November 24, 1949 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 24, 1949 |
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tO words, "what
thinking about,
some stuOy ano
out. n
are so numerous
taken for granted
little conception
of human beings
are but a single
from hunger and
this annual ob-
the Thanksgiving
give us cause for
and constd-
of us axe blessed
and happiness
at home, and the
nature has bestowed
we will be among
With the fruits of
to enjoy• Compare
thousands of mis-
separated families,
of parents by the
war, and the un-
of the things
to keep alive. We
thankful for the
circumstances that
residents of this
of the World, with
of nature and its 1
ha 4 we can bel
bur employment that I
sin for most of us
can be grateful for
which makes it
us to enjoy these
can continue to be
unfortunates of
rest of the World by
them some of our
they can continue
that will remove
Want. disease and
with disturbance
and the
that now
of the universe,
it.s utmost to
page 5)
I v : I :='3F}: VE
f, ,,
Irom-ite can end
save you"
m Irearite
for 10 dey--
Discover how
com#/eSdy uble
Yon iron aayth/m.g
for details
Sunday Fire
Razes House,
Entered as second class matter at the post office a..tAa.t.t,j.g'llt3lqt'x?, --z-a=L,II..LJ.J.J;XTAT'TTNTLm-mt't%)
at Shelton. Wash.• under Act of March 3• 1879.
4 Are Burned
Playing with matches in a
clothes closet early Sunday morn-
rag, three Shelton children started
a fire that gutted a three-room
house and sent their mother and
one boy to the hospital with se-
vere burns, reported Theodore
Deer, Shelton fire chief.
were Mrs. David Spear, and her
small son, David, Jr., 5. Mrs. Spear
was taken to Shelton General
Hospital, while the boy was
rushed to the Orthopedic Hospital
in Seattle. Two other toddlers
received minor burns.
Attendants at Shelten General
Hospital reported that the condi-
tion of Mrs. Spear is "serions."
No report was received by The
Journal by press time to indicate
how seriously the little boy taken
to Seattle was burned,
Starting in the clothes closet at
9 a,m,, the fire fanned into tlte
bedroom. A neighbor, Wendell
Young, spotted the smoke and
sped to the aid of Mrs. Spear in
getting her children out of the
MR. SPEAR, working for a
(Continued on IJage Eillt)
Little Cough Drop
Sends 5-Ton Truck
Friends Can Buy
You Get Them
The Perfect
Christmas Gift
's "Studio
Thursday, November 24, 1949. 8c PER COPY; $3.50 PER YEAR
1950 Festival
Plans Partly
• , ,.
124 North 2nd Street Phone 152
Shaped Monday
The t, xecut iv(.' colnmlLtee of
[0 JOrl Cotlntv [i'o i.'C t Fvstival
l?[l XV;lTiirlt, )ly i('l i?"cpal'lng
I' 1. da .-,w 1",. ., ,l' 1'.')::I). EL-
veq co!.lnlit.let! h<-Pki l)Ot Mtul-
,qay n.m ,nl %helton ;tc,U'.l tO
I,a:tnd .t skel('Lon Festival into
:h;ipe, 1 |.,tf,i ;l ef/Jr'i,?nL
1": ) t i C'/( '1 'l:,
t'ltlt;N'lvNT K; iI:3J \\;Vrt'be)'ger,
].leased ',viti tP.e v2<q),,a,-m to his
all for the lllmdlng, st.atcd, "All
('(q':lllil l,.-I, h'?; ]24 :;,l'll]| ,n,;anize
tb' I" O''411 4"l'lql}E pCt)pal't" t:'E:-
,A,.LIC(I } '-l(t/,et:; l;?tl pl:)qS :l]l,I l'e"
)01'I, tO i}l l)rc:idvnL I.,y [,ile J!il'sl;
. 1 30 yQ;ll'."
