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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 23, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 23, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 12 1 sale ISS it." Belfair Show, November a .m. 4 p.m., d own town and crafts by LI 1/23 15-60 )icture? See for instant rt pictures. North Second. READY to hang. at rock-bottom 113 ND old furniture. 10-6. Shelton )air. 426-1858. S3/2tfn Cosmetics at Salon. 6th and 426-4582. 11/9tfn TY oat hay. $1.50 Phone 426-8856. greens invading Start the new With a new Curtis from Conley's. Four O.A.C. First and C7/27tfn Your old furniture at ture. 4th and Cota. JQck Frost ction Bonded ling and new. ) too small. 426-4227 tfn Upholsterers. home. Your urs, Customizing It)Lt is in canvas we can handle ial aprons, tote or made to tops are our 98584 426-2321 Hwy. No. 3 tfn I and Engin e BUsiness Soon lasting ready use. Iltel. or 275-3011 tfn  "v%%%%%%%%% A For sale 30" CAST iron Ben Franklin. 300-gallon fuel tank. Oil heater. 426-8756. Mll/9-30 MAGNETIC SIGNS, custom made, all sizes. Advertising and printing specialties. Jack Lelmback. 877-5733. L8/3tfn FOR OUTDOOR families: free sleeping bags for your time, just to see what we have to offer. Call Shelton Furniture Repair 426-1858. $9/2 ltfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn CARPET, SHAG, plush, high-low, grass, kitchen, many colors. $2.90, $3.75, $4.75, $5.85, per yard, etc. 426-8111 appointnent only. Tuesdays through Saturday. G9/14tfn BEDS, CHESTS, tables, living room furniture and antiques, other items. 426-2752 after 4. Bll/2-23 HAY, $1.50 bale. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley. 426-3740. Mc8/24tfn CHRISTMAS HOLLY, holly wreaths, greens, smoked seafoods, gift mailed. For brochure call 898-2299 collect or write Holly Lane Farm Ent., Box 312, Union, WA 98592. Hll/9-12/7 EASTERN WASHINGTON alfalfa hay. Direct from grower. $85 per ton, delivered. Call 1-509-346-9311, early or late. Tll/9-30 CHARLES BAKER handmade roping saddle, like new, excellent condition, 15" seat. Complete, a steal at $295. 877-5857. M11/16tfn' KENMORE AVOCADO dishwasher. $150. 426-1889. Kll/16-23 NEW PASS-thru window for 1967-1972 Ford truck. $40. Call 426-9479 after 4. Lll/16-23 FOUR CRAGAR mag master wheels 8-15 and four tires 60 series. $215. Phone 426-2244. Tll/16-23 ................... The Carpet Layers Custom installation carpet, vinyl, tile. $2.(H) a yard. 426.3763 RI. 3, Box 406 Shehon 6/9tfn B's BOAT TOPS will travel. made boat your boat or sea. PPointment 426-2806 S skends ites, Owner ThOmas, Shelton Experience tfn WE CAN FIX IT! , Dale septic tanks dozing gravel / otto field 00l00ckhoe servio¢ | 20b e. pine 1 426-t500 Auto Body & Gloss • Wire Welding • Fiberglass Work • Complete Paint Jobs • Custom Pin Striping • Body & Frame Work • Vinyl Tops Installed • Sun Roofs Installed • Auto Glass Installed Weekdays 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. FOR WEEKEND ESTIMATES CALL 426-9020 For Sale GOING OUT of business sale, everything 20% off. Betty's Candle and Gift Shop. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 10-5. H11/16tfn SAVE ON fuel, add comfort, insulate now, 6" blown fiberglass in your ceiling. 17%c square foot. 426-3027. Bll/16-12/7 SEWING MACHINES. Late model trade-ins from $49. Terms and guarantee. Central Sales. 877-5798. C11/16-12/7 LARGE SIEGLER oil heater, at Route 3, Box 670, Shelton. Make offer. 426-8710. Hll/16-23 MONARCH RANGE, excellent condition, storage space and fan. $100. 