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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I .,IJ,&apos;¢IP;,rlll'!,t m mm From where I sit 2.00y Joe Marsh, Watch Out For The Symptoms! adults they're ten limes as bad-- an(! can he mighly "('¢mlalglnu,;. '' From where I sit, we shouhl all watch out :for the "symptoms" .... little thin,,'s like eritici:dn, a lwr- son's prefm'(,nce for :t :[Triemlly v:las:: of temperale lwm' or ale. We've :men personnl 5ree(hm wither away in other e(mnlri(,r.:, when individnal ilfiol','r'nee wa;; :fllowed to/.','('t oul, of tlund and be- come a nation-wi&' epi(h.rnlc. d/0oe out loud when I heard was down with Chicken of forly-five cah'hing l see him, armed with "second ehihlhood" them fast, wht,n I 'Zo looked terrible and fever. It we ialked, I came to I hink Chicken Pox is a lot like ses of the such aN inlolerance, or just plain ig- "re excusable in ehil- when they come ()tit: in Copyright, 194o, United States Brewers Foundation PLEST WAY Raise a Calf ....: ... .................... , ............................ --, , ,, . . . _, ..... --_ _ !: New Officers For ...... :i-9005i)i00oRDMMXKF£-i)i00-BiJ-TtiE-R-E i AT "t"1'1 L* " -' Sheiton Valley ! (,range Selected By Signe A. Kneeland Shelton Grange 403 met last :!,,( , , Tlmrs(lay to elect new officers for ..................................... : ..... :, :..:. L SI-TON - MA0N OOI. JOtrRNAL ' ...................... ................... " ..................... __..-.geP' ....  i i .... :, .................... iiii i i , ii i   ............. L the coming year. M. Fay Ben- 'nelt, a, n]ember of 403 for more than thirty years who has always : hLl(l Iltl office, was named to her I ;v.;i te)'m as master. : ()vo)'s(.er i.q J. Keith Bennett, who succeeds himself; lecturer, C. 'L. Collins, an office he held some 'years ago; Steward Frank War- ]ren, assistant Steward, F, obbie i i'tiester; Chapl,)l , Ew Wivell, an ()fries Mrs. Wivcll has held 1"(' lllllny years. T','easurer, Peggy Slater; Secre- tary, Ka.tic CooR, office, held by her for 16 years. We mentioned last week that Mrs. Cooke oniy i fissed two regular meetings in those sixteen years. Gate keeper, W. Hiester, outgoing master; Ceres, Cecile Donaldson succeeds herself; Pomona, Ruby Hackerd; l,'lora, Signs Kneeland; lady assis- lant, Ruth Mast• Executive com- mitteemen for two years, A. R. Hackerd and Mr. Gudjer; home economic, Mashie Warren. There will be a potluck Thanks- givfng dinner at Shelton Grange will 403 November 24. Come and join in. The time is one o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren were in Tacoma Friday on busi- lleSS. Friday your correspondent ac- companied" Mrs. H. Tiffany to tJlympia when she made a business trip to that city. They did a lot (f window shopping while there. The ladies of the community met last Wednesday at Echo Ranch. There were no quilts to tie that day. Vralter Cooke promised to haw  ,me ready for them for the next time as he has two in the making. BOY IS BORN NOV• 20 A boy was born November 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Delvell Rt. I Box 9, at Shelton General hospital. Read Journal Want Ads The 1950 Ford Deluxe Tu'dor Sedan eombine,J the modern styling so widely acclaimed by the ear-buylng public with the comfort and economy demanded of a family automobile. Smart new treatment of the grille and parking lights and a colorful new crest--the first in Ford hlstory-- distinguish the front of the new models. Comfort features include new non-ssg front seat springs covered wlth a new foam rubber cushion, additional head room and smoother, quieter V-8 and 6-cyllnder engines. SMOOTHER POWER AND QUIETER OPERATION MARK NEW FORDS A smoother flow of power in the squirt hole in the connecting rods V-Ss and quieter operation in both I which provide instant lubrication V-8 and 6-cylinder engines disting-I of the cylinder walls after a cokl utsh the improved power plant for I start, b. New cylinder wall finish the new 1950 Ford passenger cars lwith better oil control, c. Rubber irtrodueed to Mason County rest- I seal ring on intake valve stem i dents last week by the Fitch Ford guide of the V-8 engine, which pre- Sales of Shelton. vents excessive oil consumption "By taking advantage of the through leakage of oil past the latest development in engine de- valve guide. The new rubber seal sign we also have still further in- rings help oil economy from the creased oil economy and added to first, mile driven the life of these engines," Harold 5. NEW THREE-BLADED fan T. Youngren, vice:president-engin- on the V-8 engine replacing the eering, said. "They are the quiet- former four-bladed fan and a re- est and smoothest running engines duction of fan speed to 9/10th of we have ever produced." INCLUDED AMONG the en- gine improvements in the 1950 Fords are: 1. New camshaft timing gear made of laminated composition material which replaces the for- mer aluminum gear, giwng, much quieter operation. 