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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 1971
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Honored Queen Karen Wolle 00000000000000000 By Leo & Margaret Livingston- CR 5-6421 41HI~ ~ 4~llP qlmp ,11lip 91BLIP ~ 0 qlIBP ~IBBIP O ,qlm. qe~e* ~IBII~ ~ ~lllb 41lie Public notice: Our sign is down and, alas, our Booker's Art calendars are all gone. We barely had one left for ourselves. However, it was a most successful and gratifying project and we are looking forward to a new and better calendar next year. Earl Lincoln, North Shore contractor, has applied to the Mason County Planning Commission for approval of a new plat on the North Shore. Called Little Mission Creek Tracts, the plat will have 19 lots and is bordered on the southwest by Little Mission Creek. The plat was approved by the Commission and will be considered by the County Commission at an early date. Grace Hunt of Terra Linda has been in Harrison Memorial ttospital for minor surgery. She was visited this week by Ada Lincoln Miller and Esther Johnson, who report that she is doing well and will be up and at her various activities soon. The Tahuya Homemakers, including many North Shore women, held their November meeting Thursday, the 18th, at Brad's Restaurant in Sheridan Park, East Bremerton, following a group luncheon. Before the luncheon they were entertained at a meeting of the combined Kitsap County Homemakers groups at Sheridan Park. Mr. and Mrs. (Phyllis) Sam Barovich have returned to Belfair from Montana where they moved about a year ago and are staying at the Mission Creek home of Phyllis's father, Ben Jesfield. Their four little girls are re-enrolled in North Mason Schools and happy to be here. The Homemakers-Pinochle Playing Club met in November at the home of Alice Stites and plan to meet with Ollie Griffiths m December. Pinochle is played and enjoyed by all. BUILDER-BRUCE WHITMAN NEW CONSTRUCTION--REMODELING--ROOFING DECKS--CONCRETE WORK FORMICA--CERAMIC TILE Free Estimates Call CR 5-2196 Collect NORTHSHORE INN Pool Tables • Shuffleboard Sandwiches • Short Orders Dancing Daily I 0 a.m. til 2 a.m. Sundays|2-12 Queen this Saturday Karen Wolle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wolle of Belfair," will be installed as Honored Queen of Bethel No. 43, Belfair, International Order o-f Job's Daughters at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, December 4th, in an open ceremony at the Belfair Masonic Temple. Theme for the occasion will be "Book of Gold." Other officers installed will be: Kay Schillinger - Senior Princess; Debbie Squire - Junior Princess; Karen Schillinger - -Guide; Rene' Smith - Marshall; Kathie McKaig - Chaplain; Kim Archer - Recorder; Lynn Pickett - First Messenger; Peggy Rees - second messenger; Kathy Owensby - third messenger; Tammy Archer - fourth messenger; Kim Hardin - librarian. Handicapped may get library service £here are many persons living in the Timberland Library district, who because of physical disabilities, blindness, sickness, the handicaps of age, and for other reasons, cannot come to the library for service. Through Social Security funding, it may be possible for the library district to receive partial matching funds to provide books, special services and other library materials for these people. Although the library now serves many nursing home residents, as well as persons who are confined to their homes, Mrs. Elizabeth Gatlin, North Mason community librarian, said they need names and addresses of others who would benefit from this service if they were known to the library. Anyone can help. Mrs. Gatlin has asked persons to telephone the North Mason Library at 275-6244, or visit the library or bookmobile if they know of anyone (it might be a relative, friend, neighbor, or acquaintance) who meets the following qualifications: (1) Persons 60 years of age or older who are receiving public assistance; or potential recipients of public assistance. (2) Blind or visually handicapped persons over 16 who need either talking books or large print books. (3) Those persons permanently or temporarily disabled, of any age. (4) Families receiving aid to dependent children - both children under age 18 and parents. (5) Nursing home residents. STOLEN CAR FOUND A dark green Oldsmobile belonging to John Hanson of Port Orchard, which was stolen from the Belfair area the night of November 18, was recovered in the Bremerton area the following day after