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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 24, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton senior Diandra Nault attempts to escape from a hold by senior Kayla Ed during wrestling on Monday, Nov. 21. Lad3+ Climbers hit the mats By Ell&apos;liLY i!iANSON In a predominately male sport, five Shelton girls are showing tile ttighclimbers that wrestling is for girls. SI-IS seniors Diandra Nault, Kayla Edwards and Sabri- na Dennis along with juniors Kaitlin Woods and Rachel Fry are wrestling with the Highclimbers this winter. "Some people don't think girls can keep up with the guys," Woods, m her:second year" as a wrestler, said,.. Dennis added that people don't have high expectations *f the Lady Climbers and Fry explained that it's because <!:est;]Ji,g is sach a contact sport and so aggressive. "People said [ couldn't do it and I wanted to prove them wrong," Woods said. "Then, I fell in love with wrestling." Fry said she started wrestling because she has a lot of brothers who have done it and she wanted to try. Denais' brother also influenced her. Johnathen Dennis, her twin bother, has been wrestling since the eighth grade. N ault said she started wrestling as a way to toughen up [bl rugby. She said people often look at her and ask: "You're II We luwe fishing supplies/ I Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 +The 9ids show progress and it h they have 9god partners° ° doing wrestling?" One person who does hav, e high expe - as well as the rest of the ream - is as Roadman, who is in charge of the Lady got of raps that /orkout tations fbr the girls sistant coach Logan Climbers. "They have good, strong work ethic which trickles down from the senior class,' goadman said. Head coach Chris Lacy said the SH ; team has been av- eraging two girl wrestiers pe season t br the last seven or eight years. "The girls are doing pretty well so Jhr," Lacy said. "It's a long season. The girls show a lot of progress and it helps At the intersection of Hwy. I01 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino * 427-9099 that they k ave good workout partners." One par L of being a girl wrestler is having to deal with boys refusi ag to compete against them. Woods said she has had a coac] l pull a boy out of a match against her and she's also had a oy refuse to wrestle her because she's a girl. "When t aat happens, I just shake it off," she said. Dennis Ldded that she just goes with the flow. Roadma n said this shouldn't happen too often. "The gb s have their own tournaments to go to and a lot of times, t: working m Even tb sport, the 3 wards are "I wear up." Fry sai< part of the challenge for her comes from her family. "My wh. le family is against me wrestling and don't want me to do it but I do my best regardless,'! she said. ley're just for girls," he said. "The state is really that to change it fkom a male sport." ough the girls are in such a strongly masculine • each say they are not tomboys. Woods and Ed- even SHS cheerleaders. makeup," Nault said. "I'm proud to wear make- Eighth-grad./e Kings fin!sl" se?ond at champ,onsh,p Winston Camel  Monster  ,+ i s 199 Ea. + 9 16 or 3fi5 ! !+ii!iii!ii!+iiiiNii!i+!+!!!!iiiiiiiii!ii!  .... ++++,  i .... Reds199Ea'Bull '+++ r 2/s3.50 + ComOe+tte 1Assorted Varieties repsl . 12 pk. 12 oz. cans Marlb ........ iim ii NORTH, '_,I,<K BAR E, 4L+. i I I| SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Next Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces to serious Risks To Your Health. 'lift! I I! The ei ond at Knauf mothy chael Yount H sk, coach Gavi By EI Last tm Kii playint This team t, "Vet and tl coach  kids ca Witl along Chris ful 20 "We cham Courtesy of Denny Temple ghth-grade Shelton Kings ;earn for the 2011 season finished sec- the championship. In the 'ront, from left to right, are: Robert , Chase Salisbury, Tanner hodes, Jacob Hellenthal and Tim- Lopez. In the middle, from left to right, are: Jesse Tauscher, Mi- Blythe, Ronny Dean, Kyle Carlson-Plews, Forest Hunter, Brandon' and Cody VanBeek. In th, y, Damon Ponder, head co Zeth Brock, Tyler Bucholt Peterson and Nick McKey lILY HANSON season, the seventh-grade Shel- gs football players didn't see m mh time. season, as eighth graders, he ok second in the league. y few of the seventh graders pla red en only a couple of plays," had ;am Pettis said. "Only the diehard me back this season." a team of just 14 boys, Pettis, dth fellow coaches Zech Brock md Praiser, led the Kings to a succ ss- 1 season. had an undefeated season until the ionship, when the team lost c 10 back, from left to right, are: Michael ch Sam Pettis, coach Chris Fraiser, and Aaron Johnson. Not pictured are: "They gave it their best, but the other team had it go+ng on we+Is" points to Fife," Pettis said. He stated the 14 players all played on offense and defense and they played where the coaches needed them to go. "The team was quiet about the loss," he stated. "They gave it their best, but the other team had it going on pretty well."