November 23, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 23, 1978 |
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THE ROOF IS UP on the Simpson
construction in the Dayton area.
I is progressing
etion work on Foundations for two new Mill 5 reaches full production,
rnber Company's kilns on the Sheiton waterfront our three mills will produce, in
more than half were laid last week. The kilns are one day, enough lumber to build
the $8.7 million needed to process the increased 100 homes."
to begin amount of lumber resulting from Eventually 95 jobs will be
next year. Sawmill 5. created by the new mill and
g to Mary Sawmill 5 is designed to kilns. Local employment and the
and hemlock handle small, second growth harvesting of second growth
work at the timber - logs from four to eight timber are both goals of the
progressing inches in diameter - and Shelton Cooperative Sustained
plywood peeler cores. Yield Unit, according to
are the roof and "As we begin harvesting Sandstrom.
15,000-square- lowland second growth timber The l O0-year Shelton
in the Dayton this year, Sawmill 5 will be Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit
to Simpson's log ready to handle it," said Hank Agreement between Simpson and
and other heavy Sandstrom, vice president - the U.S. Forest Service is now in
placed inside Northwest operations. "When its 32nd year. It provides for
or roof were put cooperative management of more
than 300,000 acres in Mason and
of items await Grays Harbor Counties.
(7CW A.J. Zinda Construction
exterior siding, vals Company, Portland, Oregon is
the prime contractor for the mill
Inlllnllllll Parents who wish to do so
may list the grandparents of
are for the
|dtl an hour
2.4 feet.
ber 23
I a.m. 3.1 ft.
• a.m. 11.6ft.
p.m. 4.5 ft.
P.m. 7.9 ft.
a.m. 3.9 ft.
.m. 11.6ft.
3.5 ft.
their newborn babies
telephoning the journal
Mason General Hospital, !.
daugl/tet to ,Jph. and
Patricia Simpson, 402 Elinor
Street, Shelton, November 15.
A daughter to James and
Gayle Waldrip, Route 4, Box
349, Shelton, November 16.
A son to John F. and Sandra
Acerbi, Post Office Box 134,
Belfair, November 21.
. service
An interdenominational
Thanksgiving service will be held
Wednesday, November 22 at
7:30 p.m. at Saint David's
Episcopal Church at Fourth and
Cedar Streets.
The preacher for the service
of worship and thanksgiving will
Ralph Grewell, 27, Shelton,
was sentenced to a maximum of
10 years in a correctional
institution on a charge of second
degree burglary.
Grewell, who had been found
guilty of the charge by a Mason
County superior court jury along
with Ronald Augustine, Shelton,
was sentenced Monday morning
by Superior Court Judge Frank
Baker, who had presided at the
John Jarrett, Olympia
attorney who represented
Grewell, asked the court to
consider sending Grewell'do a
two-year drug treatment program
with the Washington Drug
Burglary charge brings sentence to plilon
Rehabilitation program.
Jarrett told the court the
program is a tough two-year in
residence program.
He said Grewell's past
criminal history had indicated a
drug and alcohol problem and at
the time of the charge of which
he was convicted, lie had been
Deputy Prosecutor Gary
Burleson told the court Grewell
had been found guilty of
breaking into a trailer house in
Shelton and taking speakers and
a clock radio.
Grewell, Burleson said, had a
considerable past criminal history
going back to the time he was a
County opens road
so group can
get out
for the assistance.
He said the group was
contacted, and had no problems,
but were unable to get out.
The commission agreed that
since it appeared to be an
emergency, the county crew
would be allowed to open the
private road.
The road was opened
Monday and the group was able
to get out.
The Mason County
Commission Monday approved
the county road department
sending a snow plow into Camp
Bishop in the Lost Lake area to
open the road so about 40
people who had gone in there
for a weekend meeting Friday
could get out.
The commission action came
after Ernest Loertscher, fire chief
of Fire District 13, appeared at
the commission meeting to ask
Contracts awarded
for road proiects
The Mason County
Commissioners Monday awarded
bids for surfacing two sections of
county road with asphaltic
Ace Paving, Bremerton, on
the recommendation of the
county engineer, was awarded
contracts for both projects, 1.8
miles of North Shore Road and
.5 mile of Brockdale from the
Shelton city limits west.
The firm's bids were low on
each of the two projects. The
bid on the North Shore project
was $37,632 and on the
Brockdale project, $28,348.
The extended forecast
indicates the chance of snow or
rain on Thursday and Friday.
High temperatures will be in the
upper 30s with lows in the 20s.
25 Illillllllllllliilllllllillllllnllllllllliilllllilllllilli be Pastor Bill Archer of the
a.m. 8.4ft. jr,,ao Shelton Vineyard congregation. Singer to
a.m. 4.6ft. The special Thanksgiving be at church
P.m. ll.6ft.