Ic, ldy kll'l.ll7P: '-, t il/ :;llpel'intoll-
.,., el >P.liO.,.L cl,,>i'tcd Ih,lt lit',
AI'] ][-:[;lll]L i'l:!'.]" t. ,i!:,)t;on l..o-
,'xlN (*t2il) l )fill.' .; l;lu;, lave ;11o
Oil,iV !;el.tOil [.(); -lIICC [O Ilh3]d
jill!is; 1;:,' 11"1'2 :,,Xt.l! ill: ,u,:t l, esi;t-
"t'iIE[E /t:;i'; : '(,:1 ll:i:]"s
.V(' . i : ,, ]1,, i, ()][ttl'in
,,:id. "F'h':i. u,t' ", LYLL [( ,Ik't 1 iI
.KI:I!tlII I l;lll::i :. d,'Z,?d rigltt
-\\;',':.3'. I[ i,')SSll)lt.! ",- tl ll(o 1.( <;ilkl-
[h. sl, ' i',lt,"L i)l;'pt)l't,;!711;
, lil( s<!/)(q ,-,',: ' :)[l the SLAI-
Tomorrow is the day that those (fforin,zs of a ;;rz)d lml'vest eave, momlts.
big gcblers are pulled it,mr hot tll(,rn :t feeling cf amh th;;Kd,ful- trJ GENKAI. hta,,s,.n baale
ovens and set on th,.' big i)l:,tes, n,.s: that |.ht! tl ',.'ideal to ctJ,> u,:,'ds arc fcvv. Tll(u;e qr,., bvlng
Thanksgiving will be oLm,r.ed brat e.
throughout Shclton tnd [;.L;.4)ll TODAY "I'H D" g"):' l'tll V'C]/'AI'(} (;" .'u'pplied, thirgs come nile
county as : legal holiday. ILia people J:: ,. :.y mllmrior to l:he. sphere cla,:dfied under the
• . . i " ":;Xll;01'lOf AIIIt'I'iC:.II1 st&ndard O[
EVER SINCE the pjlMl';lil,q iil that of t) "• l:'i:;vil!5: I' :) <'it)'",( ltirag,"
1621 had a bountifal hav'e/:r, on l.o thf; l'c)clF;- I) --:<' r, ut. :pa "
:.•;- . ,a .... ".,',', "i ....... nit tie t( , g'hnn ¢,.;:iv; q, i; l. dav to tllanR
the new alld roel:y g'l.'ollnd O" I't:''q :vi,)'. xJut ,- , ? . " , ' .
' , - • ,, .... + . (',' D;r ',11 t)lt i|rr)lg's W'b('h We
England and decidcd to offer pour cu : n,. w ' mget .,,.t ....... ': ..... , .....
• . .... -. '-. ...... ,.:.. li'-I l'.,v¢' m'l |lOl a dqy it:) complain
thanks to God, the ]loliday has lals wnlctl asutau Ill na,xtaq; t '' , ..........
comfortable whosome and zood of the hundreds of knick-knacks
been growing as national fete, ' " " ' ' ve
, I wh,eh we don t ha
strictly American. ] re more out" factories produce , •
The turkeys now offered in tbe and the more lho desires for new Stores in helt(,n h:,.va every-
stores fro' I.he ])eopIe arc ill!lib ;.),'}td.('t)q ace plaec',l iwi'ore tim a(- ihi)'g on :flock which the house-
more large, juicy gild tender Lit;In qulsitve cye, llw raore the de- wife (:an imagine is necessary for
Rolling Off Road were the scrawny wild birds of mand increases• Tim less the poe- the traditional feast. For special
New England that graced the pie have of the things which they church events on Thanksgiving
plank tables of the Pilgrims. The know are available, the more their Day, those interested are reminded
Harry DcShields, Mason County Pilgrim tlad litth' hv way ,)1" ,,,t- "need" ITI I:" ).;v;w .gilt| tilt' )mttl, ;o ('h('¢:k tim Journal's ('hurch a.n-
State Patrolman, was chuckling tcrial COlllfOl'L Ltllll (,Ib!' ].;,; 1[.2 11) 'kv(-p lip \\;Vi[Jl 1.1"I*.; .lo:lt.':{e';" ttot.itict:nltnt,; o.i1 I-i1"1 i!lsit|c page.
this week over a sound and logl ..................... • .......
cal alibi a truck driver gave when One Day High pil
his heavy machine ran off thc V a J s DUIc City School Pu s
highway Saturday afternoon.
