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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 DON'T TRUST LUCK... I rust A Savings Account • Earn a Good Return • Enjoy Savings Safety START YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY YOUR LUCKY DAY YOU MIGHT be willed a for- tune . . . or win a grand radio "jackpot" and wind up on "'easy street." You might! Make sure of financial se- curity. Save 'now--regularly fl'onl incolnc .... for incollC fl;ofn S/tVill as, " - _ _ _ d l%urston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Minerva Park VV VVVV VVVVVV VVV VV By Mrs. S. E. Grlggs Fred Hanson, proprietor of the Minerva Mercantile store and dealer for Shell Oil Products, at- tended a banquet at the Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma Thursda eve- ning honoring dealers for Shell Oil products. The banquet was well attended and Mr. Hanson, who has handled Shell products for 28 years held the honor of being the oldest dealer in service by three years. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Granger and daughter P a t, of Marysville, Wash. visited Fred Hanson Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Granger is a daughter of Mr. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johns and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hicks and family spent the week end at ,Forest Grove, Ore., vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stolen. Hoye Flemming of Hoquiam, and his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomasbn and small son, spent Sunda:] at the Flemming beach honle. Donahl Ragan attended the P.- T.A. carnival at the Hoodsport¢ school Friday evening. After a pleasant evening he spent the night with Eddie Burling. DEMOCRATS PLAN NEW COUNTY CLUB A group of Mason county Dem- ocrats will meet in the court house at 8 p.m. December 1 to form a Democratic Club and elect offic- ers. By-laws will be considered. A committee set up by the Dem- ocratic Central Committee has been working for some time to- Security Bldg., Olympia, Was ward organizing a Democratic Club and a large number of mere- DIRECTORS bers have already paid their dues for 1950 which has been set at CARLTON I. SEARS K.L. PARTIW $1.00. Those who wish to join before the meeting may do so by, G. W. DRAHAM V. BRIDENSTINm paying their dollar to their pre-I cinct committeeman or to the HAZEL WALMER FRED HOIZ H C. BRODIm : ...... • county cnalrman, unarles avage, , or Secretary Earl Carr. f',t" "  ,v- Carol Baker presents: . "' rre eeonmal, .k,,/ _ Jl"" ..m,m altaD|mll --,.,. :er, "*'r 00l00nUN fie DARfGOLO Way Darigoid Deluxe Pumpkin Pie--the perfect dessert for holiday meals ! It's pumpkin pie at its best with a new, distinctive flavor. Easy to DARIGOLD t I make.., so good to taste• I D4|teo • . '°,C-- " v/, ,,p, _ Pill • g I vunl O 4 corm MILK adds creamy richness to I a:","? 'l',. ,,,:,..'","" Oron ne O4l WO/nWI € ! • •tttlht this favorite dessert and best f ..., oo, ,. • .,.. I oven , ii e h. A, t try 4/ |-" ,fall, / "".:,.o,4!;y::!o*2!!'.'::.,}'2.::'7=p, o.,. / Darigold Evaporated ,...., ',-4"- I    • a, 0 M,Ik actually costs you less. ""-,.,,.../, GUARANTEED QUALITY FROM .. For Infant Feeding...your '- dodor knows Darigold Evaporated Milk EVAPORATEB MI Lit PACIFIC NORTHWEST DAIRY FARM| gHELTON- MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Anna O'osswhite Is Hostess For Rhododendron Club (Crowded out last week.) Anna Crosswhite was hostess to the Rhododendron Garden Club when it met for its November session at her home in Belfair. Sixteen of the club's twenty mem- bers answered roll call by telling