November 23, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 23, 1978 |
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Christmas trees are
available to cut
Those families that enjoy the mostly Douglas fir, although true
old fashioned tradition of cutting fir a re available in some 2121 Olympic Hiwcp/N. Top of the Hill MaN. thru SAT. 9 to 9
excellence in taste their own Christmas trees will locations.
have tile opportunity to obtain Forest service officials urge - 426-3341 SUNDAYS 9 to 6
Integrity is the best word to cutting pernlits from ranger that individuals cutting their own
describe lamps and accessories district offices on tile Olympic Christmas trees on natio|lal VIA- -
by STIFFEL. The pride and National Fo,est. forest lands check road and
skill of the artisan is evident Starting November 27 weather conditions to insure a
throughout the entire collection vq pernlits will be available at afee safe trip. • HELPI.I. I.
in themetieulousdetailing, su-1 of $2.00 per trce. Officials at tile Permits may be obtained at Glide us some feed.
Qtl-J,rl f'/-'T I" I'hr'"T"T,,-''L T perb design and fine quality. _ Ouinault, Solcduck and Ouilcene tile following locations:
LtlIlK;I Lk.JLLEk_.IIUINI Each STIFFEL design is aff Ranger Districts will outline Quilcene Ranger Station,
poesession of value and endur. is permitled. Tlae trees are Plone (206, 765.3368. Offic apiece of timeless artist--a g areas to tile public where cutting Quilcene, Washington 98376. ,____' FEED OUR FEATHERED FRIENDS_,
hours - 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
ingpridetoitsowner. __ ' weekdays and the weekends °f 7EL'f/ m ugtg:
County ' 2T:a,, 9. ,0a, d Fillthe with our speclally form irdseed
hnnd solos so,uc Ranger Station, RR
] .......... 1, Box 185, Forks, Washington
r,'nnrfo 98331. Phone (206) 374-6522. vailablealsoinl0-1b.-201b.-501b. 5-lb. bagonlytB/
"'t "'a'''''" Office hours - 7:45 a.m. to
in Mason County during Quinaul! Ranger Station,
] 1 I according tO COunty VOlunteer PhOne (206) 288"2525" Office
iit-'' Chairman H C James hours--7:45 a.m. ,o 4:30 p.m. I I !UKILI I [ LITTLE BABY
: i ii .: I' Sales in the county for the weekdays and9 a.m. to4 p.m. I ...... I [ YUMMY
first nine months of the year are on the weekends of December 9
$218,895, which is 72.26 and lOand 16and 17. | ,p ,,ug...zv, ] | With her new crylng bottle
I , '°""°" I / "''
percent of the goal for the year
iii :::: i N ---. Statewide, sales in September No one ever weiat broke
iiii'! !i ilil Ii;i i !iliiii'i:i Y were $8,803,145 and sales for underestimating the taste of the
iliiii!iiii ::i iii 'iiii!Ji ii!! ii!'iii!ili iiiii!iiiili werefle first nine months of the year American publiC.s82,088,283. H. L. Mencken r i
I/Z.:i/ il I/ ORNAMENTS !
| //JrE I I | |Available in silver, green, blue, I
I /I I I r I /gold, red and mixed colors. 2'/," I
t Cu00y . .0..,- .
, ..i,: ,:. L ,,,.,,,..".r j L ...... - J L ,,ow,,- 1
" ,s--p $;3' °0 ] L[d/TM I" . .... .......... ] r Westen n:;:-' r ;a;:eryi°peratedl i
[ 1_., Amostattraettveaecentforany I PLAYT'()'()LSET II 4"qt'Buttermatic,:l!=;,i FIREENGINE I
IJ - . setting is this lamp finished in _ 4-qt. Buttermatic
IIII tl ----' bright old brass. The handsome
. I111 shade is an off-white slub texture i I r'La I I UU[ =1: I I I POPCORN L ,am o o ,, /
-" :[J]l fabric over translucent Vinyl. 3- 1 I li'x,.:;;:'.,°:= r /
qll'l way lighting controlled by con- I ewdriver *2 I I , v, • --., I l: Flashingllght ..... ':., ....... I
1111 venient I:::-Z-Lite base switch. = I Wrenches*File I I For any time hot buttered I I;S.rn. ::':i
I I I popcorn. I / °° ....
