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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.ge 2 . .... I*LTON- A,ON COU?,?I JOT_rPAL e t DOMBROSKI MAY USE PLATOON YSIEM FOR CLIMBM00 H00PMEN The platoon system has beeu clitOor cage coach helieves they widely adopted as a football!woldd develop into a stronger un- trend bill Coach Cl eL Dombroski,it next year and lh',t folh)v¢ing' is .eriously thinking of plIlting it Ill kept together this year. to line for'his 1949"50 Highelimber Ba,skethall hcinK the team-play ba:do:tball Sqllad. gallle it is, su('h I'easoning nlakes sense even iL if sacrifiees a bit this year. But what. little is lost. this year should be several times gained in the two years fo]lowinK in the extra smoothness and co- ordination which is hound to re- sult frolTI constant playing to- get her. Till,'4 COMIN( season, then, Shelton fans are liable to see a c;mplete new toanl 1.aking the i']oor whenever the tlighelimher substitute, ,'is I)ornbrosl¢i figllre:; on keeping' those five sophs as half of his varsity sqBad and pi('k the other five fl'oln last year', reiurning B squad members Jack I)avi(Ison, Ted 1)ale, Len ]-Iawk, 1,ylc Ware, Deb Getty, Fritz Prisz- net, Dan Austin and Bob Eacrett, There prohal)ly will be few bOys €'lit frolri the present turnout ex- cel)t seniors not good enough to nlnke the var.d',y squad, Dom- broski indicated. It is a surpris- ingly small tm'nout in view of the fact there isn't a. single re- lurning letterman from last year's team and the opportunity for mak- ing the varsity probably never was more wide open than this year. VIIITUALI,Y' ALL the 31 boys tllrniIlg OIlt 'ire sophomores aml juniors, probably less than a haft dozen being seniors, Dombroski said after his first look at the candidates. The Highclimber coach, how- ever', wasn't as disconsolate over this year's prospects as one would expect with no returning letter- men and no height in tile candi- dates who are out. That lack ol! altitude is going to be a serious handicap this year, akmg with the general inex- l)erience, but the Highclimbers will have speed and good ball handling. There doesn't aPt)ear to.[ be an outstanding scorer in the I group, hut it may have all-around I scoring ability which is more dan-. I gerous than.point-making concen- tration in one or two players. DOMBROSKI ix virtually cross- ing off the eight league games on the Highelimber schedule as losses ah'eady, in 9Jew of what Olympia, Aberdeen, Centralia and Hoquiam have to offer, but he believes his letterman-less outfit may do reasonably well in 12 non- league games which have been scheduled. The first two of these bring Central Kitsap to Shelton Dee- ember 6 and Chehalis here Dec- emler 9, with the remaining ten str@tching clear through the lea- gue season, which has only efght games under the cock-eyed five - team divisions into which South- west Washington's Class A schools have been divided this year. FILSON CRUISING (;OAT I n Forestry Ch th The Sheltola casaba mentor got his first look Monday afternoon at the 31 candidates who haw been working out for the past, week under B squad coach Andyi Tuson, and his first impressicm! ot the completely non-letterman group was tlmt he had best huihl rot next year with the materi:d I ,qt hart(I, To best do this Domhroski be- liew's it would be wise to use the I sophomores up fronl last year':;[ championship jtulior high teRln as I a. unit, even though he might pos-J sibly get a little stronger com- hination this year by breaking it t up. , IIOWEVER, those five sophs ..... l'Arn(..r Cole, Murry Coleman, Bob lhmt:er, Hart Dittman and l)on I Young , already played to- :.'ether for t'ro seasons and work ;;o well as a unit that the :High- INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS. here it is the greatest value The material used in this gar- ment is the genuine Film For- estry Cloth. Forest Green in color, this beautiful textured ma- terial makes into a comfortable, durable garment that is light in weight, yet has remarkable long wearing qualities, as well as be- ing e:treraely water repellent. It is carefully and painstaking- ly