having been involved in an accident. Driver of the car was not identified to enable officers to make an arrest. The case is being investigated by both Mason County and Kitsap County officials. GETTING ACQUAINTED Mrs. Anne Thorton, North Mason's kindergarten teachers, is a graduate of the University of Puget Sound. She has been teaching in the district 8 years. Mrs. Thorton has one married daughter, Joann. Along with helping her husband, Jack, owner of Thorton Electric, she enjoys reading and wood carving. BELFAIR -- Two bedroom apartment. Utilities furnished $100 per month. BILL GRIFFITH REAL ESTATE, CR5-2433. Page 8 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - November 24, 1971 CR 5-2774 Here's a progress report on Mr. Ervin Furchert's condition. He had surgery for the fractured left arm last week, and has been moved to the new sector of Harrison Hospital to room 202 West. He is better, but his stay in the hospital will be for sometime. Paul Furchert is driving the trucks to keep the oil business going as usual. Mrs. Dorothy Spangler and Mrs. Izetta Dean of the Belfair Community Church Ladies Circle, took over the kitchen to serve the November luncheon for the Red Cross board meeting at the Kitsap-North Mason Chapter. These two ladies proved that North Mason can do anything better, and proved it with an eye-filling tasty salad and homemade pumpkin pie. Mrs. R. S. Havens had her mail delivered with a bang last Monday. Tally Jones had just handed her the mail and was checking with his helper Ted Gierke for mail for the next mail box, when their mail car was involved in an accident with another car. Mrs. Havens had just turned around when she heard the impact, and there both cars were beside her in the ditch and practically in the Haven's yard. She said she would have been the center of attention if she had crossed the road at that point. Upon the impact, the men in the car were worried as to where she was walking and held on to the brakes so the car wouldn't hit her. As it was near 5:00 p.m. and the evening traffic rush, another car almost became involved in the wreckage and had to go into a skid across the nearby lawn to avoid joining the wreckage. Problems involved were lots of broken glass on the highway, with bumps, scratches, and a severe shaking up for everyone con cerned. The mailman's car looks quite lonesome behind Buck's Mobil station. The shortened hours of daylight give reason to watch closely for the Christmas Tree trucks as well as the late afternoon mail delivery. Watch out for Mr. Jones on the mail run if you want to keep those cards and letters coming. The Union River Homemakers' meeting was held at the new home of Mrs. Martha Broussard. The agenda included a review of the handicraft items planned for the annual Holiday Show, and a guest speaker from Puget Sound Power to demonstrate timely tips of using the mixes for holiday goodies. Each member was given a booklet showing new methods for fruit cakes, cookies and candies. Mrs. Merle Nile was welcomed as a new nember of the group. Mrs. Les Pederson realized a state of family confusion with her two nieces becoming mothers on the same day and each having a set of twins. With no history of twins on this side of the family, the happy event could be an item for Ripley's Believe It Or Not. Congratulations to all of you. Happy birthday to Jean Fedenk on reaching that special age bracket of 16 years on December 5. "Getting To Know You" was the theme for the neighborhood gathering at the Fedenk home last Thursday. The sniffles and virus bugs played hovac with some of those planning to attend but those in good health had a ball. Mrs. Helen Dewey was the prizewinner of a cookbook in the novel game that had each of the ladies asking questions about home, family, and lakes. Those attending were Mesdames Ruth Lumley, B. J. Dimmen, Helen Dewey, Mary Washburn, Vivian Bier, Marie Broetje, Bessie Kaemmle, Katie Stoner, Wilma Just, and Mary Hulbert. For those who called to say they were ill, best wishes that you have a quick recovery and are able to enjoy the holiday. The silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. "Louie" Fortner was supposedly to be celebrated by their being dinner guests-of Karen and Jeff Fortner. A family discussion on the way to dinner brought up a trumped-up need to return to home base where the couple was greeted by guests gathered for a surprise party. A champagne toast for the special day of days was enjoyed by all. The refreshment