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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,q THE SHELTON HOTEL COFFEE SHOP is again under our own Management aml we, earnestly solicit your patronage. * We will endeavor to furnish a Dining Service that you will be proud to invite your friends in to enjoy. THE SHELTON HOTEL MANAGEMENT r,.,, SERVICE Hailro.!Id I Think it's Silly to Spend Money on lrlle More Expensive Gas While l'ln Just lm.rning We rarely disagree with a customer  even the young ones  but experience has taught os ,-- the best 9asohne is the cheapest in the long oc short) run! Drive in and let us "fill 'er uu." You'll get service with a smile, LES & DICK'S RICHFIELD Phone 993 Say goodbye to fire.[0000nding, with Coleman Automath Oil Heater :i! ',.'?i',' 'i':. .... .., ..... .,. "All.over-the- house" beotl Coleman heats oven distant rooms. 11'his amaztn low=cost heatar circulates warm air like a furnace, Nationally advertised Coleman Oil Heater moves-the-heat; puts it where you want it. Keeps floor and distant room warm and comfortable. Burns low- cost fuel oil. You tend fire by merely turning a dial. No fuel-dirt, no ashes to carry, Coleman heats three to five rooml by. keeping a big y olumc o warm air circulating in y0ug home. AS LOW AS i '*eterso;;; Y unv .... ,z- s ..... tuay! $ 59.50 ll I I lllll 1 Free Dance Shted biter PU c Friday t:EagleS Building r A free dance ,ill be .giVen for the public tomorrow night'in main Eagles hall. Dancing from 9 p.m. to I p.m. Sponsored by the Junior Cham- ber of Commercc in conjunction with thc Eagles Lodge and musi- cian's union, the affair will offcr the best in entertainment, Keith Imus, clmirmaL sald PROVIDING THEmusic will bc the four-piece orchestra of Bill Hajak, versatile piano player who hold the world's record for marathon playing. Hajak has been providing music for the Shel- ton teen-agers this fall. ' The Eagles Lodge is donating the use of theh' hall, Hajak's musicians Will play, and the Jay- cees are d ceorating the hall and arranging games and concessions booths. The active Jay-Ette group is assisting in the prepara- tions. PART OF" Tillq FUNDS ex- pected to be derived from con- ccssions, hot dogs, coffee and pop, and from games hav.€.been..atcd for the Shelton teen-agora. Jay- cees are working on a project to provide a building for the "USe "of the youngsters. Clmlnnan of the dance is Norm Coselman, assisted by Walt Charl- son, John Luhn, Jerry Ristine d Don Ericson. A good attendance of young nnd old members of the community is urged. Memo Opinion On Peddlers Appealed (Continued from Page Z) contcnds: (1) tlm veteran's sta- tute of the state has no force upon tlm city c,s to limltilg its right to prohibit veterans who live outside of Mason county from obtaining a. peddlcr's license, and that the concession granted the veterans under the state law per- tains only to the city or county where the applicant resides, and (2) the veteran's statute is un- constitutional because of its class legislation aspects. The state law permits veter- ans to peddle anywhere without paying for a license, but the Shelton.type ordinance requires them to qualify and to pay for their peddling licenses. IN Ills MEMO opinion Judge Wright had stated, "It has been well established, at least from the Civil War to the present, that for a number of reasons it is not only proper but highly commend- able to extend certain*preferences to veterans of the various wars in matters affecting their right and opportunity to earn a living. The court considers the state sta- tute to bc constitutional." The plaintiff in the case ts Ray- mend M. Larson of Seattle, who is represcnted by the law firm of Mosler and Goldblatt of Seattle. 4 Burned Sunday In House Blaze (Continued from Pale I) Clwistmas tree company in Shel- ton, was away from home at the time of the fire. Members of the Shelton fire department stopped thc Hre quiqkly, but the house was damaged 75 per cent and contents were a conpleto loss, l)cer said. The ]louse. located at 1212 Olympic Highway South, is owned by Ralpl Crabbil] of Shelton. All clothing belonging to the tamily, other than that which they were wearing at the time of thc l'ire, was destroyed. NeighbOrs tn the community werc reported to be giving them spare articles to take care of the immediate needs. FIRST 'PACKAGE' HOUSE BUILT HERE Packagcd housing was intro- duced to Shelton this week by the Dick Kleburtz Construction Corn . pany. All the material for a one-story, two-bedroom, 22 & x 45 foot house, even the hardware, was lifted • by crane in a single pckage off a truck at Seventh and Cedar streets Saturday, and Monday a five-man crew began assembling it." By Tuesday they were putting on the roof and the home will be ready for occupancy before Christmas by its owner, Lawrence Fredaon, reports Dick Kiebuz'tz. The noted Northwcst ardfltect, Wollandcr, deslgmd this engin.