P.m. 2.4 ft. worship will combine the two
,r 26 "l.,lCetJses congregations who share Saint Jerry Goebel, a y oung
9.1 ft. David's building, which was singer-guitarist, will be appearing
Lm. 5.2ft. Applying for marriage consecrated on the 30th at St. Edward's Hall for an
,.m. 11.6 ft. licenses in the Mason County anniversary of its construction evening concert November 29 at
1.3 ft. auditor's office this week were: last month. The Vineyard is a 7:30 p.m.
Ir27 Robert Worton, legal, non-denominational group Goebel has worked for two
a.m. 10.0 ft. Shelton, and Stephanie Woody, meeting Sunday evenings in Saint years with the Campus Minstry
a.m. 5.6 ft.
P.m. 11.7 ft. legal, Shelton. David's Parish Hall. Office at Washington State
P.m. 0.2ft. Chester Rhoades, 23, An offeringofnon-perishable University in Pullman. During
ar Z8 Shelton, and Rebecca Guy, 20, staple foods will be taken at the the last two years he has traveled
a.m. lO.9ft. Shelton. service for the use of needy around the Pacific Northwest
a.m. 6.0 ft. Marvin Matson, 31, Sheiton, families during the coming playing at various churches.
p.m. ll.8ft.
P.m. -0.8ft. and Pamela Swanson, 32, holiday season. The food He writes all his own music;
Shelton. offering will be a special he tells stories about his
29 Albert Johnson, 33, Shelton, expression of gratitude for experiences. He has recently
,.m. ll.7ft.
,.m. 6.2ft. and Marguerite Johnson, 33, blessings received and of concern returned from California where
'.m. 11.9 ft. Shelton. for others. / he assisted in writing the music
-1.7ft. John Kortgardner, 24, All members of the for the movie version of "The
Bremerton, and Marsha Smyers, community are welcome to share Singer," a parable written by
,.m. 12.3 ft. 24, Bremerton. in the festive Eucharist, said Calvin Miller.
i.rrl. 6.4 ft.
.m. Michael Auseth, 22, Shelton, Father D.J. Maddux, rector of Cost for the concert is a
11.9 ft.
• m. -2.3 ft. and Pamela Schiele, 22, Shelton. Saint David's. donation.
.541" 10.155 %
Our new short term
savings certificate has a
rate based on the weekly
average established for
United States Govern-
ment Treasury Bills, plus
an additional I/4 o[ I 'g.
H fie
FeDeraL savinGs
require a substantial
early withdrawal.
The only other bidder on the
North Shore project was Pacific
Sand and Gravel, Lacey. Other
bidders on the Brockdale project
were Pacific Sand and Gravel,
Interstate Asphalt, Aberdeen,
and Olympia Oil and Wood
Products, Olympia.
The commission also opened
bids on providing the county
road department with crushed
rock and cover stone. Bidders
were Ed Kneeland Construction,
Shelton, Ace Paving, Pacific Sand
and Gravel and Interstate
!dt.g o 00utu,e
juvenile. The record, lie said is in was on probation after being
California and Washington and released from the Washington
includes burglaries and thefts Corrections Center.
which are drug and alcohol A presentence report,
related. Burleson said, recommended
At the time of the burglary prison for Grewell and indicated
of which he was convicted, the he would not be a good
dcmltv prosecutor said. Grewell probation risk.
Hockenberry in Navy
Navy Seaman Recruit Charles
W. Hockenberry, son of Richard
W. MacFarlane, Shelton, has
completed recruit training at the
Naval Training Center, San
During the eight-week
training cycle, he studied general
the Navy's 85 basic occupational
Included in his studies were
seamanship, close-order drill,
Naval history and first aid.
Personnel who complete this
course of instruction are eligible
for three hours of college credit
military subjects designed to in physical education and
prepare him for further academic hygiene.
and on-the-job trainin in one of
Grewell t6 t the COUrt lie
had had time.) do a lot of
thinking during 'e six months
he had been in , count "all
since his arrest or . Y.J
ne burglary
charge and would IS?to o into
the drug treatment pra g...
He told the court
- . and his
wife had discussed it, r 1 that
there was a possibility ff .
go into the program also. v°ula
Judge Baker, in imposil h
sentence, told Grewell he e
had a number of opportunl
over the past ten years to tu
his life around, and that he ha
been in drug treatment programs
before and had not completed
He said he did not believe
Grewell was a probation risk.
A Truck Canopy Made to
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• Paneled interior
• Wood frame
£" 00U3"L T
Monday-Friday, 219 South 1st
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Home Phone
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i ii
Buy or lease any new 1978 or 1979
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Examples of a 3-year lease:
Plymouth Duster
Purchase price $4932.00
Lease for only
$13461 per month plus tax
STK NO. 240
Trade-ins accepted
1979 Dodge W150
4-Wheel Drive
Automatic, power brakes, power steering,
big wheels and tires, rear step bumper, 318
Cid engine.
Purchase price $8775.76
Lease for only
per month plus tax
STK NO. 256
Your Hometown Dealer
Stop in or call us for further information.
426-5548 Front & Railroad, Shelton 426-5549
Thursday, November 23, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3