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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 23, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 23, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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itt,,klt &apos;WWWW *,W lit ,W d, W W W d-*,d, ,, , lit , *  ALL-STAR00 REALTY 5-ACRE parcels with tremendous NEW FAMILY wanted! 1611z WALK SOFTLY toward this YOU CAN'T afford to pass this TIMBERLAKES, 12 miles north BUILDER SAYS sell. view. Strait of Juan de Fuca, acres on Deer..Creek ..with dynamite package. 350'no-bank, up. 2-bedroom home in city off Hwv 3, buildina lots. two-bedroom rambler 426-3372 5 to 100 acres, river and -oeoroom moD,,e. ,ortn OT salt waterfront on Pickering limits. Custom cabinets, loads of wooded" with water[ AIs( wooded lot at Lake saltwater highway frontage. 80 Shelton. Asking only $38,950. Passage. Gorgeous sandy beach, storage, fenced yard with wooded camDina lots from Buy today and oickY( WHEN THIS THANKSGIVING SEASON  acres, view of Puget Sound and Terms! Shelton Land and level and rich soil accompany the detached garage. Asking .only, $1,800. Terms.'CoHect 937-1512 Wo'n't las long"at .$3! Mr. Rainier, freeway frontage. Homes. 426-5555. $11/23 12 acres, good road access, $23,500. Terms! Snelton Lane or 935-7802. Rasmussen Realty Keith Fuller for deta, BECOMES A MEMORY, , . MAY THE  3-bedroom home with 10 acres,  perfect boat launching area. and Homes. 426-5555. S11/23 937-3400. OlO/26tfn " 21, Jerry smith new well, new roof, secluded on nnn I,DTI-II Th ^ -^-* 1 " Deserted homestead and view.  ........ 426-9751; evenings, county road. Agate area.  ............. = u=t uuy . i "" " =rhl .... t' .... { Asking $97,000 Terms Shelton LOOKING FOR your heaven. Fll/23-30 MEMORY BECOME A TREASURE. WE $35,000. Blue Sky Realty. on earm ,s ....... .on u ...... L n " " " HOPETHAT YOU AND YOURS 877-5287. Bll/23 lush pasture in the Matlock area ca a and Homes. 426-5555. Put your angels in this LAKE AND saltwater access. has septic tank approval and is ..,11/' three-bedroom mobile on 10 Well cared for two-bedroom TIMBERLAKE 12 r EXPERIENCE SUCH A MEMORY THAT  SOMETHING FOR everyone! 5 ready to build on. Going your -,,,,,-E'L,v,,. , ==.  act%for their p!ayground. Only, mobile, w!th add-on on large off H wy. 3, un /nrl ;nrl n  r. R acres, secluoeo, DeautITUHy and Homes. 426-5555. $11/23 Terms! Shelton Land and lame wooded lot, own THANKSGIVING HOLDS A SPECIAL  beautiful acres. Blacktop road, way at $17 500. Terms! Shelton ..... -- ..... :lo,,:)uu. terms! :nel¢on Lena wooaeo IOL /oral price $21,950. 2-bedroom chalet, sop1 trees, lush green Asking pasture, $15,000. and beautiful Contract $1]/23 ....... H_me.. 4255__. wooded. You have to see to  Homes. 426-5555. S11/23 l a<es and saltW at appreciate. Asking $10,500. PRIDE IN country living! 6-acre  $18,000, good ter TIME HEREAFTER. terms. Additional acreage Contract terms! Shelton Land farm, 5-bedroom farm house ........ collect, 937-1512 or available. Shelton Land and LANDLORD-TENANT This I , shop buildings, level lush pasture ......... • . _ Rasmussen Rea ty Homes. 426-5555. $11/23 FOR THE investor. Top quality and Homes. 426-5555. S11/23 ......... o [wo-oeoroom name on over-slzeo , .... .,,_ near MatlOCK Heal DaCK L  ---,, .- - vvi,uH duplex -- One unit has 2  n .... =;.