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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 25, 1965
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November 196 % 2a h 7 $!yle Wa& Saturday Students Plowman. Shelton's new coach, is a man with .urday, at noon, he will style walking to on a competitive his seventh, eighth and grade physical education and third place be awarded in separ- for seventh, eighth and P.E. students from his finish four laps around mile in distance. Could be fun to watch. noon. [TRY entrants in the country meet at Se- Saturday, m a field of finished 124th and the division from schools above 1.000 stu- Van Blaricom did the 2.3 around Green Lake While Dan Dittmar was behind. ended the cross country for the Highclimbers 621 LEAGUE IIEN,s CITY LEAGUE W L Jewelry ............ 23 10 ompany .............. 19 14 ~iture 135 ............ 19 14 Timber .............. 17 16 ................... 17 16 Store ...... 15 18 tbers .................. 12 21 .................. 10 23 -- Clarence Jagnow -- Clarence Jagnow Jagnow's 245 opening foundation under a in"mcn's city league Monday night at with 199 and 177 ~e paced leading Beck- to a whitewash win Rexall Store (Bill shutout was claimed J Service (Ade Kopp&'- when tailend Shaub- to put a lineup on Odd-game decisiQns other two matches, as ~eSs phillips 589) tqpped (Dan Wilson 588, ',, 584) and Simpson Tip~- )son 548~ bested g Wilson 522 ). ) W:OMEN'S LEAGUE w pion Service .... 36 25 ................ 22 , 26 15 33 Coleman 194 act --- Donna Coleman 533• ~!ek---Donna Coleman 6-7• 4 (Georgia Coleman 0 (Donna Coleman Grill 3 (Evadean Lord 1 (Debbie ? 420). FIFTH I KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND. l/;,~ GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. ISTILLER INC:, BOSTON. MAss. BANQU ET BANTER--Shelton's annual post-season football banquet next Tuesday evening will feature the two University of Washington lineman pic- tured here, Dale Stephens (above) and Roger Dunn, both offensive tackles. Sponsored by the SheltonKiwanis Club, the dinner will be held in the Mr. View school cafeteria starting at 6:30 p•m. Tickets arc available for $2 each at Beckwith LaVonne Castle in the singles division and Pat Austin paired with Billie Modrow in the doubles section wound up as champions of one of the most successful women's bowling association an- nual tournaments closed last week: mad at Shelto~ Recreation. ][ LaVonn~ he-4~ed,,a field of 90 entries inthe sl~ngle~ section with her 658 aggregate, 'gained on games of 210-170-175 and a hand- icap of 103. Pat and Billie had an 1181 ag- gregate on Pat's 418 (130-151- 137) and Billie's 485 (161-158-166) plus a 278 pin spot. There were 45 teams entered in the doubles. The all-events victor won't be revealed until the annual associa- tion awards, for which no date has been announced at this point• TWenty-two places were paid in the singles, eleven ip the doubles, as follows: SINGLES 1. LaVonne Castle ............ 658 210-170-175 (103) 2. Dolores White ................ 612 15Q-~56-126 (.180) 3. Nancy Bloomfield ........ 607 i50-i63-184 (110) 4. Jean I-Iartwell ................ 606 ~78-20p-~5~ (69) 5. Billie ~V[odrow ................ 603 • '159-179-126 (139) 6. Ardis Claussen .............. 599 209-168-159 (63) 7. Marge Witcraft 596 ' 178-183:163 (72) 8. Ann Cole ........................ 594 144-177-179 (94) 9. Inn Kimbel .................... 594 1~4-154-172 (94) 10. Joan Sharp .................. 589 195-160:t17 (157l 11. Adair Beau .................. 585 215-157:~37 (76) 12. Memory Smith ............ 584 148-162-182 (92) 13. Phyllis Collins ............ 584 158-159-182 (85) 14. Bobble Barnett ............ 582 166-183-155 (78) 15. Donna Coleman ..... : ...... 578 1~8-137-199 (74) 1~. JudiManke ................. 575 133-117-202 (123) 17. Dee Gray ...................... 575 "152-164-160 (99) 18. Vera Bishop ................ 573 201-150-139 (83) e all residents of Mason county except the City of Shelton seFvice Rates a Week ................................................ $1.75 Month 2 Weeks .............................................. 1.25 Month Month ................................................. 