I I r-- 34 inches high. u Reg. 13.95
• 19700 I 0n/' '14" II "'g'13"920W;899 I L
.rtllndfuncti°nc°mbinet°makethisdiminutivefl°°rlamp APxOUNDTOWN$]95oi' r
).n.y setting. Finished in bright old brass, it has a glass
/,1 r. 'd by a brass gallery. The stylish shade is a cham- 7//////111,1111111\\;\.\\\\\\
'r°Xtureovertranslucentipyl.,48V=incheslligh. I//////11111111111\\;\\\ FASHION PANTY-HOSE r
............ ''""''"''":'"':' /'/I¢{/ l l J lJ lilll'l'IIk Ill\\; \\;\\\ OLYMPIC GATEWAY CENTER
i ,, Layawoy and Ik.
U BankCords Welcome " [- I i-u-ing;; J;,J .............. I I instant start and stop. Ten con-
!" H rl Mondoy-Fridoy--9to6 £ I '" ................ I I flnuous_lendlngspeeds.
! El,; II..,,i[ '[ ,,! ,ll';t "]j l' $°turd°Y'°Yt[:'$ 5 q b', : ;' .[" 9; :;I| $ '.(j. J L Reg. 38.29- . 32:;
':'"'"' '; "' /' "r ,`,-.,-°-°---.=.---°--., -oq r :0 r NylintNo. 540'
' i I FOOD '" COFFEE [ [ UC
.,,,, . oo
.1_ J:.' l, ' 5A3nT'Buminatinga2ddi3ion5to ' MAKER
1111 ' 't |'l' I1 setting -- this handsome lamp
any I tcdrip filter with I | Stay-onwheeh
,,a w z' I ' , t . I combines white chino with blue gl i I cud. d dL/o-....Ds I |: Non-toxicpalnt
I./'J.J.r I, !., . , floral decoration and antiqued I "'"'" I I -..-.. I i. ".°:;*,o°°t."=",':%:.
" II ' ' 111: L bright old brass finished meta 1 ' I1=.. - , __ ' [') *Dumpoctlon
- [' " I' 'turnings. The elegant hand, i' -[ayAw*y" 0w'9999 J L "" ,,..-=v ,,
:. -- pleated shade is at an off-white w
![ c°nvenient pull chains" 32 "uJ[ ' What bea Igift!
"16600 . .
tried urn-on- pedes- ' '-l-']
%, , an ivory slub texture '1: I TROPICAL
i; 'U¢'nt Vinyl 3-way %I
',."o,.,oo.n- I, [ J
base swiich 35V2 I
, • II qd' Ih , IIL:'I -, Fresh, creamy, super-good -_ FISH
,14200 I I',',,!,,, !' i,, }i eggnog e pupJn,cec,eo: / ASSORTMENT
A gleaming,5258P classic lamp with Maderlght here in Sheltonl I
uniersa uses ana appeal, fin- I .'I I ! With purchase of a
ished in bright old brass. The -,r [ I
handsome shade is ivory slub " } CONE-PINT-QUART-GALLON
textured fabric over translucent .
vinyl. 3-waylighting controlled 1 o ] e w odg .... inAquarium
by convenient E-Z Lite base '--} Oelux o ra
• switch. '' 'oc",, "'0". . 10%
,Tt.. .T '167 1[ * AlsohomemadecookieSandapple.cake...New I 10 Gallon -- i 5 Gallon -- 20 Gallon High
I Complete:
at Chris'. I Jrything but the water. Tropical fish aqua-
I 11 868,P t----- O0 I d, pump, filter, charcoal, glass wool, heater,
I this swirled urn Pendant lamp _
L - 1 finished in bright old brass Tho
IP]l''l'lm'''l' shadeisanivoryslubtextureoverl .S e ton s own
• Wldp_..r/ translucent Viny'. On-off pull I • LI t--II--- Complete $00qF9e
Iw - ,F ....... V chainswitchcontrolstwolights, lSm Ice-cream manufacturer
feet of brass chain is included. }; I I U t€lllOn Set-up Only 1 '
Overall height is 26Y2 inches. I for over 35 years.
COnvenient Terms 426-4702 1 OPEN, 9,OOa.m.-8,3Op.m. daily I TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS , Merry Christmas
I,L 0 aa,,e. A ?pen Da|ly [ t1,00a.m..tO,OOp.m. Sat.&Sun. JRyukinsGoldfish ........................ 68 ¢ DOG STOCKINGS
"lI 11 i, 8.30 to 8:30 [ 426-3163 Ivon,,o...4/Sl Ccnloinschewtops. rubberboHsondtrets
yew? Cho, colate Molies ....... ...,,.. 2/$1 ,,..* 119
Thursday, November 23. 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19