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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[ tlcee 15c per.line..T [ mlnie ol3+-e.h n.oUee: | d of ThanTks, .$L00; 0r.lrml :l -  words or_ less (mlnimgm I e [ueon,. $1. I -.. three lns et- I U0$m. AddlUozl lnaertlo I for each.6-woraJ able , ..... | p&apos;7 [c per inch; cluJ1fll dis- ] plny rntes-on request. €. | All ffied advertisement mtwt J | [ be pal in advea. Thcoe taken I I I over telephone must be paid the I I i following day. An extra charge of [| | :c will be made when billing ia || t.-""" I[ Clarified 8ervtee SHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAZ; U-rw, V,V,WVV,v V V,W `4r,W   ,wv RF.%L ESTATE REAL ESTATE I I I II I MODERN THREE IEDROOM home UNION ON HOOD CANAL 10 Lots and 1 Beach Lot next to Robin Hood Lodge CORSETIERE: Bernice Stewart (Cllar- is). No more girdle yan (stays put One cabin -ea]l o" fin'she - hke feature), never rides up, Slimmer . ._ p '!.Y .. ' '+, ... waist line' and flatter tun,my. Bra, outalcle, ceaar lnmoe. ompletely all types. Appointments phone 37R. wired for range and water keater. 11.2!t_n[ One cabin, three rooms, s]ower, iLbW-ii-V-/b_Jff_L-I-ook -d om bmlts, rd for eating, harrowtag with tractor. Call I iange. City water, open shed 301 ]Fhllllp Hardie,Route 1, Box 187,  ft by 20 ft, -,lay house and chick I phone 7J1. 3-10ta " . "  . " en hOUSe. 13v ft. frontage on high-J SERVING MACHINl2 }rEPAIRS way, no high banks. Tidelands in-I EXPERT WORK. Re,enable charges, eluded Good location for motel nrl FUmat,s made in Your home by a .... to., b,,-ed em,,t-,e No o h- other business. Cash or terms. I ltgt'ton.'--'Leav'e"calls at+'T+le'Journai l'n Phone Shelton 811J• ll-6tfnl Shelton. Phone !00. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO• I 510 E. 4th Ave, Olympia ,,, i ......... T" ......... i i CiiiM'N'm'if ':L ff";i',UJ*;i- ,7. -- -- I O11 stoves and furnaces vacuum r,-r r-- , ] cleaned. Free estimates, lone_$4 UI' ALII4 days, 7026 evenings. Olympia. wMn. I PS-tfn. New 5 room 3-bedroom ntodern eal contracts, old age assistance, or direct with ,ou on your doctor's order. Prepp a Drug Store. Second and Railroad. 10-8 tfn DAY OR NIGHT guaranteed heroics on nome or auto radios. Fre estimates gladly g+ven i£ desired. Reuonable prices. Free pickup and delivery. Closed Friday evenings and Satur. daps, or leave wor at Klllmer Elec trio, BU].(}ESON tADIo SIRVIC gl, ;[22]. Franklin. near Loop Field. Note new phone No. 845-W. 6-20-tf g:trage. Also FLOORS SANDED Pnd RE_w/NISI-ID; New haxdwood /leers installed, old or new beams. J. A. Schlange Box 28. Ielfair. l'hvne Bcllalr 5-3031. 7-17-47tfn, IJ . ill II I Title Inuralwr+--A bstr acts--Escrows SIIELTON -BiCLL Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 S. 4th (Bell Bldg.) heiton. W. PIIONE 65 Mason County agent for Pnget Sond Title Insurance Com- pany of Seattle Member Washington Land Title As'a. American Title As'n. home, plastered inside, floor fur- nace. Not quite finished. Located on Bellevue St. Will either F.H,A. or G.I. Price $9750. 7 room. 4 -bedroom two story home, all modern. Excellent loca- tion. $1250 down, $40 mealie. Price $4250. 