November 25, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 25, 1965 |
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COlYNTY JOURNAL-- Published in U.S.A,"
Thur d
Although 160 magaz'mes have
disal)penred since 1950, 500 have
been born.
(This question and answer serle~
on cosmetics is brought to you
as a courtesy by NeWs Pharmacy
Thursday, N0v. 25
Thanksgiving. Have a nice day
Friday, Nov. 26
Ruby Rebekal~ Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF Hall.
T.B. Association rummage sale.
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., PUD Auditor-
Golden Age Club potluck, 6 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Jackson-Jefferson Day dinner.
social hour 6-7, dinner 7 p.m., Shel-
ton Armory.
Rachel Knott
Plaque Placed In
Seattle Hospital
Members of tile Rachel Knott
Orthopedic Guild were informed
by Mrs. George Cropper at their
meeting last Friday that the
plaque' they had provided for the
Orthol)edic hospital in the oame
of Rachel Ann Knott. R.N. had
been placed in Memorial Corridor.
The guild was invited to visit the
hospital to see the plaque and
~o help you in your choice in the
groper oosmetlc for you.)
Q. My eyes become irritated
from constant use of eye makeup.
What can I put on at night to
prevent this from happening?
A. If your eyes become irritat-
ed from eye makeup, you may be
allergic to some ingredient in one
of tI~e items you are rising. In
this case, it wand make more
sense for you to eliminate the
item than to try to relieve the
Try rising only one eye make-
up item at a time. For example,
use only mascara one day . . .
eyebrow pencil the next day . . .
eye shadow the next . . . and so
on. down the line.
Saturday, Nov. 27 the work the memorial made pos-
Drivers' license examiner, 10 sible.
a.m. to 5 p.m., police sta~Aon.
FOE caPd party, 8 p.m., airport
H~I.B. Association rummage sale,
9 a.m. to 4 p,m,, PUD Auditor-
Salty Sashayers Square Dance
Club, 8:30 p.m., fairgrounds.
Mrs. Harold Nordeng, presi-
dent. conducted the business meet-
ing to|lowing the ~[2:30 pan. lunch-
eon held inthe home of Mrs. Rich-
ard Brewer with Mrs. Les Shelv-
er as co-hostess.
It was reported the guild hss
sent memorials to the Orthopedic
SundaY, Nov, 28 hospital recently in memory of
Shelton churches invite you. to the mothers of Mrs. Herb Rotter
attend the church of your enome, and Mrs.'Ken.herb Frank.
Monday, Nov, 29
PUD No. 3 'commission meet-
ing, 1 p.m., PUD commlssiqq room.
County commission meeting, 10
a.m., courthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD Auditorium.
Evergreen school PTA, 8 p.m.,
at the school.
Soroptimist Club. 7 p.m., Tim-
bers restaurant.
Once you have determined Tuesday, Nov. S0
Zonta Club board meetin noon
which item-4f any- is causing g'
the irritation, either eliminate this luncheon, home of Clara Angle.
Kiwanis Club hmcheon, noon.
item entirely or use it in a hypo- Memorial Hall.
allergenic line. Ttxe chances are
the hypoallergenic product will City commission meeting, 2 p.m,
not contain the ingredient which city hall.
is causing the irritation.
Q. How should I apply liquid
foundation ?
A. First. shake the bottle to
make sure the contents are well
Then, with your forefinger, ap-
ply dots of makeup all over your
End by spreading the makeup
evenly and thoroughly over your
face with your fingertips. Don't
forget the area under your chin
and carry the base out to your
Q. Where on my eyes should I
apply my eye shadow?
A. Placement of eye shadow de-
pends on the shape of the eye and
the shade of shadow.
Deep-set eyes should be given
light shades on~J3e entire lid with
brown or gray ~?~hadow on the
bony structure(aT, l, ~'leye.
[, I •
Annual football banquet, 6:30
p.m. Mt. View school cafeteria,
' ' Wednesday~ Dee, 1
DN,m~;s' ilcei~se examiner, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., police station.
Thursday, Dee, 2
Yacht Club business meeting,
8 p.m., clubhouse.