2. New autothermie type pistons which control expansion and con- traction and eliminate piston slap. 3. New camshaft, designed for quieter operation, featuring a longer opening and closing ramp which eliminates tappet noises. There are just four easy-to-remem- ber parts to the new, simplified Larro Calf Raising Plan. 1. Feed milk twice daily for the first five weeks. 2. Feed all the hay the calf will eat from birth. 3. Feed 100 Ibs. of Larro "Farm. tested" Calf Builder, meal or pellets, free choice. 4. Provide fresh water at all times. FEED DEPARTMENT Established 1895 ST DAVID'S EPISGOPAL  TN S , • I SI DAY CHOOL Rev J grHgUorRyCHee, Vicar C()NVE, NrL'ION HAS Thanksgiving Day will be ob- R| r ANtE • . . .___GAT END . served with the offermg of the I ......... = -. ...... 1,, 1 , Nr • 'q- |  t 1% ,i 1 a i rl'ne J).last)n tJ()l|niy NllnlstCl't,'tl atts, j at C'ttdt'laL sit S avtc,  ..... ..... " "^" ;"" 1 As,ocmt)on reports splen(hd at.- ) tntll'en &t IU a.ln. on 1 inrsc ay , . . .k., ,'4- "( '" ]  . . . ., . • .-- ", tea(ttn(!e al. ill( l.o(•tllt • t,H t, ' I • lne oiiernlg at l,plseopal ,Jnllrcn .....  ..... , .... ". servic:es on Thanksgivir)g Dav will cnoo] t,onventmn nero at ).)w be devoted t.o tile Diocesan Enlerg- Ii'irsl B:)ptist. Chu)'ch. Ttlel'(. were ency Fund which is administered by the Bishop to help pay hospital bills for needy clergy. The annual convention of young people from the diocese of Olym- pia will be held at the Diocesan House in Seattle on Friday and Saturday of this week. Official delegates from St. David's church will be Betty Walton, I,yla Shoe- maker, Terry Skelsey, Janet Ros-[ quist and Sue Kennedy. i Next Sunday is Advent Sunday} in the Church'Year, the beginning of a new year in the church's cal-] endar. Beginning on Sunday, the Vicar is preaching a series o'f four sermonettes at the 9:30 a.m. Acl- vent services. Morning prayer and se)'mon will be held at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, November 30, is St, Andrew's Day and will be ob- served at St. David's with cele- brations of the Holy Eucharist at 7 a.m. and 10 a.m., the former to be followed by ,a simple break- fast. MINISTERIAL UNIT ELECTS OFFICERS The Mason County Ministerial Association met November 14 at :,l)proxinmtely t. w e I v e Smt(tay Schools l'epFesenlred, 1171(I lni/ily l)eople expressed thei)' app)'ec.ia- tion of the fine :-:piri of (,opera- lion nmnifested am()l);4' itw v:tr)- t)t I.€1 g't'OllpS. tovel'end 1)itl|l (l. Trtllin tit' Vt/nf'ol.lVel', W/st'l. ;)lld t'{eV¢'q'e*l(! [lphlin O. l)avis )t" ()l'rthm,I. ())'p., challenged the "tttdien(',', It) d() :, gro: ter w o 1' k c) ' evalL('li:;t','. through the SIIn(lay school:i I,: tch po nted ott the fact that Ild4't?S police off)eel's, social wlnRe{'.q. (*Ic, are sgtying " lhe a nsvv'Ol • [i) ill(, g'reat prohlenl of .jllvonih, :):!d pal'ental delinque)tcy is l.he Sm- day' School. The committee, in making plans for a. greater convent ion n(,t, yeatv I and hopes to secure the sel'viees I of Revel'end William KirscR,,, tilt' executive see)'etary of the N:(l.i(n- al Snnday Se]lool Associaliot. UNITY TRUTH CENTER 408 Cota Street The Reverend Estella MacPher- son, graduatc of Unity S. <if (?. in Kansas City, Me., will he at tit(, ehnrch November 28 t() De(;(mtbe)' 1. l:ter subject will be "Prosper- . ity's Ten Commandments." The tOOth, p. V4 has new super-fitted pistons, quiet three-blade fan new "hushed" material liming gear and new camshaft de- sign for extra qu,etness. Sheltom I.O.O.F. No. 65 Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. HALL Viting Members will be Cordially Welcomed THOMAS J. WATTS. Jr. N.G. Thomas C. Myers. Secretary ltuby Rebekah Lodge No. 75 Meets 2nd & Fourth Fridays BEULAH ItELSER, N.Q. 4. Increased oil economy result- }IELEN COLE, Secretary ing from: a. Addition of an ell The one e Instruments illuminated grouped n I shape. )lication of sealing and throug4zout entire body. Smzrt hardware Inside and out, designed for more thsn beauty. @ less pedal pressure• White tidewall lirel ovaileble ol extre cmt. sagging sprlngs. New rlchly colored up- holstery fabrics. New push button door handles, new rotary secure door latches. Eleven