6-I'OO111 lnoderzi home, woodshed, Stoves and has barn. chicke, n house, grapes and all kinds of ber- t+ms. Good buy at $4200, $1500 down, $30 month, '-l'oOrll 1TIOtIpt'It hoiIle, gartge, lot 60' x 100'. $4000 ir lhc price. 3 modern homes. 1.-- 5-room, 2 bedroom. 2-- 3-room homes, all practically new. Has largo double garage, Bargain at $6000, $2000 down, low monthly payments. Good location, d-room modern home, garage, col'- net" lot. New home--will eitl;er sell furnished or unfurnisffcd. Price, $4000, $2200 down. Lovely 5-room modern home, gar- age, 11.} lots. Has basement and furnace. Will trade for waterfront, Price $9000. '@ acre cleared land, 4-room mod- ern home, woodshed; garage. Also has chicken house, work shop and nice fruit room• Price $5250 unfur- nished, $55,50 furnished. $2714 down, balance in small ps,ymenta. Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED "- Phone 299-W 703 Franklin St I .... ]2 acres,  acre emared, new e- l room modern home, woodshed, --ti-#v-,-vf-K-w,?pLv [ garage. Price $3150. Down pay- *'*''ffi'_" -- t nlent ,650, $40 month• CO, NC 416 Legion Way 10++ acreS, 5 acres cleared, 5-room OIYMPIA, WAS'H. modern, liome ,.and garage. Has chicken house, barn, every kind of fruit tree, electric pump, and good creek thru place. Price $6000, $3500 dow. Small monthly pay- ments. This in a very good loca- tion for a farm. WATERFRONT, FARMS AND BUSINESS PROPERTY WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 North Ist Phone 46 L Your "BEST BET" For REFRIGERATION Gaxden Tractors . Pumpn _ Auminum, Bld:• Supplies, tc, qmm w m r mm Mkeellmaeou - - _ -.,.ww'ew..w. ()ARD OF THANKM We will to express out" heartfelt gratitude fer the sympathy, kind- nees and aststance, also the beauli- ful floral offorings given us during tho loss el. our loved one. MI• Madge C. Edwards. Mrs. Norm& HehrY. Ry, Harry and J|m Ed- wards and families. May we extend In this Way our sincere v.ppreclation for the kind- nesses, sympathies ad b¢,uiiful floral piece.$ (fffered ue during our berevc- nent er our beloved brother, William M, Dahlgrcn. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dahlgren, Mrs. ther Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Pcterson and family. 11-24 Frid#y evenings at 8 p.m. in the Sunset BidE.. Olympia, Wash, • e-15ffn, socks and clothing t:o nmke rag rugs /or charltahl cause plea leave tlcm at Mary Lou'e Glf¢ Shop next deor to Taylor Radio Sho. 10-6tfn L t il I IN I t HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERY AND RUGS DURACLEANED Dtlraclc.'tntng revives colors+ enlivens pile cleans safely, US AGAIN' SAME DAY SHELTON DURACLEANERS 222 S. 2nd Plume 800 11-10-2.1 ....... LI _ L_ t.J I[ I IIII REAL ESTATE FOR LI.: 6-room modern hopm with unflnlshed upstairs, partial basement wilt} furnace. 80 1120. on bs line, lawn, fruit trees, shrubs, fhers. Furnished or unfurllished. Reasonable. Phone 723R, Dg-29tfn 10their St. Plane 601. K6-16tfn.  