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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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November 25, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published tn "Ohr tmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 * i "k * * . KEEPS OUT COLD, .,,,,,,,,,o, REBIRTI[ MUST BE WITHIN how honorable it is to die from bul- un|~ |L! UI~AT • LA6TS FORYEARI Nicodemus came to Jesus by lets (in a lot of instances) made in |IULU~} i|1 |H.Fily .-t. ==~e i night as though he did not wish our own factories, and through ne-~ ........ &. ll~m,...g..+dl o~le~IW Mr.PVt'andMiehaeMrs.l JamesH' ShecdY,E. SheedyS°n of I] i ::~:~7~ to be seen for he was a proud gotiation, end up in enemy hands. LU UToUII Ill i ~/IL~ Shelton, completed the basic Army I man and he had a humble question tion parasites backed up by elected ..t.~A_~R~:=m ~_~ ]~ administration course at Fort Ord, I i : to ask. officials from both major parties~¢~,~r~ II~IW--- Calif. Nov. 5. He wanted to know how to be expedite (at American expense) who aspire to get their names in I~ I~lN,~ During the course Sheedy wasI saved, more people from Communist the Madison Avenue Blue Book, ] ~ I [~-~ / ._.. Je u o h,m he needed to be .... ~, ...... acquainted with the prepara.tion s s t ld " countries into the United States, have very suceesfully negotiated ] ~] • I~/~ ~r~ ~;v~ and filing of various Arn~y records : :! horn ~t~ain m~,.a ..... d*d -or more Amemcan dollars bemg pour- away the right of the Amemcan I ~l ~ ~'~ - and forms :~~~ \' understand ...... that ma -*ked Jesus: ed into Communist controlledaz voter to place any blame for war I ~ ~ ~ e d Trek On e ~ ': : ':~' ' how he could ~o through the nro- countries to help pay for w "l on either party. ] ~ ~ I ] ~ I ] ~:~:~1 He entered the Army in Jan, .~ :cess of a h s~cai irtha ain-Je machines to kill American soldiers, Cliff Collins ]1 Py b g • - prepare for of this year. 63 sun explained that it was a spir- now the highest courts in our ~ ~]] ~ I| ~1 I~%~1 -a- bills meet The 20-year-old soldier is a 19 : ~: .~' ->i itual birth, not a physical one, land hands down their learned de- I ] ] I I ,~-,~--~ I I~---,--~-~-,I ~' ] ' graduate of Shelton High School. i ll~i: ! that the heart needs to be cleansed cision that this Commumst ideol- I ~ ~ ~ ! t ~ L-~~ i~i~i~~khvd~a%Uqu ~iiee~i~~!i /~ and purified , ogy has the right to organize, in- I I ................... If we could ha~ nother h filtrate and enter our homes and[ I ~aa, %, I --W~ HAVI~ @~NUINE I.EX-O-GLASS-- 3fr . . e a p ys- way of life, after the threat broad- ,cal b~rth there would be no sense ~ " ...... e ...... h~.v cast to the world from a leader! b/4N ! UU rMl r- I Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as. m 1¢. w woma sua e our f -om i m " " "h ill bur ~ ~ ~ ~ vile bodies that will perish, and o u mun s tnat~ ey w Y I ~ ~ I Your good credit to get Student Battery at Fort Sill, ~:~~ ~U~beC°:::2;ed.nature that needs ::~hJs:~to~0no/fAtmh:riCcOUrtst:ouJd I ~~ )~_))~ I Aluminum Windows • Storm Doors ~aey you need here now Okla. ] ~;~ The new birth is from within, the silly theoretical question of l ] r~~ ~]~ [ aY up bills or monthly in- Capt. Bender received the I i.~.~ this bemg a change of heart, a "How come" ~ But, they know the I I i~-.~ #At- L-_ ~ I o o ~llts and keep your credit award for outstanding perform-I RICK WALCOTT, seaman USN,ann a new way°f living" We .wi.'ll nished with double talk and eva-Way of thmking and believing, silly answers would be so gar- I__~__'%~__._ __ I Storm Window K,t. r to pay for some ira-ance of duty during his previous son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wol- ' " " ...... ! fall purchases for your assignment with Battery A of the I cott, Shelton, ~raduated from not want _ to u o._ m.any o~ me sion that a sales pitch from a soap I I ~--~F'~(_]~]'~I]['~'~ I ' 517th Artillery's 4th Missile Bat-I Sonar Sch,ool in San Diego, Oct. mmgs mat we ata ~etore r ain • salesman would be more ente t "1 Ik~l~l["lflll~llFllkEI T • .* ~ lit .1 t'N] * ° talion at Fort William D. Davis, I 29. He was in the top seven in No doubt this is a puzzle to a ing, especially with cartoon ac- ~ I - ~][~I][I~F iv ...... Canal Zone. , a class of 35. After spending ...... I IrO~l=~lUllUlll~ II")rU)l lnsula[.lon weamer ~l:rl== ~, on monm~y ~erms m ' "- -a s I v .... great many people, They rook at compantment. I~t-~,~uw~-.