ln3tle. (as are all P'ilsou Gal'- ments), Comfortable to wear, this is the finest garment of it type that is possiblo t,) /tDlnu- factur('. Dwight Morris 7-Team City Hoop League to Open Play December 1 Seven teams applied for places in the City Basketball League at its organization meeting Monday night and the team representatives voted to open play next Thursday night, 1)ecember 1. The league will play three games each Monday night ill Lincoln gym at seven, eight and nine o'clock, and two games each Thursday night in the new gym at nine and ten o'clock. OLYMPIC PLYWOOD JOINS WOODFIBER ATOP INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAl, I}()WI,IN G W I, Woodfiber . ........................... 22 111 Olympic Plywood ................ 22- 11 Accounting .......................... 17 16 Purchasing .......................... :17 16 l,umber ................................. 16 17 , Engineering ........................ :14 19 l,mubern]en's Mere ............. 13 21/ Kimbel Logging ................ 11 22 Hi game Juanita Miller 178 Ill series. Juanita Miller 455 OLYMPIC PLYWOOI) swept Simpson Loggers Tie L.M. For City Bowling Loop Lead CITY BOWLING I,EAGUE Lumbermen's Mere ............. 20 10 Simpson Log ...................... 20 10 Beekwith. Jewelry ............. 17 13 tih'isken Oil ....................... 17 13 Active Chd) ....................... 13 17 Smith Electric ..................... 12 :18 Pastime ................................ 11 19 Lake Cushman .................... 10 20 Hi game-Shm'ty Aronson 236 Hi series--Jess Daniels anl Ron Dodds, each 596 Thllrgla v, ill i llll i tiedoRon Dodds of Beekwith fm',,iew(,lers on Pete the night's honors. The Aeiivel)lr( l)o(t(ls connected Cltlb won the opener from tho!20.q in lhe last pair. SHELTON HARDWARE 103 Railroad Phone 232 MEN S WEAR 123 Railroad Plmne 494 I ................. 8helton Lodge NO. 1684 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MEETINGS HELD EACH 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m.--Eagles Hall Marvin Leman, Governor W. D. Coburn, Secretary .... I II II I TANKS 50 TO 1000 GALLONS For New Oil Burner Installations . Courteous Service For Efficient, Prompt Depend Upon in LIVIHG ROOM FURNITURE The opening games next week three games from Lumbermen's pair Morgan & Eacrett Lumber Mercantile behind the scoring of SIMPSON' I,()(,(d!RS"' " ' high- Delia's answer to the against Safeway at nine, Pantor- Mildred Arko "uld Mihh'ed I)an-!climbed to the top rung of the ium VS tilt  Faculty at ten. Iomaerntt 10-inch demand for good, popular- The iels to join Woodfiber on the we-  ............ ht rest of the schedule is bein - ' , ...... . . . lLy xownng l.,eague .rmay mg ,. Saw -- .l:or tools that adequately meet the _.  men s lnoustrla, uowling' league I,, ......... ,.o. ,hot .... ,oh fvonl gln¢=o L" byist's bo$icrequltements fir in worked out by League Manager ) . .. -s .... v--.t, .................. tot lung Sunday mght. '  ' " ' um Francis Eacrett. ... .......... t Smtth Electrm to 3am the L - Tile seven teams and tneir Ten ............ o'-- oel'mens merc,,,,,  ,,., - ' =" over last mace l%unDel log'lt/g i ,  . resentatives at Monday's meeting, .. " ,- ..... o . mr over ,-asnme. "7 * ' f'n lne pinworl¢ at MargareE .... d and their lumbers for schedule 7.' ...... Fmsken Od Dulled rata a thu" I ....... " BroYn MargareL TODIer ant, nel- . " .. ..-- ......... nlaking purposes, are: I ,., ',_. I plaee I,]e w]tn leeKw][n deweu'y 1. Morgan - Eacrett L u m b e r  en watms. . . by blanking Lake Cushnmn while ., . , Engineering juml)ed a nolen m[tl'le . . , . ,. ,.,c. (F[alem Eacrett)e "Herb Baze" 'ti,e standings With a 3 to 0 tri- 'Activ'll:; "ten:ad2fg'innt g [I e 2. alewa.y to' ( ) umph over Lumber sparked by I ." • " ' " - --]Forfotm[stralghto % Pantormm Cleaners (Buck .......... m" "" cu'ctut cellar wth ts defeat. 'true edges- smoother (. . Mary mltn, JUOy l.ord  £I Ma- o' Prme) .......... m ni " ] The Loggers were lucky to et =nd faster than ",d Lrl axer wnue u gn s I • in by hancL .t Faculty (Torg'er Lee) I ........ ...... . away wth the first game, ,).r,' ---WOO(lliDeI, ........ (tll'l Mc'ann "U ) li iOl.lrl;n match, ioun(i .Juama. o IVLIII-]t wmcz-" "1 they scoled' onl-y 794 p-ins,. . er's top mchwdual scoring pal'- • . • • Home€roD 16-1rich $€roll Ill 6. Rayomer (Ted Kendall) 17.. ......... .,but the Electncms were 22 pros el n a dwa I tlally wasea m Accountings z '' sawmg, inmaMngtoys,  ,Q_',." '*l 7. Sh  to H r re (Bt zz Fra- I .... " ..... " . . -- [ worse. Percy Funk sparked a fan Saw -- For all curved j:k"k il ze't i to I tleIeat aL tne nalr(ls o1 lllr - - o ....... " r t _ , secona game Ior a zl pin vet- shelves, etc. Also for • [1 -;I,,' . - ...................................... I cnas! ng'" ............. clict, tllen Shorty Aronson caught .a.g=ad sand- "ddl ,|[JlkNl'l',t JT salvage(i tne ,,,," fh.a fnr a 2.26 hWh ame of rp:_.] llu 11..,4- i seeond game for Account,ng bnt ,,. n|o.hf nd n nn nln rl'e .for IIU |Ut IP II][-L Vera Thomas and Chris Redman ';' ?.t, Lamp & the first Mr xtra T It m, 1 • tattened their averages in lnigtl WON tight verdicts o- _ 7 jamme(1 1 lgnl; In ' a"d 'thtr c°nt'sts t° give Pnr" in edgin; PisUme' Snm Gustaf"   2 ......................................... n. n_ _ c.asmg no,,. son's 2= getting enough suppor00 -;i: 00,mpson vln ltace to best Lee Westhmd's 212 and mMPSON mN'S BOWLNO MeCLEARY'S L.M. nip Allen's m0 by even pin, V L BUII,DING LEASED then John and Bab Stewart hit- Office .................................... 18 15 ting 210 and 202 second games Hometratt Grinder end Homecral! Reed Mill I ]8 5 FOR COMMUNITY USE for an 18-pin edge over AI Fer- Hm,¢roff |-inrh L'rru- SutflnS Head -- ]'or P .... -- ' ........................ Fo drilli Engineers ........................... ]8 15 Lmnbermen's Mere ............. 17 16 Reed Mill 2 ........................ 16 17 Olympic Plywood .............. 16 17 Woodfiber . ........................... 16 17 Research .............................. 13 20 tti game--Jess Daniels 226 Hi series---Jess Daniels 639 TtIAT OLD SARDINE feeling wraps the Simpson men's bowling league this week, with three teams packed onto the circuit's top rung and seven of its eight entries jammed into a two-game ]span after last week's matches. The Engineers joined the throng on the throne by shellacking Reed Mill I by a'3 to 0 margin whilo Office was edging I,umhermen's Mercantile, 2 to 1. 3"ess Daniels touched off the big blast for the Engineers with a scorching 639 series, capped by games of 225 and 226. The Office verdicts were won chiefly on ths scoring of Joe Hansen and Lou Redman. WOODFIBER climbed into the thick gqing with a shutout vic- tory which dumped Research three games into the basement. Consis- tent scoring between 434 and 495 by its entire lineup accounted for the Woodfiber calcimine J ob. Olymp.ic Plywood shaded Reed Mill 2'in the fourth match, 2 to as Earl Lumsden and Jim mons did the crux pin spilling. Grays Harbor Elk Range Studied By Game Department Game and range management experts of the Washington State Game Department are continuing their study of an elk range area in Grays Harbor County, accord- ing to Norman Knott, in charge of the department's lands division. Knott has been working on the problem personally, along with Game Commissioner Walter Fail- or of Aberdeen, Game Supervis- or Clyde J. Norton and other game officials. Knott recently told the Grays Harbor County CommisSioners that control measures used on certain farms have cost more than the value of the protected property. What the department would like to see. he said. is a general agreement on land use by all agencies concerned, both public and private. An area of con- siderable size on the headwater§ of the Humptulips, Wishkah and Wynooche Rivers, he said, is one of the greatest elk ranges avail- able anywhere and contains little land of value for agriculture. Private timber owners in the area generally have been favor- able to a program which would halt the selling of land therein for farming purposes. Coopera- tion of the county, which owns 18,000 acres of land in the area, is necessary if a range is to he located there, Knott added. The county commissioners have taken the proposition under con- sideration. Leasing of the former