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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lovernber 25, 'I ELTOI --MASON C0U1WI ffOtYl AL-- Pub/iahed in "Oh etma, to¢ , U:S.A.", She]ton; MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCII MI~,~OURI ~VNOD Hwy. So. Casoade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor School ........................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Bible Class ................................................................. 9:45 a.m Worship .......................................... 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. rt GHURGH OF GHRIST, SGIENTIST 302 Aider St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Chur ~h II a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetingf, 8 p.m. room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mau. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fom~h & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M.---Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.--Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M.--Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wlgton School 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m --- Bible Stuay and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11 "00 Service North 4th and Pine Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship AUDITORIUM- 3nd and C¢ AY, NOVEMBER 28, 1965 Time. Speaker BRUCE JORGENSEN "War Potential of Red China" )ic--- INSINCERITY" LTON ASSEMBLY OF I~ast Pine Street Mason Younglund, pastor TEAM From Northwest College, Kirkland, Washington SUNDAY, NOV. 28 11 A.M. -- 6 and 7 p.m. day School ........................................................................ 9:45 A,M. BARBARA Probably the most thrilled girl at Shelton High school during the month of November was senior Barbara Johnson who was chosen Homecoming Queen. A diminuitive brunette with blue eyes, Barb does not quite reach five feet in height. She is a cheer leader this year. Being on the pep staff prevents her from holding any school offices but she was vice president of Pep Club last year and is a member of the Executive Board as Pep Staff representative this year. She also turns out for tennis. She is active in the Catholic Youth Organization and is cultur- al chairman for that group. Subjects on her schedule during this last year of high school in- clude civics, sociology, home re- lations, shorthand and advanced typing. She plans to attend eith- er Central Washington State col. lege or Yakima Valley. She has not chosen a major but likes her high school business courses and figures she may carry on in that line. The third daughter of l~r. and Mrs. At'he Johnson to graduate from Shelton High school, she will leave two brothers at home, JOHNSEN Jimmy and Jerry, ll-year-old twins. Her sisters, Johanna and Mary, are both attending CWSC. Barb was born May 6, 1948 in Shelton. She loves to cook and sew and enjoys summer sports in general, particularly tennis and water skiing. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cola GOLDEN AGE CLUB The Golden Age Club will hold its potluck meeting at 6 p.m. Fri- day this week rather than Thurs- day because of the Thanksgiving PAGE 19 A & :!; --. _ , ,,, ;=: j. de" • # r -- ~ i!iJoe/el zven rs } .~."=; Society Editor • Marj Jacobsen * Phone 426-4412 ~ Initiation Held For New Members Of VFW Auxiliary Beulah Harrison was reinstat. ed and Trudy Ellison, Mary Ann Federal Aid To Be Forum Subjec! For So day "Federal Aid in the Shelton School System" will bc the sub- ject for a forum when the Ever- Gift Items Ois,,piayed For Facul|y Wives Mrs. Ja('k Mallinger d~anonstra- to members of Shelton Fac- ulty Wives when they met ia heI home November 15. She also dis- played other gift items which she had made, including candy dishes of plastic, a thistle tree and wall plaques, for the 21 members who were present. Mrs. Clyde Rudell, Mrs. Andy Tust)n an(l Mrs. Vein Morgus, hos- tess;c:.; fol' the evening', served re- Mendenhall and Nellie May Chap-green PTA meets at 8 p.m. Men-. pel were initiated into the Ladies day in the school. The meeting fre~duuents. Au~liary of the VFW at the last will be open to the public. Members are looking forward to meeting. All were welcomed to Guest speakers and their topicsthe appearance of the 'J~I),ste.ry the group, will include Clyde Brown, Shelton tSanta'" again at tnen' ,~nrlstn}as High school principal, National=party which will be he!a m De- Marian Johnson reported the Defense Education Act 'md other I comber in the lmme of Mrs. Larry last meeting of the Cascade current sources of Federal ai¢i in Nelson. Councilin AberdeenWaS heldwithattheherself,ElkSEmi/yClub our system; ~[rs. Mary Anderson, / ............ MUSIC BOX Babcock and Lucille Speece at- teacher, Ti}h n and n3 fm ds; Jo-t The U S government buvs 35,- 205 Cola 426-4302 scpn ~orclL cooroina~or ot pur-/...... ' [~ z " tending from Shelton. chasing for Shelton schools, Na-iuuu pa .............. L ...... ~ ........... It was voted by the auxiliary tional Youth Corps; i~rs. Jack ~o give $10 to the 40 and 8 Christ.- Jeffery, Shelton High home ere- ross-fund and to spend $10 fern~iO;sniC~:e:c~nZolte ~ufundScoa~:d --~ _ __~~.~.~~ Christmas gift for Michael Wayne, the auxiliary's boy at Bucklcy.mist, Project I~eadstart. Plans were made for the post After the speakers are finished ,~g~/ ~ .... ~.~ and auxiliary family Christmas the meeting will be opened i'or (~t~ [-]~(:[~-~ ~'~ dinner and party to'be held De-questions fron~ the att(lienee. Re- ~~a~t~ ~ comber 17. freshments will be served. ~/~~~ The prize was furnished by Jo- ,.; ~-~ aephine Sparks and won by Mar- - ........................ .......... ~"~.% n • "' d-~ gucrite Off. Marriage Licenses o, Luncheon was served to the post and auxiliarybyEdnaGriggs, Applying for marriage licenses Rose Kier and Arlene Smith. in the Mason county auditor's of- Your Menu Choice Of: The next meting will be held at lice this past. week were: 8 p.m. this~Friday in the Memo- Jack M. Grant, legal, Longview, rial hall~ and Ella B. Close, legal, Shelton. Clarence Faulkner, legal, Shel- ton, and Norms Jean Sunderman, In 1963, 54 per cent of tourists legal, Shelton. in Manila were Americans. tl CO EAGLE CARD PARTY THIS SATURDAY NIGHT The Eagles will hold a card party at 8 p.m. this Saturday night in the Memorial hall. High scores at the November 13 party were won by Jen Trat- nick and Clara Stuck. Second high went to Mary Needham and Edna Kneeland. Ernest Stuck and Clara Stuck held pinochle. • STEAKS BUTTER.FRIED With All the Thanksgiving Trimmings SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SERVINGS CHICKEN DINNER On Hood Canal, 3 Miles from Union Phone 898-8322 if you wish reservations. TO SIMPLIFY YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING for your out-of-state friends, let us ship one of our prime, farmed, freshly cut Douglas Fir... DELIVERED PREPAID IN 48 ADJACENT STATES $ FOOT TREE - $ FOOT TREE - 4 FOOT TREE - $5.90 6 FOOT TREE - $7,50 lhmked to insure stuml) fresh arrival. holiday.__- E E LARGE BAG ENGLISH HOLLY AND ASSORTED NATIVE FoursouareChurch" EVERGREENS WITH EACH TREE ~L 910 East Dearborn Lewis B. Wysong, pastor Rag Company Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. ARLENE SMITH finds she often runs short of time with her 426-4313 C. Y.'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p.m. duties as housewife and mother added to her responsibilities as P.O. BOX 59 SHELTON, WASH. 98584 Evening Service ...... 7:00 p.m. president of the VFW Auxiliary. Her recipe for Salmon Loaf or Bible Study (Wed.) .. 7:00 p.m.Partties is one of her favorite standbys for quick meals. With her 11/11 tfn in the above Journal photo are Bobby, Martha and Sharon. NO ORDERS ACCEPTED AFTER DECEM BER 10th. CASH WITH ORDER PLEASE. 7th and Franklin Family Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. Classes: Sunday School & Adult 9:30 a.m. 2nd Worshlp Service 11:00 a.m. Christian Worship, Education, Fellowship Service "A FRIENDLY, GROWING CHURCH" J. Carlson, pastor Phone 426-8611 Thanksgiving Service MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ....................... 6:00 a.