brand-new baked-on enamel colors that keep their freshness because they're "built to Itvo outdoors." ars-- Nsw msdalti--front 11. and rear ndds Ote'of" beauty. in the low.price #/e/d Interior that seats =Ix blg psople--Ford ha.s more hlp and shoulder room thon any car in its clam For an even bigger thrltl drLvo this '50 Ford ,,, tha f/he car in itg field, ,> Fifth anff Railroad The 1950 Ford is 50 ways new and finer t.. from new heavier gauge steel frame and 13 way stronger "Lifeguard" Body to new designed ceiling and seating for gre,ter head room. New comfortable oom rubber front seat cushions, over new special non- Just touch "the latch of Ford's "Deep Deck" .Luggage Locker--22.9 cu. ft, of us- able space awaits any load you can muster. Just git in the '50 Ford' luxurious new See : : : hear:: :and feel the difference • at yourFORD DEALER'S ..... F I T C H FOnD s A L € s the engine speed. Use of new narrow fan belts and rearrange- sent of drive so each of the two belts drives only three pulleys. The new fan, while providing the[ same cooling for the engine, is I much quieter than the former] model, and the reduction In fan speed eliminates fan roar•' 6. Improved oil bath air cleaner with cork insulation which deadens metallic engine noises. The new timing gears in both the V-8 and 6-cylinder engines are made of laminated cloth impreg- nated with bakelite resins and moulded under extreme pressure. Another important improvement 'in the 1950 Ford engine is the use of better insulated high tension wires to the spark plugs. An im- proved arrangement of these wires also, prevents cross-firing. .... A, F.EATURE .of the new mato- theamic type pistons is the ste'el strt which is east into the alum- hmm piston ami which controls expansion so the piston cannot be- come tight when heated or loose when cold. The pistons eliminate engine slap, produce a great deal less friction and add to the life of the engine. Where the former pistons had to be fitted with a certain ammmt of play to prevent scoring, the new pistons are being fitted as close as .0005 of an inch clearance. The new piston also has its pin offset one-sixteenth of an inch toward the thrust side as an aid in elim- inating piston nbise. Improved performance of the engine with the new pistons in- .stalled provides an even smoother flow of power than m previous Avenue- ...... + ........... ----P-hm0016 ,,,,,,-+.+. 2.$ M'o!)th: L" 0 Pay '; AT F'-irt and Mill Streets "(WE NZeO USED CAaS,) '  illl II IllS11 - --. ..... 2--'L?LIm I I 'l have a corn-popping party at the parsonage beginning at 7:30 p.m. ASSEMBLY t)F GOD Rev. Sam McGilb Pastor Sunday school starts at 9:4.5 a.m., and .the morning worship is at 11 8,m. tlnday evening evan- gelistic meeting is at 7:45 o'clock. Christ's Ambassadors meet at 7.:15 p,m. Tuesday. Prayer meet- ing SJ .at 1 45 pm. Wednesqay, the First Methodist Church, Rev- erend Wayne Wright, pastor. After the devotional perle(t, the eleetton of officers was hehJ. The following were placed in office: Reverend Sam McGill of the As- sembly of God Church. president. Reverend John Deboer of the Faith Lutheran Chu)'ch, vice- president, and Reverend Warrdn Hale of the Baptist Church. sec- retary and treasurer. The next meeting will be hehl at the Episcopal Church. Rever- end Gregory Lee. pastor, on De- cember 13. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Ancient and' Modern Necrom- ancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hyp- notism, Denounced" iv the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read next Sunday in all branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sci- entist, in lbston, Massachusetts. Golden Text: II Chronicles. "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughont the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the be- half of them whose heart ia per- fect toward him." The following verse from Num- bers Iv included in the Lesson- Sermon: "Surely there is no en- chantment against Jacob, neither i'hd:ay divination against ls- rff!'r"ccording tb thts time it shall be said of Jacob and of Is- rael, What hath God wroughtW From "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures'.' by Mary Baker Eddy is the following cor- relative statement: "Resisting evil, you overcnme it and prove its nothingness. Not human plat- itudes, but divine beatitudes, re- flect the spiritual light and might which heal the sick. v FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Warren Hale, Acting Pastor Ray Mainwaring, Assistant Sunday school starts at 9:45 a.m. "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." The morning worship starts at 11 a.m., SEE THE . . . Fa irl):l ul¢,,+-M or e rUmPS Ir 1 ])ll ' I•S"I 1 '1 '< gll,l, t ,2 public iv invited. 