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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;,/ bY/ :]  4 =,+w (}F SEASON q'h, (ll 'D:IIV N(v<llib, I' 17 :i b',i. lP.)\\;av,!; (!silmlh' ('}llll'ch h:lll I ','::; ]ho t;:-fl Joi' [his V(':IP. I A V,:a I'd: WptO p, i',,'cli I{) TI':.;. I }I{HII{!F (". '[':[y[I)P ;IIl({ MI'. "['}I(}I]IH.; i I),wh' fop bvidp, o; MP. ,I. \\;V. I:;ly ; '.:,II :IlZII 'Ii!;,!'; ]]HI',V VOIIZIII',III J'UI' t }i-ochle; ,Ur. IC. A. lhu'Pi: :)rot 1, Llr. i}oll I),V(Vv'll J'Ol' r" )1) iJll{] I'P'A. '" .: :H¢'s M¢'('c;n}) :hd i1'. AIIII'{W >,, tuiswyl: l'{n' {,an:l>;i;.,. MPs..I. 'P. (I&III'I1QV l'O{',{!iVO{l Ihe dooP DPiTo. Mrs< .]. A. lnd>-Iu P,,IP.m \\;V. le. 1,(C(':LIlll MII(I IVtI::;, N(ql A../l(!t)hoc \\;V:'I'{' ('Olil!ll]ll.({y Ch:lil'lll('ll. '/.'AV..',I'XIIA.XIV 'C( MICI,;T V.I:,'.%L Auxilhuy witl rlwet Mon{hy N{}vemb{'r 2X, at ih,, '.',i,Y4i:}l lln]]. },.ll':::. i0r'old< l'ieP{,{ :v..:ickd .t gJw Azlai,'qi('o {!alwe. { (}the!' ])Pize.q XV{?llt lit ]Mrs. I.}ewoy ........ !')::niels, SP., and MI's. 1:. A. Hch,y. ' , ,t ii|ll i illul i, what ! He can keep Bhell Heating/Oil. (and that's you look good in get comfortable by dependable Shell II 0 )I E LOANS * Convenient Terms ,k Reasonable Rates t arr I eted :,: • /;i: "IF i AI Brndai Shower "" e t I I V  I ( , 1 ] , ' , , I ': , , ', } ' } } , } i , { { ' -- { 'I {., , ' j { , ' '(,], i  :  V b I  • I V  I I • F It [ 'IIlIIIHll \\;Vt¢ )lo"d ¢'llest/:: =..,,.. AI•up .4fld'.ll V I'tllttt Dh^na lhh fi .... . ' .. , • " 2-  $i ..... " .... w', .._l.t .................... t I.;ov l)ickirlsorl nlld I}:lt YOllng, ;tt Iho l)ici<in,a.*)n ]1o111,'. MOOSE MEMBERS Music Lecture Is l)e{'t)l'lll ioas ('alTilqI {}ILL a yel- },,,,, .,,,,,i .q,,. ,.,,,)," .,.ho,n,.. Two HAVE SOCIAL EVENT Enjoyed By Many ll,;)l.I-.;hal)ed Pill:oH phl{:ud close Mr• and Mrs. Cecil Bingham en- Io::;'o, hoP {,aPl'icd 111o IISIIIOS Of el- tertained the Moose members last The music lecture presented at lit' !l/([ Bob. (;. ]::(,: wm'e lflayod wilh prizes Saturday evening' at a card party the Bernhard Wtnieeki residence p/)in',. {) Mavilyn F'owor:s. 7Made- which was also a surprise birth- November 17 featured Miss .lice I,, ,Vohh'l and MPS. George clay and going away party for MP. and Mrs. Jack English. Mrs. "'l}lll,.. {;o>;:4 ,q lhe pnrty wore Myra- English was celebrating her birth- twil .l:u:kson. .]osephine McPhee, day. l':t, (liirn{)l'e Mm'ilyn Powers, Twenty-eight Moose members Ms,! ,line \\;Volden. Nmiia Barrett, were present and four guests. .Mu>:. ('},,Mes l)ale. Mrs. Ray P'trr, They were Mr. and Mrs, Fisher M] t(,qly Nutt. Mrs. ClaPence and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bernarskl. ;ordlm,5'e:'. 1P... l){Ktie LanlTlan, MI'. Fisher is supreme auditor of Mr:< AI lgi('Rinson. Mrs. Georp'e Moose Heart. Y,un;, Mrs. N S. I,Peppernau, the The Englishs are moving be- I]tm c{,d guest, aud the hostesses, cause of health. The group pre- M..;. M. I. Anderson: Pat Wil- sente(l them with luggage. lirli/:-;, lmnna Ntli.t and Jerry Carl- Lunc.heon was served. n{m woPo umtl)le 1o at.tend, hnt ,,(,,,{ :.:,r.. PTA GROUP PLANS CARD PARTY DEC. 8 WEEK END {,1 I,, i IIERE In order to. carry on their hot M:'s. Ma]'y Pt'uit of Fugene, hmch I}roject, the Bordeaux P.- (}w,. w,.; a last week end guest T.A. will have a card party at al lhc, hem( of hm' cousins. Mr. the Mmnorial Hall at 8 p.m. nn,'t Mrs. Earl Leggett. She re- tm'nt.