426-8491 after 4 p.m. Wll/16-23 FOR SALE 1953 International bus. Call 776-6504 evenings, ask for Linda. $11/16-23 H&R 1904 double-action nickel plated revolver, holster, shells, $195. Remington 30 caliber pump, shells, $95. Both antiques, OOd shape. 877-9719. 11/16-23 HONEYWELL MOVIE camera, loaded with features and accessories, a great Christmas present. $90. Call 426-5820. Ull/23 FOR SALE used built-in Frigidaire dishwasher, works well. $60. 426-5834 after 6. $11/23tfn TWO G-78-14 studded snow tires and rims, like new. 898-3123. Bll/23-12/14 BEAUTIFUL REDWOOD burl table, bear-like sh.ape. Call 426-3465 after 5. Jll/16-23 FREE ONE 9allan of root beer to John L. Deacon, Rt. 2, Box 895, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. All/23 TAKE SOIL away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer $2. Coast to Coast Store. Cll/23 PRIVATE COLLECTION of antique pocket watches to be sold November 25, 9 a.m. - 3 .m., at Kiwanis Flea Market. incoln Gym, She]ton. Check at table 15. Tll/23 SAND ^N o GRAVEL For the finest in: . SAND . GRAVEL . CONCRETE WELCOME AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Radio Dispatched Trucks LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/1S/fin 6RMSTONE COIqPOIqATION Cnncrete Building Materials * Pipe * Sand & Gravel * Masonry * Crushed Rock * Septic Tanks * Ready Mix SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-M IX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON At the end of West Franklin. 2/1 ltfn For Sale 220 HEATER, electric. $35. 426-9471 after 5. $11/23 CLEAN RUGS, like new,'r,o easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $2. Coast to Coast Store. Cll/23 FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Frank Churchill, 294 Island Lake Drive, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. All/23 SEARS KENMORE automatic dishwasher. $100 or trade for kitchen range. 426-7115. Kll/23-30 FRANKLIN FIREPLACE. $50. 426-8328 or 426-9225. $11/23 HAMMOND ORGAN, cherry wood spinet model, two keyboards, C to C bass pedals. $500. 426-4915. Friday during day and all day Sunday. B11/23tfn TRAINS, TRAINS -- two complete sets, all work on one nearly finished 5x9 pike. Thirteen automatic electric switches, no limit to versatility of set-up. Some buildings still in boxes. Also includes collectors engines that need minor repair. Great beginning for new set-up or to add to what you have. Worth $500, all will go for $325. 877-5857. M11/23tfn BATTERY SALE! Delco Freedom's from $35.85, now at Western Parts next to Lumbermen's. 426-4481. W11/16-23 FOR SALE, dry alder firewood. Please call 426-7149 after 5. Jll/16-12/7 q Ca. 1972 MUSTANG Mach I, 302' motor, 3-speed, excellent shape. $3,.200. 1954 pickup, rebuilt motor, 292, body is in good shape. $750. 426-6989 or 426-7793. M10/19tfn 1972 PINTO Runabout, new radial tires, two extra rims with studded radials mounted. 426-2641. $11/9-30 1965 V.W, Karman'n Ghia, new aint, nice shape inside and out. 1,200. 426-4315. Cli/9-30 1975 STARFIRE, V-6, automatic, power steeling, power brakes, deluxe model, $2,600. 1976 Luv pickup, excellent condition, $2,700. 426-9229. Mll/2-23 1974 PLYMOUTH Valiant Slant-6, four-door hardtop. Deluxe interior, tinted glass, wer steering, A/C, radio, chelin radial tires. Looks and drives like new. $2,395; $300 under book, firm. Can be seen Friday until 3=30 p.m. and all day Sunday, Route 5, Box 685, Isabella Loop Road off Lost Lake Road, three miles from downtown. B11/16tfn '77 HONDAMATIC, three-door hatchback. $3,200. After 6 p.m., 877-9377. Wl 1/9-30 1968 F85 Oldsmobile. $600. One owner,good shape. Inquire at 2025 Washington Street. T11/16-23 1963 CHEV six-cylinder, nine passenger, carryall, five new tires. $475. 