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Veterans celebrate their history
World War II history
buffs packed into the Mason
County Historical Society's
Shelton Museum on Sun-
day, commemorating the
history of veterans in this
Long-time Shelton resi-
Friday, December 2 nd
Kristmas Town Kiwanis
Presents --
• Tree Lighting - 6pm
• Choral Singing
• Musicians
• Marshmallow Roasting
• Kiwanis Kristmas Town Train
Rides for kids on Railroad Ave
%: • Hot Chocolate, Hot Cider, L ::
-rovided Coffee & Cookies
: p by Holly Cahoon & the crew of 2nd Street Design ,,,:
-- New this year
Nativity Skit
by 3 r & 4 th Grade
i Classes of Mason County Christian School
Saturday, December 3 rd
:: i[¸ £ £i
Christmas Parade ; :
Starts at about 5pm
Presented by Kristmas Town Kiwanis ..... :
onsored by Little Creek Casino Reso,,,
.... : . . . ill ....... i@: :]i
dent Stephen Gay brought
just some of his extensive
collection of World War II
memorabilia and histori-
cal artifacts to the museum
on Sunday, and gave a talk
about his living history
group, Friends of Willie and
"I was introduced to Wil-
lie and Joe when I was about
12," Gay said.
Willie and Joe were char-
acters in a cartoon strip cre-
ated by Bill Mauldin that
appeared during World War
II in the army newspaper
"Stars and Stripes."
Gay started his collection
of World War [I artifacts
in the mid-1990s when he
bought an M1 rifle dated
1941. He participated in
a Battle of the Bulge his-
torical display and never
stopped searching for World
War II history.
"It just sort of took off
from there," he said.
Now, his collection in-
cludes closets and closets of
original uniforms, weapons,
medic bags, helmets, can-
teens and anything else a
World War II soldier might
have carried into battle. He
even has boxes of unopened
C and K Rations, all bought
through swap meets and
other collectors.
"Even though I may have
40 canteens at home I'll al-
ways pick up another one,"
he said. "You get bitten by
the OD (Olive Drab) bug
and there's no antidote and
no cure."
Gay has three restored
army vehicles from the
World War II era, and over-
all the Friends of Willie and
Joe group has 35 uniformed
members and 21 vintage ve-
"We talk to lots of World
War II veterans at the
events we do," he said. "Ev-
ery GI in World War Ii has
his favorite [Bill] Mauldin
cartoon from 'Stars and
The Friends of Willie and
Joe will soon go on their
annual "Snow Camp" - a
Journa onoms Dy Natalie Johnsor'
William Ells, left, and Stephen Gay show off a restored World War II
army jeep at Saturday's second annual Mason County Historical Society
Veteran's Tribute at the Shelton Museum Sunday•
Stephen Gay filled the Shelton Museum with
his personal collection of World War II artifacts
Saturday. He packed tables with original hel-
mets, weapons, medic bags, rations, uniforms
and much more.
weekend spent in the snowy
Olympic mountains to com-
memorate the Battle of the
Bulge in World War II.
'ou get the same expe-
rience except for the shoot-
ing," Gay said.
Gay spends much of his
time reenacting history. Af-
ter he spoke, the audience
heard from a man who lived
it. Bob Meyer gave a de-
tailed account of his experi-
ences in the Hurtgen Forest
in Belgium in the days lead-
ing up to the Battle of the
Meyer landed on Omaha
beach weeks after D-Day as
a replacement. He was as-
signed to the 28th Infantry
and fought with them in the
Hurtgen Forest in Belgmm
until he was captured by
German troops in December
Meyer said he wanted to
enlist in the Air Corps, but
was drafted into the Army.
"When I was a kid I want-
ed to fly so much I could
taste it," he said.
Meyer said he and his fel-
low troops were "living in
muddy holes" in the Belgian
forest, but it was pretty qui-
et until December 16, 1944.
"All Hell broke loose on
the 16th of December," he
The Germans began at-
tacking and overwhelmed
the American troops, he
said. The unit had to fall
back, but Meyer stayed be-
hind with his machine gun.
"I was the last man to
pull out. it got pretty scary,"
he said.
Meyer ran as fast as he
could, but was weighed
See History on page A-5
DECEMBN 2nd & N 201.1
ftat te f :
Play our game card for great prizes
(pick up your game card at any
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Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, November 24, 2011