V 5'6 5M  }} de ,.i + h , it;(;" i};:£i< 4 +ii'i 8]9 Turner oil Angleshie, Large Ilv- lrg roonl with fir,')lsce. Electric hot water heater, $80+ Phone 256J. C11-17- i-I i:irC"g i:,}(i--L'ii,;--ffi;i;:(ff;,ii--'Tt'f6,iTiFi; l|')lnc ch'clrtc |lOt walcr healer, cab- tnett, Sillk. laundry trays and wash- ing i,lachin% 3 seres pA'tly cleared. good fenced ill garden space, $500 casl|,,r terma can b c arran;cd, will take good lat nloael car ss pgrt paynlent, furniture san  bought cxtr if dclred, Phone 870-R-3. ZINTHEO'S VALUES BARGAIN FOR CASII: Maytag wash- er, latest and best wringer model, bed doveno, chifforode. Phone 723R. D10-13t fn tTZL+i'i-6r]c--gL-XRk}Ts--:i di;t:- TIT': rived l Beaultful pautel colors. $29.95. What an idea for a Xmas Gift! Olsen Furniture Co., 328 Cota. Phone THREE BEDROOM HOME on West Railroad Ave., including range, oil heater and water heat° er; garage and workshop with ce- ment floor; extra building which can be made into living quarters; large lot all fenced in; reasonably priced at $6850 on terms. FIVE ROOMS and bath on corner lot on Hillcrest; two bedrooms down and space for two upstairs, wlU1 necessary lumber on hand. Hardwood floors, fireplace, base- ment, oil furnace, laundry, trays, aurora• elcc. tank; room for two cars. A real buy at $8000, on term you can handle. FORTY ACRES, four cleared, 3 acres in bearing logmberlqes; 7 fruit and 7 Filbert trees; 10 acres timber. AtLractive In g house with stone fireplace, com- pletely furnished; large bath and wast room; 98 ft. drilled well and elee, pump housed in; garage and wood shed attached to house; good s0il, large, gar(,len. BUSINES S OPPORTUNITY: WeIl- established going ,uuw.ern in good location, nc, tting $8000 a year; to- gctler with two lots, building and equipment. A'ak about tillS, Tt 11 tt,:l, BEDROOM MODERN, lmndy to mills aud st.ores, one block to bus line; utility room with laundry trays; gas range in- cluded; corner lot, berries, gar- dcn. Price reduced to $5600 for quick sale. * * $ FOUR BEDROOM MODERN, full cen}ent basement, floor furnace; large tract of land, unsurpassed view; $$750. NEW ,DUPLEX and two ,small houses €,l Hllcrcst bus line, all for o,fly $85(}0. Scc th|s now• TWO WATERFRONT honlcs on Pickerlng, low bank, considerable frontage, each a gee4 buy. Tern,re. a $ • M11-10-=4 I ' ....... eadl 600 ft.' epdepth to road. pretty [ ,, v, *.-,-,-,....,,v ,reoe. ,leg, ,. 'oil+" _.m+ ft. lo.g I Title Ilmuranco Bldg. Phone 1ST sno,..p¢nma isn)ng.. }a'o, / --... ..7 :_ terms including oylter rand ronUnE I neton, wn, on ysr . Choice kmerlh/ Grslmvlew. Phone /1-J-1 I m t i-yT+:+'- 7.:7"+ ...... 171]" "-i fer sale, downtown location, nice yard, lots of shrublery, two-car gar- age. 829 Franklin St. G11-10-24 I1 I I . Ill FOR SALE New 6-room home built of pum- ice stone with tile roof. Large liv- ing room with circulating fire- I plhce, large plate glass windows. 4 acres of ground with approxi- mately 900 feet of waterfront lo- cated close to town, Paced to sell at $10,000. H. L. Olstead Agency Phone 30 11-17-12-1-3t ANGLESIDE ,,,,.. ...... . .......... -- t FOR SALE : -6h---SA:LE---bimf:--a6'-iaiidfhg '-d':a-ft FOR RENT I ................. ,w'w with 225 b.p. Kcrmath ntarinc mo- tor. Delmar Deputy Star Route 2. v,vrv-v.. i IOR SALE: IA'ndtx washing machine Belfair. ' 11-3--12-$ I in pert'rot condit on, reasonable, al- -FOt:t-S-XL--ftli-enT,-)%:ersai(l-ii'i:k-: FOR RENT: 3 room house, un[urnL'm-[ so ct iron white ktundry tray. er beef. Phone 852, C. A. Fisk, c-o ed, nie living room wlih maple 1 Inquire 421 Third St. North or floor one bedroora kitchen with [ hone 11J " R 9 2--tfn City tIall. 