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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 SHELTQN--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in " h sfma own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, November SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- By Ted Kesling So you want to try salt-water i] g! Your first problem will be choosing one rod, a rod that will handle most situations to be found in salt water, except deep- sea offshore trolling. This all-around f i r s t rod should be of the type commonly referred to as a popping rod. Act- ually, this rod is merely a stouter and longer version of a fresh-water 'bait-casting rod with a straight instead of an offset handle. It should be about seven feet long, and the butt of the shaft should be about as thick as the average ,man's little finger, tapering to a comparatively thin tip. WHAT REEL? The so-called service-type. This reel is slight- ly larger than the conventional fresh-water bait-casting reel, and it is equipped with a level-wind mechanism and a star drag. Be sure to select a reel with a 2 3/8 inch reel stand so that it will fit the reel seat of your rod. A reel equipped with a free-spool mech- anism is most desirable if you intend to do any casting. As for line, 15-pound- to 18- pound-test squidding line (nylon braid) or monoflament will suf- fice. "If you choose monoflament, be sure to select the fiat type or another kind especially designed for revolving spool reels," advises Pete Byrnes in the current issue of Sports Afield Magazine. FOR TERMINAL tackle you'll need an assortment of sinkers from 1~ to four ounces (maybe six ounces if there are very strong tides in your area) and some pinch-on sinkers or split shot. Use pyramid sinkers for sandy bottoms and banks, round or dipsey sink- and upon his remarkable talent midmorning and ers for rocky bottoms. You'll also need hooks in vari- ous sizes; here again, the sizes and styles to get depend on local conditions, since you'll find dif- ferent varieties of fish along our various coasts. You'll need bait to affix to your hooks. The most common baits are sandworms, bloodworms, clams, mussels, crabs, squid, shrimps, snails, anchovies, menhaden, sar- dines and killifish. Also buy new artificials--jigs, spoons or spin- ners. Your local tackle dealer will advise you on this as well as what fish are running, and where. The pheasant makes you hunt hard. He can tire and confuse dogs and startle and wear down a man, and he can pack as much shot as a mallard duck. He is brainy, .rarely taking to the air before a gunner unless a dog forces him. He often depends up- on his legs rather them his wings for camouflage. Pheasants crouch snakelike to the ground and run much faster than any dog, and three miles is not an exceptional flight for them, even though 200 yards is more normal. A pheasant is a three-foot bird, with much of his body consisting of tail. This has thrown off the best of gunners. : AFTER TIlE BIRD flings itself into the air cuk-cuk-ing, startling i even the seasoned hunter, too often the man shoots behind it,, knocking off tail feathers and a large piece of his ego but noth- ing else. Going at 40 mph, the pheasant doesn't usually leave much chance for ,a second shot--. except for the very skillful and coordinated. Pheasants do have weak- nesses, however. They feed just before dawn and dusk and lay up in cornfields or meadows doz- ing near ground that offers dusting opportunity, getting the During these times taken, if likely areas rounded and good teamwork and Surprised, they often air, nearly always rousing cuk cuk. a shotgunner can tally score if he keeps in mind. For one pheasant's size is a distance the bird than he is and seems ing more slowly viting shooting so powerful that he bird shot without dence that he is hit," Denton Scott in the of Sports Afield Ma ~a man without a dog a losing game with the Even if seriously bird can find a hole, weed or grass growth, only the sharp-eyed, who can find him. i. DraHs ................................ .............. ....................... R00klots ............ Vouchers --BUDET PRICED --- "No Finer Fit at any Price" -- BUDGET PRICED--- Pamphlets Price Lists Bill Heads Invitations Law Briefs Statements Post Oards Leltorheads Note Heads Filing Oards Legal Forms Menu Oards Meal Tickets Order Blanks Laundry Lists Window Tags :i:i:i:!:i:i?!:i: FRONT HOOK FULLY SHOWCASE =.,,.ow 0o oo,oo., "BOSOM ---sleek and young. How does R feel?---wonderful. How does it go on?-- breezy.easy, HOOK- ING RIGHT UP THE FRONT! 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Also available in girdle (stylo 0210) $2.00. 2.25 LONGLEG (Style 5700) You'll feel! this world in this fortable dex. It stretches, it features the view. Has lovely cuffs, too. Skintone, White. Sizes S.M.L.XL, 5.95 ! ' [ 227 W. Cot Reception Oards Slummed Labels Dance Programs Posters, all sizes Auditor's Reports Social Stationery Admission Tickets Ungummed Labels Envelopes, all kinds Wedding Invitations Financial Statements Ph. 426-4412 [' The secret's in the special back section--it moves with you as you bend, walk and run. So say goodby to panty girdles that creep up or ride down, and dis- cover the marvelous comfort of a spandex power net wonder that stays right where it be- longs. In long-leg styling. Elas- ticized with Chemstrand's Blue C®. White. sizes S-M-L-XIS. Now Open Mon. & Fri. Ni Until 9 p.m. Open Every Night Starting Monday, December Except Saturday Free Parking at Evergreen Square Under the Lights ,: Sponsored in part by 3rd & subsidi P.N. 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