l of something for which they were thankful that had happened in' their garden during the year. Past President Florence Brain gave a report on the Olympic Pen- insula District meeting which was held at the Methodist church in Shelton recently. Della Goetsch, the new president, who also at- tended that meeting, told with pride that the Rhododendron club's arrangement of red apples, green grapes, shining green peppers and a huge orange colored crook-neck squash had been chosen as the centerpiece for the speakers' to- ble. The fall plant exchange, which was a feature of the meeting at Mrs. Crosswhite's home, created much merriment md excitement as bidding became enthusiastic over a wide variety of horticultur- al specimens and resulted in a sub- stantial sum being added to the club's treasury. Two rose bushes, a gift from Mr. Squire of the Bel- fair Gardens, were awarded to Thursday, Notice To Customer OF THE L.M. GROCERY DEPARTMENT WHILE CARPENTERS REMODEL THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT, IT WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, TUESDAY. W.ED.N.ESDAY NOVEMBER 28 - 29 - 30, So Stock u 1) for 3 Extra Days While You Shop this Post-Thanksgiving Weekend REOPENING THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1949 Meat Market Will NOT Be C holders of winning tickets and Pineapple boosted the financial status of the club. An announcement was made of the Christmas party and gift ex. change which will be held in con- nection with the December meet- ing on the first day of next month at the home of Lela Evans with Mrs. Goetsch as co-hostess, Mem- SLICED PINEAPPLE SLICED PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE JUICE PINEAPPLE JUICE No. 2-Tin ........ II No. 1 Tin .............. No. 2 Tin ................ 46-Oz, Tin .............. 0 • A-1 SAUCE .......... 6-oz. 31 € PALMDALE - MEDIUM RIPE OLIVFN ...... No. l's 29 ¢ MINCEMEAT ......... 9-oz. CAMPBELL'S CREAM Of CHICKEN SOUP .... 2 tins PACIFIC PEARL CRAB MEAT ...... V-¢an STARKIST GRATED TUNA ..... A-can RATH'S PORK SAUSAGE .... 8-oz. BISQUICK .......... 40-oz. DUFF'S HOT ROLL MIX ... 1.41A-oz. CINCH WHITE CAKE MIX .. 17.oz. S,O.S. SCOURING PADS. l0 pads SHURFINE SHORTENING 3-1b PUMPKIN PIE SPICE. 2-oz. A CAROL BAI[ER TREAT DARIGOLD LK TALL. 69 € 12 SMALL BRANDIED  28-OZ JAR S &W MINCEMEAT .......... PLUM - FIG - DATE -- 14-OZ. TINS OLD ENGLISH PUDDINGS PALMDALE  7-OUNCE JAR GLACE CHERRIES .......... Established 1895 I• You have demanded lower food prices through your replies to our recent question- llall't% 2. Beginning I)ecember 1, 1949, we WILL give you lower food prices. 3. Of course, as you all understand, in order to do this we MUST cut operating costs• 4. Therefore, we are revising the policy in our Food Departments as f011ows: A. We will operate on a strictly self-service Cash & Carry Price Basis. We will reduce our prices to conform to those in the most aggressive Cash & Garry stores• B. We invite credit accounts as usual,and there will be a L, monthly charge of 80¢ to customers charging in our food de- .,, partments. :,, C, I)elivcry service will bc available, for which the cub- .,,. Ümer will pay the exact cost of 17¢ per delivery• 5• We; fccl /rhal, o[Ir customer, are entitled to tim very best values we can offer. You * I "  % will lu more than haply to reduce your food bill even if it seems a little ineonve|fient al the start. 6. We want you to know that your patronage in the past Ires been appreciated and vM- ucd and we trust thai you will continue with us under our new plan. 7. We are giving you this advance notice because we appreciate what you have done to help us buihl such a lliee business. 