=.." r__ €-7 00 uL, uppHances, otters a cnance ---' ...... " - ' f rail rec TOE TINGLING beachl 100 feet =,-,= ,,,,.. u.,y .,,,., • to st ..... : .............. A THANKFUL TIME is finding a newer 2-bedroom, BUILDING SITE! City water, DeQrooms, a warge a y- " t nd v, vay,.j ,=. u Hv= Nu .... r-re salt waterfront Densely wooded Terms Shelton Land a ren'-' ................ TREASURE ISLA . 2-bath home with a panoramic view of Hood Canal and creek timber on z/4-acre in town. room, z [=replaces, sepa u ..... • ....... • ........ h-- wln secluaeo DUlloing site Homes. 426-5555. $11/23 $ , ):.ul;rlsPrleltoOn Sell na(l[ homesite on crest O, having beach access. So much more at $39,950. What an investment! Additional utility room, own wo up ................ •  1995 . . Lad .... o,,'r- I-r-e sKIng bl,bUU /erms, bnelton property available. Asking own garage ana ^, a-a, " " COME SEE this fine home and Homes. 426-5555. S11/23 °wlr/ /aorerbali,;  GOBBLE THIS ONE UP! Attractive, newer 3-bedroom $13,500. Terms. Shelton Land " storage room. Other apartment Land and Homes. 426-5555. completely remodeled, pl ...... ,i Mr, Q Z/ rambler with shake roof, cedar siding. Family room, double and Homes. 426-5555. S11/23 has 2 bedrooms, separate utility o,,/=o Two-bedroom, one-bath, laundry, TIMBERLAKE 12 miles north 27-'323"evenings'. R garage, fireplace, close in convenience for only $42,500. room good storage and also own W ................ ' . inl/r_l-( :)P'P_I.I/L, norecrest, din!ng area.. Over 1,000 square o.ff Hwy. 3, attractive 2-bedroom Inc, Belfair Rll/23-31 PRIVACY IS here! 15 acres garage Agood tax shelter to hve ......... • _. _:, _., ^_, ,,.^ ^..^. mobile name With gues¢ house Teet plus snap, carport, snea, cnalet, some finishing, larle " " HORN OF PLENTY in this family pleaser. 2+ bedroom hidden at the end of a private in ................. o,= um e.u ,=- -= u,,=,, and outbu,ld,na" " Seller will" carry enclosed backyard garden spot, wooded view lot, ownership m ,,,,,m utU w] home with nearly ],700 sq. ft. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, huge road. Power available. Asking o,uu tar ae[a.s call rvann .... :z: .......... huge corner lot, close to schools, waterfront lot with dock. bl IUUu .,, • contract  l/,uuu zo-3.o3 family room on 1V4 acre. Garage/shop combination, $25,000. Shelton Land and Real Estate, 107 South Second ^ " :" - -" .... e "" " c.÷==,  oo tmtfn Lenury zt, Jerry :)mltn i-( alw. Street, Mr. View. $36,500. Call 3 7- 1 51 2 or 935-7802. ll/NllI.J shopping, hospital. 1936 Laurel 24,000, good terms. Call collect IrJl....._ ] community beach access out Arcadia Road. $59,995, Homes. 426-5555. $11/23 .......... - ..........  ..... Cll/23 contract terms. , 426-4022 before 6 p.m. Rasmussen Realty, 937-3400. ill& massive 3+ bedroom home. 1V baths, den, marble fireplace; Commercial, approximately 2,200 sq. ft. plus full basement. So much to offer a large family at $54.995. Residential THROUGH THE WOODS FEAST YOUR EYES on this 3-bedroom rambler. Recreational Property To a new 3-bedroom, 2-bath rambler, lovely kitchen, ' . Cole Road area for only $39,995.Fireplace'HARVEsTdOUbleyOuRgarage'oWNPrivatecROPsbaCkyard'on this 101/2"aCreparklikefenced'acres Hood Canal with Whirlpool appliances, and a garden window; / BEIFAIR 275 6077 00,1111 Includes barn, tack room, several additional outbuildings partially landscaped ½ acre with saltwater access. home. Between Shelton and al Estate Hartine Island. $,000. jJ with spacious 4-bedroom