{I :{) h(,r home Monday. Thursday, December 8. Admission is 50 cents. NEVV XVIELI, FININIlF'D There will be tables of canasta, M s. Edith ,Vhitl.h of Toute I bridge, pinochle and 500. Canasta i:.: wotl rh,ased with her newly instruction will be available for {..mi,]oio{I w{41 wl]it,n i: 55 feet; LLnyone who wishes to learn the (h,ol',. It will supply nnmh needed game. Local merchants have donated W"l { I' 10 DELAy ' " . ............................ :- all the prizes including the door " ...... /-------- I l}rize which is a turkey. Refresh- I SINGER SEWING I ments will be available. Distributor Mason County Savings I MACHINES I MOWNC, TO-iREON A,,,,, [ Sales & Service I Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and ,-;;AD & Loan Association [ SNGER SEWING CENTER I family are leaving Shelton this 90 ........... I Ph. 7586 I week end to take up new resi- v..'o. title Insurance Bldg. 1510 E• 4th Olympia, Wn. I dance at Coos Bay, Ore., where --.e..£•,.-, : .... --- L ...........  they l_]ave p..__urehased a home,. _ j mimi..i i iiiim i  "" • • "' • s0n 00nuad00s 10w00[.pr00ce f00eld WITH FAMOUS STEP-DOWN DESIGN x.k ,,, , O i, --- 1 \\;\\ FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY! engineering triumph ;, • a trlm-size/new with the sensational advantages of Hudson's "step-down" design... Itreamlined beautywith a colorful new- featuring gorgeous wool fabrics com- with plastic Dura-fab trim... neat-as-can-be automobile with more room other ar at any price, except another yet a car that costs you less to buy • • • to drive! NEW PACEMAKER is here today! . . On dis- Play today! . • .You can see it today! the first time in motor-car history, you can have corn- and lower price with big-car comfort and riding For here ig an agile car with more inside room in any other Car at any price, except another 1-Iudson. a trim, tidy car with a lower center of gravity than other make and because of this you get a smoother " ride than is possible it even the costliest old-fashioned way. Hudson's "step-down" degign gives you not only room, comfort, safety and amazing roadability, also all t, he low-built beauty, the hmg, free-flowing. that can come only with the "step-down" way oi motor cars. Every body line is naturally beautiful, to the graceful curves of the Full-View windstdeld. is Hudson's new t acemaker . priced for millions aew-car buyem/ , m Hudm's smile unzt, all welded, all ride securely" . .  , ", "' - Monobilt body-'md-frame' safl, ly within a box- lint rmrrounds the passen er foundation frame t • ," - - "'-g. compartment, even outside the rear wheelsrelaxed in the roomiest seats in any automobile. This is Hudson's new Pacemaker... with the new higher- compression Pacemaker,, engine, the power-packed, engine that test drivers call the smoothest, sweetest we ve ever ' " f" e drwen .... the rugg d, long-lived engine with new carburetion and fuel intake that make it a lightning-like performer with surprisingly saving ways! And this amazing car brings you Hudson's new Super- matic Drive (optional at extra cost) the only automatic transmission that includes the fuel-saving advantages of overdrive and that shifts gears just as you want to shift, that doesn't creep at hghts, that doesnt shp as you roll along. There are more . • • many more . . . fresh, colorful and desirable features in this great new car . . • too many to nention here. Hadn't you better see it today? • 7'rademark and patent Pending. AVAILABLE WITH HtlDS0'N'S NEW ' I SUPER-MATIC DRIVE NOW... 3 GREAT HUDSON SERIES HUDSON HUDSON HUDSON COMMODORE PACEMAKER SERIES SUPER SERIES CUSTOM SERIES ONLY CARS