50 Month Rates above are for a one can pick-up 0nly. There is a 20¢ charge for extra cans. Owned & Operated bY: Cliff VanderWal & Bob Naul ISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR RUBB! SH BACK Phone 426-8729 If no answer call: 426-2250 Jewelry, Mann Real Estate, Kitsap Dairy, The Journal, and Hoodsport Lumber, or from any mem- ber of the Kiwanis Club. All players of both the Highclimber varsity and B squads, their fathers, and the coaching staff will be Kiwanis guests for the evening. The dinner is open to men and boys only due to limited seating facilities. Will P lflFEid 19. Beth Brown .................. 567 168-155-136 ~108) 20. Marcia Cook ................ 565 119-162-152 (132) 21. Charleen Murr . ........... 563 200-126-159 (78) ,, 22. Florence Wood ............ 563 19~-146-133 (90) DOUBLES I. Pat Austin-Billie Modrow 418-485 (278) .............. 1181 2. Adair Neau-Dee Gray 510-491 ~175) .............. 1176 3. Eva Rostvold-Ina Kimbie 450-489 (220) .............. 1159 4. Nellie Rossmaier-Joan Sharp 451-450 (243) .............. 1144 5. Evadean Lord-Rosa Gish 458-443 (231) .............. 1132 6. Bobble Barnett-Jess Perry 494-442 (195) ............. 1131 7. Lorene Wilson-Vera Bishop 4,14-512 (204) .............. 1130 One more cut from the 31 play- ers on the squad now will reduce the Highclimber basketball roster to its final personnel from which Biders Compe ':e e!o ©yc2e Brush Endure Here Sunday Coach Jack Wright will select his varsity dozen• Those on the ragged edge are mostly seniors. Nine are among the 31 Wright now list~. He prob- ably will 16p two or three upper classmen, rpaybe a couple of jun- iors to get the squad down arolmd 25 or 26 from which the final var- sity and B squad rosters will evolve. The seniors include Scott Swish- er ,the squad's lone letterman. Bob Miller, Brady Whitener. Ron Cole. Mike Fredson. Bob Johnson, Ed Keenan. Reid Preppernau, and Mark Schmidt. By SANDY BERNERT Sheit:m Trtdlblazers Molo:'cycle Club held its amlual bz'ushell~hlro last Sunday at the Mason county fairgromlds. Eve.~, with tho rfliu and eo!d \veakhor, the fUll drt,w 1.16 rider:L The COil rse \VdS it 30-nfilo rlln t h l','}u ~;'h n]tld, \\'~t tel'• OV(gr hills down valleys, aer(ms creeks• Oo i-he whole, this ),car's endure was term(,d w-try successful with 26 more riders than last year. Thiri.y trophies were nwarrded including one for "fast linle". The fir;;L ten riders who walked away with trophies were: Mark Fletch- er. first and tlm fast time award Bob Hirst, Don C. ltcnnil~g, Cliff SchacninK, Herb Fu!lner. F.on Johnt,:on. Marv Estear Ron Ben- nett, Gary Powers, and Bernie ltuisingh. The next event on the Trail- bhlzers calendar is a game ]light December 10 at Memorial Hail be- tween 8 p.m. and midnight to which the public is invited to join, There wi!l be five door prizes as well as many other prizes. There will be a cycle meeting ,~aturday..Dec, 4, at 7 p.m. at the fairgrounds. All interested riders wismng to join the Trailblazers are welcome. THIRTEEN J U N I O R S on Wright's present listing include Skip Purvis, Dick Knautz, Steve Looney, Dave Bayley, Rollie Duck- ham, Mike Hays, Marc Lonn, Bruce Wilson, Rick Marshall, Jon Armstrong, Chief Clayton, Rick McComb, and Tom Marshall. The remaining nine are sopho- mores: Mike Swisher, Jan DonMd- son, Ken Howe, Jerry Sparks, Bill Anderson, Lane Dorcy. Willie Tee, John Slettedahl and Mike McDow- ell. The first four are lettermen f{'om Shelton junior high ,the last two from Hood Canal junior high. Looney is transferring back to Shelton after two years at a pri- vate school in New England. As an eighth grader three years ago he made the Blazer varsity squad as a regula:r starter, COll]d be a strong. bidder for the Highclimber first ~trin~. this Year. SLETTEDA,IIL COMES from a basketball family which has al- readY sent two outstanding play- ers through Elma high, one of whom is now a sophomore bidding for a vai~sity post with the Univer- sity of Washington Huskies. He led Elma to the state Class A 'eham-' pionship two years ago and was a unanimous choice foP' all-state aft- 8. Ardis Claussen-Charleen Murr 486-503 { 141) .............. 1130 9. Marg Tobler-Aml Cote 425-519 (184) .............. 1128 10. Helen Burnett- Pauline Moore 397-428 (301) .............. 1126 11. Helen Bloomfield- Dolores White 406-403 (317) .............. 