Olympia. Asking $71,500. Union, 898-2155 tfn Evenings call Charlene or Ski 426-6572 or  HOMES IN THE AREA, PLEASE CALL AND ASK. -Buy land, they ain't makin" any more of the stuff." (By Will Reid Realty, Belfair 275-2868 Rogers) i Now open 7 days -- Man. thru Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.; REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS Sat 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun. noon- 5 p.m. LOW Down--Easy Terms BY OWNER 184' low-bank waterfront on Pickering Passage .... $33,995 $39,950 -- NEW TWO-LEVEL IN TOWN -- If you want room for your 20 acres, some in pasture, some in woods, surveyed, SPII iT.II EVEII Tami=y in ,,a brand-new energy-saving home, put this beauty on your close in ................................. $25,500 5 wooded acres on Steamboat Island Road with springs With garage, 3 bed- "must see list. 3 finished bedrooms on the main level plus rec room. $ 8,950 extra plumbing, hobby space or even more bedrooms in the heate0 5 surveyed acres within 4 miles from town ....... $12,500 rooms, dining tin., lower level. Check with us as to easy terms or trade up today. 4 acres out Lost Lake Road -- Secluded .......... $ 7,995 3+ acres -- Surveyed with blacktop frontage ...... $ 7,900 fireplace, 24x12 rec $40,950-- BEST TERMS IN TOWN, FHA, VA -- You can forget the 5 acres, on Harstine Island -- BlacktOPr frontage, surveyed$ 8.500 rm. plus room for large down payment required on "conventional loans, as the nitial ii'waeriiont'at'k'amiiche'Sho'es'wit'h'communi'ty water 4th bedroom and investment is minimal on these low interest H U D built homes Call .......................................... $18,950 DUE TO THE HOLIDAY, OUR OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED 2nd bathroom to and ask about these 3-bedroom ramblers. Fast possession can be THURS., FRI., SAT. AND SUN. HOWEVER, WE DO finish as you like. obtained. Only 2 left! WELCOME HOME CALLS...  $43,500 -- SEVEN LARGE ROOMS -- Spacious one-floor rambler with Vern Olson ................................ 426-5847 All this for $39,950. separate entry hall, full family room w/built-in book and game * Bob NO'I ................................. 426-4849  Call Betty Robinson ............................ 426-5771 . 426-7223 ; Clarine Morgan ............................. 426-7174 1" ,1' or 0000U-$T&RREAL Y, INC. as00-9,. ? ' ...... ...... AI LoBissoniere, Broker * i 118 Alder Street, Phone 426.3312  for appointmentprincipals only II II I I I I doug storage, separated living room features full-wall fireplace, custOm draperies and plush carpeting, all deluxe appliances in bright, cheerful PREVIEW REALTY HAPPY THANKSGIVING We at Preview Realty would like to take this time to give our Thanks to all those people who have made our first year in business such a prosperous one so far! Bob and Vida Steiner Ken and Cheryn Ray Paul and Betty Nysetvold Bill and Marilyn Lupinacci John and Alice Budd Scott and Ruth Paul Marley and Rose Young Gene and Arline Luz Dorothea and Elmer Hansmann Will Knedlik Charles and Leona Somers Helen Sommers James and Jacqueline Dehart John and LauraLee Beahm Frances Barret Marlene Baker Louis and Ester Kranda Sara and Ed Madison Steve and Bobble Peterson Harold and Virginia Cleveland Fred and Betty Brown John and Charlotte McKinley Bruce and Deanna Mulford Richard and Luthrine Sound Donald and Betty Heyer Donald and Sandy Powell Arthur Muller