngquist said he's coaching the team Along with Pentony, Aldrich is the only this season with the idea that all three re- other experienced diver on the team. Both lay teams will reach the 3A WIAA State dove at the West Coastal District III chain- Boys' Swimming Championships. pionships last season. "This is probably the biggest boys' team "They can make it to state this year," we've ever had," he said. Phelan said. "Both are not far from where On the roster are five returning seniors: they left at the end of the season last year." John Pentony, J.D. Clemmons, Jantzen He said all of the new divers are capable Rodgers, Brandon Smith and Jake Aldrich. of competing in ll-dive meets by the end of Though none of the returning swimmers the season. reached the state meet last year, when "Unfortunately, only four can make it to Shelton was a 4A school, co-head coach Rob districts," he said. Phelan said Pentony "just barely missed Youngquist said there is a lot of young state" while Youngquist said sophomore potential on the team. Harrison MacAlevy, as a freshman last sea- "They're all going to be fighting it out for son, swam hard. relay positions," he said. "Harrison is already ahead of where he With such a deep team, Youngquist said was last season," Youngquist said. "I think there isn't really a weakness. he can reach state this year." "But we haven't developed into a team Youngquist said Sean Kealy, Ryder with state level swimmers yet," he added. Shelton freshman Jason Apple swims swim practice on Friday. l v, 28 R /s Oec 13 - 5 p.m,,ot Foss Journal photo by Emily Hanson the breaststroke during boys' By EMILY HANSON tices, so they'll be eligible Diggle said Willey is emi[ to play once football's over," moving to the inside to be ............................................................................. Diggle said. a forward this year while Once he has his full Adsero will be strong at the During the first week of varsity squad in the gym, post. He's expecting junior boys' basketball practice at Diggle said there will be Austin Thompson to be an Mary M. Knight, there were five returning seniors: Kyle outside threat. less players in the gym than Willey, Nick Dierkop, Blake "Sophomore Chase Roe- usual. Adsero, Cory O'Neil and J.J. becker is more mature," This wasn't because thePais. He added that Pais Diggle said. "He's been basketball program's num- will not immediately be able working hard all summer bers are down. Most of the to play, as he's healing from and I think he'll have a lot team is still playing foot- a football injury, more confidence." ball. In his sixth year as On the fourth day of 'Tee have six boys right head coach, Diggle and the practice, when Diggle had now," head coach Tim Dig- Knight Owls have high ex- six players in the gym, he gle said. "When football's pectations for this season, said they have been work- over, we'll have two full Last winter, for the first inghard. squads, easy." time in school history, the "Two have not played Though the bailers still boys' team finished first in basketball with this group," playing on the gridiron are the 1B Coastal League and he said. "We've restructured missing basketball practic- first in the Southwest Dis- our offense so everything's es, Diggle said that would trict IV. new, but they're catching on not affect their eligibility for "I expect us to be better fast and hopefully the rest his team. than we were last year," will catch on when they join "My understanding is Diggle said. "We're going us. We're going to be more of their football practices to be faster and a bunch of a fast break team. We had count as basketball prac- busy bees." more set plays last year be- Journal photo by Emily Hanson Mary M. Knight sophomore Chase Roebecker sends a shot up from the free throw line during boys' basketball practice on Nov. 15. Bowling Continued from page C-1 did not play game two. For game two, senior Lilian Zacarias came up from junior varsity and bowled 120. "Lilian is one of the girls I believe can perform at the varsity level or soon will be," Snyder said. He said he brought her up to bowl with the varsity team in order to prepare her for a coming match when she will fill in for Ew- art, who will be out of town. "The girls bowled too good, if that's'pos- sible," he said. "There is no such thing as a mercy rule in bowling, you just bowl your best. There wasn't any competition, so I think the girls were bowling against each other." He said the team's game one total of 818 and game two total of 809 show they bowled right at the level he wants to see them at. The team's next match is against Lincoln at 3 p.m. on Nov. 27 at Pacific Lanes in Ta- com~t. cause we had bigger guys." doesn't think this inner- ness for the team this year Diggle said the strength squad competition will af- will come from him trying to of the team this season lies fect the team's dynamics in make sure each player gets in the fact that the lineup is a negative way. enough time on the court. fairly equal in talent."We've been working on "It'll be hard for me to "They'll be pushing each this all summer, they know make sure the right five other for positions," he said. what's coming," Diggle said. are on the court at the right Diggle added that he He said the main weak- time," Diggle said. Looking For A New Dentist? 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