A DRIVER FOR a transfer Prepare Holiday
company of Port Angeles was re- " * • * • Bask ts f Needy
turning his empty five-ton truck Launcl00 Surprts Achon e or
to the home city Saturday after- e " In a noble effort to give needy
noon. Near the Thurston-Mason
county line on Olympic Highway, families in Maon county the
he decided to pop a couple cough In probing into the intricacies o£ city government Sat. of good Thanving
drops into his mouth, urday, the youngsters from Shelton Junior High School ot dinrs, the b0Y and gfls o The executives considered con-
The first cough drop lodged
safely at the side of" his mouth, only werb shown all phases of operations, they took On a gatheredIrt 8. foodReed f0rHlgh148¢ll°°1baketshaVefor (Continued on page 3)
case that left our established city offaers agog. distribution gt 10 O'CkmR Wed-
but the second went into his wind- I# naires Her
pipe.' With a 'cough 'drop in his NOT CONINT with merely @: ---:. i f Pau" Htnton their mlnda" Y morlltl, on e
windpipe, the driver "blacked out." being taken around the Clt.y Hall,, Y1eu,. . a,tai; 't,, = nl,tJ ' BAKE will go to needy [ L. ,.,-t-a-
THE T]gUOK RAN off the the kids, as part of their NaUo ..... ..a ^,,. +., .'. ,e^,.a, . .ali in Muo county. E ac.RIk.l ,l]ltULl
.Kid ,Dg.. p)gXa .h I' ,gv ...... 1 .... " Rc dair.4m at two chtki, . , ,
brmdl about a hundred feet, It spectators an exciting ow. . :OOte, ,a.. ma00. Gifts for Veterans
' a be Some pelt d a fl n > ......
'croned a drain ditch, bounced, and . The ktO s rule at City H U. - ........ ._. ..--'= , w.g IMalbuUon of the food Is be- .. _ . ........ v_,l
the cough drop was dislgdge d from .. o or, o ,.,., o*,,,.,* Vlail Cazx ,o , .m.,.. "".i,.- .-.A^ ).... m,.)+^., , w,,. temDers or v'reu . wx m
t ord Sale on Raillpad avenue, Post 31, Americ,n Legion, re
the dP'e#s windpipe, aking him they were being explained heir .. omo m rev .. .red ad:[partment and Police Department, .,...d -on n.t- ain tls year
up', the,' driver told De@hields. ditties in official capa t e .... . !' with Theodore Deer, fire chier ......
• " r dix and eroy. Shelton, oortma • . to provida ctgtrette and gifts for
There were no damages to the taken on rides m the police ca , ,^.=., o.. o ...- ,i. acting as dmtribution chairm ..... ................ tal-
--: " . , - . ' - mune,, ,,, :,-,..,,,..,, t-, ,m.7, ..,. .^,,. . +h,, h0k veterans In trte mlttuary nvp v.
trUck, and no injuries to the driv ........ b . ,,, ,,,, ,..,,w ,. ....... e',
. . ' ..... Judge, :aped to. tit. fife's.C. __t.__, ....... ,a, ........ h foh COM3ff.A2NDER TOM Hrrison
el'; When the machine wa return- ' '" " " 'IT oll ' ))v.uu. tu u**u*,.5 ,,,v-5 ., i
¢t rtzrlvt 'n WHILE PU ING t the .-a ^..v €,..,.1,, 4.,, ...ou ..... reports that all Legtonna res wish=
ed to the road, the drive]" contln- LvJt lily U la|Kulg xJsa r ' ,, .,, .t, .............. " ,
] • blaze, they found a ca lmlong ..... ,.._,...-a .... a, ..... A ins to mare donations should
ued his trip home to Port An- • i n a 1 1 ,n,v,,, ..,... ,* .