11-17--12-1 sink,' $25 per inonth.' Phone +2t8-R-2./ _,_pnol .... . ...... , ..... -- ...... -L()C.]I-M--A'T ............. Route 1, Box 4B, Olympic Highway. I GIVE A BEAUTY REST MATTRESS Cut, double wrapped, and trimnflngs W11-10-24 this Xmaa: Place your order early-- ground 3¢ pcr pound. Don WII- FOR I{ENT: Two room rurnlshed [ now--for Xmas delivcry. Olsen Fern- liams, 60 Dearborn. Phone 458-M. iture Co., 328 Cota St. Phone 102. 11-24--12-8 apartmcnt. 323 No. Fourth. Phone] 11-17tfn ................................................................. 9L Dl1-17 I .......................................... FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales SPECIAL PRICES ON FOR RENT: modern furnished three [ for auto parts and accessories. First SHOW MODELS room cottage on the bay next to J and Mill Streets. Phone 595. 7-4tfn InlcrnationaI-Harvester golf course, $35 month. Bayshore. In- I ------- ----------+--- ------------------- REFRIGERATORS quire Bayshore Store. 10-6tfn. I FLOOR COV'ERI'NGS:'tlIum. and FREEZERS FURNi-SIiTD---A-PARTh-Z--NTS: 1, ' Installed or lay it yourself. Easy and 3 bedroonl un|ts now available at Airway Court, Airport. pitons 761 R5. A5-261 fn. I)R RENT: 2 bedroom, heated apart- ment. no children undcr 15. No pct.s. Phone 46. Fl1-10-24 FOR RENT: tonsil newly d+,eorated g*les1-botDe al)artnlen|, on I+Iillerest, +,n i)us line. Suitable for wurking couple or single person. Partially furnished. Phone 403-M. 11-17--12-1 I"()R ENq.': 2 room snail batcheior almrtment, utilities furnished, one or twu adults. Phone 693-W. Dll-10tfn, terms, 8 years to pay. T,aton Lure- ber, 420 S. First St., phone 56. 3-3tfn FOR SALLY: picked King apples, $1.00 per box, orchard run. Bring ton- tainers. Jacoby Ianctr, Route 2. Box 271. Phone 87,tR5. 10-271fn GIVE IIIM an e/cctrie razor, electric drill or tools for Christmas. Shop J. L. Catto Hardware. 11-17---12-22 FOR-'-T.XSE;-se{;t.'l"- t,iT'-eight ,U6fi/)i ohl calves for Chevrolet ph:k-np or 1'/ ton truck. Also 5 me. old Golden theroughbrcd male Cocker for sale. Phons 875-J-3 after 5 p.m. J11-10-24 Modern 5-room ranch-style home, radiant heat, fireplace, venetian blinds, wall-to-wall carpeting thruout Corner lot. Shown by appointment only. PHONE 939-R F-11-2,l-tfn • FVVVVWWv v  wv+,w,w WVVVW WANTED qvv,w   w v v .v v , +wwvr i, v vvvvv* [ %'€ANTI,It) 'lh) tUY • l.llftC.!? I'l'.tl' ,'t'OltCi KI'OW(}I :lnd t,qtL ..' I',qV| h i'J !'. Pl'+'ttltlll/I pl'L'('. ltAl{Dl?l, i'l,YW)(h'.) ('<). }++:: l:>:','I" >..|,'1) t.H+i+:. 'I"},,, I Ihon,: tHympla 23t71 m' 3875 af- t'i,!,': M-pLnaiut Vh'w lAI-2.1tfn I tcrnouns ur ,£966 artc,' 5 p.m. hO(:,Ms-I+a'Ji++HINT: v.:,,,l(lv-',:i}?:r i lI-17tfn, rub's. Canl,,ron l[otel, l.'hone 513. WILL TAKE " C.lot" ctiild-:e-"--]n ........ ll-2.ttfn. n)y homo days. Phone a76W. FOR IEN'I": .nialI-"U]]fth:{{ighed'--dcTi: FoB. RENT: sle,'pmg roo*H next to ....................................................... 