426-5638. Dll/16-12/7 '75 FORD Granada, 41,000 miles, red, bucket seats, good running condition. $3,000. 426-7513. Call after 5. K11/gtfn TRUCK- INTERNATIONAL '71, Loadstar 1600, under 63,000 miles. Sell or trade. Call 426-7425. J 11/16-23 1975 PLYMOUTH nine.passenger S.W., automatic, P.B./P.S., A.., low mileage and a nice family car. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P11/23 1977 MUSTANG Fastback, AM-FM, four-speed, V8, the hottest car in town, looks and drives like new. Pauley Motors. 426.5548. P11/23 SPECIAL -- SPECIAL -- special. Three to choose from at this rice. 1975 Dodge Dart Sport, 60. V8. automatic. P.B./P.S.. A.C.; 1974 Mercury Cougar or a 1974 Chev Mone Carlo. All three cars look and run beautiful, your choice for only 2,695. Stk. No. 182 -235- 05. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P11/23 1975 FORD F100 pickup Explorer package, black with white stripe, automatic power steering and only 26.000 miles. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. P11/23 '71 PINTO, best offer. 426-5868 after 6 p.m. Hll/23.12/14 '64 CHEVY truck parts. Call after 5 evenings, 426-4873. D11/23-30 '77 RANCHERO, low mileage, top conditon, AM/FM, tape deck, wide radials, extra snow tires Included, . sun roof. 426-3447. B11/23-12/14 '70 FORD station wagon, four-door, $1,075. 74 Monaco TOUr uuor, 1 " $ ,125. Both in good condition, clean, excellent tires, P.S./P.B. 877-5228. M11/23tfn RATES @ Garage, Yard Sales Pets, Livestock Lost & Found Real Estate Contracts FLEA MARKET fourth Saturday OLYMPIC GUIDE Service offers LOST ONE Redbone female PRIVATE PARTY will buy real "" monthly, 9-4, Lincoln gym, coon hound puppies out of our hound in Hamma Hamma area. estate contracts direct at Shelton. For display table $1,800 strike dog, Roller. These Real shy. If een please call reasonable discounts. Phone reservations call 426-2910. puppies are sure to please. $50, 426-8756. W10/12tfn 1-746-4708 for cash offer. D8/31tfn $75. 692-4618, Silverdale. Mc7/20tfn O11/2-23 FLEA MARKET, second LOST, IN the Stadium Beach/McClains Cove area. Saturday monthly, 9-6. Potlatch LOW COST spay/neuter clinic. One-year.old male collie. Answer Women's Clubhouse, Hood Canal Sponsored by M.C.C.F.A. For to 'Tank.' He belongs to Terri Lions Club. H9/28tfn information and appointments Steinberg. Call 426-1723. Gone - call 426-9413, 426-7087.. since Saturday. G11/gtfn FLEA MARKET -- Star Lake M8/3tfn Community Club Women's For Rent ° Auxiliary, November 25, 9 a.m. - X-CEL HORSE feed. Reasonable 5 p.m. at the clubhouse, prices. 426-9136. A10/12tfn Sll/16-23 =- =-----=..-----V-" -" "--------------- :-" "-" "-" "-----' - " "---" - NEW 3-bedroom home, lake Hew SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 9 GINGER'S, DOG Grooming, Personal *" and access. $325 a month, $150 downtown Shelton, 24-hour deposit. References required. to 5, 1410 North 13th (across service, convenient, courteous, '----------------------------------- Century 21, Jerry Smith Realty. from hospital). No early sales, clean, professional. 426-4727. GINGER'S DOG (rooming, 426-3363. S10/Stfn C 11/23 B9/28tfn downtown Shelton, 24-hour PUPPIES $5. Vz English pointer, service, convenient, courteous, NEAR LILLIWAUP attractive j ]/4 German shepherd, ¼ St. clean, professional. 426-4727. furnished canal beach apartment. "---------------'---------:---------"- ' Bernard. 426-1792. Wll/2-23 B9/28tfn References. 877.5457. C11/9tfn Help Wanted FOR SALE -- Registered P.W.P. RAISING a child alone? Single parents.., interested in RENT FREE, 1-bedroom mobile ,----------------.