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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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November 24, 1949. i :) AND DECORATIONS FOR EVERYONE YOUR XMAS SHOPPING WHILE THE SELECTION IS COMPLETE Novelty, Xmas Candles For Table, Mantle, Eto. 5-inch Santa Claus ........ 15€ 5-inch Snow Man ............. 15¢ 5-inch Angels .................... 15¢ Taper Candles ............ 10¢ up Red, Green, White 8-inch Santa Claus ........ 59¢ Which Will the Entire Family Powder Boxes .................. '$4.19 up Figurine Bookends .............. $2.98 and $3.19 pair created by Phil-Mor $6.49 ea. Boudoir Lamps ..... : ...... i. $4.98 ea. Lams .................................. $2.95 ea. Bed Lamps .................. $1.98 Bed Lamps, equipped with socket .................................... $2.29 Lamps, with magnifying ...................................................... $2.49 WRAPPING, & RIBBON pad patterns : ........ ,:,v up BOXED CARDS " .by Ruetcraft per box Cards I)5¢ and up [types for HOME, OR BUSINESS. Our Stock Over Z Nmmuml i SHELTON. MASON i i , ii Give Dad and Brother Hose Famous "Ascot" Sex .................... pair 49¢ Nylon Body with Reinforced Nylon Heel and Toe Crepe Style ...................................... pair 35¢ Mercerized Cotton and Rayon, Service Weight Big Boys' Blazer Anklets ................. pair 29¢ LADIES' ALL-NYLON ANKLETS-- White and pastel colors ............ pair 39¢ CHILDREN'S ANKLETS--Mercerized cot- ton, 4-ply heel and'toe ................ pair 29¢ LADIES' LACE TRIMMED RAYON BRIEF PANTIES, precision sized by hip measurements ........................ pair 49¢ CHILDREN'S SKINTEES -- The pantie sized according to your child's weight ............................................ pair 49¢ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL ' 'r ' ' , LIMIT OF3 TO A CUSTOMER LADIES' PLASTIC TEA APRONS : With Ruffled Pockets- lu Several Lovely Colors and Patterns * Ideal gift for Sister, Auntie, Cousin or Friend We're giving you this cute little number for Only 27¢ Gorgeous BOXED STATIONERY To please every member Of the family in lovely tintt and "=1 per designs 59 = .ox Rustic Wooden Bowl NUT SET " Complete With Cracker and .................... Sl.39 picks BRACH'S BOXED CHOCOLATES 1-Lb. ,ox 69* REGULAR PRICE - 3 FOR $1.00 " Toys and More Toys For All the Kiddies Climbing Tractor ................ 79¢ Farm Set: ........................... 98¢ Horse and Cowboy ............ 69¢ D Toys, Micey Mouse onald Duck ................................ 79¢ Coaster ................................ $1.49 Tea Sets ................ $1.39 up Kits .................................................. 98¢ Score Game ............................ $1.19 Girls' Launderette .................. .. $2.19 Peu Wood Burning Set ........ $1.98 Water Sink ............................ $1.49 &try Holster Set ........................ 98¢ Double Holster Set ........ $2.29 Cap Pistol .................... $1,19 Toy" Builder Sets--- 40¢ - 75¢ - $1.35 - $1.75 (The)erfect gift for all small boys) "Little Lady" Electric Stoves ............ $4.95 Little Sister Pastry Set ._. ........................ 98¢ Table Tennis .................................... $2,29 set Ziilophone .............................................. $1.19 Games Of All Kinds Color Books ............................ 10¢ - 15€ - 19¢ Little Golden Books .............................. 25¢ Gas Inflated Rubber Balls ................ 49¢ up Play Nurse Sets .................................... $1.98 Doll Buggies .............................. $4,98 and up Genuine Lucky Tripper Luggage Hat Box ................................................... $2.69 Over-night Train Case with mirror and tray ............................ . ................. $3,69 15-inch Train Case .......... : ................... $1.89 18-inch Train Case .............................. $2.79 23-inch Suit Case ................................ $2.79 (All luggage subject to 20" federal tax) . 1 410 Railroad Avenue ' INC. _ i .5-1 O-IS€ STORE 9:30 A.M, " 5:30 P.M. I I COUNTY JOURNAI i i i NI i i Packard Candidate For WEA Position , Grant E. Packard, student counselor at Irene S. Reed High School, is a candidate for the board of directors of Washington Education Association, district 3. The election will be held Novem- ber 26 at a representative assem- bly of WEA in Longview. Going to the Longview meeting will be candidate Packard and Emmett Oliver, president of Ma- son county unit, WEA. The local unit is sponsoring Packard for the position. Voting for the WEA officers will be on a state-wide basis. Dis. trict 3 comprises the same area as the congressional legislative district, Packard has served as presi- dent of the Education Associa- tions of Grays Harbor and Ma- , son counties. He was legislative chairman of the Mason county group during 3948-49, and ha: served three years on the state committee of school lands. Walter Sebring Of Tahuya Hurts Leg Playing Ball By Ranis. S. Rendsland, pinch-hitting for Effle L. Knowlton Walter Sebring, Tahuya youth, was injured playing football at South Kitsap high s(;hool on Nov- ember 4. He received torn liga- ments in one leg :and threw the knee out of Joint, necessitating" the leg being put in a cast and his being hospitalized for sev- eral days. He is again in school but will have to wear the cast some time. On November 18 V. L. Knowl- ton and J. W: Huson drove to Enumclaw on business. The Jerry A. Hanlins are spend- ing tim Thanksgiving holiday in Aberdeen with Mrs. Hanlin's fam- ily, from Seattle the William Kar- joins, from Montesano the Char- lea Karjalas. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Pet- croon, Mrs. Hanlin's sister. Mrs. L. L. Farmer of Enum- claw arrived to spend Thanks- giving with her sister, Mrs. Frank V011mer of North ShOre Road on Thursday, November 17. @ * . The Tahuya Garden Club was represented by only one member, Mrs. Frank Vollmer, president, at tho Silver Tea given by East Bremerton Garden Club on Nov- lllber 1T. She took with her Mxs. L: L. Farmer, as her guest. Mms. Hibbard Moore lectured on "color" and demonstrated the use of disl- es and flowers in her exception- ally efficient and attractive man- ner. Pouring were Mrs. Boyde An- drues, from Olympia, president of the State Federation of Garden Clubs; Mrs. H. G. Hayes, past st ate president; Mrs. George Cropper, Olympic district presi- dent; Mrs. John Paxton. presi- dent of Evergreen Club, and Mrs. Reinhart Goetsch, president of Rhododendron Garden Club. Mrs. Vollmer was unable to get there in time to assist but re- ported the occasion as being very delightful as well as informative. The H. Eugene Ellis fa21ly is spending the Thanksgiving week end in Seattle at the home of Mrs. O. S. Zuppe, Mrs. Ellis' mother. , Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Nelson and Mrs. Kenneth Rothlein of Dry Creek and Bald Point Can Lp re- spectively, spent Wedlesday Nov- ember 16 in eattle touring the art shops. Mrs. C. M. James returned to Shore Acres, Monday, November 21, after several days spent in town in preparation for Thanks- i giving activities. The James chil- dren, Rlcky James and Marcy' Vaughn and their families, and Miss Helen Bush of Manilla are to be among those present to enjoy that notable hospitality over the week end. Sattrday evening, November 19, a beautifldly and delicious dinner was enjoyed at the Loyal Nelsons at Dry Creek by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rotiflcin .of Bald Point Camp, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nelson of Nelsonda and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Rendsland of Ta- huya. The most gracious hospi- i ltality was warmly enjoyed by all. At Nelsonda the Earl L. Nel- sons are having