Lumber- men's Mercantile hardware store building for community use was annonnced this week by the Simp- son Loggiig Company recreation association. Hokie Hokonson, Sirdpson re- creation director, said the build- ing owners, Ingh,am & Reed, Inc., have granted the SRA a lease for regulated sports activities. Plans call for sharing part of the space with the McCleary Sportsmen's Club for a rifle range. Other space will be devoted to a boxing ring, bag punching and general chlbroom use, Hokonson said. Limited remodeling will be dana. on the building interior to fit recreational needs. Use Journal Want Ads BELFAIR GARDENS R0SES o., .,, Specialty Stock for this year now com- plete---either ome in person or send for list to 8tar Route 1, Box 55, Belfair. Across road from Belfair P.U.D. rier's 214 for Pastime. Both cool- ed off badly in the finale, Pas- time taking it by a substantial margin. Jess Daniels paced the Frisken Oil sweep with a 596 series, which lar Saw -- l:or ripping sharpening tools and or ctoss-¢uttln/ and knlves, pollshinghouseo routing maklal mould- hold meal$, " ]ng, ings. ctc. Come n soon, ta see these Homecraff Power Tools SI00ELTON AIR SERVICE, INC. MASON COUNTY AIRPORT CHARTER • SALES • INSTRUCTION C.A.A. Air Agency certificate No. 7405, non-scheduled air carrier operating certificate No. 7-197. Approved by Civil Aeronautics Ad- ministration, Washington State Board of Education, and Vcterans' Administration. THIRD ANNIVERSARY :OFFER To Former Students Holding Private Licenses and Current Medical Certificates Aeronca Champ Solo .......... $3,00 per Cessna 140 Solo .............. $5,00 per Special Flying Rates for former students of Shelton Air Service Will be in effect November 12 to 27 Phone 25-J For Free Airline VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED HERE WEDNESDAY-NOVEMB ER THE L-LINE, 87 ALL NEW HEAVY. DUTY ENGINE00D • COMPLETELY NEW FROM STEM TO STERN • Featuring advances in performance, safety, comfort -- greter maneuverability, Covered in beautiJul long u,earing jriezes. Available in all the lat, est decorative shades. Specially priced or this sale at only, .... $239 MODERN 2 CUSHION STYLING FOR THE YEAR'S BEST VALUE This truly beautiful living room suite is eonservative modern in design The 2 cushion seat and a real pillow baek is exceptionally comfortable Covered in a ep, l endid I ong.wearin$ frieze in all the lateat deeorative ehadetl OLYMPIC FURNITURE 321 Railroad "SEE US FOR'COMFoRTABLE LIVING" Phone g4 Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (I-Iood Canal tldea are one hour " and 55 minutes earlier) Thursday, November 24 Low .............. 2:57 a.m. -.1 ft. High .............. 10:40 a.m. 15.4 t. Low . ............. 4:15 p.m, 7.6 ft. Higl 8:16 p.m, 12.5 ft. Friday, November 5 .............. 3:47 a.m. -1.1 ft. High .............. 11:33 a.m. 15.2 ft. .............. 5:25 p.m. 7.2 ft. High .............. 9:17 p.m. 11.5 ft. Saturday, November 26 Low ............. 4:40 a.m. 0.2 ft. High .............. 11:25 a.m. ]4.9 ft. Low .............. 6:39 p.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 10:40 p.m. 10.7 ft. Snnday, Novvember 27 .............. 5:35 a.m. 1.5 ft. High .............. 1:12 p.m. 14.7 ft. Low ............. 7:47 p.m. 5.4 ft. Monday, November 28 High .............. 0:26 a.m. 10.2 ft. Low .............. 6:33 a.m. 2.7 ft. High .............. ,1:53 p.m, ' 14.5 ft, Low .............. 8:39 p.m. 4.3 ft, Tuseday, November 29. High .............. 2:1t a.m. ]0.4: ft. Low .............. 7:33 a.m. 4.4 ft. High .............. 2:29 p.m. 14.2 ft. Low .............. 9:22 p.m. 3.1 ft. Wednesday, November 30 High .............. 3:37 a.m. 11.l ft. Low .............. 8:35 a.m. 5.0 it., High " 2:58 p.m. 13'.9 ft. Low .............. 9:58 p.m. 2.0 ft. load distribution, more economical operation, shorter overall lengths, new cab de sign giving greater all - around visibility and more interior roominess, comfort convenience  Improved power plants and transmissions. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE THE TRUCK THAT DELIVERS THE'MOST PROFIT PER MILE NEXT WEDNF_00DAY - NOVEMBER 30 AT FIRST AND MILL STREETS