--- Australian terrier puppies. Phone getting together to discuss home on 80-acre riverfront south PREVIEW REALTY has 426-6152. F11/2tfn common problems? 426-2333 or of Matlock for equivalent in openings for experienced hard REGISTERED % Arab, 1/2 426-6659. P11/9tfn repairs and chores. Bachelor. working sales people who wish Non-smoker preferred. 482-4512, to join an innovative office with Palamino gelding, seven years LIVING WITH a problem 10-10:30 p.mS10/26tfn a progressive and generous old, good shape, for show and drinker is too much for most of commission program. Call Mary trail riding. 1/2 quarter horse, =/2 us. If you want help, call 3-BEDROOM furnished mobile at426-9748. P9/21tfn Welch gelding, 10 years old, AI-Anon, 426-6909 or426-5307, home on 80 acres riverfront good shape for trail riding. Call V2/2tfn south of Matlock, non-smokers 426-8896 after 4 p.m. LEARN REAL estate sales -- Fll/16-12/7 preferred. $300. 482-4512, Join the most progressive realtor , T H "U R S T O N - M A S O N 10-10:30 p.m. S10/26tfn firm in Mason County. Full Community Mental Health .... training and help for Center, Shelton Branch, offers counseling for children, adults, FOR RENT or lease, trailer persons.inexperienced25 yearsSaleSof successful°riented _---------------- families. 426-1696. T9/15tfn spaces, Highway 101, 1 mile real estate experience by broker Instr.ction south Hoodsport. 877-9760. to assure your success, if you Pll/2-23 like dealing with people and are -------------------------" GEORGE VALLEY Furniture -- and Appliances -- the best night willing to work plus be your OFFERING DRY flower spot in town --Sealy mattresses. ONE-, TWO-, and three-bedroom own boss, call Reid Mitchell workshops, Monday afternoons V3/14tfn apartments, furnished and today. Are you retired, but not 1-3, Monday evenings, 7-9. unfurnished. Security deposit, tired? Age is an asset, not a Brooms, wreaths and ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. first and last. No pets. $125 to handicap. Phone 426-4486. arrangements. Make something For information call 426-5044or $150. Edgewood Apartments. M a s o n C o u nty R eal t y. special for the holidays. Please 426-8446. S4/29tfn Phone 426-4364. E9/7tfn M10/26tfn call Marilyn Smith, 426-8462. $11/9-30 * LADY TO do house cleaning "---------------------=----" FOR RENT: trailer space close two or three days a week. $3 to downtown. Call 426-4426. hour start. 898-3123. Real EstateWanted 10/8tfn B 11 / 16" 12/7 - - -.._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- - - - - -  ,____ _ _-__ _ -- - __ _ _ _. NEED RELIP, BLE babysitter for Wanted COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES ONE-, TWO-room apartments, needed for Washington, Oregon, $70 to $95. Utilities, cable T.V. easy one-year-old. 10-5 weekdays, my home. Reerences. *----------------'------;. Idaho customers. Buy -- sell -- paid. Sec ond and Gr.ove. 426.9452. All/16tfn WANT TO BUY used chord or trade. Motels -- hotels -- H5/lltfn organ. Small model, good lounges -- all types investment - R.N. PART-time shifts available condition, reasonably priced, properties for hot market. Don 20'x30' BUILDING, good for on p.m. and night shift. Starting 426-9397 after 6 p.m. D11/16tfn Benson Realty, Inc., 426-3361. shop, storage or etc. Hoodsport. wage $6.80 hour. L.P.N., 2:45 Commercial Specialist Norma 1-692-1461. F11/16tfn p.m. to 11:15 p.m., full-time, R I D E W ANTED from Morgheim, 426-5202. B8/17tfn starting wage, $5.05 hour. Apply Timbertakes Monday through in person at Fir Lane Terrace Friday to downtown Olympia. WANTED TO buy, lakefront or S P A C I O U S O N E- a n d Convalescent Center, 2430 North Work hours: 8:30 - 5:00. 