rl..]l,.,. :,,.@ to Harry Alexander w t hi 00 , ..... ' "^-'%- *"rk .... oe bring them to the meetings of
geles, l--qLIUtlt| i t.LLUL feet of the fire. They caught Al- wt" -eh ' bket .... " December 6 and 20 or turn them
IN PAPER DRIVE a test case involving an apparent der. dressed in a long overcoat contributions for the Thanksgiv-
Several tons of good scrap pa- confliction between state law and with the collar pulled up anda ing baskets," Deer said. A Boy Scout executive dtnncr
pet' have been picked up by Dick a Shelton ordinance on peddlers slouch hat, was brought protect- In carrying the good-will spirit meeting has been set for Deeem-
Nelson and his committee of Jay- was appcaled to the Washington ingly and in handcuffs ,to the farther into the holiday season, ber 4 at the Memorial Hall
cees during the current paper State Supreme Court. City Hall where the kids charg- students in all the Shelton schools At the last Legion meeting
drive. "tVorRing with three tvocRs, GLENN E. CORREA, city at.- ed him with (1) starting a fire are starting to pick up their old Mattrice Needimm was commend-
the group has combed North truancy defending Shelton, Monday without a permit, and {2) park- toys for putting into the corn- ed for his work as cairman el
Shelton and will start on the filed notice of appeal in the office ing iris car too close to a fire. munlty Santa Claus pool. These ........... I..ton Baseball com-
outh sections new Sunday. of County Clerk Harry Deyctte. WI'rll ALEXANDER placed in will be repaired and reissued to mittec for the Department of
• other children in the county' dhr- .Washington. The commendation
Residents living south of Rail- On September 20 superior Court the main commissioner room, the
road avenue, and on Beverly Judge Charles T. Wright, in a kkls withdrew to organize the ins Christmas. came front the department corn-
Heights, Angles;de, Hillcrest, memo opinion, found that regula- prosecution, and Alexander almost SOME REPAIR work is being mander. Necdhanl reported that
Olympic View and adjacent areas tions of the peddler's ordinance (Continued on page 8) undertaken by tlle students, while he was apI)ointed department
the city Ires prepared a special vice commander for tim West
are urged by the Jaycees to have in Shclton do not apply to vcter- "' shop at City Hall where city era- Side.
their paper bundled and out on ans. A N.EV IEMB]Ei was ]'e-
IF ployees can work on the old and
the front sidewalks next Sunday. The city's "Green River Ordi- broken toys (hu'ing off-job per- lorted for tb,. I::gion ])()st at
Because we don't have suffl- nance," adopted June 24, 1947 on iods, reported Theodore Deer, fire the last meethl/. Hc is Mel Dar-
eient time to call at every house, the basis of one originating in chief, land. Winning" thc door prize
we'd appreciate eacll home own- Green River, Wyo., puts rigid re. MRS. C. J. PRITCHARD,
er's placing his paper out where strictions on all pcddlers operat- . 407 No. 5th ......................... : ......... w2ts l¢.ay l"arr.
HARRY P. HAMILTON, EVERGREEN SCHOOL Tharlks tO the ,nerchants, who
elo;,M l.h(:)t' slm'c: roy Arnlistice
we can just pick it up,'! Nclson ing in Shelton. Route 2, ox 293 -
said. IN Fnan(: ThE .ot.ieo ,,f ap- NEARS COMPLETION Day, w,',; e.w:'.,,,', by te Legioa.
peal, Correa said that the city will call at The Journal office
((',)ll(iltu,'d on p,,:-,. :) wiLh thi.g coupon lhey may ex- Shelton's beauLiful new Ever= - ..............
ella,l00C f,,, ...,,, .iekot,, e.oh G00',.de Sehoo, is nearing District S' ut r"
for the cm'rcri at.Lraetion now cnmpletion. PainLer cxpeeL to fin- .0 ' S
g<, . i:h thei)' worl¢ Lhis week.
