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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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he, Nowrnber 19G t-TELTON.-MA 0N 3OtTRI AL-- bllnhetl tn U.NA?', $1 el[on; ' PAOE 5 14 POINT Regular 9.95 VALUE as By DORA HEARING elk hunters over the weekend were Ralph Cook and H:ennetl~ Howard -- both got "spikes". Matlock Grange will just have one meeting in December. It will be the second Friday night and will have tile usual Christmas par- ty and exchange of gifts after the meeting and a potluck snpper at 6:30. Matlock Ladles Clnb met last week Wednesday with Mrs. I. C. Ford hostess and Mrs. F. E. Hew- son and Mrs. Sam Diggles birth- days were celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. P'aul Rossmaier and sons Ricky and Randy of Olympia spent Saturday evening at the Elvin Hearing home. Carl Portman spent Friday eve- ning at the L. D. Portman home in Shelton. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Cad Portman attended the open house at Skokomish Valley hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Berkley's golden wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill spent Saturday evening wtth Mrs. August Portman and Carl Port- man. Word was received here of the I u ! i i I i im FROM THE MA,~ON COUNTY JUSTICE (~OURT Al)pearing in Mason Connty Justice Court before Judge Gleun Corkea during the past week were: Sheriff's Offh'e Michael J. Westhmd, operating a motor vehicle without a license, $27 forfeit; Gcraldine Cultree, drunk in public, $25 forfeit; Ned C. Taylor, minor in possession of beer, $50 fine; Reese L. Speas, fuznishing beer to minors, $50 fine; Carl Chapman, illegal U- turn, no valid operator's license, furnishing beer to minors, $74 fine. Washingl:on State Patrol Jack E. Zublasiug, reckle~:s dri- ving, $110 fine; Edward F. err, negligent driving, $12 forfeit; Roy Ritner Jr., defective equipment, driving too fast for road and weather conditions, $22 forfeit; Edward Cultree, driving over cen- ter line, $12 forfeit; Clovis Rodg- ers Jr., speeding, illegal consump- tion of beer, $79 forfeit; Leon V. Martinson, no valid operator's lic- ense, driving while license sus- pended (two counts) financial re- sponsibility act, $244 fine, 10 days in jail, license suspended 30 days; William C. Miller, financial res- ponsibility act, $110 fine, 30 days in jail. SUPERIOR COURT New Ca~es passing of Mrs. P. J. Nordwell,Phillip Tatterfield against Ald- age 83, Sunday afternoon in Ab-erbrook Development Inc., and erdeen. The Nordwells lived here Wesley M. Johnson, debt. What We Do . . . for more than 30 years. Mr. Nord- Gerald Rickert against Donald well passed away on New Year's Whinery, alienation of affection. and clean brake drums Day at the age of 90 years. They * * * and adjust brake shoes leave two sons, Ernest of Port An- SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS geles and Lester of Ocean City, i Roman R. Patraszewski, driving I contact and four daughters, Mrs. Edith while intoxicated, resisting arrest; Inspect and repack front Roderick, Mrs. Anna Kingery, Mrs. Carl T. Chapman Jr., illegal U- bearings Mary Roderick and Hazel. Our turn, no valid operator's license, and Inspect grease seall sympathy is extended to the tam- furnishing beer to minors; Ned and inspect wheel fly. Taylor, minor in possession of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin beer; Reese L. Speas, furnishing spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. beer to minors; Robert Bowman, A. C. Anderson and family of Port reckless driving; Richard A. Stall- Orchard. man, minor consuming liquor; Gel'- shock absorbers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley aldine Cultree, drunk in public; front end camber spent Friday evening with the Paul J. Smith, second degree ar- Rodger Spalding family, son; Joann Martin, drunk in pub- front end caster Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash, Mr. lic. toe in and Mrs. Bob Dawson and Mr. and * * * Mrs. Edward Valley attended the SHERIFF'S OFFICE toe in to factory pinochle party Saturday evening Six signs were taken from the muffler at the home of Mr. and Mrs. roadside in the Areadia Point area. Ralph Killough of Dayton. Mrs. Reba Tibbits reported two tail pipe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley logging bunks stolen from in front steering linkage spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. of her home. Frank Bienieg of Wishkah. Ron Lane reported a tool box FOR APPOINTMENT Mr. and Mrs. James Neer of and some tools taken from his Overon, No. Dak. are house guests car while it stalled along side the this week of Mr. and Mrs. Lud road. ors and refill master 125 E Grove Phone 426-3333 Rossmaier. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Brehmeyer Jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. James Gribble and Mr. and Mrs. James Neer spent Saturday at Enumcaw with spent Sunday evening with the Mr. and Nits. Ernest Adams. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. family. Sunday the Lud Rossmaiers and Mr. and Mrs. "J. D. Simpson of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bremerton called on the I. C. James Neer spent with Mr. and Fords and Mrs. J. R. Single~n on ~Mrs: Rb:Ipli N~er of Chehalis. Sunday. • The Grange Sc~uare Dance was Mr. and Mrs. R. E. BradberPy -a Succesff]ast Fmday night. They and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gwinette had four sets there, visited at the I. C. Ford hoffm on Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford spent Sunday afternoon. Saturday evening at the Herbert ioned and Guaranteed Frigidaire, Late Model with across top Freezer Westinghouse, Clean as a pin Frigidaire, Small apt. size with left hand door Mr. and Mrs. Wes Goodburn and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker of Auburn spent Sunday at the Earl Walker home and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker and baby of Taco- ma spent M o n d ay with their folks. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sell and daughter Margo spent Sunday in Olympia with relatives. Saturday and Sunday guests at the Kenneth Howard home were Jerry Swindler of Renton and L. F. Cook of MontesanQ. Jack Smith reported signs on Arcadia Road torn down. SHELTON POLICE Mrs. Ernest Dahman reported a Springer Spaniel had strayed from her home. Cars drivel~ by Barry W. Rod- gers and John A. err collided at First and Grove Streets. Brian Scimening reported a pos- sible prowler at, his home. Kathy Silva turned in a set of keys she found. George E. Johnson reported someone struck the corner of the Flying-A service station at First and Cots Streets denting the build- ing and maring the paint. Ernest Malloy reported a mirror broken off his car. SHELTON POLICE COURT Appearing on the ~Iocket in Shelton Police Court before Judge Rolls Halbert Monday night were Jeanne Martin, drnnk and disor- derly, $30 forfeit; lens Morrow, drunkenness, $25 forfeit; Virdon Savage, drunkenness, $25 forfeit; Patrick Van Cleave, carrying a concealed weapon, $50 fine, $2.50 costs, $40 suspended; Patsy Gaul- field, failure to return city p~x)p- erty, $7.50 fine, $2.50 costs, $7.50 snspended; Price G. Wood, failure to yield right of Way, $20 forfeit; Terry McFarland, faulty equip- ment, no vehicle registration, no operator's license, $32.50 fine. and $2.50 Costs. Too Late To Classify 5-speed with 2-speed axle. Three-four yard dutnp. Ph. 426-873t after 6 p.m, W 11/25 12/2 HAND-MADE GIFT ITEMS for sale. Lovely Christmas articles. Mrs. A. O. Charlson, 817 Cota, 426-6129, 11/25 12/16 THREE BEDROOM HOME four miles froltt tOWll. Lots of roonb $70 Inonth. Phone 426-6871. L 11/25 gai' rubiicat(ons NO. 3564 NOTICE OF IIEARING OF FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MA- SON (IN PROBATe) In the Matter of the Estate of CLIF- FORD K. WAY and MARGUERITE E. WAY, Deceased. Notice is hereby" given that Betty Woodard, Admlnlstratrix of the estate of Clifford K. Way and Marguerite E. Way, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County and State her final report and petit*on for distribution of said estate; and that Thursday the 23rd day of t)ecember, 1965, at 10 o'clock, A.M., at Mason County Court House, at Sl*ei- ton, in said County, has been duly fixed by our Superior Court for tim settlement of the said Final Report, at which time the Court is asked to set- tle such report, distribute the proper- ty to the persons entitled thereto and discharge said Betty Woodard Adminlstratrlx. Dated this 22rid day of Noyem~er, 1965. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of said Superior Court By Teekla Vormillh)n, Deputy Attorneys for Estate: Foster & Fester 501 Security Building Olympia, Washington 11/25 12/2-9 3t ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of ~orth Mason School District No. 403, Belfair, Washington will receive bids up to 8:00 p.m., Mon- day, December 13, 1965 at the school district office for the construction and installation of approximately 1320 feet (440 yards) of curbing around the in- side ofthee track. The Board will con- sider bids using poured reinforced concrete,, pre-cast concrete, or asphalt materials, e Complet. lspccifications and instruc- tions to b dders should be obtained from the office of the Superintendent of Schools, North Masou Scllool Dial- Ambassador, Good for an extra or that cabin G.E. New unit, Late Model with across top Freezer Several Crosleys, N orge, Philco Hotpoint & G.E, "RS--- 15 Cu. Ft. Upright Norge Deluxe 16 Cu. Ft. Rich Food Plan Freezer Also one used chest and a couple of used Ice Cream Freezers Several built-in models (Automatic) Deluxe, two cycle Kenmore, Rebuilt Completely reburilt Whirlpool Deluxe (yellow) (2) Kelvinator Deluxe Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dawson and boys of Shelton spent Sunday aft- ernoon with their folRs: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson and then Sun- day supper guest of the Dawson family was Robert C. Dawson of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Anarew McGarvie rlct No. 403 P,O. Box 167, Belfair, i Washington 98528. left Sunday by car for Los An-I The said Board of Directors shall geles, Calif., where they will spend be the sole judge of the merits, qual- two weeks visiting relatives [lfications, and construction costs of Mr and Mrs ~o~ho.t ~,.o~ bids offered,, and said Board shall re- -. : • --,~-~,-- ~-,-,,- serve the mght to accept or reject meyer "~r. ann- sons Mike and Bri- any or aall bids, and to waive formality an spent Friday evening with Mr. i°r irr~'~Yc~i~Y b~r'k and Mrs Paul Johnston of Elma Board of Direc'tora North Mason School Dist. No. 403 Belfair, Washington 11/25 12/2 21 ~'AT OVERWEIGHT Available ,to you without a doctor's prescrll2tlen, our product called Od- rinex, xou must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrtnex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of excess ] fat and live longer. Odrinex coats 153.00 and is sold on this guarantee; l lf act f~ttsfled for any reason, just [return package to your druggist land get your full money back. No I questlons asked. Odrlnex is sold with It his guarantee by: I EVERGP~I~EN DRUG CENTER I 305 Railroad Avenue ' Mail Orders Filled, RS (Wringer type) Maytag, Kenmore, Norge, Thor All Guaranteed (Electric) General Electric, Frigidaire, Kenmore, Westinghouse, Maytag, Hotpoint Monarch, 32-in. Clean and Dependable Gibson, 40-in. Deluxe Frigidaire 40-in. with extra warming oven G.E., 40-in. range Norge, 40-in. range G.E., 24-in. Push Button ber: every item sold with a WRITTEN WAR- DELIVERED, TERMS TO SUIT, and NOR- INSTALLATION, all included at no addition in Lem Warren Re[rigeration ¢" Cola 426-2445 Owe somebody a letter? Why not just give them a ca!l? PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL Pitt of the NaSonwide Bell System ! ~00 0 0 . For Her Perfumes -- Cologne -- Toilet Water Hallmark Wrapping Seals Ribbons for those who want the Best. G ft Sefs by-- Lanvin (Arpege, My Sin) Cresendo (Spanish Geranium) Revelon (Intimate, Aquamarine) Houbigant (Chantilly; Flatterie & Quelques-fleurs) Coty (Emeraude; L'Origan; L'Amaint Paris & Impreru) Jean Note' (Soaps; Bath Oil; Bath Powder Bubbles & Friction Cologne) Du Barry (7-Winds) Faberge (Tigress & Woodhue) Prince Matehabelli (Wind Song & Golden Autumn) Amity Bill Folds Lighters Russell Stover Chocolates Whitman Chocolates Applets & Cotlets Almond Roca Novelty Xmas Candies by Rogers Camera KODAK INSTAMATIC $17.95 t'o $99.50 Agfa 150 Rapid Kit $14.95 & $17.95 POLAROID $19.95 to $59.50 Christmas Decorations LIGHTS TREE DECORATIONS TINSEL TREE STANDS ORNAMENTS FLA'M E COAT SNOW STY Re PeA M Gifts BED LAMPS---TABLE LAMPS FLINT CUTLERY SETS FLINT COOK & SERVE TOOLS TOASTERS--- PERCOLATORS WAFFLE IRONS (Teflon) STEAM IRONS--- HAIR DRYERS ELECTRIC KNIVES , (Sunbeam. G.E.- Hamilton Beach & others) ELEOTRIC MIXERS & CAN OPENERS ELECTRIC BLANKETS Corning Ware ingle Pieces or Sets Sparlet Syphons P Broxodent Special at STUFFED ANIMALS GAMES (Monopoly - Clue Patty Duke James Bond - Bingo & Many Others) Novelty Tops POCKET RADIOS by Sony Radio Phonograph Comb, Traveler by Mercury @ $59.50 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 8:30 EXCEPT SUNDAY 426-4456 FREE PARKING