the Kenneth Rothleins and the Loyal Nelsons :as their Thanksgiving Day guests. i The J. W. Husons will have as guests Mr. and Mrs. John.R. Hu- dson and little Barbara Jean; Mr. :and Mrs. William Anderson, Mr. !and Mrs. Donald It. Huson, Mr. i and Mr& W. A. Kendall, and Verne L. Knowlton. Mrs. Knowlton has not yet returned from Call-] fornia where she is basking in the sunshine at Sunland with her hostess, Mrs. Lillian Jolmson, for- merly from Tahuya. The Fahey house below Tahuya is nearly finished now. Built by Hoddy Hall, son of the Horace Halls of Tahuya, it will be com- pleted in time for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fahey to nmve into in January. Mr. Fahcy, formerly with Llbby, McNeil attd Llbby in Salt Francisco, is retiring from ac- tive business lifo and they will live on their, ttood Canal place permanently. AWAY FOR VISIT Mrs, CharleDahlman left Nov- ember 19 for Covina, Calif., to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Dun- ning and family for two weeks. Traveling with Mrs. Dahlman will be her sister, Mrs. Helen Wick- ,,a:,. qat.¢,, wash. FOUR MEN ENLIST LESSARD ACCEPTS II .......... IN BATTERY B OF CALIFORNIA JOB I[ WILBERT S. CATO NATIONAL GUARD Robert A. Lcssard, son of Mr"s. l[ Representative of Three young men from Shelton A. F. Lessard of Shelton, recently I[ Equitable Life and one from Kamilche have join- was graduated from the NorthroP l i Assurance Society ed the local National Guard unit, Aez'onautical Institute of Haw-I[ Battery B 700th AAA AW Bn thornc, Calif. He has accepted a I[ Life Insurance (SP) WNG in the last few days, position with Jones Accessories, [] Retirements - Annuities according to Sgt. John Huwald. Los Angeles, California. [I The new enlistees are Robert Lessard, who served for 16it Accident & Health months in the U.S. Army during[[ Listen To Owen Scott of Kamilche, and John Lorrin Alger, David Weller %Vorld W'ar II, attended the Irene[[ "This Is Your F.B.I" S. Reed High School before enroll-/[ Jacobs and Melvin Lane, Jr., of ing at the Hawthorne school. I 8:30 p.m. Fridays-A.B.C. Shelton, [ Alderoroft Nursery Frank Sylvia, an employee of ........................ the City of Shelton, joined the The secret of success is con-][ Phone 677-W battery on October 26, and a re- stoney to purpose.--Disraeli.  .... quest for his appointment to cor- poral was made November 17. "This man has shown what a lit- tie work and spare time can ac- complish," stated Sergeant Hu- wald. A technical inspection by the U. S. Army nspection Team re- sulted in a "superior" rating on all federal property in the care of Battery [3. Sergeant Dawson was in charge of the property. Sergeant Huwald announced that Battery B is assisting in set- ting up an emergency radio net which will be able to contat all other units in the state. "Radio men or men interested in radio are urgently needed to operate this equipment. Pay ;tarts at $1.25 an, hour. Several good rat- ings are open for those who can Well Drilling Water Wells--- Test Holes Bedell Drilling Co. LAURENCE BEDELL ....................... ......... Phone.1024 ..................... Route 3. Box 101, Shelton Corduroy Chenille In 7 Colors! Big Size 90','xt05" • Priced Penney.Iow ! 7,9o 1 BOXED TOWEL HOLIDAY SETS 2.79 On every woman's "wish- ing" list! Handsome terry towels with bold black stripe border. 'Bath towel, two' hand towels, two wash etoths. "Dec- orator" color=. 00hop 6 PC. BOXED TOWEL SETS 3.79 The. very same towel sets she's admired in maga- zines! Pastel tones in her favorite color! Two bath, two hand towels, two matching wash cloths. Boxed. CHENILLE SPREADS New High Color Big FUll Size 90" x 105" 4.98 to 9.90 Wolllil'S I)RESSES Rayon Plaids Dressy Styles 11 ONLY Sizes 12 - 18 3.33 17.99 4.44 VOlliClI'S (.,CA IS All Wool Gaberdine, 11 ONLY Sizes 12 to 16 21.99 (;iris' / COATS All Wool Co,ert Melton ...... 11' ONLY  , Sizes 7-::14 .