'Call . saltwater frontage. Suitable for two-bedroom apartments, building. Close-in. 842-2458. dishwasher, garbage disposal, 13th Street, Shelton. E.O.E. 426-4125 after 7 p.m. Tll/2-23. F10/12ffn stove, refrigerator, carpeted, Fll/16-12/7 drapes; water, garbage, T.V. SELLING YOUR car? We Pna  cable free. $200 month. Adults SUPPLEMENT YOUR retirement cash for good used cars PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy only, no pets. 426-6251. income with part-time pickups. HIIburn-Pauley Ford. any size parcel of land with F11/16tfn employment in the security Ask for Craig Chapman, sales trees. Please write Box 56 c/o • profession. Must have telephone manager. 426-5585. H10/12tfn The Journal, P.O. Box 430, THREE.BEDROOM mobile and transportation. Send name, $olr75 month. Call age, phone number and address sTAMP AND coin collections Shelton, Washington 98584. home. to: P.O Box 747, Shelton, wanted by collector. Call 11/16-12/7 426.5292 426-7551 evenings only. Bll/16-23 Washington 98584. P11/16tfn 426-8001 and leave message on answering machine. P9/21tfn WE HAVE out of town buyers FULL-TIME day care for coming in daily. We need your HOLIDAY HOUSE, Seventh and name and land to sell. Over Cedar, two-bedroom apartments. four-year-old boy and D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, four-month-old girl in my home Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. 5,000 offices nationwide to help $185, $100 deposit; no pets or starting the first week in We buy poles, piling, stumpage serve you. Call today. Century children. Phone 426-5281 January. References required, and land. 426-6350, home phone 21, Jerry Smith Realty. evenings. Nll/16-23 426-3363. Seventh and Railroad. 426-4315. Cll/9-12/14 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. .C10/5tfn WE HAVE one-bedroom rentals K2/24tfn available. Reasonable rates. Call CHRISTMAS TREE workers Mason County Realty, 426-4486. wanted, all types of work, WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any including experienced cutters, mix of fir, hemlock, pine or M11/16tfn vraders, hand balers, taggers, and cedar. Minimum 3W inch top WANTED -- BETTER than ally people. 426-2036. diameter. 25c each. Call --------------------------------------- average renter for better than D11/23tfn Versapanel, John's Prairie. 426-5571, for specifications. Business Opportunities at average reasonable one-bedroom rates, apartments References EXPERIENCED PART-time V7/28tfn -_-_-_-__-_-_-_--_-_--_.-.-_-_-.-_- r e q u i r e d, n o pet s. 426-8715. waitress. Apply at Helnie's. CEDAR LOGS or timber M11/16tfn Hll/9-20 wanted. Highest prices. Scheller COMMERCIAL PROPERTY for ........................ EXTRA MONEY for Christmas. Brothers -Lumber. 352-3178. lease. Highway 101, Hood Canal One and Two Bedroom Show Beeline Fashions a few S6/15tfn waterfront, 1 mile south Apartments, with carpet, drapes hours a week. Earn profit checks Hoodsport; also 1,200-square- within a week plus free clothes BUY BEER bottles, 30c case foot building, suitable for &appliances, nopets. for you and your family. No delivered, 25c if picked up. Call restaurant, plus trailer sites. investment, transportation after 5, 426-8569 or 1619 877-9760. Pll/2-23 Jefferson/00ts needed. 275-3037 or 275-2003. Laurel, Shelton. A5/18tfn -T-- • SMALL OFFICE space for rent. Dll/23-12/14 WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, $40 month and up. Century 21, 2329 Jefferson St.. REAL ESTATE sales people -- green .second growth. Call for jerry Smith Realty. 426-3363. Mgr. Apt. 2 or join the team of winners. We current .prices. Versapanel Inc. C10/5tfn offer more to make you a 420-5571. V10/14tfn - ..... .... 