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Alex C. Motes, Pastor Fifth & Cota y, Nov. 24 -- 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker William Chaplain Washington Corrections Center ~Ponsored by Mason County Ministerial Association CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO SER I'ES Sunday, November 28 "What is the Purpose of Church?" KIRO Radio, Seattle 7:15 a.m. -- 710 K.C. TO THE MOUNT OLIVE You are cordially invited to attend The Dedication Services of the new sanctuary of MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 104 East Wyandotte Avenue Shelton, Washington SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1965 A.M.--Valedictory Service at the Old Church ! 10:45 A.M.--Laying of the Dedication Stone ]1:00 A.M.--The Service of Dedication 4:00 P.M.--The Service of Praise 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. 5:0O P.M. to 7:00 P.M. REV. GERALD HERMAN, PASTOR A recipe using canned salmon that can be made into either salmon loaf or patties was given to us by Arlene Smith for this week. She uses it often for pot- lucks as well as at home. Arlene is president of the' local VFW Auxiliary, a time-consuming job in itself. She is also safety chairman for Bordeaux PTA and is an assistant Girl Scout leader. The Smiths are rockhounds, from husband Merve down to Bob- by, 7. Sharon, 11, and Martha, 10, join intheenthusiasm for hunting, polishima' g nd cutting the growing family collection. Camping, another family hobby, provides perfect opportunity for collecting rocks, as well as Just plain relaxing. When she has time from house- holdtdutile:~ organization meetings, fam Y bics and her job as family chmfffeur, Arlene knits. Arlene's Salmon Loaf or Patties 1 tall can salmon 1 cup cracker crumbs 2 eggs 1 small onion, chopped fine 1 tsp. salt pepper ½ tsp. dried mustard ((optional) milk--enough to make mixture quite moist. Combine all ingredients and place in greased pan. Baked at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Or place spoonfuls in hot grease in frying pan, browning on both sides, for patties. Silver Anniversary For Stanley Linns A coffee hour for friends and familywas given in the home of Mr. amdMrs. Stanley Linn Nov. ember 16 to celebrate the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary. Hosting the event were their daughter, Mrs. Paul IV£cMorris, and her husband. The decorated wedding cake and coffee was en- joyed by about 80 guests during the afternoon. Out of town guests were Mrs. E. W. Tratnick, the Linn's other daughter, and her two children, from Seattle. WWl VETERANS TO ,., INSTALL NEW OFFICERS A potluck hmcheon and instal- lation of officers are on the ages, da for World War I Veterans and Auxiliary of Madrona Barracks beginning at noon next Thursday in the Memorial hall. New officers are Otto Rudtke commander; Ruth Snyder, presi- dent; Ruby Lorenzen, let vice president; and Esther Wetmore 2rid vice president. NOWI '66 BY CHEVROLET l mal loof line that comes no other car A whole new series of elegant Chevrolets with a whole new choice of feat.ures even some of the most expensive makes don't offer Specially instrumented console, with the rich look of walnut, Strato.bucket seats featuring tapered backrests New Turbo.Jet VS's are is available t0r~he Custom Coupe come with console shown at left available with up I0 425 hp ~~one ...... Strat0.back from seat available in Cu, tom Coupe and of many salety assists standard on all '66 Chevrolets Sedan, has center am, rest that folds up for th rd person T0l~:iies:r°2u~,Sct:ne~;d'ee~lt~'°n~SnU%°~ All told there are 200 ways you can stereo. But the beauty of it is that make, too. Ready to move up this pile luxury upon luxury in the '66 a Caprice, before you add the first year? Your Chevrolet dealer is now Caprice Custom Coupe, Sedan orextra, is luxurious above and beyond ready to move you up Wagons. And that includes creature any other Chevrolet you've everabout as far as you comforts like four-speaker FM seen--and many a more expensivecould want to go. See the new '66 Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy ]I, Corvair and Corvette at your Chevrolet dealer's @ 46-7865 1st & GROVE SHELTON 426.4426 ................ I ......... re,Hi i , ,i , , i,ui HVmI,,H I II II I I IIII III .......