1ruth. lnq.uire 100 I.hnc St+ or phone POR SALE: 16 nun. loovlc projector, 699+,)'. VlI-10tfn three nmnths uld, pcrfcct condition. C"OL-D- S--'-R-'A--C+PT-]g%-..ES f-'--6r'-r-l:lt-'.: Phoncg,j25.-M: ............... _M.l_l-10tfl}_ Phone 922. Mt. View Lockers Star FOR SALE: uscd combination oil. Route 1. Box 32-B. 3-24tfn wood and ('.(,al range:, $45. Taylor }'q")i+." itI+NT'{-t'h)-c';d-iaiiii+f h'}.;+ii:i'ti;h-is_ Radio Ele(trh., 4th and Cota. Phone 3 l+Om nl,}th,rn. $25 to $.10 month,, 128. 11-17 'l'win E1;,m Apts. I'hune tloedsport }'()t. SALE: one used L+[underall au= 25-J-12. 11-3tfn h)matu' wttsZter. ()m' used Gladir(m. "F()I. RENTi--tu]':l]]:ilid"-u'iiai"{l:'l'(Tll-t. both cx(.t.lh,nt (:ondilion, like new. Ph,m, gl|-l+. ,.c 841-,] Wll-]7tfn real |)argaies. Ta.vl¢)r T:tadio Eh, etrh.. ..... 11h ul (5,1;t. i)hl,nP 12 11-24 ii'tit. H.IgN"+l': - Jolln:;uI{-'t'l,'cti'it: fh)or "/)T{'-+SAI-I]i --Prt;/{(,]t:+-[iii]-l:¢7-2 ]lt)h.'dielS. .50e day. l{i][ql'C:t tlsrd- ,ar'+'. Ph<,:ze d'J'.k ]1-3 whih' It la'ts. I.lay's Servi,.'e. Mt. Vi,'w l'hon: .(t9. 11-24 t"t >i: tttCNT: 2 rt.,t,t I'uv;dsh,'d almt:t + t 7I:;,H-SAi,-E:"+s+t,:.<i " iTt,{:ii/--G.Tj,-ji+'-fb7 ltP'lll. 8tlilabh' 1"€4' bel,r ur <!ou- t ;' q*.', l'ir,'l, I '<'. R12 A  ) s ,ast ned p!, . []tUlP ]{IS. A1 t-17 F,.q l.l',,'.+'l': ;;+l,,tml ]t+,tl;c+ [ t)-',l- .-'1:1) $10 Dor t+)l'd "t¥illiam II. Stew- :£t't l'}lt)l.,' 22. 10:all a.m. tt, ,1:30 l'h ill. llX+ IIl- ['t)OII ti.l(| Ri|, ht 11. WiN ]{),11t. ll-2'ttfn. HI:'{:II|{|(H'll I'hUl;h u'-'. :+:::5.00 I:OH. SA]+H: 1.t"" x 2(}" %V,".I nlgl{(,-{isc u:llh %1,.:. PL" tl. %Vhiltl,'. at. 1. I'..x ;I;. l[,11' Itllh+s; :* tt]l ,,1' 'h,!|- (,],'('ll'i{+ l'<l/l!l('l+. A'O(l(I C(llldi[i('l* $.[[L l'h,m- 1|;'2-.I. }:{11-24 :.m ,n (q',lr+l,t.t Ili+.h',,'.-. ll-?.! +II-S  "b'(q" SA'I:;: led y-(+la li7" $7.(0.-us-d vtuy litth:. 1321 South 5lh. BII-3tfn. F()l ALI,.' m," {il i'alge, oil bar- l'Ol.q 11+..{ "Wdll'l" l+tllk with tul)ing tl)d ftxttll+( S. 825 SO. First or phone :183- W. A] 1-10-24 M10-13tfn WANTED: day work available two or three days per week. Mrs. Charles Lembard, Grapeview or phone 872- R-2. Refcrencc& 11-17--12-1 FOR IIIRE: 9-8 "cat" with blade clearing teeth and legging winch. I. G. Carder, phone 810. 8-Stfn WANTED: dead stock, prompt free, eourteous service. Phone us collect, Elma 121-J. Grays Harbor Render- lng, Inc. 2-27tin W'-NT TO-UY; old horses/Jl: Mih feed, Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn CATTLE: want o buy, sell or ex- c,henge cattle of any kind. J. Clark, Box 2, Elms, h. 2-I7t. "OLD-+r-J+(PPI4I'IG • and 0(k + wa'nl;€ to nmko rag rugs for charitable cauee. Please Icave your coqtrlbu- tion at Mary Lou's Gift Shod next door to Taylor Radio. ll-10tfn iNDEPENI) INT "RAWILtGh---d-a3er wmatcd for Mason County. Estab- lished route. List of customers fur- nlhed. 2¢o charge for gc>dwlll. Other territories available. See local dealer, Rt. 8, ox , Arcadia Road. Fg-29tfn 'I'LELiVER parcels or page I and run errands avYplaco in county. Call Ronnle 599-R after 3:30 and Saturdays and Sundavs. 9-22tin. -@+X R "T ta b'..- V--gS .-d"Td-'W 57--t, ;;" t i-£. Must be 15years or elder. Sheltou Recreation Parlors, .First St. 11-24 "WLL-cXitB-tgi:%h'ildb6n-anY- -&f¢= ning. Phone 9l-W after 6 p.m. All.3tfn "Fi)-' --'-E  R' it ++' -- . n--d--4)-d€+l--j  b'-'--a:-: eund the house call llillcret Hard- ware, phone 499. 