SHELTON SIORL, l,l,.yin00 at ,,,,, .,,,.,.,,,..t Set Am us| C f' b
SLATE YULE OPEN theatre a:, gttesl:., ,,[ Gtm G:•af "We expect to move i,l nto,'e
of the ]'ari:rtmurt and The in'imary studcnts dm'ing £he filet 1 ,,011 ,t
HOUSE DECEMBER 2 .lournai. 'Yhc font' tickets that w('ck in Decembcr," said Rudy The :umual m('(,)mg of Tumwn-
Shelton rw.r(:hanl:; s L o c ]¢)n K will bc glV,?rt , :('b V¢Ct.,I; to 'de- Oltlrl:tlw ,;upcrintcndent (.:)g city I.ev Ar,.a. (.;(rtHil, l=h 3' Scoltt:q will
school:< "Most of the nltjol' COll-
ChrisLnlas gift ntcrt:handi:e will lecLcd Jou;uml tu-.;,.ibet: will
stage u milled cvenin/ opcn hollsc behonored at eKht.,, Nlotlday Oz' .Stl'llt:lion cud iusLallation jobs are I)(, hc]d lit th(' ,%heroin Memorial
riday, l.)ccembm' 2. du)'int- which Tuesday ,:hows, l(lO!: tor your done, but final snloottting-up tD,il ()n Sunday, l)'cember ,i, an-
each •;Lol'e will offtT ont' "'r('(I.-])0t" name llxL w('q:, pb:!:;(''; will keep tile worJ; going ll(prg:,lde,lt,1 c(d t. I, 'ldC.',t0n, council
Next b;:)d,,y /" "lueday: for i..ver:tl wcek'C' T,) be pruse:; xTitl bc l, ll act)tit
it, IJ(' tLi( ll ('(,)'e||l)lli('S Ill lilt new olli('(:t•:.; frorn llle {ive dit:'h.'ts in
bcalliiflllspeeial'" Atnewl.lJCsin)psortS:mm IhtmLo;inL,,llm "Chieaflo.[os[o..1Drec]:inc"B[;.lekic,$and .;oimol will tulle place Inlet' when Ma..'on, Thl.i)'si<)ll ;.);r] }.atTAVt;'4 COl]I)"
Company office building will be Clninese Venturc" all t.he sLu¢tents have bce.u moved 1:; gi).ra.',.:n i,vill ,,;t,lt t 1
open for ptlblJc in:;po(",ial, in, ll.t'. Oltlan said. p,nl.. H)ld I)tl;ine:k; will bc c,,;m-
Fnrther dcLails ,if I.he eVent will
, ....... (tn,::ted Ilntil the tL?lltl:tl Dal!qttet; J.:-I
be mmlc publh: in rW',L week's sprca[I ,'Stir d'tsr ,,v) olP.g.
Jourl!a.t _ a ftCrcomlnitLee of lhethe 1-Le(ailch;anbt,rTr,!de;:o! " TO All Ety ogmvr' Cusoners lt,lld Friends: (),, th:: ba,,,t.<, .:,,',,i::,,r:) :,il,,,:t-.
O, ,;.t l) t',':lT'tl: w;ll fi,' :,)'b.:;gr:tc'd td
Con'InleFt:e holds t ;;Dc('J;t] n'l<,OLillff I\\;VO tl('olti.Pl'S 1 ') ll)II.VaL(;r ,'r(ql.
wit. ci,..i,..,It .,,.. I Am Again Representing ,..,,.,,,,
this week. boyhood."
P, H DAVIS TAILORING CO The wiveso£councillcader, wtll
Six Receive Active . , be uests of the Mason District
w)v(': ul :, It, a, il tb,, llO1]10 (:)f I'N.
Club's Fat Turkeys Ladies' md Gent' ' 'i Ul(,S " slid Topcoats H,,mer vra,tk tr,,,l a t, ., l,,m.
Six hlcky nten who V¢O)l Thanlf$- Sullday.
giving turkeys from Lhc Active
Club November 16 have been an- , 3ON BORN NOV. 16
nollnced by Pr('sidenI ,h)hn Stev- " * A -;Oll k,;i,q ]h.,i'J] [,'/)vi,)li]lci" 1() all;
enson. They include .Id, k li.hop, 404 Gai.adc Street Phone 819-M Shclton t;(,ncra.1 1 spit 1 t,) Mr.
A. L. Cheney, Elwo(I(I Meadc Ce- alld Mrs. t"lcd 1)ctrmlon, 1.113 Fair-
cil Bingham and Lonnie Plemons. tnont.