'PHANKS A LOT, MR. AND. MRS. CUSTOMER LOWER PRICES DEMAND LOWER OPERATING COSTS "THE TIlANKSGIVING week end frequently brings rains or freezing temperatures which add to traffic hazards," Chief Pryde said, "and smart drivers will check up now on tires, wind- shield defrosters and wiper blades to insure prcpardedness, Drive de- cording to weather and road con- ditions, Allow extra time to get there." On Thanksgiving Day 1948, two p0ple were killed in traffic acci- dents in Washington, and during the following three days, 8 per- sons lost their live "in traffic ac- cidents. Our last holiday, Armis- tice Day, and the following Sat- urday and Sunday accounted for 12 deaths in highway tragedies. Sunday alone accounted for the death of five persons. SUNDAY EVENING hours from 4 to 9 o'clock are proving to be the most dangerous hem's of the week for motorists and pedestri- ans. PUHN FEATURED IN LOGGING CONGRESS H. O. lflm of Shelton was fea- tured on the program of the 40th anniversary session of the Pacific Logging Congress which was held In Seattle on November 14, 15 and 16. Puhn took part in a practical logging demonstration which was presented Tuesday afternoon. New officers elected for 1950 at the convention are Bruce Moore- head, of LaGrande, Ore., president; Sidney G. Smith, of Vancouver, B. C., 'Ice president; A, L. Mills, Portland, Ore., treasurer, and Car- win A• Woolley, of Portland, Ore., secretary. Woolley succeeds A. Whisnant of Portland who is re- tiring after_25 years. Whisnant was elected secretary and adviser to the management committee of the congress. Approximately 2,000 delegates attended, the session. DEL MONTE CATSUP WONDER MIX - NALLEY'S PICKLES ............ lge. 2/33' 12-oz. 23 € BRUCE'S - Blended Pineapple and Grapefruit .... 46-OZ. BLENDED JUICE ......... 43 ¢ S & W - NO. 2 TIN BROWN BREAD ......... . 21 ¢ DEL MONTE -- NO. 303 CAN CREAM CORN .......... 2/29  DAWN FRESH - PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS ....... 4-oz. 27€ MISSION PEAS .......... 303-can 3/29 ¢ TASTE¥ELL TOMATOES .. No. 1 Tall 2/23* V-8 COCKTAIL JUICE ,.o. 35 € qt. ) ) IOIULAR BRANDS {PKG. 17¢) WONDERI" i'OOD CIGARETIES ....... etn. 1.69 MARSHMALLOWS... l-lb. I,OOKING GLASS - 8-OZ. LOOKING GLASS - .I-OZ. ASSORTED- PKG. SUNSHINI CRACKIIS_ ALMONDS39  PECANS 29 * JELLO .... 7 ¢ HI.HOS..27 '  WHIt ...... WALNU'PS kEDDI- ' ...... 49 ¢ ........... s  w s  w LARGE 4  FRUIT MIX .... l-lb. glass 47 € MIXED, NUTS ........ l-lb. I STRAINED - OCEAN SPRAY  NO. 300 CRANBERRY00 SAUCE ...... OCEAN SPRAY  NO. 300 WHOE CRANBERRIES.. ROCKDELL  NO. 2Va CAN PUMPKIN- ............ 2/19* GROCERY DEPARTMENT Established 1895 :::i! i 2 hers are asked to be prepared to answer roll call at that meeting with original Christmas stories.  / The club, in response to a corn- Jo /'ff.;/ men desire of its members, is in- r TOLL  cluding in its program for the /1, new year, a light course in par- tt-.t'W 'o liamentary law. The first lesson U 1 1 I  I COl.l r was given at the November ,eet- n v u   /4£." Z7 ing with Della Thompson, assisted 1, "" 1 class.bY IAllian Linee, conducting the COOKIE$// Caut00onisUrged oz ,,Ko. /,,: .... /,.7 18€ On Highways On --- /2:[ Thanksgiving Day T.E OR,,.AL STRA,NO g Wltl manytrips home planned FOODS FOR BABIES ,11' for ThanksgiVing Day and the following week end, Chief James 6 ?/IS 4S€ =(J A. Pryde of the Washington State Patrol today warned drivers and SHURFINE ..... NO. 2 , CAN T] A ]['w][ JAVtXTXTAIW pedestrians to be "extremely care- fuX" because of the extra holiday RUIT COCKTAIL ........ 29 traffic. NONESUCH CONDENSED