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truck needed
itlux of people into the
area - approximately
residents last year-
Fire District No. 3 to
te its firefighting
station No. 2 is
a 1944 ex-army fire
is entirely too slow,
Ollie Thomas.
Planning to replace it
newer "used" model
year, he said.
at station No. I,
also has to be
order to keep the
fire rating, a new
have to be purchased
fire rating rules
each district have at
least one fire engine that is not
over 20 years old, he explained.
The Grapeview Fire District
has.allowed for this in its budget
over the past number of years,
and it will pay cash for the new
truck, said Thomas.
Legal Publications
The Board of Directors of
Grapeview School District No.
54 will hold a special meeting on
Monday, November 27th at 7:30
p.m. for the purpose of
discussing dealing with the Bond
issue and transportation issue.
/s/Grace B. Van Horn
Grace B. Van Horn
Business Mgr.
VICTORIA WEISS of Allyn, left, and Dorothy Stokes of South Shore
demonstrate their skills at the "trial run" artist show last Thursday.
Organizers hope to make the event a weekly affair.
Local artists display talents
8 a.m. to 2 p.m. By HANNAH DEHLER forms could be brought together, warm hospitality to this "very came about.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a and where one could learn and idea. Dorothy Stokes, South Artists present were Victoria
Bear Creek Mini Mart place where anyone could learn offer his or her ideas freely? Shore artist, had contacted as
to express their latent talents? A Last Thursday, the senior many people as she could for the
Old Belfair Highway 275-6222 place where all ages, and all art citizens of Beifair extended their event, and the first "trial run"
Kathy's Hair
Weiss of Allyn and Mrs. Stokes.
Both were well armed with
brushes, easels and materials.
Leona Morse, who creates
many unusually fine stained glass
windows, explained the drafting
of the charts, and made a model
of the pear fruit - a versatile
branch of this fascinating art.
Leona Vaughn also had some
art work displayed.
"We were hoping to see
several age groups here today,"
Kathy's Hair Design
of Port Orchard
needs models for
private class on
haircutting Nov. 26th.
Hair Unlimited
275-3851 New Beffair Center
" What a generation !
imited HANNAH DEHLER Bremerton, Shelton and Seabeck. Dave said he and his
• You could call it the happy Always ready and willing to Marni, and daughter, Sherry, 12,
hour at the Belfair Firehall on donate their time for the like the Hood Canal area very
of Belfair Tuesdays and Thursdays, for that pleasure of others, much and hope to stay a long
is just what it is. You've guessed As one of them put it, "We time.
it, we're talking about that are just like the old timers who Couples were dancing now to
"other" generation - senior dug for gold, they never could the music - some were playing
citizens - and what a generation quit as they felt sure some day cards, and obviously finding the
it is! they would hit that mother lode, afternoon very pleasant indeed.
Lunch is enjoyed even more the richest vein of all. It's the Warren Cotes of Sunnyslope,
as a result of the fine musical same with music, once it's in shows expert technique at the
group that never disappoint their your blood, it's there for good. ivory keys. Cotes taught music at
audience. A combination of Music never ages, it remains the North Kitsap schools for
piano, volin, banjo and guitar is forever." over twenty years. Arthur Irvin,
rounded out by that great Leon again at the mike, "l who lives on the North Shore
There is no charge, upright bass fiddle that adds understand the power outage last with wife Minnie, clearly loves all ages to attend the Thursday
Apply i profundity to any jazz orchestra, night was due to the failure of a every minute of his easy afternoon sessions. Remember,
n person on Nostalgic memories of the master switch at Bonneville." A effortless style on the guitar, lunch at noon and don't forget
or before November great bands, music that always voice could be heard in the Later he s,aid, "Living, working, to call for reservations, 275-5135:
starts the foot tapping and hands audience, "Yes, and :,ho knows raising a family put this one Mondays and Fridays, mornings
24th. clapping. You are doing what whatever happened to Charley's personal pleasure in the only please.
comes naturally. Angels?" background temporarily. But I'm Otherwise just come at 1
Leon Munday "Sonny Dave Sellman and "second really enjoying my music again." p.m. The art forms will be
Money," soloist and master of cook" Evelyn Stearns are on lrvin was a ranger at the Belfair demonstrated for about two
ceremonies for the day, turns on hand to make sure everyone is State Park for 17 years, hours.
the charm, served, while volunteers are Laurence Stephens recently No activity on Thanksgiving
"For those of you who think pouting seconds and thirds of settled near Seabeck with his of course, but mark November
I sing too loud, you can listen in coffee, wife, Helen, in order to be a 30 on your calendar.
the adjoining room," quips Leon. A compliment was offered little closer to their
"For those of you who like your on the delicious fresh clam grandchildren. Many travels and
music soft and low - count your chowder. "We do serve good tours are part of the background
blessings." food, and it's all due to the of this professional musician. He
He took time to remind the 1 00% cooperation of the fondly spoke of years with the
guests that many of the volunteers who are always here, dance bands along the west
musicians commute between and never let me down," Dave coast.