110% DISCOI00NT ()N ," T N ,,,z PERFII rio ()IL m-- ..... , E Ii/%:.•,+• '*,:+\\; ,' f ,++, , ,,,, ..+ ,. <,.:, '%\\; ¢, AT 103 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 232 models. Other quality features of the 1950 Ford V-8 engine include: hardened valve seat inserts for ex- haust valves: duplex water pump and series flow cooling, insuring against hot spots: extra large ca- pacity oil pump and accessible ver- ticle drive distributor incorporat- ing full vacuum control o the ig- nition. 4-H CLOVERETTES ,MEET NOVEMBER 17 I Members of the 4-H Cloverettes of Hoodsport met November 17 with their leaders, Mrs. Stephan Hale and Mrs. Donald Brown. I Two new members, Roberts Schaufler and Betty Haskell were admitted. A measuring and weight de- I monstration was given by Gloria I Baer, president. At the December meeting Roberts Schaufler will I demonstrate the correct way of I setting the table. t Plans were made for a Christ- I mas program to be held at the ; Hoodsport school December 15. Next business meeting will be ;held at the home of Mrs. Hale, t December 8. Joan Johnston and Lila Linton will be in charge of recreation for this meet. ') MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH [ Win. H. Albach, Pastor ) Highway and Casoade Wednesday: The Choir will meet at 8 pan. Thursday: Thanksgiving Day services begin at 10 a.m. Friday: The Lutheran Women's Missionary League will meet at 8 p.m. • Sunday: Sunday School and Adult Bible Class begins at 9:45 a.m. Services begin at 11 a.m. The Lord's Supper will be administered. Sunday Evening Bible Study Hour meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Walthev League will with the topic on the New Testa- ment teaching on marriage and di ......................................................................................... held at 7:30 p.m. November 23. All are invited to attend. ST. EDWARD'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Mark Wiechmann, OSB Catechism and church and Bible history classes for high school stu- dents begin at 9:45 a.m. First Mass is at 8 a.m., and second High Mass starts at 10:30 a.m. There will be a pecial sermon topic. Inquiry class meets at 8 p.m. Wednesday. . A Thanksgiving Mass with er- men will be given at 9 a,m. Thurs- day. Sunday, November 27, is the first Sunday of Advent. The mem- bers of St Mary's Altar Society receive Holy Corns(mien at the 8 o'clock Mass, which is for their deceased members. MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHAPEL Rev. Herbert Anderson Sunday school is at 9:45 a.m., and the morning worship starts at 11 a.m, The sermon topic is "The Price of Discipleship." Evening service starting at 7:30 o'clock will be on the topic, "Justification, by Faith or Works?" A Thanksgiving Day service will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. with the Reverend John De Boer, guest speaker. Special music will be rovtded by the church, And the community is invited. Sunday school cabinet meeting Is from 7:15 to 8 p.m., which is fol- lowed by a period of prayer. .Next Sunday will be dedication of the church piano. v A, 4;i-i:dTff0000TCN: ¢ H .... Rev. John De eoei', Pastor: 4 Sunday shool, begins: at. :.45 a.m,, and the morning service is at 11 a.m. Sermon topic i$"°rhe L6/ of Jesus,' from .. :Ylatthew 9:18-26. The adult class will fieet at 7:30 p.m, Tuesday. Midweek meeting is at 8 p.m. at the par- ThurlaY vorce. Young People's services are at 6:30 p.m., and the evening evang- elistic service is at 7:30 p.m. A city-wide Singspiration will be held at 9:15 p.m. Young People's devotional hoar is at 7:30 p.m. Monday. The meet- ing will be combined--fellows and girls-+and Mrs. Warren Hale will bring the message. A Thanksgiving service will be Mt ] (:in November 30 Pastor Quan-} Journal Want Ads Pay.  beck will be with us. Genuine NURRE Mirrer With the New Metal '25 O0 Corner Ornamentatmn ONLY . e Now you can have (at greatly reduced )ri,,e that genuine Nurre "Living Pie.tul'e' Mc'ct you have long been wantingor livmg l"oom, dining room, bedroom, or hall. Made of heav- ily silvered plate gla- in the modisl, Vetet:- ia, n design. Has delicat(.6 rounded, pcr,:c'il edge and lustrous metal corne2% wlfiel ac- complish the double p!arp.6d (...'02'menta+ lion and of holding back arm y.'o.£,mirror, -Ready. to hang. ;Mtke seltiot;S ,nbw whRe • the llmlted supp!y:!ast.".b:fi,!lf",a.:  $35.00 value. OI • F,