11-3 "A'D . mother of 3-Y-e-2ol'tlJh-fl-d will care for children two years and aver In my home during day, by hour. day or month. Located on Mt. View. 859-J. P11-24tfn. NTb-Vi/,'n- iJ.- F<iii;;t"-fii;Fi; 7 ton Itotcl. Sec manager In after- noons. . 11-24 it+EtZ+A-fiL]-'+r-'lt car Wite to call on famners in Mason county. Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 in a daY. No experience Or capital qulred. Permanent, Write todaF. MeNESS COMPANY. Dept. B. 2423 ltagnolia St., Oakland 7. Calif. Bl1-24--I2-1 %7P'AN'TEi)'.'--tlf<Td- electric "t n'-[l[n-'m'n= nlng order. Phone 766YI. Hlt-24 III I I LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Price .Paid COSELMAN MILL CO. RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road 2 Miles East of HiUcrcst To the "Sly" WANTED TIMBER STUMPAGE State Amount and u)cation . CASH OR STUMPAGE BASIS WRITE BOX A c/o JOURNAL 11-10-tfn =.L- ................................ -- CHRISTMAS TREE S UMPAGE, WANTED Will buy good trees 7 feet and np at 15¢ per tree. Write to I I "1 '1 "4  • " " "It GEORGE EICHEk 11355 151h N.E. SEA TTLI,:, VAH t. 11-10-24-3t I Stumpage XMAS TREF00 Wa.ted HARRIS & THOMAS Xmau tree cutters, shippers Offico at Grunert'u Service Station -- 1st and Cota Office Hours at Prcont Everyday 9 to 5. rage at Lilliwaup un l-l'ood Calla[. Phone Hoodsport 34-W-12. It11-31fn I APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric Floor Sanders ers Sterling Elccrlc portable hand Sanders Johnson Electric Floo Polish- eavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. House Jacks LAWTON DUMBER 2-/0-tn 420 S, 1st Phone 58 FOR SALE FOR PLUMBING snd odd jobs ar- ouud the house call tlillcrest tlard* wamL phone 499. 11-3 t,+C) R"S-AL-WIL---Th.-E-- fSr liglt pickup. Complete portabh saw- mill, two saws, ready Io use. R. D. Brown, corner of King and H, Mr. View. Mailing address, Star at. J, Box 23. Shclton, 11-17.--12-8  ................... ' ............. i+-- - '7- 8725. " . S10-27tfn "i I- L+ --cRB Y--fiLSV£{ E Y-s-- Ju++t-+ :: rtvcd! Beautiful pastel colors, $29.95. What an idea for a Xmas Gift! OIsen Furniture. Co.. 328 Cota. Phone 102. ll.17tfn. 99.50 downtown• Like ncw. Phone 65-R-5. T-tf ']" cAh'R-A"ILb" ZJNE o* cath= oils supplies and gifts. Also the latest In excellent hooks. Open eve- nings..The Gift Box, 200 W. Fourth Olympia. Wash. " 6-23tfn masters at Eella & Valley Appliance Center. 6-2tfn. [I Oh! Here comes Pop, he's got his quota. An elk on his fender, drivin' slow down Cota; A bowin' to the left, A bowin' to the right, While many a soul Opin's "Pop is tight." Later. Pop just gave us an order for some lumber so wc prolniscd t() lay off llim for a while, He did say, however, t.hat our + "mill to (ollsttnler" selling idea sure saved hint molmy. Sm'ppiscd ]lim to{), 'cause he didn't have to carry it home, 21.! $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 2x.t $4S, good lengths.. $30.00 2x6 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 Shipiap, Oh= ........................ $30 Selected knotty cedar panel- ing v jointed .............. 