WITH jl --- --1 STEP J DOWN DESIGN i! t OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES 627 SOUTH FIRST STREET, SHELTON, WASHINGTON Muench, prominent Olympia mu- sic instructor, assisted by her tal- ented violin student Miss Eliza- beth Mohbs. The purpose of the lecture was, to acquaint music enthusiasts with ] the technique of listening to sym, J phonic music• It was illustrated with recordings of the selections! which are to be played by the Seattle Symphony Orchestra at the Olympia High School auditor- ium December 6. Miss Muench delivered a vivid, descriptive explanation of the var- ious themes• Miss Mobbs' interpretation of the first violin parts was most elective in augmenting the stringed instrument parts of the recordings. She emphasized each theme by playing it separately before using the ecordings as her accompaniment. Following the lecture, 40 guests enjoyed tthe refreshments served by the hostess, Mrs. Winieckl. The mesdames J. L. Dotson and Lester Shelver assisted with the Roberta Devoe, Donald Sparks Married Nov. 4 Yellow and white chrysanthe- mums decorated St. Stephens church in Seattle November 4 for the wedding of Roberts Louise Devoe of Seattle. daughter of :Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barr of Shelton, and Donald Gene Sparks of Seat- tle, son of Mrs. Elsie Sparks of , Indiana• I Reverend William A. Driver read the double ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her father. M'r. Barr, the bride wore a silk navy blue afternoon dress With white accessories. Her or- chid corsage accented this. Helen Price of Shelton was maid of honor. She was attired in a blue suit with pink acces- sories and her corsage was of red rose buds. Thomas M. Forgath of Seattle was best man. Mrs. Barr chose a dark green dress and hat for her daughter's weddilg. Her flowers were a gardenia and red rosebuds. The bride graduated from Irene S. Reed in ]948• The bride- groom is attending college in Se- attle. A four-room boat house on Lake Union in Seattle will be the new home• A small reception was held at the bride and bridegroom's new home after the ceremony. Other guests included Kitty Price and Lodema Johnson of Shelton, Mrs. Sally Walker, Julie serving. Ann Walker and Jack Morris. V00GINIA WILGUS.V00N-ON-H-O-WE ARE MARRIED IN HOME SERVICE Pretty home rites November 18 Prayer." united Virginia Wilgus and Ver- The bride's mother was attired non Howe in marriage. Mr. and in a brown and beige afternoon Mrs. Clyde Howe, at whose home dres with brown accessories. Her the ceremony was held, are the corsage was of pink carnations. parents of the nriaegroom. Mr. Mrs: Howe chose a wine colored and Mrs. Ray L. Cook of Olympia suit with black accessories, and are the bride's parents.. . . her corsage was of carnations• ouquets ot white ana pastel a .h..,+ ,,,eaa;-, +, ,,,oo .,}-+ chrysanthemums flanked by can- in'Sea['£1e'l¢i"coa*"a'n{i't'e delabra made the setting for the • - '.- . - -" rin venin s .... couple are now maing their new oouole g e g. ervlce, which ." . - - R v "'" "" l home in Shelton. The bmde s a was reaa oy e . warren rta e. B ' .... l ..... graduate of remerton hgh school r ner weact ng tne orlae WaS ....... , ..-. ' e ana a member oz ueta lt, ma r-m attn'ed in a fin check black and ..... s ..... ,,,h;,o ar=os,=kr o,,' +.;,,,oa . sororlty. ne i. emptoyea at tne ................................. T" - f"i e ..... e o hlaok 'v,q,t Her hnt wa- aF elepnone o I C . The erie gro m V:--.--' A  ": .... . ."" graduated from high school in olacK velvet, merlcan neauty oaao. 