Ed Ragsdale Roger Beckham Don Knudsen Midfork Inc. Robert and Arline Austin Dale Cunningham Richard and Beverly Barber Frances and Helen Yost Floyd and Mary Burks Thomas and Cathrine Ball Erin and Rosalie Goodwin Grant and Wilma Mauer GJon Framing Robert White Tyee Well Drilling aonn and Helen Brevig Donald and Margaret Locke Doug and Jennie Wright Ken and Pauline Ode I Lydia Birgen Jerry and Sherry Lawrence Roy and Beverly Gaskill David and Susan Nelson A. G. and Cindy Williams Terry and Una Wolfe Rick and Nora Lanning Kenneth and Brigitte Meyer Charles and Sandra Abitz Rosario and Sharon Parascondola Harold D,. Trice , . Harstene Retreat (R.O.W.) Jerry and MarHyn Lumsaen Georae and Julie Barber James and Debra Stone We will be closed Thursday, November 23, due to Thanksgiving. 00PREVIEW 426 9748 REALTY Ellen Givens, 426.4715 Jerry Meacham, 426.2406 Lee Campbell, 426.6787 Sandy Yeager, 426-3726 Carla Meclcham, 426.2406 Bob Ward, 426.5065 114 otyp¢ GATEWAY e=NT--S0S B. OLYme HWV. NO.  Mary C. Campbell, Broker, 426-6787 EALTOR' I II I I I I II IIII I Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 23, 1978 HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY from the staff of paramount realty LAKE LIMERICK RETRF_.4:)tI, IG eady to move into -- all furnished chalet .EP-}'*on an exceptional corner lot. $32,500. GOLFER'S ATTENTION . . . This charming Lake Limerick, 2-bedroom home with shake roof, deck, in beautiful wooded setting -- even has a house for your golf cart. $27,000. VIEW PROPERTY .... Towards Olympia. 5 li:tbtt4-oded acres with view of Oyster Bay and "'AE. P,. 15 minutes to the Capitol Mall. Surveyed, $14,0C:terms. LAKE LIMERICK WATERFAL) . . 67 feet on the northeas U.t' the big lake. $15,500. LOT AT LAKE LIMERICK ...... G Nice building lot. C,EENDtmountry club privileges $3,400. Stt- ' CLOSE IN ... Nearly one-half acre just outside city limits, with small barn for a horse. Immaculate nicely done home with three bedrooms plus den, 1V baths and Heatilator fireplace. Neatly landscaped with fence arouno yard for child safety. $39,500. HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT . . . 100 feet of beautiful waterfront, one mile southwest of Twanoh State Park. Both adjacent parcels are bulkheaded. $30,000, terms available on backland. RUSTIC HOME ON 3 ACRES . . . 2-bedroom home plus unfinished basement in the Pioneer School District• $32,000. BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED . . . LAKE LIMERICK ... This home, lushly carpeted in blue and sea greens has one stone fireplace in the living room, a white brick fireplace in the master bedroom, another beoroom and den, family room dining area. Hollywood bath plus another half bath. Really a well-decorated and unusual home, with golfing at your fingerips. $59,000. 2qz ACRES MILL CREEK . . . A level building site is already prepared for your mobile or permanent home. Water and power are in. $10,150, terms. LAKE LIMERICK WATERFRONT LOT . . . One of the best parcels on the lake. 60 feet of western exposure waterfront on Ballantra.e ur!ve. Partially cleared with good driveway. $17,500, contract terms. VIEW PROPERTY . . . 5 lightly wooded acres with fantastic view of Mt. Rainier and Oyster Bay. Surveyed. $17,500 on a PLY-. contract. NURSERY Mt. View LOCK-STOCK-BARREL paramount realty has been given the exclusive right to sell The Felix, two-generation family nursery in clualn: six lots, heated greenhouses, liveable house, 2 trucks, 1. Cractor, full inventory and miscellaneous items. Shown excuswely Dy paramount realty. $119,890, terms. K EVENINGS & SUNDAYS ' I ruth tingvall, assoc, broker, appraiser .. 