November 24, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 24, 1971 |
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~i i I t iUt t ii t tll iUi uim u I m l Itttullulil I I i lU rout fl luit t il It t u t IUiHtlU U l lilt I I Iil tit I I |i I t t II li t i t ill i | t I ill ! i I t t t I I ill ! t lilt I I I it it t Bit i It till I UlB I lUllUiHIiltUl I
Am a little late with my have a combination meeting and The record books were returned
By JEANNINE PETERSON -- 426-3815 column this week for I was felled Christmas party at 6 p.m. and discussed. The project for this
~--_-------- -~-~,~-;,,z,~c by the flu for a few days. Thursday, December2. Therewill year is survival and a lively
Whatever virus this is, it seems to be a special menu. The guest of discussion followed.
Saturday the 13th was Family' Was it yours? Come and celebrate start with a headache and outside the evening will be Santa andCalender for December
night at the MBC club. A very if or if not. It's fun for all. Bring of that I felt terrible all over. there will be a toy exchange December 1, Mothers Club
successful one too. Sixty one your own food and drink, but Nancy started it first and missed which will be distributed to needy meeting, school lunchroom, 1:30.
people attended. There won't be reserve room for the MBC special school last week, then it was my children after the party. December 2, Fair Harbor
another one until January, so Birthday cake.
watch for the date in the future. Doug Sayan spent last week in turn and this morning when G err y G a z 1 ay, who isChristmas Party 6 p.m. Grapeview
Roger got up he turned aroundattending the University of Firehall.
December is just too busy a San Francisco on business. At and went right back to bed spit California at La Jolla, has an December 4, Christmas
month, what with the Christmas least that's what he said• .. Bet he looks like he is next. interesting part-time job as Disc Botique St. Hughs Church in
party and everyone's personal had fun anyway, that's the kind I see by the paper that Jockey for-station KPRL. He is Allyn.
celebrating, of town it is. twenty-five years ago today there the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gazlay D e c e m b e r 1 5 ,
The next MBC event is this My neighbors at Paradise,
Saturday. This is Birthday night Marge and Jack Denny are the were 18 inches of snow and all of Stretch Island. Psychedelic-soda-pops meeting at
schools were closed and The Psychedelic-soda-pops Pettitshome.
at the Club honoring all those new owners of Mendenhall's everything was really snowbound, met at the Pettitt home for a December 22 Christmas
who had birthdays in November. Marina. They have four children, I am not a weather prophet but regular meeting November 17. vacation begins.
Russ, the oldest, just left for basic
-'1 training in the Air Force, Roger, our pony is not as shaggy as usual
[ • # i-, / 17, is a senior in Shelton High for this time of year so I am not
worried yet. *
I Menu for / School and employed at Mel's The Grapeview School Forest laml owners may benefit by low
I ~.T .t_ ~Ar / Chevrolet. Ross is 15 and a
I IN orm tvlason | Shelton High School sophomoreMothers Club family night was Time is running out for of 20 or more acres of forestland PING PONG was played steadily throughout the evening last
[ ~rhr~,~le / and Sandra, 12, is a 6th grader at heM at the Firehall Saturdaycertain forestland owners to take should contact their county Friday, night, the second weekend of the Belfair Youth
I OLIIUUIb l Grapeview grade school, night and was filleu by members advantage of an , important assessor "before the end of the A POOL TABLE was added to the list of things to do at Belfair's Youth Centers existence.
~1 The Dennys have great plans of the community and children, provision of the state s new forest year" to learn how their lands will Center last Friday and several boys who dropped by Friday night helped
I ........ / for all year round operation of Delicious homemade pie was tax law, Senators Martin J. be assessed effective January 1, illi
, Nov. z~ -- nee. ~ n " " " co c d Herr,B. Lewis, 1972. v e .:~~ ~.~::~.~
~l the Marina. Merge has given servedjams MarksdUringwasthecha]rmanintermissi°nfor the Durkan an v " IRe rend Wendell Harder assemble it.