~ ~1 --" qr budget That way, The captain is assigned to theI .~ o y ea. e at home, ne nan it from the human standpoint, q'h~ A,~,d,a, ,~o,,.~ .....n ] I ............... [ have ~ ~-efree fall-- 1st Officer StudentBattery at] ~ee..n. sent }o -reasure tstand, .... lions of dollars for the so cailedl [l~t'~.~R~__~.~ZlP..~0~[ m. .... , ~--.+ c., uam, and ?tom there will ship The looks of our bodies are the ............ +'~'~ ~+~ "'"'" "~ ule cash you nee(] =u.~ ~.. , ' • e in June out to Honolulu to serve aboard• ing to the well paid politicians I I m011~y sa~. I~ ~K0$ a ~ CIg I I•lil~lk~lllI • • I~lllB~-II 'll~WIl~lll/il~lll H_ entered the Army ............ san~e after the new mrm_: excep~ finest diplomatic minds (accord-I lY01~a~+~_ ~lP.I;°yl$~.~. ~l I~l~.Rl~"rr liIMRI~R ~NM~MV oy me cnange o~ expressmn ~oa 1961 I tne u~l~ .ayior, a oestroyer. He r,, th~h~nrt nnt O -- • -- • Irrango for your cash forCaptain Bender was raduatedI is a graduate of 8helton High ~°o%~. ~ne~-~he~a~e-our ~odtlh: frOmate both maJorto savePart'eSAmericant° negotl- •lives I I ~u~a~$]f't08~IId~$m~ II " I ON HILLCRES, PHONE 426-4522 i -- -- g ~p in, write or phone us in 1956 from Irene S. Reed High ] School. ...... ways *~r ~n~ ~.r service is fast, cour- School in Shelton, and is a 1961 I ~ from clay he breathea me ~ream hut ,11 ur~ ~t ¢~ ,.th,~ r~..~, ~o ~ / I ........... I of life into them and they be-i~oub~e" talking'patriotic pith of[ ~.~ private. Why no~ graduate of the U. S. Military] Army Captain Rodger R. Ven- came a nvmg sou,. [_ - " ~~ ~uw ? Academy at West Point, N Y I zke son of Mr and Mrs "~"il The clay is simply a house for I 1 ~ ~ lIlI I-- His wife Jean, lives in I~awton,/.. ' ..... " - -" "~-~" the soul. When we accept Jesus / Okla. t venz~e, mne,~on, nas arr,vea m ] I Viet Nam where he is serving as a Christ as our own personal Saviour I' - ~ ~~t k [] II~~ll ll 1 ~II II • ll • 1 ~ntly Paying 4 8% i there is a change in us beyond ,.. "."'A_ ' JFAWI ! 1 ll q llL r]l 1 q 1 1 N -- ":- =- " ~ ' Navy Lt. (Junior grade) Rich- / Chaplain with the 6th Battalion, ~x~."11 Ua~a~Lo~aa~uax~. ~ .~.~,.t...41.a ~[ ~ */// /f'~ ~ x- ~][/1 ~~ ~ Irl 01*tl~ .tll ~roe~ Mrsard E" Odeg~trd' s°n °f Dr" and / 71st artillery' His wife' Patricta'Harold E Hoods- / Psalm 191-- || ~~~"1/'~" " I Odegard, -. h'Idrn ........ ---------'------ --mErlIWlTU' I • . • ana c , e , are nvmg m ~:t l~aso, "The heavens declare the glory alIcountyresidentSexceotOf Mason FirstP°rt' mFleet,sParticipatingtrainingin theexerciseU.S. ~ Tex. of God: and the firmament,, show- I /~ ~ ~t~ f*~ ~ " II]~I !1 I~l I -]~I~ I1~ [ I [] I[] [] $ II "_ . ~ "Range Bush" Nov. 18-24, while/ -- . eth his handy work. 4f ~ / ~:f'~/ [~( .l'.l ~ ~ on .-mpuoyees serving aboard the guided missile/ M~.rlne Pvt. Gary D. Hughes, Evelene Farrell. I /~ ~a'--4,-fir .~e~'2-'..~AJll~ ~ ~ light cruiser USS Providence. [18, son of Mrs. Gladys E. Hughes, SHORT CHANGED -- -l/l Lql , " . " " "--/ The week-long exercise off the iu AAIIHIV ......... l Shelton, completed individual corn- An AFL-CIO spokesman called % \. :l IP, / IN UUUIllI cos o~ ~ou~nern uad~ornia .re-|bat training Oct. 30 with the for vigorous enforcement of fed-t I\ " iX . I I vowes snips of the Fzrs~ ~tee~ nd I • . . / Seco nfantry Training Reg,- eral wage and hour laws in light I ' " " i _ . . • / ana severa, naval air units, corn-/ment at the Marina Co.~ n-oo :~:: - ~ -r ...... of recent disclosures that Ameri-I l&/ l al,-"~ ~ll~ I can workers were short c ange I IWx J. * ) / at least $75 million in their payI II , * • :. I I I envelopes last year. I I ", ~// I The $75 million figure m onlyI & l a fraction of wages workers lost l \ I / I I I / ~ / • | day and night combat, reconnais- in 1964 as a result of employer l I~ ~ ~ I I I I I • I will mcr ase th of the First Fleet. | sance and combat patrolling, mid violations of minimum wage and[ I" I I II I Ii 1 1 ~/the effective use of infantry wea- overtime regulations in th-e Fair I ~ ~~'~~ ~ IL~ ~'A l Ipons. Labor Sbandards Act, said Rud-I ~ I.~III I .... I ~| He is undergoing four weeks ol h Oswald, economist in the l I fd, i I~I~ I~I[x'%~\IIi~l I P ~,~*i:~+~*~