table was centered with a tiered wedding cake, that had a topping of large candles forming the number "25". After the gifts were opened and the cake served, the honored guests were then taken to dinner by Karen and Jeff. Here's another birth to announce. Chaquite, our striped tabby cat that thinks she is a dog, is a bit uncertain of her status on becoming the mother of six kittens in the early hours of November 18. There is no doubt that this is not earth-shaking news, but the expectant mother decided this should be a family affair and moved into MY bed and under the blankets before the true situation was uncovered. Anyone want a kitten in about six weeks? KEYS LOST A set of keys on a keyring were lost in the Sunset Beach area on November 17 according to a deputy of the Sheriff's local office. BELFAIR SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS -- DRAIN FIELDS TOP SOIL -- SAND -- GRAVEL -- FILL DIRT INSURED -- LICENSED FRANK DeMIERO CR 5-6155 Belfair, Wash. Next to PUD Building At Belfair MOPAR PRODUCTS 4 x 4 Parts and Accessories 9 to 9 Weekdays and Saturdays 9 to 2 CR5-3133 (:115-2174 Sunday Emergencies i Ill ~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By LOU DONNELL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nu~~~~~~~ Editor's note: Today's column is a repeat of one published in Oct. 1969. When my children were small 1 bought a notebook in which to record their funny sayings. Eventually, the book was put to other uses because, even with five children, none ever came up with anything funny enough to jot down. At family gatherings, however, my sister Nan would usually have us laughing heartily at something one of her two boys had come up with. 1 was present when her eldest son, Kent, had us in hysterics with a comment. My sister worked as a demonstrator in supermarkets, occasionally, on weekends, handing out food samples. One day as she and 1 and our mother and Kent, who was nine at the time, were going somewhere by car, Nan told us about an experience she'd had the week before while on a job. She had set up a small table between two aisles, facing the front of the store, where she was busily frying small cube steaks in her electric fry pan. She had packages of steaks piled on the table, as well as toothpicks and paper plates for passing out the samples. All of a sudden a small boy pushing his parent's shopping cart ran down the aisle behind her and ran right into her, knocking her and the table over into one big mess on the floor. The boy's parents came up, grabbed the boy's hand and went off with the cart: with no apology nor offer of help and no rebuke to the child. Mother and I were outspoken about their behavior: 1 said what 1 would have done to the boy if he had been one of mine and Mother was outraged that the father hadn't at least helped Nan up to make sure she was not hurt. After we'd gone on for a few minutes, Kent, visibly upset by his mother's experience, in an indignant voice exclaimed, "At least they could have smiled as they went by!" It was usually Erik, the younger boy, though who came up with the gems. When he was about four he thought his older brother, age seven, could do no wrong. Anything Kent did, Erik had to do the same. If Kent liked something, Erik liked it: if Kent hated something, Erik hated it. One night Nan decided to serve oysters for dinner. She and her husband, Bert, liked them and when last she'd had them over a year ago, Kent had loved them but Erik couldn't stand them. When Kent found out oysters were on the menu that night, he happily cried, "Oh, boy! I love them! .... Oh, boy, I love them" echoed Erik, too young to remember his previous encounter with them. At the dinner table Nan watched Erik out of the corner of her eye to see his reaction. Would he eat them even though he didn't like them just to prove that his tastes were the same as his brothers'? However, it never dawned on Eric that he wouldn't like what Kent liked. His expectant face turned to one of horror as he chewed the first bite and he complained, "Ooh! I got a rotten one'." Mark Duncan, 14-year old president of the student body at North Mason Upper Elementary School, is home from Harrison Hospital recuperating from a freak hunting accident which occurred Sunday morning, November 14 near the family's North Shore home. His family will have good reason for special thanks this Thanksgiving that Mark was one of the lucky ones. Mark's father, Lou Duncan, had removed the safety catch on his 300 