[ MONDAY -- Wiener on a bun ] notice to Lumbermen's of - hairmen of the State Forest "In cases where the assessor
[ With relish, potato saladr [Shelton that she is retiring from fun evening and would hke to Tax Committee, said today, does not use the forestland values ~.~
i buttered spmach, fruit and [ her job as credit manager and thank allwho helped. . Durkan and Lewis said owners established under the new law and North Mason ByKATHIEMcKAIG ' ~::::~
The Fair Harper Grange will ~~~
I milk. l they will have their grand opening where the owner feels his parcel
~'TU ESDAY Scallopeo I on Memorial Day. They are going meets the law's requirements, the *.= Jtl High News u a art to welcome home "~ .....
[ T U E S ~A '~.--. Scallo p eol to sell their large home at Paradise lllllllllllllllllll~~lllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~l~~l~llllllll~llll~l~ll~llll~lll~llllll~~ll~lllllllll~~~l~lllllll~~l~ll owner may apply for designation
potatoes w,m nam peanut
I ,po~ftoes w~t.n ham, pea_n tar[ and braid a new home at the as foresttand on a form supplied
I Dut~ersanow,cn, l:)~tereapeas, I ............. Ot l~_ ~ltL____~ ~It__AJL~__LJL by the assessor," Durkan and
I ~. ea'nd-r~?(R-.- "--| manna site. JaCK 1S a wmz at smart I~ Lewis said. A different type of field trip with their problems and things of abe t • p" y
[ ........................... ] and large motor repair, so look 30UTn 3R0re 3poIII RT The deadline for that took place recently for all the that nature. Some of the women two teenagers to the town of
[ WEDNESDAY -- Pork patties ] for some plans along that line, eighth graders. It started at 9 a.m. are able to attend college during Porterv!lle. An old boyfriend of
[ with cream gravy, whipped [ too. Merge says she will try to run application is December 31, 1971,
[ pot. toe_s _re cc or), .rosy[ the store with an eye to low ByJULI PRESTON--CIR 5.6288 if the designation is totakeeffect when everyone boarded the bus the day. Others study at theDebbies shows up and throws
for the Women's Treatment Center and will earn their high confusion into the whole party. !.~
in the 1972 assessment year
[ apple' h'°me'made bread I prices f°r a v°lume business andand butter andmilk Application forms were .............. Bobble Janet Patrick as Polly, i~=i:i. !i
i and I:)utter and milk. i their two teenage sons and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~l~~~l~l~~~H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ " " Center in Purdy. school diplomas. The cast included: Jessie Staley as ":,:~;!~,~
I THURSDAY -- Meat loaf"-* "--~ with" ;*'- II daughter will be a big help on the The Harvest Bazaar was great after completing Basic Training distributed to county assessors by when .... we amvea mere me The visit was too snort as me Relma' R]scher" as Fhc,,," t. ..... v;... ;:~; ..... :.,
I catsuo, buttered oarste-I gas pumps as well as in the store success for the Belfair Baptist on November 26th, he will be the State Department of Revenue supervisor took us into a large class had to leave in time to get Archer as Buddy Roman, Jodie
ca sup, n P Y ' - - " Church. Shoppers enjoyed the stationed at Fairchild Air Force this week and are available for
I ~a~s, Pa;'ri~;o~ I They owned a large Richfield room. She introduced us to two b-ck for lunch at school v
i ° ............. --t Service Station in Seattle before unusual gifts and good selection. Base in Spokane where he will filing now, the co-chairmen of the residents there. The '~ • SEe enson as Mrs. Dettleson, ~::~:g~. >....~ •
........ ' .........e "win ors" wasChuck Barrow as Sylvester, Cindy~:: ~
I ............ i moving to the Lake, so owning The money brought in from the become a Training Instructor for noted, residents tame(/ aoout the me m tne woum-o ~ g ......
~nyaer as tmarue
I FRIDAY -- Pizza, tossed saladr [ their own business will not be a sale will go for some needed item Survival Training. We wish Theron The "designation" procedure the Treatment Center. They a play put on by Mrs. Olson's .;r .. .....