Navy Mothers' Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Memorial Hall•
World War I Veterans and Aux-
iliary potluck luncheon, noon,
Memorial Hall.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmaster' Club, 6:45 a.m,,
Timbers Restaurant.
40 & 8 Volture 135 Decembei~
Promenade, dinner 7 p.m. Shelton
Hotel, Prom 8 p.m. 40&8 Club.
Members of the Dirt Dabber
Garden Club will attend a Cross-
It was voted to have the no-
host Christmas luncheon Decem-
ber 17 at the Shelton Hotel after
Mrs. Les Shelver and Mrs. R. M.
Slattedahl reported on several
plb.ces 'they had checked for ar-
rangements. Mrs. Nordeng ap-
pointed Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale
and Mrs. Dorothy Jessup to take
charge of the luncheon. Members
are to take gifts for exchange, a
gift for the Orthopedic, hospital
and canned goods to be given to
Shelton General hospital.
The hostesses were thanked by
the president before adjournment•
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Stew-
art, Olympia, a boy, November 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Arza Scott, Olym-
pia, a boy, November 20.
Clinic Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Owen. Route
3 Box 356C, a boy, November 21.
A planning meeting for a 20-
year reunion will be held by the
Irene S. Reed Class of 1946 at 8
Sound District Christmas party in p.m. next Monday in the home of
Bremerton Monday. Transporta- Mrs. Dick Holland, 428 W. Her-
lion will leave the PUD building yard street. All interested mem-
at 8:30 a.m Each person going ishers are urged to attend.
to take a home-made article for
I M e m b e r sof the Hillcrest
Homemakers' Club will make
6% On Reducing Balances
No Commission Charges
Mason Oounly Savings g Loan Assoda!ion
i " ,
Christmas table decorations when
they meet next Wednesday in the
home of Mrs. Darrell Sparks on
Mill Creek Road.
A cake decorating demonstra-
tion was g~ven by Mrs. W. J. CU-
zick at the November 17 meeting
which was held in her home with
14 members and one visitor pres-
Welcome Chapter No. 40, OES,
Social Club will meet for a 12:30
p.m. l uncheo~ Dec. 7 in the home
of Mrs. Gerald Samples, 223 West
"G" Street. Transportation will
leave from Mrs. Hack's at noon.
A One.Year
to the
Inside Mason County
,Opt ide Mason County
A Christmas Card will be sent with each new or renewed gi t sLLbscription.
,2 ...................... ' ....
KITCHEN DUTY--Girl Scouts of Junior Troop
308 make their way through the line filling plates
with cake and jello to'serve their mothers at the
Mother-Daughter Tea held November 16 in the
Methodist church basement. Mrs. Pat Austin, lead-
or, and her co-leaders, Mrs. Gay Bruce and Mrs.
Rosa Gish. helped with the food but the girls
took charge of the program and serving. Girls in
the troop are from the fourth through the sixth
HOSTESSES--Serving their mothers, guests and
fellow Girl Scouts at the Mother-Daughter Tea
held November 16 in the Methodist church are
members of Girl Scout Junior Troop 308. This was
the first attempt any troop had made to put on a
program of this type alone. The girls chose a
Thanksgiving theme for their table decorations,
They served 62 mothers and daughters. Some of
the food was donated but the girls bought most
of it with money from their treasury. Mrs. Pat
Austin is their leader.
try in the Air Force at McChord
Meanwhile, staff members are
taking up the slack until Mary
can get back on the job at the
Timbers Restaurant, which she and
Earl operate with Mable Long.
Earl also drives a dairy products
route for. the Kitsap-Mason Dairy,
to start off the day, then takes
over as cook at the restaurant in,
the evening•
Tomorrow (Thursday) is the day
we should all sit down before tbe
traditional turkey and give tllanl(.'~
for what we, as Americans, have.
Throughout the world there are
wars and confusion, disease and
And we have many things. Small
A rummage sale will be spon-
sored by the Tuberculosis Associ-
ation from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. this Fri-
day and Saturday in the PUD
auditorium Many like-new arti-
cles will be available.