................................. = ................ 2 ............ 2.2 ............. :--" .........................
'J'h()::e l,rt;:mlt :': lhe 1,'e:itival T': ....................
'rod the
se'.mion praiacd Oltman , ' I Improvement Seen In
schools for the t, Lil)erb I)ag ean I .. . . • ' ......
::l.,:;(.'d 1):.t ..,fin.: j:i.mR )t:t(tscll Mr. tl)gl('S t:ODaltmn
,':t t.h;lt 1)r*`.l.),.: 'd'y dl',twilL, t.
tor a m'Av :l.;ige ,ottlng h:ve been
OI,IVElt ASIIFORD, chairman
of the ,q(.}loo[ [)t,tl',) i'll distrmt 309,
::;<l Oil lt/ill (;.L})l i ':;=cd t )le pl'0h-
P.'II, "V/0'tl liRe 1,:, have an all-
oLlt :.;chool effort. Oil tile pa.geanL,
but we don't want to have the
event cut into classroom wor t.
OlJ:tl,tl! (, pl,o:..4(i {}11 ',o f:ll'
as possible the pageant would be
organized without tim mass as-
slstancc of high school students
who are nearing the important
day of graduation. "The junior
hlgh students can giv the event
a lot of zip," he said.
'II}NiGHT, NOVEMBER 3"0" .....
...... " ..... .... CROSLEY
GI,VE ,A ....
:.i ..... CONTEST
New Sewage Plant
To Be Built In 1950:
FINAL PLANS OVE IS an architect', draw°
ingot the proposed sewage sis-
TO BE READY posal plant for Shelton. It will
be one-story tall and large
IN FEBRUARY e.ougb ,o h.,,,e a,,
, needed to treat sewage for a
town of 5,000 popul-dh)n, l"rolr-
Scheduling construction.for able location will be at Frout
ext spring, Shelton's pro- and laeeland treets. "Common
wall" construction will be used
posed ne sewage disposal throughout.
plant is expected to be com-
pb, ted during the middle of
,.e:<t :ummer. Yule Period
'fE CITY IlAS retaincd the
,< w c,,,oy ,,. Deco) aliens
%,'. K)'a.rrler a,Iid associate: as eon-
.:::,'li)g cnginoe,8 1o:" 1 he p'epara-
i Begun Here
for t'ao )ew treatment plant. (
Kr0mCl' said th.t "the plans and
:.,.)ecitcatios zhouM be ready
, liP,:, in F,.brtlary :,3 that Permane:% met:,,! l?:'ackot::, do-
}ds c.m b,: tl,en for the con- nated by Sip-p,,;on Logging Corn-
• kt,: .c iI :',)r:lL; IAll : ia lal'ch." } p:lly, wcre t;,.t.,,.::,qt'd 1.o Lhe lia'ht
I'r,.hmmary p,cns :;l e:,:ly h;l", t' poles on H.allvoad a,ventm lasl
:<n prc,,mP, ted to the city corn- Junday by a hard-working group
Iili,;%;,o:teFs. r)f VOlt!tit:'0,':;. rii'.<i tl,,' of the
li. ENZ;* ?,O()P, comnl:;sion(, brackets ,,l)] I;t? [,' hold Christ-
:f p::bl c '.vo,:::. Itoled th::L "Lhe m..s ti.corAt i ,: ; L:) ;J,: put up Eexl
i.,(a:,t will be olle (3[" the most [ll!({a., r lUa:)D:'.,
m(,(tern and (m(momi(:al of thnse ROY 3)[c(l(}Nl(:l;5. street dec.
b' llm ,rt;:t, tg. IL v¢q be tot. lly en- "n'aiion cb'd,'marL ;;vles all mer,
( ],:'r;()d " ,ghO have. "i I tr I x :t' It¢)III'S lln*,
|yl x e-:il i, , t:tlu," vilic,q IIl l[le d'.y i21(')t*li .t. t ( € ;';. It: hc{p instal
NrtLa('d. 1o ( l),,ch on :;t.t,\\;.;t:',t [)) (.tll'i..l), (;, el' eoh.)re,
{]..I,t;!.;.iI :,;,':-t.¢ln:', £ orlll.\\;'..,toner ]ig],.:;, 1.1'u.-:q. 'Wl'(Kti.lKL balls, star:
lop was / lgoltin::ha[l, I]rem- and I:u'II( >:a.rl.a I',u'c,,
('Lib)n, ]t'Ill:3D, :i?lllt'l('laW, li)'k- ('l:,ipu,d [,) h#, [i!o vl)l):q t:/ahor.
