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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 23, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 23, 1978
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S00ttl00 Slim J00ibe By HANNAH DEHLER 275-3512 New residents of the South Shore are Captain and Mrs. L. A. Seamier, USA Air Force retired. Formerly of Escanaba, Michigan, the Semmlers have rolled up a great travel record since then. "It always seemed whenever a new base was opened, we were sent there," said Mrs. Seamier. "But it is a wonderful way of seeing tile other side of the world. To mention a few places, we've spent time in Tripoli, Okinawa, Casablanca and Turkey. "In Michigan, we knew .the changing of the seasons and enjoyed rather mild winters because we lived at the north edge of Lake Michigan," she said. "As soon as the lake froze - the boat channel never froze - we seemed to escape the excessive low temperatures. "Although nay husband was a service career man, at one time he did have a building contract in Vaidez, Alaska. Thinking May Club's formation sought to aid visiting students The American Field Service, a volunteer organization whose stated purpose is fostering understanding among people by offering assistance for students studying here and abroad, has requested North Mason High School to assess interest in beginning an American Field Service Club in the Belfair area. The purpose of the club is to be the local organization that raises funds to offset the cost of studying in another country and also locating host families in the area. Interested individuals are asked to contact Mr. Haugen at the high school, 2'75-2811. MAIL STOLEN Vicki Rice of Grapeview reported November 13 that mail had been stolen from her mailbox, according to the Mason County sheriff. would be the right time to move in, he was surprised to find four feet of snow on the ground," she said. "But we loved Alaska, I spent several summers in Fairbanks where our son was stationed. "Turkey was one of the best places for its history, it is a very ancient country and Biblical stories are abundant. You see, Turkey to me means that every little mound of dirt you might want to dig is just one layer atop other layers of civilizations before our time," Mrs. Semmler explained. "We lived in Ephesus, a village that existed before Christ was on earth, and it is found in the Bible. "Near us was the old road that is so recorded in the Bible to be the one to Damascus. An ancient university of that time still stands and now is used for the study of medicine. Native people of the area feel deep reverence for their country," she said. "If they start to dig a foundation and find any type of human bones, they will never use the ground. "It is said that John the Baptist and the mother of Jesus traveled here after the crucifixion. She later died in a dwelling up in the hills," said Mrs. Semmler. "About twenty years ago, a young priest who was not of the village, dreamed of the place. His search ended there. Although he found the roof caved in, the room where MIMI CARR of the Oregon Shakespearean Festival in Ashland, Oregon, will perform at the North Mason High School library at 8 p.m. next Tuesday night. AlSo appearing will be Randy Schaub from the Shakespearean Festival. Ms. Carr appeared as Margaret in "Richard II1"; Beatrice in "The Effect of Gamma Rays On Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds" and the Widow in "Taming of the Shrew" for the festival's 1978 season. Mimi just completed her second year with the festival. In 1977 she appeared as Queen Margaret in "Henry VI, Part II1"; Chairmian in "Antony and Cleopatra"; Mrs. Malaprop in "The Rivals" and Mistress Overdone in "Measure for Measure." Women h By IRENE DAVIS Redistricting of our state's legislative and congressional districts was the discussion subject of the North Mason League of Woman Voter's Unit-at-Large meeting the morning of November 16 in the Belfair Baptist Church Fireside Room. Members Cleo Parker and Phyllis Bannister reviewed the history and some of the problems of redistricting and reapportionment. The state constitution, written in 1889, requires reexamination of district boundaries every five years, yet the legislature has not found it possible to redistrict itself voluntarily since 1910. The League of Women Voters of Washington first became active in the push to redistrict on the basis of population as a result of their election procedures and redistricting studies in 1953 and 1954. By court order, redistricting was accomplished in 1966 and 1972. Over the past 25 years the League of Women Voters, as well as the Association of University Women, and other concerned citizen groups, have supported initiatives and lobbied for automatic redistricting on the basis of population. The league's position is, in part, "Both houses of the state legislature should be apportioned substantially on population. she had laid was in perfect • condition. Today it is a shrine t' yc,00ommull/t_..alendar, that thousands of people visit each year, and many crutches are left as proof of the healing power there." Mrs. Semmler was a ceramist for several years. During a long stay at Howinger, Texas, Wednesday, November22 8 p . m . , O r e g o n 7:30 p.m., Belfair Water she opened and operated 7:30 p.m,, special Shakespearean Festival, North District, old P.U.D. Building in successfully one of the largest Thanksgiving service, St. Nicholas Mason School library. Belfair. ceramic centers in the state of Church, Tahuya. 