I but~arrots and peas, fruit [new experience for them. Jack is in the church. Thanks go to all a happy graduation from basicis among several key provisions in covered the help they received Communicative Arts Class. it was t:o'~ minmreu nicativee or mrS.ArtsUiSOnciassS
I and milk. l presently employed at Mel's who donated items and to thosetraining, the new forest tax law aimed at ~ ................ students put on a skit for the
I ~ i Chevrolet in Shelton. Good luck, who supported the event. Welcome wishes go to Jack achieving statewide equality and ~~"~ sixth grade class. The students
[ I~J~ i Dennys[ Funeral services were held for and Penny Matson who are nowuniformity in the grading and ~ J'l I ,, _// _ _ 6 were Linda Woodhead, Kevin
I Itqli I The Board of Trustees of Mr. Sam Allen, age 95, on Friday, living on the South Shore. They valuation of forestland, Durkan ~ !1~,1~-~ - li~l~ l~rl~A~. ]~ Adams, and Tami Archer,. The i~i~
I ~' / Paradise Service Assoc. met at November 19 at the Batstone were married last month and and Lewis said. Forestland is ~ ~~k'q¢,," • VvvvwV ~,-v" ~ y name of !he skit was Magic
I "-- I Doug Sayan's home last Saturday. Funeral Home in Shelton. Rev.traveled to Hawaii for their defined in the law as "... all land ~ • ~ Mushrooms'. , i !~.~$~ : ~::
[ OI I~'~I'Am&" ~J"~,II'~lI These ten men keep Paradise Wendell Harder conducted the honeymoon before settling down in any contiguous ownership of )[ ruff or ComCofflp'e e|ete 8eouSeouf'/ SServicere
I r'u~l[~[ ~{[JlU][]UI looking great, and running services in Shelton and at the in Belfair. 20 or more acres which is e vI¢ Mrs. Shirk s Art Classes will
I...'~ . -- ./ smoothly. They meet about four Lincoln Memorial Park in A Happy Thanksgiving wishprimarily devoted to and used for ~ be taking a field trip to Seattle.
I National Bank I times, a year and .t° Portland, Oregon. goes to each and everyone from growing and harvesting timber, ~ Cutting & Styling Our Specialty 6 They will be going to the Seattle
I .... / the general membership at the Charlie Drake surprised his your South Shore neighbors! and means land only". ~ Inclu-dino tl e new ShaQ Cut ! Center Art Pavillion to see the
[ The hometown bank. [ annual meeting in July of eachparents last week when he phoned ~ .... " ..........." .... ~ Giant Ice Bag. Another place they
t osay he d be home for
................. l year. ' .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~l~l~~~~~l~~~~~ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ml~~~~~m~l~~~~~~l~lIK ~ Eleanor.~~.,Wed., Sa_t. ~ will be visiting is Volunteer Park
= ........................................................... ~...: ...... ; ................. ~.~ .... ~ Christmas. Charlie wih De nying _= t~t~t~t:r't /It"I~'IM~K'I"~ IIMtIIOC'I'~ [ {~ Carol: M~, Fri., Sat. ~} for an exhibit by Edward Munch,
i into Seattle on Christmas Day =_-- ......................... ~ 6 Jean: Wed. Thurs., Fri. (~ also the Northwest Artists Annualnights. Here some of the cast are seen on stage as the play
from Florida and can stay only - JE£FIl tn ¢ N TI/II¢ TI¢ N - ~ Show. The Art Class is makingneared its end.
With Purchase of "~== three days. He s hoping to get a ~ .............. ~ ~ _ -:--- -_ l~tlIll~-- : _ -- " -- ; ;---It b2°dCs.k p nntlngs for Christmas
lot of visiting done with friends -- CONTRACTING • BUILDING ----
and r elatwes during h~s stay D~I~ ( ~{~'~
i Two Studded Recap SNOW TIRES :" home. j CABINET WORK. CONCRETE WORK j t ~ .~. __... ! North Mason Junior High's
Or Any 2 NEW TIRES ,~ = / ic-'~ ~./~.~.~,, ~11~~ I[ first basketball game is with e
B L ~/ ~ w~,u'~," ~ I Chimacum Junior High. Its a
iwellWe'w]shesre sendmg to plentYMrs Of Kayeget --=Ben Jesfield P.O. Box 11 Jim Jesfield --= ~ "~l~-J ~ ~ home game on Decem ber 6.