'oh.aot.o o.., ",,oo ;, red roses and gardenias made up :" ......... . .... :o.,? .... . . ,,. ) ' me servzce lie zs employet a er corsage. ^-'e- 12^ ' Rayu.a v, .u. • Mrs Kelly Nutt was matron of  . • . The Colomal House was the set- honor weal ing a dark grey smt i r e i f 1 • tng fo the rec ption whch o- with pink and black accessories• lowed the ceremony The linen Pink rosebuds and white corns- tions were her corsage. Candlelighters were the bride's sister, Mrs. Darrell Tracy of Bremerton, wearing a burgandy red suit, and Alice Howe, sister of the bridegroom, who wore a glen plaid suit. John Howe was best man for his brother and Kelly Nutt was the usher. ' Mrs. Lout Lars0r sang "Through the Years" and "The Lord's • Fi00iendship Club Has Gala Party Friendship Club hostesses serv- ed a delicious chicken dinner Nov- ember 16 at Southside Community Hall to 11 members and three guests who celebrated their birth- days during the last hail of the year. The guests were Mrs. Dot Hurst, Mrs. Estella Castle and Mrs. Hel- ena Btnns. A four-tiered birthday cake decorated with candles was flank- ed on either side by two other cakes, which were served to the guests for refreshments. Each guest had a poem and menu as a place card which she read to the other guests. The menu included chicken ala king, sweet potato balls, cranberry sal- ad, rolls and coffee and ake. Games were played during the afternoon with Mrs. Gertrude Rains and Mrs. Ethel Stoy win- ning in both. Mrs. Edna Evans played the "Flower Song" on the piano. December 7 the club will meet at the Community hall with Mrs. Tonic Swiger as hostess. Seniors Launch Plans For Ball Come December 2 the high school students as well &s teach- ers, patron and patronesses and alumni will don formal attire for the annual Senior Ball. This so- cial function will be held in the new gymnasium. A clever theme has been chosen, but this will not be disclosed until the evening of the dance. Lyle Ware ia general chairman of the ball. Decorations chairman is Donna Demmon who is aist- by Charles Berets and Charles Ifdnsey. Programs are the problem of Mary Ann Keenan and Ann Ehflbert will send the invitations. • Norms Leigh Davidson is mu- sic chairman while publicity is Laura Ashbaugh's job. Seniors this year will try to make their dance stand ot as one of the best, so it is.hoped that all students and alumni who can will attend. FIDELIS CIRCLE TO MEET Fidelis Circle will meet at the agree of Mrs. Purl Jemison, An- gleside, for a 1 o'clock dessert l luncheon November 30 with Mrs. I Robert C Johnson as assisting I hostess. I [ CIRCLE PLANS MEET Mary Bedell Circle will meet l for a 1 p.m. dessert luncheon Nov-- ember 30 at the home of Mrs. I.. N. Wood, sixth and Cedar, with[ Mrs. E. J. Dammann assisting. I I COMMITTEE MET NOV. 1. The ways and means committee I of the Women of the Moose met I at the home of Mrs. Agnes Moore for a potluck luncheon November l 17. After the meeting the group l :worked on their Christmas pro-] gram. [ ore cubic foot of water weighs 02,5 plmds. covered table held a three-tiered wedding cake topped with a bride and bridegroom figurine. Mrs. Clyde Howe and Mrs. R. L, Cook poured and Mrs.' Ads Howard served the cake. Kelly Nutt presided at the punch bowl• Alice Howe passed the guest book and Mrs. John Howe had charge of the gifts• Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Howe of Tacoma: Betty Hosford, Jeannet- ta CatcH, Gene and GeneVa Cramp- tof and Mrs. Darrell Tracy of Brmeron; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cobk of Olympia and Phillip B. Morton of Salt Lake City. Hospital Receives P.T.A. Donations '%Ve cannot find wo]'ds to ex- press our grateful thanks to the members of the Lincoln P.