7:30 p.m., Port of Dewatto Texas. Tuesday, November 28 commissioners meeting, Star "We are just settling in now, Thursday, November 23 12 noon, Kiwanis Club, Route 1, Box 479, Dewatto. on what we feel is one of the Happy Thanksgiving. Belfair Cafe. Wednesday, November 29 loveliest spots of all. Just Monday, November27 7 p.m., Beifair Fire District 10 a.m., Belfair fire drill, relaxing and enjoying another 7:30 p.m., Belfair fire drill, commissioners meeting, Belfair Belfair Firehall. chapter in our life." Belfair Fireball. Firehall. lebrating Our Grand Opening Conley's TV & Stereo Center at Lewis County Mall, Chehalis BUT YOU CAN GET THE SAME SAVING HERE IN SHELTON C527R Reg. S1099.00 SAVE $110 BUY NOW--PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE Model C648R Paramount Only 3 left Reg. $4,090 SAVES613 .ow'3,477 ........ _ ....... _ ............... _ ...... . D652R Reg. $3,090 Factory.Authori=ed SA VE $463 0" *2 627 on selected Remote Top- NOW I of-the-Une Units. -ow*989 tronlc part free for four yeqrs- you FOUR pay only travel and service charges of No trades; prices limited YEAR ,ourserv'cer to inventory on hand. Curtis Mathes .xo,u.v. LliWITED Ask to see a complete copy of this Good Nov. 24-Dec. 2. wAnnA.rv warranty. The Most Expensive Television Sets In America ,,, and Darn Well Worth It. Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section at blelton-Mason County Journal - November 23, 1978 ear about redistricting Districts should be convenient and contiguous, and specific standards for fair representation should be assured. The responsibility for redistricting and reapportioning should rest with an agency independent of the legislature. Machinery should be provided to effect automatic, compulsory, periodic redistricting and reapportioning. The state should be redistricted and reapportioned every ten years as soon as possible after taking of the census." There is increased interest in redistricting at this time, partly due to the Republican-Demo- cratic balance in the legislature. Both parties at their 1978 Washington state conventions included the topic in their party platforms. There have been shifts in population within the state and rapid growth in some counties, including Mason County. Special guest at the North Mason League of Women Voter's meeting was Mary Ellen Madison, North Kitsap resident and member of the DWV State League Board, as well as consultant for the units-at-large. Principal difference between full-fledged local and county leagues and units-at-large, such as ours, is that units-at-large have less than 50 members, have less formal organization at the unit level, and members receive their study materials directly from the state league office. The North Mason unit meets monthly, usually the third Thursday morning, and is primarily a study group. Men may join and fully participate, and several do. It is non-profit and non-partisan. The league Legal Publications PUBLIC NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING There will be a regular Port of Dewatto Commissioner's Meeting at 7:30 PM, November 28, Star Rt. 1, Box 479, Dewatto, Washington. /s/Virgil Timmerman Virgil Timmerman Dewatto Port Manager 11/23-1t does not support candidates, nor 275-6421, or Louise does the local unit take sides on 426-3858.) issues affecting only the local Calendars for 197! community. Our members are offered for sale by e encouraged to become active as Mason League of Woraen individuals in the political as a means of raising process, however, the unit's paper, For further information rent. The LW'v" about joining league, call large squares for chairman Gladys Flakus, messages, contain 275-6166, or treasurer, Kathleen political Landram, 275-2562. page. To obtain a Members do get involved in members Irene issues endorsed by the state or Cleo Parker, DWV. This includes the Returnable Beverage Container HOME BUF Act, for which several of the Ran Sande of local members are collecting reported that his homo signatures. (For further burglarized information on the "bottle bill," November 16, call Margaret Livingston, Mason County NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS TAKE NOTICE: That TWANOH FALLS BEACH CLUB INC. of Belfair, Washington on September 6, 1978 under Application No. G 2-25026 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from two wells in the amount of 95 gallons per minute each year, for community domestic supply continuously. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within SE=/4SWl/4 of Section 21, Township 22 N., Range 2W W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording] fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA 98504 within thirty (30) days from November 23, 1978. 11/16-23-2t Comfort with Lev i's Every pair is l cially to body. This tedng side give you a you'll like. pockets Levi's ® design styling soon in lab THE CLOTH BELFAIR 275.205S The TAB sad the won Levi Strauss & Co,. San Francisco. CA ( ) Levi Strauss & ( *Save for m00L,00meat.' *Cut ]mur taxesl It's possible to earn 8% annual interest for a minimum term of 3 years with a $1,500 deposit. Contact your branch office for more Information. "Substantial penalty for early withdrawal may be required." KITSAP COUNTY BANK Port Orchard (Main Office), Bangor, Bremerton, Gorst, SIIverdile, South Park Village MEMBER FOi¢