1126 L:~Vonne's 555 was top scratch series in the singles and Adair's 215 was best single game. Adair's 210 and Ardis Claussen's 209 were next best singms. Jean Hartwell .................................. .:;~ b'}:~;~;,~;, ~ , 8ESCH, EHGEH 600 ................. LITTLE MUSCLEMAN--Rob Mills, encaped in his headguard "MEN'S COMMERCIAL should be one of the top point-makers on the' Highcllmber wrest- W L ling team this season. Competing in the 103-p~t, nd diyision, he 7~&R Oil ..: ....................... 22 10 leads off the mat cards in the first bout and as a c0nsj~tent win- Wingard Sport Shop .: ...... 18 14 ner last year (he was unbeaten until the distrtct tourn&ment) he Ziegler Came=a Shop ...... 17 15 compiled a 10-1 record. Coach Larry Weir expects him to make Lumbelunen's ............ ' ...... 17 15 it to the state tourna,nent this year. Rob and his Highclimber ~itner's Higlibalters ...... 15 17 mat mates will be seen for the first time next week When they State Fartn'h'Is ............... ]~4V, 17~,fi play host to North Mason Dec. 2 and Olympia Dec.~4. .Vilson Company .............. 13 19 * * * "" * * High galnes:---]~ill Besch 229 and ).20, Chub Butt 223, Gayle WentzR'0B G'R0WST09' ' ' tnd Joe Engep 221. High series--Bill Besch 634, Joe ~]ngen 600• For the first time in a wrestling more between weigh-in and match Bill Besch and Joe Engen rode a bowling tandem to 600 series in the men's Commercial League last week. Bill bashed a 699 on 229-185-220 and Joe hit 600 right on the but- ton with 190-189-221. Joe's team, Wingard Sport Shop, had better luck titan Bill's B&R Oil. however, winning a goose-egg victory over Gott Oil ~Del Hartwell 502) while B&R grabbed a 3-1 count from State Farm Insurance (Rog Hoff had a second-best series at 537 and Ardis a 536 for third. In the doubles, Ma=-gc 7¢itcraft led the way with a 549 series, Charleen Mum" with a 202 game• Marge and Donna Coleman had 201s and Nellie Rossmaier a 200. Joan Sowers' 526 and Ann Cole's 519 were next best series. career now in its fifth season, Rob time just by eating. Most of them Mills may find an opponent he out- have to dehydrate and starve weighs as he carries the High- themselves to make weight• climber colors into mat combat Not Rob. He couldn't even get this year. within five pounds of the maxi- Robbie, in the opinion of his mum allowably poundage, try as coach, Larry Weir, is a potentia.' he weald. state champion in the 103-pound Until this year. that is. Using weight class• But Rob has never every trick of the trade to gain weighed as nmch as 103 pounds weight, Rob soared to 109 pounde since he first took up the grap- in the last six months, so this pling sport as an eighth grader year, as a senior, he will have tc in Portland. Then he weighed less lay off tile milkshakes and d~ink 525). than 80 ponnds while competing in no water or eat normal food for In other league play, Wilson I the 94-pound division against high the day or two before a match se Company (Harry Pete|'son 553~ school freshmen Thai; was as farhe can make the weight limit-- won a 3-1 decision from Zicglerdown as the weight divisions went. from the other direction. Camera Shop (Lloyd Cla~k 531) Howeve:', even though he was THAT WILL PUT him on an while Lumbermen's [Bab Stewart a year younger and a grade be- even basis with opponents for the 574) ~)lit with Ritner's Highbal- bind, and more than 10 pounds first time in his life and, Web let's (Chub Nut(574). lighter, than his opponents the believes, make him the state 106 . ability which Coach ~h}'eir now de- pound champion.. ~'~iT~--W'~-~-i~'K--~-GI2 tects as potential championship Oil, yes, 106 pounds. In high calibre was beginning to show. He school wrestling, tile weights ~.~,.~ ~ ' competed succossfull,, on the f,'esh-ct, ange during the season. *t the ~ER~AP.T man squad that fi'rst year and beginning it is 103, oil Jail. 1 it for two additional years before moves to 105 pounds, and in Feb- MERCHANTS LEAG~vE L of his-junior year in 1964. boys' in high school will g'row dur- ra°ring to Stmli.(m at {he beginning ruary to 10g, on tile theory that Western Auto ................... 23 13 LAST YEAR with the High- ink tile season. Fuller Construe(ion ........ 