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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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............................................ A-IIOLIDAY ! ....... At Thanksgiving, may we re- mind that ANY day we Move your househoM goods will be a. holiday for you? A day free of any worries or responsibilities! For ore&apos; careful handlers tal:e every detail of Moving off yolu' hands and mind. Rateg are no higher thmlgh ()ur slnn(hlrds of scr.vit(! are! Shelton i ran, rer INCORPORATED MEETING IS POSTPONED Mrs. W. F. Roberts will enter- tain the Shelt(m Woman's Chris- ti,n, 'l'emperanee llnion at rt Christmas l,a)'ty at her home at 7:30 p.m.. T)eeeml)er 19. An ex- chan;w (if 50 cent gifts will be b:ld. .qevel'al stall' officers al'e ex- I)eeted t() ))t, i)resenI. A good at- tt.n(lallel, is desired, s) keep the dale in min(l. Tll(, regular meet- ing sol fin' I)eeember 2 has been' judge vegetables at county fairs," postponed, and points to look for in judging =TEL'IN - MAgON (O ,TOT.TRNAL A ++..,.I,-, P n...I.... [..%.¢::.%.:....:.:-:...:.:...%..%.%...:..:..:..:.:...:..:......:.¢..s.............................. [s DIJ#e_]? Is A ZllblbUIIUN II;rll-IIl.ll [.. ................... j: lvmJ[l-;,*  ,.uLa s,mJ.. ,rn   .. : dPn • I i im :: IINUSUAL HOBBIES LAUDS Punctlons ;; K -- .,... -- I I .. -- .-- £ .. :i: ,l,< (7 l:L l:),.l' of Sk,,l.)m- ...... ....... ............ ....... . .l fl gr2 l aNN I !__ qq  11 1-  .!. i.n v" l'v .ll;ilt .,' Sic]ton and Mrs Kllgore of Brem- =.b .:. nt))..v mt In(, .)t)urna, t)u.,e ms) - - ) " " , i.l. Fr ..... ^-- ^,;=+,, l:¢litn r Dh,,,o nn .. V,•e(,l ' and Mll)We(l ',VIYIL ('levi0' (:l'I()n were gllests at tile t.;n mr( - .,I a=.,cn r,uyc), ...... 7 ......... v,,u vv ) , ' '. el nl V'lllev ('nt.¢l)* ¢*h h h = XTc. **************************************** %**j****** *** , ,.** %,_*** * ** ** .%,%** * , , , , . , , , *** , , . **';*= |hlrl;"f i'o }11 )e lI}:idi* vll1 a low --, . J,,,.. .. ..... e;,, .,,,- -. • • • , , i*. , . .% *** ,.... o ;**** .;**.*** 2*/. ***.*;..**** • ******************************************* ," vexnber 18. Mrs. E. d. Whisnainth in:lterials. ,,r1's,,lent of tl,o e,,,,l, pl.,sen, o,, Shelton Garden Club Has Meeting .,.,it. ,,.ee ,.:,,l, ,,:,,is i,• Mls t M",;" "N ht)i)I)v are pc:llllltS, pipe them with corsages. Novemb 21 M y PI l)iscu sed ,,,,,,l,e,s and ja' lids. On the lids Mrs. Cropper spoke to the er ; an ans S s),(..,,,-. i,,re: ,ls,, the pe,,- group on "How to enter and Mrs. Evelyn Mill((), Mrs. F)'a)ll( recobnition fo;' tlais .,il,o\\;v ihroilh lulls :IH he;ids :tnl.t be(lies and the Willard and Mrs. Vivia Jaeol)son an att)'aetive })l)ol(lel, illustriite(l i)lpe cle:me)'s f()r arm:, legs, tail 221 So. 2nd St. Phone 66 FOR CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL BUYING, SIIOP AT Needham Food Center BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop. PHONE 199 THESE PRICES IN EFFECT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0 • • • • • ROLY, POLl(PEAS 94`)00tins ........ 2/21= PINK | WECO, NO. 303 TINS GRAPEFRUIT lb. 1:3' i PUMPKIN. 3 for 19 RUBY GEMS  POWDERED TOMATOES. ctn. 19'[ SUGAR .... 1-lb. 12' WAXED SWEET POTATOES ..... 11 = CRISP, UTAH TYPE CELERY ..... lb. S¢ A COMPLETE LINE OF CANDY AND NUTS "k- i MEATS OF FINE QUALITY f (;olored Hens lb. 39* Lutefisk ...... lb. 25 € Hams .o,,or W,o,o lb. 55 € Mince Meat .. lb. 29 Lee's Market Lee Westlund, Proprietor corsages. Chimaenm is the newest chlb in the olympic Peninsula District. NOVEMBER 1"7 Mrs. Cropper with Mrs. Eber Angle, Mrs. George Drake and Mrs. Vivia Jacobsen attended the East Brem- erton Garden Club Tea held in the Sheridan Park Recreation Hall. Mrs. Howard Shohoney, state corsage chairman, is president of the group. Mrs. Hibbard Moore of Seattle lectured on color com- binations. She also demonstrated how to set tables in many moods, informal, formal and so on. Pouring were Mrs. J. Chester Dean, Mrs. George Cropper, Mrs. William C. Oliver, Mrs. J. Gordon Gose and Mrs. Della Goetch. The two tables were covered with orchids and pink cloths and flow- ers carried out the colin' scheme. Mrs. Boyd Andreus was unable to attend• Garden clubs from Ma- son and Kitsap counties and State officers were invitecL CHRISTMAS PARTY PLANNED BY GUILD Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild met at Mrs. A. N• Parrott's home November 18 with Mrs. W. L. Jessup as co-hostess. A birthday cake was had for Mrs. A. W. Callow. The noainating committee for the year was named and they are Mrs. Don Callison, Mrs. Roy Mc- Conkey and Mrs. Loui VanArs- dale. It wss decided to bring a toy to tile Christmas party to be held Friday, December 16, at the home of Mrs. Don Callison, assisting hostess is Mrs. Charles Allison. These will be given to the fire department, who will mend them fo'r needy children. Names were arawn anti 50 cent gifts will be exc h a nged. VISITING Wlli I)ARENT John J. Pinckney, Jr., of the United States occupation forces ill Japan is at the home of his parents in Shelton for a visit. He s accompanied by his family. I ...... [l • • I NO .... ttie .question isn't silly. ,Trees really cto lay millions of egg's which have an important economic bearing on the future o[ the United States. A mature tree may create and distribute over the land anywhere froma few t]lousand to half a million seeds in a single year. If given an opporttulity to develop, these seeds can produce almost anything .... a new house .... a newspaper .... motor fuel .... or a synthetic tire .... for wood is today one of the most versatile servants of science. Since the'variety of things whlcli can lie marie om wood is increasing so rapidly, it is our job to see that the trees in our woods have an opportunity to "lay their eggs" and that they, hatch into ] mature trees for tomorrow. / We are on the job. k'-i ' = " " ' -;i It ...... -.-...imllmll SIMPSON LOGGING II LI COMPANY Shelton and McCleary, Washington I I III were hostesses to Shelton Garden club at the Girl Scout IAttle house Noveml)er 21• Mr. C'. L. l{ood of Agate spoke to the group on gla(Is. He Stlg- gested the nse of t;2 pint g(_rnait.e to 15 gallons cold water for soak- ing the bulbs three to fl)ur hom':, to kill Tlu'ip. After this is (tone, a hole five to six inches deep lined with peat moss, then sand, fertilizer and water is made for the bulb. Much sunshine, water :lncl cultivation is necessary for choice plants. He suggested many choice varieties of bulbs including Rose VanLima, Margaret Beaten, Sue(side, Jeannie, Snow Princess, with l)ictlre of tilt' Wo)'I,  I)[' ]'uel]l- t)eFs t)f g:ll'd(ql ch)ll:;. Not only i. ', lhe finished l)r()thw ', nhown in iJlc illustrations t)ui explicit (lirev- t ions lll'e given (el' i(S (:()liSt I'll('- lion. I)l'o(.ee(Is l')'tll/l sale (if' [ht'.;o go into the s(hl)larMfip fund. Ml'S. (!lopper has st)ld ]llliny bill,ks heretofore and st ill ires thenl availal)le if nnyone \\;vanl,q Olle, call 490. The price is $1.03. New suggest ions for hell(lay candle-making, el(,ver tine)'aft ornaments, \\;vreath,% dol)r swags and favors will lie found in the exhibit. The show is 1)pen to the 1) I)lic for I Fon]irlal :ldnlissi()n fee whiqh will Ills() g'/) into ,he !lltl :owll. Slllall bits of cloth are t.ut inlo clothes for the fig'ures. I)isplayed were an ot'gan player \\;vith his monkey, an IL'M<inlo with , tih, t/wee pal•ro(s si(ting on a ]:)il)e ('h':mer stand, two little Negro l)(),vs eating" w;itermelon, a ('()%Vb()y :11(1 a ('il\\;,e nlltll (h'ilgoinx) ili;4 W(')IYI{I n. "I iHve fl}n nlaking them," said Jth's. l)l[4"gel', who llanles this as ,i[lSt ()he of her hobbies. Bruce Elmore Visits Shelton Friends Sunday I 'lqlCe lqhnore, manager and vice president of a large logging Julia Amatt and Greta Garbo. He recommended Cecil Solly's book, "Culture of Glads," whiell may be purchased for 30 cents from KIRO. Another speaker was Mr. Huss- man. He discussed the replanting of Railroad avenue with the chlb. Mrs. Cropper gave hints for No- vember gardening. Mrs. %V. C. Batchelor, who preside(I in the place of Mrs. Lentz, gave the formula fro' preserving leaves and l)erries for holiday use. Soak leaves in 1 part glisterine to 2 parts water for 3 weeks. Paint berries with shellac thinned with alcohol. Mrs. ttiram S. Fonough is gen- eral chairman of the annual ex- hibition of deeorations for the home dm'ing the holiday season to be staged by the Washington State Federation of Garden chlbs December 12 and 13 at the Olym- pic Hotel in Seattle. The federation has won national Mrs. Fosnough, 9823-.t0th Ave., IS.V(, Seattle. Others may sen(1 them directly to the address. Tea was sel'vP(l t)y ihe hostesses. The lable was <leeorate\