- cored, packaged house and it is being produced by the West Coast Mills at Cllehalis. Too Late to Classify H. A. GILMAN'S CLOSING OUT ak at 1he Murray Bros. ralch, 9 mile norlh of Glgll;t.rbor on Horeuhoe Luke road. Watch for road igns. Tue¢iay. Nov. t,J. 1949. Salt: begins at 12:09 noon. Lum:b served. 40 h,'ad of |Io],tcilt cOWa, Z0 sprlugere, 1o fresh. 10 nllddle milkere. Thec are all young coW, first, ccond amJ third calf. All arc. vaccinated and tested, hnplements: Ford trac- tor. 2.bottom plow, tandem disc, a.II ItPW ; al:td nlttntlrc spreader. C. E I'ay;c, ,auctioneer. Phont) Auburn I r;3,  1 -i-- I t. ONI,] I{(.:)M 1,rJehclor aprlment. $18 month at Goldsborough Apartments. All-=4tfn. -f,'(i)--]¢ENT-diil:X--p.r-/inent.- two r,olU and bat]]. C and Adarn [t.. v,= A GOOD CIIRISTMAS PRE00ENT ,, TRUCE i WANT TO RENT:  or 3 bedroom . R . •  N N , modern house in or near Sheitou. CELERY Tender Crisp .... LB. l SQUASH GrEen Hubbard .. t, II Call lhllsidc ,t3J8 Tacoma, collect. Ell-$'] I I ' " '0:,*--,-u- Cranberries o. ,.s 2 . 27 € LE la oe .olid .. I.B, ne. sually $Ii5. pectal to clelr ,,oo, ,,..o. On,y 'Few, So f -7-RALPHS FR()i00-?I}OI00 ........... 1 ....... ll-2A il,, hen,e,, on m. ww. Plo,,e , Hurry Down To 253-3. '11-34 m,,. s,,o,.r ,.. ,, *,o= SPARAG-SU o.,,o_ Shelton Electric , o. to.o ,.. A 59 € PEAS FOR SALLY: large white male haks ' * * * * " * " " " " " " * $3,25 ch or four for $8.00, Phone *' "-=" BROCCOLI ...... 38  BEANS ......... . Growth is governed by intIli, genes; by the active, all-wh, Gerry Building Phone 154.W I ,aw-creating, law-dtsolpllatng, law Pries Effective Wednesday Friday Sturdy sundSY sbldig....PHnciple O0d,--}mlJ' .......... B. W, $OPER " / . l Baker :Eddy. 4 .... SI-VLToN- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday, RCH ........................................................... iAMONG YOU R ME ANTS Kids SurpriseCityl . • Officials In Rule I Morgan & i: L --b € • got away by slipping, out a door. [ , .... , City Attorney Roger Salisbury er o. presented a tight case. again.t Alexander, who pled "not guilty" t324 OLYMPIC HIGIVA and resisted vigorously. Witness- es for the city were Commission- •  , era Shelton and Arlen Johnson Jim Hawley, street superinten- Phone 56 (tent Maynard Cox, police chief t:-ru and E. E. Fitch. PITTSBURGH PAINTS AFTER PRESENTING his case Attorney Salisbury stated, "The oo city rests," sat down in a swivel chair and went over backwards, HAULING  resting. The courtroom full o,, aUILDING SUPPLIES people roared. . The defendant was found guilty --__ _ ------_ on both cla'ges and fined $10 an $25 and costs. For contempt of -.., .... court Police Judge Karl Schwarck fined hi m another 50 cents. In gl presenting  check to the court, Alexander was charged by the paxtment will be charged a flat are invited to look over the new finance commissioner with writing xppn'--"ances  plloUp-"es 80c service fee per month; sec- International L-line models at tim a bad check. Time was running .... --.- end, all grocery dsliveries will be first showing next Wednesday. short so the case was suspended. charged at the rate of 17c per . . . IN ENACTING THE role work- HEARING AID BATTERIES LAMPS - 6 to 10 OL delivery, Manager Keenan an- KILLMER ELECTRIC ed out the night before with the nounced. REMODELS kids, Alexander did a splendid :MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS job. When all was over he donat- "These two steps will enabl New arrangement and location ed $10 to the Kiwanis Club for GIFT SELECTIONS _NOW q us to offer competitive prices on of office and counter space has more work in boys and girls pro- TO BE SET ASIDE FOR CHRISTMAS our food items," Mr. Keenan ex- given the Killmer Electric store a jects. , . plained. "The questinrtaires over- new interior appearance and pro- The day was sponsorcd by whelmingly indicated that out" vided consiclerably expanded floor members of the Kiwanis Club and See the HOOVER SPECIAL food prices were not competitive, space for exhibiting the firm's arranged by Maurice Needham ,nd the reason thcy haven't been electrical appliance lmcs. and Frank Willard in conjunction VACUUM CLEANER at $39.95 is because we had to mark-up to The nmin servme counter and with Alexander and