12fi€ Stn'faced hlntber in all sizes and quality m fir and cedar. Fir 10gs cu';tom sawed. Wood $11.00 load delivered, abuut 2 cords. F. I,+.D. 3, Shclton, 2 1hilts East of Hillcrest on Arcadia foad t<.) lht; "gig n." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 887-R-1 + I ii MILL WOOD $10 a load Delivered In Shelton Our Wood Is Always a Cord or Bettcr to the Load. Enitai Lumber Co. Milletwa Park Phone IIoodslmrt 38-W-12 3-24-t£n I HORNET CHAIN SAWS ales and Servlce 1 or 2-Man Operation $310 AND UP KIMBEL MOTORS 707 S. 1st St. Phone 601 ' I" " J-J - , LI L -FOR SALE: washing- nadhinf $35." Nm'ge 8' r,'frigerator $125. Daven- port and <hair $75. Single bed. springs, mattress. $15. ComlmJdc $7. lahy buKgy $10. Double bed. springs, nuttress. Kitchen table, two chairs. Phone 684-J W]1-10-24 Ft iR SALE':" Wcanu' pigs.- R(:ady +t, gO I'I,*V¢, C. I 0. lt] rricl', R+,ule 3, B,,x 261 Sl,<'It(m. About 2 mil,,s ,nn on C'de road. 11-10-24 t,'O1 8AI,II: 120 lass I)mn( ave,,rdion [1[ lt)ll c<ln([i[IOl). [11,' S|I[[ O11 Ire- I)1,: and one un bas'. Ph,q,o 331-.]. W] 1-17---12-1 'l V l+-: iil}+--t Su nb,..i - +. ,a+, t ,;i:]- +M ix 2 I'l&| el' or Genera] Eh'ctrlc .m't oaJ n iron ft,r Cbristnms. Shop J. L. Cat- te Hardware. 11-17--12722 F<:'fI'-SI: pearl bh!nd Iniek siding. will curer boule L' by 26'. Sacrifice fox" $200. Also 7 ]llt). (,](l Guernsey heifer. Ernest Hedgers, 2016 So. 1st Street. 11-17-24 FOR- SAI,Ei--gt,ntlc nat u'ral" "i:nulcY whlte-faccd but1. two years old. good blood, stfilable for breeding, weight ,130 Ibs., $225. Phone 215-R-3. Fli-17-24 this Xmas'. Place Your order early-- now--fer Xmas delivery. Olscn Furn- Lture Co., 328 Cots St. Phone 102. ll-17tfn Stlpply lasls, Don't wait for slip- pery weather. Itlllcrcst Itardware. 11-17 I II CHRYSLER MARINE & Industrial Engines Burchcraft Outboard and Inboard Boats KIMBEL MOTORS Thurston-Mason Distributors 707 S. 1st St. Phone 601 BALDWIN, WURLITZER and LESTER PIANOS SEE THE NEW SOLOVOX Your Piano Tuned, Vacuumed, Moth-proofed, Action Reg- ulated for only $10.00 Staff tuners for KOMO Seattle New store located across from tle Pines on Mountain View. PHONE 980 Bill Hajek DRY WOOD $12 Cord Seasoned Ligllt Slab FARMERS SUPPLY PIlONE 812 10-13-tfn USED FURNITURE Club chair. ................. $19.50 3 pc. Sectional da'e'npol:t"i...$79.50 3 Washers ............ $29 50 Oil lteater, 10' . .................... $49.50 Hectric ]+, nge ..................... $59.50 Full ize Coil Spring ............ $ 9,50 OLI']N FURNITURE COMPANY [;28 Cots St. Phone 102 I USED CARS FOR SALE: 19.12 Ford deluxe toUr- dour s,'dan. A-1 ronditl,)n, $82;), Ray's S(?rvi,:e, Mt. View. l)llt+'lltj19,l  let)l{ -" SAL, E:--l+9"33--(,h+q:-fi,,17 ..... - COOtlC, ' .- -M. sat $5Q,(10+ ] iLOIIC '"1 "V%'all" d,,I I," i J-21 ],' t;I I t- S + 1 ,-I;;'i- +] 9,([ + Che :7" ;'(;u -"'O"wITI vade hn" pickup. New I+,Mycbf9 pasni, i|l(t()r, tires it* good cendll (:t)¢)(I blly, (':tl, SCC at ]lilltoP , x h'c. Pho'm! 991. Fll-1:7"++j ,'OR SAT.2q7 1+1,10 4-d86r I+Y' +UIII') ,IS1* $550. TWO twin be€Is, tact Shlllllons C0[I P+pI'tlIIS $3t}. Arcl Druneli 1518 Sunl hi'{. 