-" 6"50x13 a~ F ~l~ Plus taxes a ~ " , • -- CR 5-2652 Belfair, Washington CR 6-6684 --
= , ,;3sxt, • or :~p•O stuamngw/t | Thompson WhO is in the Swedish -= - B t- ~L , -~.,.A _~Z.,..,i ~ Mark Duncan, the Student Split Cowhide Skirts
- ~, =~ Hospital in Seattle :~l~ll~lfl~ll~m~l~l~l~~~l~[ ~ ] yt-~ ~ ,~'~'~.U..,~I, II Council President of the Junior
CHEVRON SERVICE The Belfair community is also I ~ ,dk~[ik~ ~ High, was injured in a hunting
~ sending wishes for a speedy It ............... I I ~ [ Come and join us for a cup of accident the weekend before last. SKIRTS $11 00
recovery for Pappy Holm who is ¢~k~[~ ~ Ilill;Ig'hlD EIICt'TDIr I " ~' e - from
to celebrate our 1st " . Snap front, Brown and Beige. iiI
colfee tie came home last weekend
i BELFAIR CR 5-2591 ! now in the Resthaven Nursing IIll'~v i~l'lb/JP~II~ l'lbLNb~lE~lh I ~'~ /'!" -~r-- * ....... " -,-. ,,~:c. ]I the hospital. Have a speedy
..... ~r ........ ii1[................. I iiiiii iii ~" home in Bremerton His wife ! ;~ --k./" ~..~versary in [.c ~J~,t si recover- Markv
Butch wishes to thank all theirI-- I Shoppe" I " PANTS $ A00
friends and neighbors for the ,' "~);~?~;~ I VANDALS STRIKE
EM/L~Iffi ~r-JlWH.~IJ garde ~'-' m any anniversary and get-well Z,. ~%~
. . ....
Itglml cards she and Peppy have I~ ~ ~, I = Loa I¢ ff It[" I North Shore summer home was
received. Short visits from anyone MICI -I e ,~o ~.~']L ~ received by the Belfair Sheriff's ~ll~i~
finding himself in the ........ I h leather Sqll~V00
neighborhood of the nursing ~~ IA/At/Ig I ~--~ • ~-r~lt • I1 office on November 17.
...... II;'~ ~;'~:~'~I~ [ Llanstmas In~n-s .. According to the complaint, all SBT:w°~ & Beige, sizes7-15.
• . , ...... WW WE
home w,ll be welcome I ~ ~ I drawers in the cabin were emptied
• ,~~-~ ~? ~ ;;~
Mrs. lzetta Dean will be I [ Candles Rinos, Gifts Etc and oil poured over the contents,
selling Christmas cards, smallgifts qdlVl:H I ' ~ ' " 1 windows were broken, food was JANE COLBY KNITS
• . ~,~',:,,,,~. \, " ..!..~:, ~::~
and Christmas wrappings as well Now Under I
as all occasion cards at the Belfair ~ i~~ i ~ ,.,cooked on the stove and remains
• ~,,.,~.', vv ~ • • • ~ left in a mess and an axe was Screen prints with matching slacks.
andBapt'stl0th.ChurchEveryone°n December 3rdls. invited. t o ~I~~*~ ~,~ :r,~. , ~ "=UU___ II 1 L,v,n,, Chr, stmas Trees It stolen. The back door had been Tops ,1200 ,o $1500
come in and browse. ~~~ Come In For I broken down to gain entry.
Theron Harder called home ~~:~ "L -- Demonstration 1 i 4-H MEETING $1~al~
recently to tell his parents, Rev. ~~~~ I I SALE TABLE e The Bizzy Bodies 4-H Club Slocks
and Mrs. Wendell Harder, that |
COMPLETE ELECTRICAL WIRING I m I met Friday at the home of their
i . Starting November 26 thru I leader, Tina Nelson. Members S
IN present finished pincushions or HOLIDAY CANDLE
U December 24. I
, And HEATING SERVICE i • , started new projects Next " "i
[[ ..... ~ meeting will be December 3. Many scents and colors. $ SO $
• BUDGET PLAN /erms, OT course, ~ankAmer,caros welcomeI orth Shore Nurser r-DINHIS ,
01L Free Dehvery [ , -- a e#..11 I |Rt L |$'IrATI ! F] C
G.E. Appliances at Discounted Prices I tpIlrlr bnoppe i / o I
It |/ W.terfront .n* View I
OLD .v. -" I ! tl e
IN " -- ~ I CR $-22S4 Beffair State hrk,|
Frank May P.O. Box 575 CR 5-2020 i mlimma aam] North Shore Rd CR5-2558 1 ii c,o, r,m li MARY WRIGHT PHONE CR S-2033
Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - November 24, 1971 November 24, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shetton-Mason County Journal - Page 5