All proceeds from the sale are
used to supplement the Christ-
mas seal sale which has not been
reaching the goal the past few
Members of Ruby Rebekah
Lodge No. 75 will hold their reg-
ular meeting at 8 p.m. Friday in
the Odd Fellows hall There will
be initiation of candidates and
plans will be made for the Christ-
mas party to be held in Decem-
-- WEATItER --
John Knight, local deputy sher-
iff, has opened a commercial art
studio at his home on Arcadia
• john is a graduate of the Bur-
ley 'Ai~t SchoOl ifl Seattle. He has
worked for the Cone Co, print
shop, the Ban Marche and has
free lanced for the Seattle Times
and the P,I.
things like your life and mine. High Low Preelp.
Large things like religious free- Nov. 18 .............. 59 45 .11
dora. So give thanks this day and Nov. 19 .............. ,54 47 1.53
every day. For we do not dare to Nov. 20 .............. 55 45 .46
lose these things• Large or small Nov. 21 ............... 54 45 .14
• . . Last Saturday was the open- Nov. 22 .............. 50 39 .56
inff of THE HOLIDAY HOUSE 50 30
Nov. 23 .............. --
and there seemed to be the mistak- Readings are for a 24-hour per-
en idea that they had plastic iod ending at 8 a.m. as reported
flowers. Mary Helen Anderson and by the Rayonier. Inc. weather sta-
Pat Carver have all types of live tien.
flowers and plants . . . Guy Beck-
with, owner of BECKWITH'S
JEWELRY, says Santa selected new TV under your tree. Stop in
him to show his treasure chest of and see the many color and black-
fine gifts. Be sure and stop byand-white consoles in stock . . .
. . . Gone Hanson down at BETT-Entertainment is raging galore ip
MAN'S has lots of Friday and Shelton and the sm'rounding area•
Saturday specials for you to see The LAMP POST TAVERN has
. . . Clmrles Adams, owner and live music for dancing and for
manager of the WESTERN AUTO i.hose who enjoy the silver screen
store, has marked down all of his the McCLEARY THEATRE has
He and his wife Joyce have a toys. If you are in the market for
9-month old son. John came here some, be sure and stop by . . •
in May, 1964 and Joined the sheriff Eldon Kahny, manager of PEN-
as a deputy 19 months ago. NEY'S, is having {'we big sale
. . days. Both Friday and Saturday
Earl Owen and Mary Rogers
amalgamated a quartet of boys
when they were married a few
years back--two of'Earl's, two
of Mary's.
Now there's a fifth boy in the
family, one of their own. He was
born Sunday at Clinic Hospital.
It raay be some time before he
meets two of his half-brothers.
Curt Owen is in Alaska with the
U.S. Army and Ed Rogers is in
Viet Nam, also with the A1Tny.
• . , MILLER'S is introducing
Bestform this week. According to
manager Jim Pessimier these are
some of the best values ever . . .
Barry Caskins. manager of MILL-
ER'S SHOE DEPT, announces
some of the greatest values in
children's shoes. The sale starts
Friday morning so hurry . . Ken
Chapman, owner of EVI~RGREEN
DRUG, has a wonderland of
Christmas gifts for you. Just stop
in as you're welcome to browse...
Wally Kluh, manager of LEROY'S
JEWELRY, always has many fine
values, for you and especially now
Two others are near-by and wtllfdr Christmas giving . . . Ray
make early acquaintarices. Jerry Prouty, owner of the COAST-TO-
Owen is working in Shelton COAST store, is planning his big-
and attending school at Olympicgest Christmas bargain sale ever
Junior College in Bremerton iind • • • George Valley, owner of
Dave Rogers is serving his coun- EELLS & VALLEY, says put a
a good bill playing this weekend
• . . That's --:30-- for this week
but remember to SHOP AT HOME
AND SAVE. You'll be glad you
NOTE: Check each ad for the
new Christmas store hours for
easier shopping this season.
Garden Club Me bers
To Judge O hris r as
It was revealed at the Novem-
ber 15 meeting of the Shelton
Garden Club that the Chamber of
Commerce has asked the group to
appoint two Judges for a Christ-
mas decoration contest the Clmm-
bet will sponsor this year. The
Dirt Dol)bers will also fu)'nish tw()
judges. In order to be judged
decoFati0~m must be up Decemoer
Mrs. Frank Smith. Mrs. George
Cropper and Mrs. Craig Eliot
were tea hostesses for the meeting
which was hold in the home of
Mrs.' W. A Witsiers. A former
Shelton resident, Mrs. Mabel An-
derson, of Seattle• was a guest of
Mrs. Smith. Twenty-one members
were present.