{(t,lll.tllth!d t)l] I)tt[; t') ') P. Lt) 1"ll],2 4 l) ;'OI';l'I;L',:; ('¥'Pt" tO bit
'plt up iq :'J:rlt,m l he new fix--
It Is .Too lte ....
Pioneer Grant C. An¢;Ic, 81,
i[jured when struck by a car
the night of November 10, is
making "satisfactory improve-
ment." attendants t Sllelton
Genc,'ai Hospital reported Tues-
day nool.
I II li
Pollution Control
Ordinance Hearing
Set November 28
Control over sewage disposal
systems that might pollute public
waters in the county will be op-
ened to a public hearing Novem-
ber" 28 in the cotlnty commlaslon-
ers' chamber.
A8 A RESULT of public senti-
ment carried in letters to the of-
£ice o£ M;'& BUIC Pulcy, lcrk for
the commlal{ thl;...©OutttF
hcMth department ha drsw
an, ordl:ma ao,tng 0llutlotl
control, ........
The . thce would
apply to all of Mason county, ex-
cludir Shelt0n it provides for
regulation and inp%ction of SU
means of sewage disposal and
stipulates that permits would
hve .to be flied before a!ly
changes could be made on exist-
ing equipment.
cer would be empowered to mak
regulatlo needed to control pof
lutlon. All new installations and
privat.e sewer disposal systems
would be left uncovered until in-
spected and approved, by the
A.pplylllg to all isolated fami-
lies living over 100 yards away
from streams, lakes and bodies of
water, the proposed law would
prevent possible contamination as
our populatlon
THE BELFAIIt Women's Club
has bccn keenly interested in all
sewage and garbage disposal
uethods along Hood Canal. The
women are working to "keep Hood
Canal waters clean."
Mr. and Mrs. erie Wetter, Rt. 3
Box 182B. are the parents of a
boy born November 18 at Shelton
ltl:'e: a (.: l'.'ciilg (>trctlaaed [)V
merchantu, businessmen and local
SCI'VtC aIld civic 'rl'el!p'-L
IN POI;N':N,',;, T.) Iht: strons
I)t'a.,'l:eLs ].}!,,(,(i ou the po!es 1,';
feat above the ,.'idewalk last Sun-
day, McConkey said, "The fel-
lows wile turned out to do the
work corn,qc, l(:d a f:qod job. We
I'Oa]lv apr);'),('ut (e i{.."
AII,IOllI'.II :q(lt} OI t.hel]l return..
ed early in Lhe morning from
!toqt]iarn whet'e a new Jaycee
chapter wa, launched Saturday
nig'ht, local ,10.3ct:e who helped
Sunday morning were Harry For-
tin, Jess W91fe, Gay Taylor, Dick
Nelson and John Daily.
CHAMBER MEN working on
the bracket Sunday were McCtm-
key, Buck Price, Rll Htmter,
Glb Frken, Phll ayMy, Neff
Evander. John stewart, A1 Mun-
ro and Bob Keenan.
Lincoln IA Meets
The :Lincoln ehool P,.T.A, will
meet at R o'clock next Wednesday
ht. NOyaber 30,, at the laa.
oln $(fllool, All intertwined l)er-
are urgl to attell,
F:-. 7 .....
1 -/ |!
80 Pie©es In
i-Lb.Box 49,
2nd & Railroad
With All Cars Sellin:00.
For 31ore Than $500
?,'0 lio)'l,hly" Payments ULat!l.Ngy:t Yer
LOW BANK . '/F '
Your Buick Dealcr
First at Mill Strect Phone 613