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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 2011
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ty m,0000,ing ahead with wastewater repairs si fu eli dc M nc in th ti( sc: 'he pa to pl de of th to co: ml ha B a er pa col da na of co] an th, pr, th to Sh be lm co] ne lm ar, tol z NATALIE JOHNSON The City of Shelton commis- Dn considered a request to ad repairs at the city's Sat- ite Water Reclamation Plant ring its regular meeting today evening. In May 2011 the city an- unced that almost $1 million damage had been done to Satellite Water Reclama- n Plant after rotary drum • eens installed at the plants adworks failed and allowed rticulate matter and sludge work its way through the mt. The particulate matter and bris damaged thousands fine membrane screens in plant. City crews also had clean the plant, which was ltaminated after the screen dfunction. Since last spring, the city been working with its con- tractor Pease and Sons and subcontractor Lakeside. which installed the faulty plates, to find a way to fund the repairs. The city has held the contrac- tor liable for the repairs. Recently Traveler's Insur- ance, which represents the city's contractor, issued a check for $250,000 to the city as partial restitution for the damages, said city engineer Mike Michael. "As we stand today we are hqpefully getting closer to a ritual resolution,' Michael said. / Repairs to tank number three at the reclamation plant wre completed in October. Tle city funded those repairs ottt of the sewer reserve fund. Now the city wants to start work on repairs for the other two tanks. Although the city has not reached a settlement with its contractors in the project, Mi- chael asked the city to autho- rize spending $250,000 to buy 2,000 replacement membrane plates from manufacturer Ovi- vo at Monday night's commis- sion meeting. "If we are forced to proceed with the currently limited re- serve funds, staff is prepared to order the first 2,000 plates in early December," a brief- ing given to the commission stated. The sewer fund had about $1 million dollars in it as of June, 2011. According to Ovivo, the or- der of 2,000 plates should be ready in December. After these are installed, the city will still need to replace another 1,400 membrane plates at the facil- ity. The city commission plans to discuss the requested expen- diture under old business dur- ing its 2 p.m. Nov. 28 meeting. Journa onoto 13_ Natalie Johnsor City of Shelton Engineer Mike Michael asked the city commission to approve a $250,000 expenditure to fund repairs to the city's Satellite Water Reclamation Plant on Monday. :ity he0000rs appeal on Mari Meds business license NATALIE JOHNSON upporters of Mari Meds, medical marijuana coop- ltive based in Belfair, eked the City of Shelton nmission chambers Mon- y evening. They spoke of how can- bis helped them get off prescription painkillers, nbat nausea, seizures d chronic pain and urged city commission to ap- )ve a business license tt would allow Mari Meds move forward with a elton location. However, due to conflicts ;ween state and federal ¢, the city expressed con- 'n with approving a busi- es that may not be legal. ;'State law and federal ¢ as relates to cannabis in conflict," said City At- hey Kathleen Haggard. "Because of the ever present threat of federal raids and prosecution you really have to be careful of what you au- thorize on the local level." Having authorization to use marijuana for medici- nal purposes is an "affirma- tive tefense" for possession of cannabis in Washington Star G Haggard said, but it is still illegal to sell the sub- stance in the state and fed- eral level. "All Mari Meds is ask- ing the commission is to be leaders - sometimes lead- ers need to make tough de- cisions and be bold," said Dennis Xavier Goss, Marl Mode' attorney. Marl Meds' application for a business license for their location on Railroad in Evergreen Square was denied on August 31. 2011. Business owner Robert Wood appealed the decision to City Administrator Dave O'Leary. While some aspects of the business did appear to be legal, others still conflicted with state and federal law. and the license was denied again on September 26. Another point of confu- sion is whether Mari Meds is a cooperative group or a dispensary. Cooperative groups, or patient to patient networks, involve patients growing for themselves and giving any extra to other pa- tients. Governor Christine Gre- goire vetoed provisions in the most recent medical marijuana bill. ESSB 5073, which would make dispen- saries legal. The city also expressed concern about plans to have a medical professional on site at the Shelton location of Mari Meds. Haggard said medical professionals can- not have any economic ties to an organization like Mari Meds. Haggard said the city needs to be careful about ap- proving a business license for any business that might not be following.the law. "[The city] can't "affirma- tively authorize anything federal law prohibits," she said. "Cities are in a pretty difficult position right now - we have our state saying one thing and the federal government saying anoth- er." While public testimony was not included in the hear- ing, which was a "closed re- cord hearing," many citizens spoke in support of medical marijuana and Mari Meds at Monday's meeting. "They are a benefit to our society here," said Kim Mor- ris. Lori Kent, a volunteer at Mari Meds and the medical professional seeking to help patients there, said medical marijuana is a better option than pharmaceutical drugs for some patients, especially those going through chemo- therapy. "Our patients endure hei- nous treatments," she said. However, some spoke out against Mari Meds. Casey Breeze, owner of the Shelton Patient Re- source Center, which has provided 400 Shelton pa- tients with authorization to use medical marijuana, said he wants to fight against Mari Meds coming to Shel- ton. "They run their business in such a way tha I believe it is illegal," he said. "It is not run as a non-profit." The Shelton City Com- missioners had several questions after everyone had spoken on Monday. Xavier Goss said that Marl Meds gets "no finan- cial benefit" from the ser- vices it provides. "The question of the day for me is apparently some benevolent soul is going to offer something for noth- ing," asked Mayor John Tar- rant. "Who is going to pay to keep the doors open?" Commissioner Mike By- rne suggested the commis- sioners take time to review all of the available infor- mation again and discuss it again during the 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 28 commis- sion meeting. See Marijuana on page A-5 Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, November 24; 2011 - Page A-3