22 14 elimbers hc wrestled his way clearSo it will be interesting to for Olympic Plywood ............ 21 15 Kimbel & W21itey's .......... 20 16 Prepp's Rexall Store ........ 17 19 Stewart's Foodliner ........ 16 20 Renecker's Construction 13 23 Ralph's Servc-U ............... 12 24 High games---Phil Adams 246. A1 Hanson 234 High serles--Chuck White 612 A R~AL er his great play in the state tour- : nament. Coach "Wright is hoping John is cvt of the same dloth. Wright is pleased with the ea- ~'erness and high spirit of t~c as- pirants for his first Hi.o:.hcli:nber team, seems hopefi~} all 'the Kloom over Shelton basketball prospects ,;~:'::~ LONELY LI~TTERMAN," Scot~: Swisher is t e' 0n ........ r~ urnin fOrjustified.this year might not be fully letter wipner from ast-- years' ~ighclimber' ' basketballb' Ysquad~ an~ The Climbers open their 1965-66 will be the key~m'an*~'roun~ wh¢)'rh~ newBhelt0n h6op~d0ach Jack schedule a week from Friday nightWright constructs his first Climber cage club.'Swisher is a in the jamboree at Central ..KitsaP. senio,.. into the district meet at Puyallup low Robbie Mills wrestling achieve- before he met his match and lost. ments this year when he may even His season record was 10 victories outweigh a rival by a pound m and that one defeat. The thing two on occasions. was. even though he was on a diet That first chance chines Decem- of milkshakes and everything pos- bet 4 when the Highclimbers host sible to put pounds on his bones. Olympia in Shelton gy~n, which Rob never weighed above 98 you'll hear more about in next pounds last year. That usually week's Join'hal. meant he was outweighed as much But don't be late if you want as 10 pounds every(line he went to watch Rob Mills in action. He'll to the mat because wrestlers, gen- be in the opening bout of the var- l erally, eml put on five pounds and sity matches. Hem's A 8witch New styling, new sm ~er rldel America's rugged, reliable family car has all-new performance fer '661 New V-8 power up to 335 hp,I Hot new GT and GT/A models. Lively new convertibles, Thirteen re.invented Fairlanes in a~!!! 2 8th Graders Among 24 B azers Earning 1965 Grid Leflers Next year's Blazer football re'tin will start off with the [isset of L\vo letlermen, a i)mr of this year's eighth graders who had aptitndes to join 22 ninth graders who esrn- ed their letters during this past sea SOil, Coach Bill B~iekert's list of var- sity monogram winners of the 1965 season iltclude tackle Bob McClaD- lhan and g~at'd Goorge Wilson, They're the eigth graders, who w~ill ~e Lhc I)illars around ~.vholn the 1966 team will be constructed• The ninth gzaders who won their letters inehlded three who al~o q.u'ned them last year. to become members of a rare chlb whose .nembership is confined to lwo-let- ter winners in football In the trio a, re Chris Close. Gary Anstin and Gene Purvis. The rest arc Bill Drmiels. Ed Ad- ,| ares, Johm Flower, Lee BurfieIld, :! L~rry Lund, Scott Puhn. Grog Richcy, Mike Timpani. Don Sorn- ers, Dave Steinbe-q'. BiP ~i-~,n~.~. Mary Willson, Greg I-IasBrou~, Mike LaMa~su. Bin, £m~,,,..- .... • i WiteraNrt, Don l)onaldson.Mike | Frank. and Craig Rey~v:,lds. Another six earned their ni,udent managers letters: Alan Carlson, Bob Dunn. Dave Krogh, Les Okon- ek. Jim Roberts. and Ric Coo~s. 1 lic is an eighth grader. The letters were to be presented nt the annual football assembly this Wednesday afternoon, when the honorary captain and inspira- tional award winners were also to ")e revealed. MR. AND MRS. LEAGUE Grapeview Grocery ........ 29 11 Eacrett Lumber ..i ............. 28 12 Purdy Realty .................... 26 1-I J & J Service .................... ~2 1, Oriffey Construction ...... 22 18 Sharer's Diggers .............. 20 .20 Ah'n Shell Service .......... 13 27 ~Iigh games-. Shirley Engen 170. ,Toe Engen 212 High series Shirley Engen 481, Eldon Todd 579 " ...... i Eaerett 4 ~EIdon Todd 579~. Diggers 0 (Jack Pearson 470~; Purdy 4 (Joe Engen 5671. Allyn Shell 0 (M'ary Peters 387~: J & J '~ 3 IWilf White 468), Griffey 1 (Fae Robinson 416). 501 RAILROAD AVENUE NOTIGE ! THAHKSGIVlNG DAY ! 3 Lines ;1.00 Children Under 18 All Day and Evening 633 S. 1st 426-8452 Standard In GT/A nlodel~ JOIN THE 116 SWlTS'H 19 FORD... FORD DEALER! Ftrst Falrtsne Convsrtlblel SHELTON, WASH. | u i, i i u,