Magnum hunting rifle shortly before he tripped and fell causing the accidental discharge of his rifle which shot a bullet into the receiver of his son's 12 gauge shotgun. Shrapnel from the splintered part of the shotgun wounded the youth who was taken to Harrison Hospital by his parents. Subsequent surgery removed most of the shrapnel from the boy's body. He also had received superficial wounds of hands and thighs from shrapnel and splinters. His mother expressed thanks last Friday, upon Mark's return home, to all who helped during their ordeal. She reported that Mark was in go ~d spirits and hopes to return ~o school next Monday. Section of the Shelton- Mason County Journal Wednesday, November 24, | 971 SECOND GRADERS FROM Mrs. Eileen Kukla's class at Belfair Elementary School pose in front of a large display in their classroom which carries the wish the Huckleberry Herald wishes to extend to all its readers this Thanksgiving season. The herald hopes everyone will find many things in life for which to offer a prayer of thanks. Left to right are Lori McGill, Leland Stice, Tony Groves and Jada Mayberry. The Belfair Library may be moved to the "Y" intersection of the Allyn and South Shore roads. An offer of 3/4 acre for a new library building site has been made by Alan Logan and Hugh Campana, who are developing a new shopping center on a ten acre site on Belfair's south side. The offer was made at the annual meeting of the Friends of the Library in Belfair November 16. The proposal was the first development in the long sought objective of a separate library building. The move of the library to the shopping center is dependent upon the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Timberland Regional Library which funds the local library and supplies the books. Mrs. Louise E. Morison, Timberland Director, who was present at the meeting last week, said that it may be possible to take advantage of the offer by moving in a portable library building with a minimum of 5,000 books and increased service. A later permanent building could be funded by the STRIPPED CAR A car which turned out to have been reported stolen from Bremerton was found stripped in a secluded spot on a back road in the Shoe Lake-Tee Lake Area of the Tahuya Peninsula according to a report filed in the Belfair office of the Sheriff's department November 15. 5-county library system and by local interests. in order to meet the terms of the gift the library must be moved into the new location within a specified time limit and to establish a structure and service which will be compatablc with the shopping center. Logan said that the new shopping center would include a grocery store and other shops. The library site will be in a prominent location. Other business transacted at the meeting was the annual election of officers. New officers for the coming year are: Margaret Livingston, president; Maxine Morse, vice-president; Sharon McKnight, secretary; and Irene Davis, treasurer. Maxine Morse made a final report on the successful completion of the Booker's Art Calendar project. Early day history of Grapeview to be heard Grapeview's past, the days when it was called Detroit, the days before there was a bridge to Stretch Island, will be recalled by Anne Eacrett of Stretch Island at the December meeting of the local Historical Society. Long-time residents of the Grapeview area are especially invited to attend to add any favorite memories or tales they have heard. Mrs. Eacrett, who is the daughter of the late Walt Eckert of Grapeview who spent most of his over-90 years of life on Stretch Island, where he was brought as a young boy before the turn of the century, will combine her own memories of her youthful years in the area with stories learned from her father. The meeting will be held Thursday, December 2, in the Fireside room of Belfair Community Baptist Church at 8 p.m. All Historical Society meetings are open to the public. Boy injured A 16-year old Bremerton youth was injured November 21 in the DeWatto area while fishing with another youth. Glenn Tostenrude picked up an article which he spotted in the DeWatto River and it exploded in his hand. He believes it was a blasting cap. The two boys walked to the road and passersby took them to Harrison Hospital in Bremerton where the boy's left hand was operated on. His mother reported Monday that he lost part of one finger and another finger is not functioning correctly but they hope therapy will bring it back to normal.