, said. "Both westem and popular
Asked when he first decided dance music has been my forte. I
to become a professional cook, play bass, fiddle and banjo," he
"I'm not really sure, I remember said. "'One of the best memories
L J'a -I cooking when 1 was 13, and I was when we played for a
liked it. 1 have been a chef or benefit of deaf children on board
I manager for several restaurants in the Queen Mary after she was
Miami, Idaho and California," he docked at Long Beach."
and C¢1o goes said. "Of course, when l was 13, Sylvia Lane, coordinator,
i I was just washing dishes." summed it up for the day,
Asked how he managed to stay "They are all a great group of
975.6226 ! Iot."s° thin, he replied, "I worry a withf°lkS'themI haVeveryenjoyedmuch.,,being here
Weekend Special I P : la .,,..,t,,. .,,,..,. .,,.
v '' • 'r !
%7' 11 Thanksgiving 1
Complete Dinner I
.............. Salad, vegetable, potato, I
..... ' ' - - -'" dessert, coffee.
-" ::::-'='"--------- 1 DINNER
t Mustc Fridag:::day l
Jointhe The Sweet I :i De;er w,th dressing :::: I
Fun River Players I I
]PL1RNTY OF FR1RE PARKING [ !Bar Open 10 a.m. to I Cpp275.626 o[/[, L[} t"9 ' I::LFAI" iI
2a'm'Weekdays I BELFAIR CAFE I
11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday. I i
laason Lake bleanclerlngs
With tile holiday season
approaching rapidly, groups in
the area are planning their
annual feslivities. The MBC
clubhouse will be the scene of
the annual Grapeview Parents'
Club luncheon-auction on
December I. Fire District No. 5
will have its annual Christmas
dinner on December 10, and the
auxiliary family Christmas party
will be held on December 16.
Information on what food
should be brought to the potluck
dinner, will be publicized later.
The finale t)r 1978 will be
the New Year's Eve dance to be
held on December 31.
Attendance will be by
reservation] only, and tickets will
have to be paid for by December
10. For further information call
Marge Marshall at 426-8327 or
Jane Williams at 426-8320.
Those who attended the
November meeting of the MBC
Club really enjoyed the pictures
shown by Ellen and Bob Hughes
of their trip to England,
Scotland and Wales. We'll all be
looking forward to their next
trip as they always come home
with wonderful pictures to share
with everyone.
The last meeting of the
ladies' pinochle club was held at
the home of Dorothy Johnson.
Top prize was won by Mae
Nichols and consolation prize
went to Kay Williams.
Dave and Sandy Beynon
recently returned from a
vacation of "fun in the sun" in
the Bahamas. Not only were
they lucky enough to miss our
unseasonally cold weather, but
they got out of several days of
typical fall rains too.
Ladies of the auxiliary are
still requesting donations of gift
items for their holiday bazaar
which will be held on November
For the record
Mason County Fire
Protection District
No. Two
Telephone 275-6711
November 16, 10 a.m., back
injury, Old Belfair Highway,
transported to Doctors Clinic in
Mason County Fire
Protection District
No. Eight
Telephone 275-6487
No report.
Mason County Fire
Protection District No. 1S
Telephone 275-34S8
No report.
Vice and virtue
Though ambition is itself a vice,
it is often the parent of virtues.
Wel Grlffoy 275.2117 Lou Dobbs 8664783
said one of the artists. "We look ............... , - , ,,, .... ,
forward to a time when this can i] [
be held after school hours. BONDED LICENSED INSURED -i
Art forms of all kinds offer I JESFIEED CON?TRUCTIO" !
excellent channels of
communication between the J CONTRACTING BUILDING i
young and old. It can even be i CONCRETE WORK |
the path that leads to a I P.O. Box377 , l
successful career for younger [ BA" .-66R4 I=, =i;=l,.I I
An invitation is extended to
Belfair Electric Co.
, We ore franchised ,
General Electric Dealers
* Discount Prices * Factory Service * Terms
* We take trade-ins.
Free delivery & normal installation.
Bonded & Licemmd
Electrical Contractors
Special Contractor Pricing.
Next to Thrlftway
There's a new Spot
for you in Belfair
Spot Realty is now in Belfair with
brand new facilities, the most modern
equipment and a sales team that desires
to help you better than anyone else.
They are backed by the largest advertising pro-
gram, a full-time training program and the fastest
growing, most progressive real estate firm in the Pacific Northwest. If you are
thinking of selling or purchasing land, homes, or investment property, call one
of the following today.
Belfair Shopptng- Center
DIAL 275-6016
m- m m r1"1
Real Estate leadership in Belfalr, Poulsbo, Silverdale, Bremerton, Port
Orchard, Gig Harbor, University Place, Lakewood, and Puyallup,
1 ii i
November 23, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3