-T.A. for their most genePou;; contribu- tion to our hospital." says Mrs. Isobel Thoml)son, superintendent. "Three Inm(ireG aim fourteen pints an{I qllill'IS and :tSMOI'I e([ Pan- ned foods Dlu: 2 gi.:<{':; of jelly L: a, KPelt hell} I.o u:;. EVet'y jaP and Cllll {)f f, md \\;viii hc llSOd foF t]}e pa|.]etlls "" Shelton Gent, Pal 1-IospHal is a lmn-profil org'lnization operated fOP the l}(,ncfit oJ" the people {)17 tltS()ll COIII;Iy, I[ IS ;I, IIC{'{,:;SILI'y part of {}tit {:(}llll]:tlilitv life. This g(lle]'otlS g'{'S{lll'c  ol {}](' l.incoln P.-T.A straws the hard working hospital b{ml'd that the peoph? of Walter L. Marble Representing the METROPOLITA2q LIlvltl INSURANCE COM1aANY [Afe and Personal Accident and Health Insurance 1904 Stevens Phone 854 CHICKENS CUSTOM KILLED 5 or Less - 15 Each 6 or More - 13 Each Drawn - 10¢ Each Cut- 10€ Each Wrapped - 5¢ Each H. I. "MUD" CLAY Phone 898 fop the ho'.;l)ital iIn(l tim coopePa- Llun it (losePvo;;. This s ill(lead an tppr(}priate time o! tlw year fop us to express ore" Thanksgiving. Grateful thanks are expressed to the many individuals who work- ed so hard to assemble the cans of food into containers and trans- port them to the hospital. The nex regular Lincoln P.- T.A. meeting will be on Wednes- day, November 30, at which time Mrs. Muriel Dombroski and Mr. Emmett Oliver will discuss the work of the WE,A. and a film "Sixth Chair" will be shown. NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE I I I II This Week oe Williams, ,,12 Cota Street, Shelton, WiNS A UART (briDk or bulk) OF" OUR ICE CREAM of his qavorite , flavor |bsolutely free if called for by next Wednesday. ASK ABOUT OUR INSULATED BAGS For Keeping Your ICE CREAM Good for 'At Least 2 Hours. We also Have 5-GALLON and 20-GALLON PACKERS e Frozen Custard Pints - 27¢ Quarts - 49¢ In the Ice Cream- Everyone Raves About Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month BLACK WALNUT SCOTT'S ICE CREAM 10 a.m. to :Midnight Daily, Including Sundays and Holidays Second and Franklin_6treets Phone 202 I Theee fotksmean business fort he West. . . Pacifle Telephone peo0/e receive ay adding u to $19,000,000 a month. Telephone paychecks als0 come to you 1. Timber .,.. paper.., copper--we have to buy many things to build and run the telephone systerm Last year Western Electric, our prindpal mnufacturer and supplier, bought over 20 mil- lion dollars worth of materials in the West. More than half of each dollar we take in goes for em- tltiloyees. Most of it is spenf'and goes into circula- on where they work and live. 3. When yau add It all up, you find the money you spend for service comes back, in large part, to yon. And your telephone dollars are b@ing more service than ever. Today you can call more of the people you want to call.., more can call you; And your telephone still does its jobs for only a few [tunnies a call. 2. Mare than 80,000 of those whose savings built the busins .... who own telephone stock ... hve m the West. In return for the use of their money, a few pennies of each telephone dollar go to them. And as they spend it, they also' add to Western prosperity. It would probably be hard to find anyone who does not in some way benefit from tl4e money we spend. today's best barplns Pacifi0 Tolephone and Telegraph Compmy