426.1054 I I doug tingvall, G.R.I. broker ......... 426-10541 [ d. scott tingvall, associate ........... 426-72291 \\;,oa. ,ow,.,, .,,oc,.. ........ ..... ,..?,,,j paramount realty 1929 olympic highway north mr. v/ew ! , 426-9777 kitchen stay. Three bedrooms plus double-vanity main bath, Completely fenced rear yard. Easy terms or trade as owner must sell. $44,950 -- SPLIT-ENTRY HOME ON ACREAGE : This brand-new home has over 1,044 sq. ft. on the main floor plus a full basement"with a single garage and second bath roughed in. Main floor has 3 bedroOm!', full kitchen (including range and d shwasher), d n ng room with fu.l deck and living room with log fireplace. Lots of elbow room! Double plumbing. .A $45,000 -- WALK TO HIGH SCHOOL -- Enjoy a huge fenced backyal.= for total privacy and the spaciousness of this 3-bedroom, 2-bat one-floor home. Double garage and workshop area for dad and the boys. Wifesafer kitchen with deluxe built-ins, loads of cabinets including full-wall built-in China cabinet in family dining area. Log fireplace for cold winter nights. Call today for an appointment to see this custom quality home. $46,950 -- CUSTOM 3-BEDROOM ON TREASURE ISLAND- Enj0Y year-round splendor plus saltwater dock and beach use in thl beautiful Treasure Island home featuring lea fireplace w feSav ktchen and Jenn-Air range, dishwasher, nlus oodles 'of cabinets anu. counter space. Three bedrooms and twO0 baths and 14-ft. rnaStl, bedroom. Easy commute to Bremerton -- terms of course. See " today and pamper yourself. $46,950 -- GOLF -- SWIM -- CLUBHOUSE -- Green thumb paradise with lush landscaping. Three bedrooms, shake roof, firepace, ext half-bath and many extras "m ths" LakeLand Village beauty in AllY.uv Live in a prestige area at a price you can afford. Why not trade today? Take a look. $55,000 -- BENSON LAKE WATERFRONT -- Your own private dock oO 60 feet lake frontage and a lovely 2-bedroom home plus guest roO beam ceilings, 4 sets sliding aloes doors screened-in norch deck a , patio. All this plus security fence on c'rystal-clear Benson'Lake. Ca, Mason County Realty right now --426-4486- we trade! $57,950- NEW "2,STORY" ON FIVE ACRES- Lots of elbow ro0 here -- 3 bedrooms, formal dining room, one and / baths, sunk e'l' living room with fireplace, large kitchen, large rec room, douu', attached garage and a brand new drilled well. Partly wooded and pal, pasture. Secluded and close to town. $85,600 -- ALL THE ROOM YOU'VE DREAMED ABOUT- There .r 5+ bedrooms, 2V baths, recreation room plumbed for wet bar. UI your imagination to finish ths 3,400+ square foot dream. Best of,r on approximately 17 acres, 5 minutes from town. Please call w appointment. LOTS --- ACREAGE-- WATERFR( NEW CONSTRUCTION , MASON COUNTY I EAI REID "MITCH" MITCHELL BROKER r 724 Railroad Belfal 426-4486 AFTER HOURS CALL: 275-I KAREN HAGGARD ............ 275-2669 . SAM WRIGHT .. ............... 426-8061 JAN AMENDE ................. 426-5795 I II AL WOLFF ................... 898-2818 • II VICKI COTTRELL ............. 426-6086 • _. BOB FRIDELL ................. 275-3t 31 JOHN STEWART ............... 426-6991 EI]UAI DONNA GERE ................. 426-9182 __,.A LARRY MITCHELL " 426-9578 O I1"1i/