'Drive. Phc "240-M after 6 p.lU, 11-10 condition. $75. inquire'Star Rt. Box 66 (near Dayton). A11-10-2 24 months to pay at Bob Ervm o. tors. 653 South First Stre6t, Shglt? Phone 678. -ou FOR SALE FOR SALE: Chicken IertHizer, cow manure, Skokomish top suil. tractor plowing. Phone 483-W. O2-24tfn RUMMAGI' SALE, December 2nd and 3rd. sponsored, by Amaranth, to be held at Mell's Chew'olet Garage, 2nd and Gruve Street. M11-24--12-1 NEARLY NEW Kelvinatm' Refrigera- tor. C,,nsoh, n<)(lel eh,ctric sewing nm,'!nlm $1 .C.. Nice washing Inaehine, g,,o(t ('Ondltion $,t5. Leaving the stat,h llllst sell. A. Dodgh Route 1, hx 15. Turn at the Golden Pheas- ant Tawrn, to first road then left. 11-24 -P¢-+ SA L {i7 7';, 7. g7,i--Cl;i-]TiU;ut,7, $20 and $25. Write Mrs. Ted Do,'n, Rt. 3. Box 80. Ccntralia, Wash. Lll-24 DORCAS SOCIETY Miscellaneous Sale I--8 cu. ft. Rcfrigcralnr Was NOW $219.75 $185.00 1--8 cu. ft. deluxe model Was NOW $259.75 $2Z5.00 1--11-cu. It. 1,'re,,z+'r Was NO' $:t79.75 $325.00 KIMBEL MOTORS 1st at Mill Plane 601 Packard Motor Cars Do you know you can drive a new Packard sedan for only $873.57 Down 24 months on balance FRANK THORP MOTORS Olympia 222 N. Cap, Way Tel. 6558 8-25tfn Nov. 29 and 30 P.U.D. NO. 3 OFFICE Corner Third and Cota Streets 11-17-24-2t WOOD FOR SALE OLD GROWTH FIR C. C. McHENRY PHONE UNION 413 9-15--10-6-4t ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Shelton 650 125 Cota -- Shelton Jack Manley 7-15tfn I U$ED ATTENTION VffERANS SPECIAL DEAL FOR VETERANS On Quality Used Cars INVESTIGATE NOW WINTER PRICES on Large Selection of Late Models -- Exceptional Variety of Styles and Colors -- Most Cars are Much Better than Average. SPECIAL DEAL FOR VETERANS On New Buicks - SHELTON DELIVERED PRICES: Coupe.... $2097 Sedanet ... $2182 BOB ERVm MOTORS Your Buick Agency SEE THE 1950 FORD ON DISPLAY OUR PRESENT STOCK PROVES THAT FITCH FORD BUY ARE BETTEI BUYS 1947 Custom Club Coupe Ford .... . $1250 Radio and heater, very low mileage 1946 Ford Convertible ................ :. .... $1195 R. & H., spot light, Otllcr accessories. 1941 Buick Club Coupe ................ $840.00 Radio and heater, extra good. 1941 Oldsmobile, 6-cyl. sedan .... $880.00 RadLo, heater, a real family car--at a big savings. 1947 Ford -ton Pickup .............. $995.00 25,000 Miles 1937 Plymouth Sedan .................... $195.00 1936 Ford 2.door sedan ................ $195.00 1936 Chevrolet Pickup .................... $225.00 Fitch Ford Sales & Service FORMERLY AL HUERBY MOTORS Phone 16 5th and R.R. Thursday, USED 1949 Champion Sedan equipped, 1949 iQash AI like new, fully 1940 DeS0to Coach 1935 Chev. Coach 1934 Buick Sedan 1935 Ford Coupe, :1940 l.ton Pickup 1940 Studebaker %-ton Pickup 1935 DeSoto Coupe, box alld With USED AND We Have the CARS AND AT A BIG • TO O $1 1946 MERCURY heater, turn signals, new rubber, airplane A nice one. 1940 BUICK club heater, new air roughout, i condition th .... : 1942 WlLLYS and need tion, this is it! 1936 CHEVROLET is a one-owner cat', Vcf' $ 1936 CHEVROLET mechanically, good $1C 1947 DODGE %-ton is a very good buy. Overhauled. $1 1948 FORD iF-4) duty, all steel bed. tarp covering. Only Like new. $ 1936 DODGE 1938 l'-ton with 10-foot OUR OPEN TO For Your @ KIMB MOT 707 South PHON] /