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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 23, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 23, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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uide Concert scheduled Thursday WIt ARE NOW BUYING# A "Thanksgiving Jazz Concert" featuring performances by two New York artists, the Gregory Ernst Jazz Quintet, and the TESC Jazz Lab, offers music fans a chance to end their four-day holiday weekend with a 48 € bang on Sunday, November 26. The concert, which begins at per bunch 8 p.m. in the Experimental T h e a t e r o f E v e r g r e e n ' s Prices effective at prest time. Sublect to market chah'ges," Communications Building, brings , together jazz musicians Dave " Friesen on bass and John StoweU • on guitar for the first time in y: >: Olympia. The two musicians will i •   share the stage with the new i ement and staff would.hke_ "  .... i:" .... ..... bfive'member jazz band directed |1 you all a happy Thanksgiving. * : '* :!: y recent Evergreen graduate i:i?;.L!i:::: , i : ,, i: - ':="°' Gregory Ernst, who now teaches J] be home enjoying the day with '::>::\>::\> : *:/:: :' ;:: i:!:i!i :::::;i:i° :' ":: *"i: >:' ....... :  .... ..... -: : jaZZeducatmngUitar programin the college's, leisure 7Hf BO p lilies. We will open again at i :::: ': i!:! :;:::i.:::, [: :: ::i?':i:" : :i: ,, Performing with Ernst will be  Friday : ::::: i: ; L :i i,:ii  ::.i!!:i .: trumpeter Dr. Charles Teske for breakfast. :.'*,;:' e ....... ,:  ,:,,.0: ::',: Tacoma basmt Jay Mabm and [ ' ::    pamst Jorgen Kruse, who also II1 lympicHwy. No. Frr;ehOsn:e ]  ;; *   directs TESC's Jazz Lab while , Shelton : /1 1 l l serving as a visiting faculty 'i' ...m., Sunday thru Thursday A/IlL 'A ..... ==  member at Evergreen " lanight, Friday and Saturday BLII'ILLnll COUNTY COMMISSION Chairman John Bariekman (center) cut the "  ribbon to officially open the new bridge over the railroad crossing on The three-and-a-half hour Arcadia Road last Thursday morning Assisting him are Assistant County concert is presented as a benefit Engineer Jack Christensen, left, and Aiice Bariekman, right show for Evergreen's Christian - " Fellowship group. i Corps permit asked at Union Schmidt Thanksgiving Application has been received e,..luation of the probable will be accepted and made part elected ,J Buffet Menu by the Seattle U.S. Army Corps impact of the proposed activity of the record and will be I)memadeN°°dles c,...!i!!!!i i ii! ii!i!iiii and Chicken Soup T 'rkey and Dressing a al near Union. accrue from the proposal must consideration. . committee. ,1 Iked Ham and The work is to construct a be balanced against its  - i" Yams cantilevered deck for private reasonably foreseeable 1  I recreatmn d e t r )liday Sa!ad Bar ' " • "merits. All factors which 1 1 Preliminary review by the may be relevant to the proposal Self.Employed? I l Seattle district indicates that this will be considered; among those Let me show you how to reduce 1  I P 'rnpkln Pie and Coffee work will not significantly affect are conservation, economics, your income tax while you build 1  I the quality of the human aesthetics, general environmental a bigger retirement fund. I  I • Senior Citizens environment. The preparation of concerns, historic values, fish and I  J a federal environmental impact wildlife values, flood damage 1 r,i ! 'dults and Children statement is not anticipated at prevention, land use, navigation, llllll---- m a_t__ll_  ii: !i ,S=o ,4so this time. recreation, water supply, water n=aaaunl r. q;:nllll|ll  :' Preliminary determinations quality, energy needs, safety, New York Life Insurance Company Serving ] ] a.m.-8 p.m. indicate Lthat the proposed food production, and in general, Govev Bide Suite 5 kll .... )" ' ....... ' /i . ).act.ivitz.!_w tl not,.a.ffect .... the',,..ayeds,-aa.d,,..,efe.,°f,,.,...e.-', ;4th&'RiJd,SheJton lW1'*kl.. : ', 'LS'0a-  Potlatch Hwy. 101 :rnitctat! ,e, ;gOrtedthe]: peomaents *on "these factors ;hone 42,1115 ' "' I llo.m.-8p.m. ClosedMon. andTues, endangered or threatened ' " the Endangered pursuant to ,.,,.,..,,,,,...,,..,.,..,...,..,.,.,.....,,.. Species Act of 1973 (87 Star. THE HOLY BIBLE- Pt. 1 844). Formal consultation pursuant to Section 7 of the act i: GOD'S MESSENGER TO OUR WORLD ( TTTg? ZTT with the Departmentof the Interior is not required for this : : No. 146 Ethel B. Dinning proposed activity. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my ITZ P rese n t I y u n k n o w n path'" (Ps. 119:105). "Lest the lame be turned out o1' the way" ZlL TZ TZVVITQ! archeologieal, scientific, (Heb. 12:13). prehistorical or historical data Our Bible is truly GOD'S GREATEST GIFT TO MAN, for may be lost or destroyed by it offers and describes the only way to salvation from the wile work to be accomplished under oi" Satan (James 1:181 1 Pet. 5:8-10, 2 Pet. 3:5,6; 1 Car. the requested permit. The work 2:9-12,14). is not located on a property Every promise on its pages will be fulfilled (Luke 24:44). It registered in the National is everlasting, so unchanging (Ps. 119:89). Register ofHistoricPlaces. From Adam through to Noah, to Abraham and his ) The decision whether to issue followers throughout the Old Testament - all recognized HIS a permit will be based on an VOICE, while Moses and Daniel had special experiences (2 b Chron. 20:7; Ex. 33:11), while CHRIST IN THE NEW pi TESTAMENT, RECORDS HIS LIFE, ACTS AND SPECIAL Unem oyment WORDS to Peter, Paul and John (Matt. 24:141 Luke is reported 8:,.8,2, Mark 8:33; John 18:10,11; 21:15-19; Acts 9:4-6, ] 0-16). The unemployment rate in It contains GOD'S INVITATION TO THE WHOLE Mason County during August WORLD, and now, in many hundreds o1" languages (Heb. 1:1; was 5.4 percent and the Matt. 24:14; Luke 8:11-18, 211 Rev. 14:6), for it is a life and preliminary rate for September is death message (Eccl. 12:131 Rev. 22:18,19). Open Thanksgiving Day 3.9 percent the Mason County It is called THE SWORD OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, FOR IT Commission was informed by the CUTS DEEP INTO THE HEART (Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12,13}. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. State Employment Security SHOWING THE WAY OF GRACE (Rev. ]:16; 1 Car. 14,251 lltllglVll/ llllllll lIVl Department. Eph. 3:2; Ram. 16:20,24), to keep us from sinning (Ps. 119:4,11,921 Car. 3:3-6). It cleans up all who accept HIS Grand Prize Winners ' e,A, as portrayed (Jn. 17:171 1 Pet. 1:23; Is. 33:6-9). IT 15 OUR SPIRITUAL FOOD AND SttELTER (Duet. 8:3; OM l= 1100}I --School Menu-- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kalmikov won microwave.  Car. 10:1-6; Luke 4:4; Jn. 6:29-40; Matt. 23:37). Menu for 5helton des: Mashed Potatoes Elementary & High Schools But we must search and dig deep into its fountain - here a 0 i th k II ,,,e and there a little, till the full knowledge is gained that will Roll Mtsou,ouuet. ur s ncere an  to  lead us to the meaning and reason for the needed character ;ing Coffee you. -u..., building (John 5:39; Ps. ]19:26-32; 97-104; Gal. 4:22-26; 2 es Soup or Soled November 27-December 1 of you who made the Pet. 1:2-11). Which will come as faith will give us complete . understanding (Heb. 11:34 12:1,2). The deeper we search and Breakfast served every d open ng of of pumpkin apple or mince- morning for 30 cents; lunch, gran i our new the more fully we accept, the sooner we will be free/ram sin, E ' 55 cents. Milk, 10 cents. FOR BY BEHOLDING WE BECOME CHANGED Has. 1:18-27; Monday: Fish and french office at 826 Railroad Avenue , ,,9:,Ol;,Pe,. 2:2). Adult $4.25 fries, tartar sauce, fresh fruit, It is all to be accomplished by the study and acceptance of cookies, milk. THE LIVING POWER FROM THE WORD OF GOD (2 Car. Child's Plate $2.25 Tuesday: Spaghetti, French a CC$, 3:17, 18; I These. 2:13: Ram. 1:16-20). Read o1' the struggle ' sel[ (Ram. Chapter 7) AND THEN OF THE SECRET OF BREAKFAST SPECIAL jellobreadw/fruit, & butter.milk. green geens, with / "'"" """'',, pri .THE VICTORY (Rum. 8:1-17). iHom, Bacon or Sausdge, Tw° Wednesday: Turkey noodles, Other door- ze winners: This is the pattern LAID DOWN BY CHRIST FOR ALL fresh fruit, vegetable & cheese i. Eggs, Hash Browns, Toast WHO WISH TO SEE HIS GLORIOUS APPEARING: AND / andCoffee tray, dessert, milk. Millie Borden ..................... mini-fryer rner wITH aLL WHO WILL BE RESURRECTED TO 2.05 Thursday: Pizza, tossed salad ........ SHARE IN HIS GLORY - CHANGE WILL BE READY TO w/French lressing, fruit, milk. Dean eranger .......................... donut maker FILL Tile EDEN RESTORED (1 These. 5:4-I0,23; 4:16,17; Friday: Corn dogs w/mustard, Tree french fries, fruit wedges, rice Ju Brown. toaster-broiler Isa. 45:18:ICor. 15:l-4,49-58: Rev. 22:1-61 nab. 11:39,401 custard pudding, milk. dy ......................... 12:1,2). This is the message that our Bible is intended to bring to us 1' S()UND tisracti°niuaranteed°rY°uiM°nellBack inthislastmonthof1978. Forwemustbeprepared1'orthe • coming events (Rev. 1,'1-7; Dan. 2.'35,44.45; 12:1-4). P-'" " "'--'ne't°n'l 0 Phhrun;6 a m to Sears ooo .., ..s ,,. LUMBER INC. 896 Railroad Trig THINGS THAT MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS. "BLESSED IS HE WHO KEEPETH THE SA YINGS OF p.m. aE/u, llOaOCK AND (2O. Avenue THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK, FOR THE TIME IS AT 6 a.m. until Midnight. 426-4282 426-8201 Mot merchamlie available ltA ND'" (Ray. 22.'6-10), 1 mile South on Hwy. 101 for pick-up within 2 daa. pd. adv. I i I I Thursday, November 23, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29