thc young- SPECIAL: 4 Only Fluorescent cover the cbst of nlaintaining our tim office flare been movcd far- sters. Were $14.95 free delivery and credit services, ther to the rear of the store, oc- In the afternoon the Shelton "We feel that making a direct cupying space formerly taken up kids were treated to free movies SHELF-O-LITES .................... Now charge for these services is fairer by storage and the repair shop. I at the Paramount Theater, cour- to the cash-and-carry customers :,, . SPECIAL: 2 Only who do not have charge accounts ! tesy of Managcr Gus Graf and SOLARAY Heavy Duty OIL CROSLEY CONTEST TO END the Kiwanians. and do not ak for dellvetT ser- Eentries for the big Crosley Convert your old wood stove to oi1. vice. They should not have to help "million dollar give-away" con- [ a dayOtherwereY°UngRandyCitYGreenwalt,°fficials Vir-f°r Were $69.95 bear the cost of thoso services test sponsored locally by Killmer ............ ,t,.,,1 ginia Allen, Roberts Wilcox, Jack when they do not benefit from Electric must be submitted or Allen, Myrna Wallin and Ernest them," he concluded, postmarked not later than mid- Dunbar. ELECTRICITY--Your Best and Cheapest Servl: Further details c o n c e r n i n g night next Wednesday, November tllese changes may be studicd in 30, reminds AI Kiiimer of the lo- Man's pz'imary allegiancc is to E A Carr *'""°'"°°' the L. M. grocery departments cal firm. his vision of truth, and ho is • • PHONE 845 I The contst is divided into local under obligation to affirm it. New Sewage Pl ant and national divisions. The local --.Jane Addams contest will be judged by Mayor To Be Built Here llrry Carlon, School Supt. Rudy  Oltman, and Attorney Charles R. (Oontmuod from Page 1)Lewis, who will start their delib-RALPH land, Mt. Vernon and several ci- erations to find the Mason county ties near Seattle. "The plant Sltel- winner sometime around Decem- ton will have is just about the bet" 15.  . heat there is .for a city our sizc," * : .... hc said. SPROUSE EXECUTIVE VISITS Although it is designed for a John A. Sprouse of Portland, population o£ 5,000, the treatment executive vice-president of the plant has suflqeient safety factor Sprouse Reitz Co., Inc.: paid his to care for much marc sewage first visit to the firms Shelton flow, Kramer said. store last week and complimented 1S READY WITH YOUR THE PROGESS IS known as Manager Gene Brewer on its gen- primary type of treatment. The eral appearance and both its stock THANKSGIVING DINNER NEEDS sewage will be pumped into the display and quantity. sewage treatment plant and will *  * first pass through a grit cham- NEW BEAUTY SHOP OPENING " ber to deposit sand and gra,el Dorothy Hutton, formerly with and then flow through a parshall the Deluxe Beauty Shop, will open '41 flume which controls and mea- her own beauty salon next Man- ures the flow of sewage, day, November 28, in the Cam- The sewage flows to settling eron Hotel. tanks where it remains for abont two lmurs. Solids'settle to the - bottom where they m'e automati- cally collected and pumped to .the dlgester,, ftor o sl.o . dig., You'll Get it will be trucked to the Eity dump where it may be colMttted and used as fertilizer. Liquid will be discharged into the bay after The Best Deal it has been thoronghly Chlorinated: Cost of the treatment plant is estimated at $135,000, Kramer sal.,:,, his report. In Town 'IF TIlE PEOPLE have any buestions, they are invited to ring-them to the city commis- sioner sessions at City Hall on On a Tuesday afternoons," Commission- el" Loop expressed. NEW BUICK Shelton Coed Nmed Social Commissioner T Elizabeth Slater, senior at Cen- tral Washington College of F.,du- € oaon rom Sho,n. s been Bob Ervin elected to serve as social commis- sioncr of Do-St-Do. Amcrican dance club, for the coming year. 41" _ Miss Slater attended both the Vlomrs STRAINED OR WHOLE University of Washingten and the CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 University of Oregon before en- . ......... rolling in C,W.C.E. Daughter of (WE NEED USEO CARS) t,. O. Slater of Route 1, Shelton. she ts majoring in education at C,W.C.E. NONE SUCH - READY TO USE DEL MONTE - NO. 2. I U "---" MINCEMEAT ... 41 € PUMPKIN. 2 for "ROCK DELIa - NO. 2 'PACIFIC PEARL ? ? W H Y ? ? PUMPKIN. 2 for CRAB MEAT .... SN I D ER'S BUY A USED WASHER COCKTAIL SAUCE .................. !!W Nil .__,,. . FRUIT COCKTAIL YOU CAN GET A NEW WASHER ............ '" LI BBY'8 7 OUNCE AT A BIG SAVING STUFFED 0LIVB ...... 71A'°z" AT OUB e Stock Reduction Sale MLPH'S PRODUCE I -- SWEET POTATOES... No. I waxed 3 lbs. 35 .¢