Mrs. Eliot, president, reported
on the successful wm'k party held
November 8 when Mrs Win. ~-'el-
ler, of Portland, gave instructions
on making holiday decorations
such as candle holders, corsages,
wreathes made of cones, swags
and tree ornaments• These will be
on sale starting at 9:30 a.m. De-
cember 16 In the PUD auditorium.
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Percy Ken-
nerly will make both children's
and adults' corsages for the sale•
Mrs. Eliot and Mrs. Frank Tray-
is attended the presidents' meet-
ing in the P'agoda at Point Deft-
~ance Park to plan the Capitol
Distrcit meeting which was held
at the Top of the Ocean at 10 a.m.
Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Maires. of
Seattle, demonstrated holiday ar-
rangements for the District Hail-
day Show to be held from 2 - 9
p.m. December 6 and from 11 a.m.
p.m. December 7 - 8 in the
Crystal Ballroom of the Winthrop
Hotel in Tacoma•
The December 13 meeting will
be a Christmas party and gift ex-
change in the home of Mrs. H. A.
Hansmeier with Mrs. J. C. Bridg-
or, Mrs. Donovan Palmer and Mrs.
Roy Baker as tea hostesses. Mrs.
Eliot asked members to bring ev-
ergreens for identification and
showed a book on evergreens
which may be obtained from the
Extension office.
An articles on fruit, flower and
foliage arrangements was read by
Mrs. Hansmeier. Thanksgiwng ar-
rangements brought to the meet-
ing included a basket of dried
seed pods and gourdes by Mrs.
L. D. Hack: an arrangement of
fruits and vegetables, centered
with a fresh pineapple and huckle-
berry, by Mrs. Eliot: a potted
poinsettia made by Mrs. Smih: an
arrangement of peach-colored
mums by Mrs. Wm Henderson
and one of yellow and orange
mums in a turkey container; a
brown wooden cart filled with
gourdes, seed pods and cattail b.V
Mrs. Cropper; and a Horn of
Plenty filled with fruits, vegeta-
bles and flowers arranged by Mrs.
Kennerley which was used as a
centerpiece f0r'[he tea table• Mrs.
Witsiers had arranged orchid.~pi-
der mums. grown by Norman
Remme. on the buffet.
Guest Speaker
Shelton Yacht
Everott I I:~rri~ of the
Power S(llladron vras
t~l' when menlbers
Yacht Club aud guests
day for a potluck
ehlbhouse. He
planation, with
clcctrolysm in and
MelllblJrs are
the bllsincss meetil
day as a work
scheduled. Plaus [or
mas p'trty will "lisa bf
By Rod
hou:Je. But the
themselves must
bers of the whole
Take the man of the
there is one thing
needs, it Is a man'S
tbat special.
chair just
right for
him. for
reading the
paper, dip-
ping into a
television, or just
A man's lounge
be oa the bigger
him. One popular
a high back,
support his head if
And an ottoman is
companion to a man'
pecially at the end
ing day.
Lounge chairs
somely styled in
selection, in a full
sizes to fit every
you'll find a splen
man-size lounge
display of fine
thc man of your
when you come in
him sit in the one~
You'll know when
perfect chair by
expression on his
always welcome at
The Salty Sashayer Square
Dance Club will hold its regular
dance this Saturday evening at
the fairgrounds with Bennie
Berndson as tim caller. Dancing
will begin at 8:30 p.m. followed
by a potluck supper.
Phone 426°47~
Overnight Service on Those Har
Expert Automotive Machine
Open 8:30 - 5:30 Monday thru SaturdaYi:
229 So. First St.
110 S. 1st
Friday, Nov. 26
and His Band
Saturday, Nov. 27
and His Band
i i
Shelton, Wash.
I. . .....
Sizes mostly in narrow width: Baby 2- Child 3
Discontinued Patterns -- Reg. to $8.99
Operated & Man;
Christensen's for
Open Mon. & Fri. "