426-1916 '7/12tfn success. Before you place your license anywhere, stop in and CASH FOR all cars, trucks, BUSINESS make us prove it. Century 21, bodies, parts. Immediate pick.up ----j---.-_-: Jerry Smith Realty. Seventh and services. 3crap and metals of all OPPORTUNITIES Railroad. Cll/23tfn klnd Newsprint and corrugated Wanted to cardboard. Mason County ' Salvage. 426-8626. M7/15tfn aMmJ= mm  ,,'-'" ---------------------------------! WANTED TO rent or lease, small --------------------------'- WANTED -- FLAT saw wood. Motor¢y¢les 426-7291. Hll/16-23 farm northwest of Shelton. Call 482-4627 after 4. References. ® Hll/2-23 --------------:--------------------- W ANTED -- MINI-bike or - 1977 YAMAHA YZ 125D. New go-cart frame. 426-6533. JERRY SMITH REALTY piston and rings, ports just Hll/9-30 " polished, good shape. $500. 7th and Railroad -----------------------'------- Evenings, 1-898-4481. Mi1/23tfn TIMBER OR timbe'red land 42:1514 Beets & Motors wanted. Call for free estimate or 1974 RICKMAN 250 MX, runs offer. Query and Sons Selective _----------_--_---------- great, needs clutch. $150. Thinning. 426-7058. Q9/14tfn R.V. TRAILER PARK Evenings, 1-898-448]. M11/23tfn 123 sites, 70 full hook-ups, 24' CABIN cruiser, Chrysler, GENTLE PONY and tack large home, 8 acres, many power, radio, sounder, new wanted for Christmas gift, extras. $365,000. Owner will bottom paint and carpeting.'. :._-_-_-_-_-------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- limited budget. Must be held till carry contract. Sleeps 4. Ready to go. 426-5551 days; 426-2489 evenings, or see Christmas. Call Paulette, Business location, Northcllff. John Hubbard at The Yacht Auctions 426-6155 after 5 p.m. G11/23 Su Stable for nursery, Basin. H10/StfP .... .  L-- --------------------- -------------------------" veterinary, what-have-you. 4-acre, 4-bedroom home with AUCTION EVERY Saturday -_---_-_-_----------- large double garage. $64,700. 1972 18.6 Starflre with 165 night, 7 .p.m. Bring in M.C., CB, power winch, depth consignments tar quick cash. Travel Trailer= 5 rental units located on ideal finder, Calkins trailer, $4,150. McCleary,tlon & New/Used, restaurant or motel site. McCleary, , phone 495-3541, --------------------- H.Ighway frontage, view. 1968 16' Sabrecraft, 1974 50 495-3454. Virgil Reading, 34' SECURITY traveler, fifth . Bargain priced, $79,950. h.p. Merc, electric 1976 ,uctloneer. R5/Stfn wheel with tip-out, air Calkins trailer, $2,750. _ conditioning, antenna and phone hookup, 1977 model. $8,500. Apartment house, 7 units, rUlIRULI'=¢ Auet/e.s Call 1-588-2865. Wl1/16-12/7 downtown Shelton. $65,000. 1976 17' Glasply, full canvas, 1978 115 ELPT, 1976 4.5 Business building -- Highway Merc, 1976 Calktns trailer,. location. Includes living $4,995. REBUILT '61 General trailer, Held every Thursday and 5,540 pounds. $2,250. 249-3908. quarters. $65,000. 1969 19  Reinell, 160 Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the Hll/2-23 4 Rentals. $575 month gross. Mercruiser, new canvas, new Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, Only $47,500. interior, Calklns trailer, Olympia Highway 101, ' FIFTH WHEEL trailer home, $2,850. 866.0866. 1976 Overland deluxe model, with or without ¾-ton Ford PLUS WE HAVE Others to choose from. pickup. 426-9320. P8/3tfn OTHER UNADVERTISED Cliff Nichols, , BUSINESS Sande's Boats S Motors Auctioneer OPPO R TUN I TIES CAMPER 8' Starliner, excellent Belfsir- 275-2846. tfn condition. $1,150. 877-9573. AVAILABLE, Nt 1/9-30 .... , I ........ 11(23 I Thursday, November 23, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33