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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON-- IASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "ahr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, November 2[ For Sale For Sale i l)ortin (;,,,){isI Wanted For Rent For Rent Real Estate Real Estate OR SALE -- Several good used FOR SALE -- Borge:Warner C6-1neh CLOSE-OUT PRICES -- Some new REGISTERED NURSES WANTED --|FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed- FOR RFNT -- One bedroom house at- 90 x 100 FT. COMMERCIAL LOT on HOME IN COUNTRY -- F freezers reconditioned and guaran- cnam saw, useu mx nours, nKe ~ew,1965 Mercury outboard motors at Full c,r pm't thne. S,W, Washington's [ room modern, new apartments on tar] c~l~ ga,'age stoves/refrig~ir'ator I Mt. View, corner Olympic Hwy. and drilled well, new septic sY re,,1 Lem Warren RefriF.eration I$97 See FRANK AT JOURNA bl, savin ~s Verle's S )ortin, Goods newest and u ost modern nurs ng] Mt. View Wall-to-wall carpeting, ] fin'.hi•shed Island Lake Drive' 426- H St. zoned C-1. $6000. Glen War- bedrooms down dormitorY, ....... ~ ' ' " ..... tm I g , g • - , I g -, 127 South Second. W 7/1 tfn m w~3 [ 200 Olympic Highway South. Phone home facility. Salary open. Wlite or[ draperies laundry facilities appli- 4661 " ' S 11/i'8 12/2 soil, 506 East H St., Mt, View. 3443. J .......... ] ~'-- , 426-4105. 11/11-25 phone Centralia Convalescent Center, [ ances, private parking and private ] .... *' --------- ...................... ] W 11/11-25 ELECROLUX SALES, service and I ALTO SAX FOR SALE -- Excellent I 1015 Long Road Centralia phone locked sto,'a e space Heated swim- FOR RENT -- Two bedroom furnished ~-- NI E five bedroom home 0: 736-3381. B 11/11-25 ruing pool. $99.50 month. Contact house. Inqun'e 629 Cota Street. I h. I FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom ranch style Road Country living yet 'supplies• John Rice. Phone 426-6108. [ condition. Call after 5 p.m. 426-8690. ! ' 'T~ 4 "~-~' - ' " ' g .... ' • • ~ C .- after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations.[ O 10/7 tfn [ USe(1 tJars .... manager. Phone 426-3100. E 11/26 tfn 426-6663. No children. C 11/18 tfn home, 2Vz baths, f~nlly room, double from downto(vn, Five acr~ R 1/7 tfnI ............. i .... WANTED -- Christmas tree workers .................... _-V_OUT DE~.~. ~w~,~ed--] carport with loads of storage• Inter- approved. Terms availau: ..... CHRISTMASTOWN U S A " rubber I For 1 ..... Sale 1962 Renault, Good y()l_ CAN PUMP more water and ] stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.50 m,m¢;,,,. "~T,~ • ,,,~,oo A2a ~al°of all kinds• Apply at G. R. Kirk [ LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for AVAILABLm.As_ ~ ., . , o.o - I corn throughout, built-in oven and 426-2442, yard. Phone 426-6151.K 11/4 tfn sale or lease. Liberal terms to right r!)om Iurms.nea 9uPl~xl.ts~aSf ne(a~, ] range..dishwasher, food center, gar- ranger wltn lralrnangs morse pumps. I each 227 West Cota 12/1 tfn .................... r .... - ............ party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton. [ ~h%a;7~o qUlCL. V .... ~P~l/[~r[;f~ [ bage d,sposal, clectmc barbecue. Cot- CHOICE WATERFRONT " See them at Shelton Electric Co.. ]__'-" .: ................ : .... $495 00 419 Railroad• 3/16 tfn [ HAMMOND ORGA~NS priced from ! ~- ...... I WISH TO BABY SIT in my home or Phone 426-8768. 9/23 tfn __ ~"~ ~' ...................... ner nrepisce with heat-o-later and low-bank bulkheaded, grS' "---------~ $650 Sherman Clay 205 West ' I yours, from 9-9 week days Phone I--~-- NEW DUPLEX FOR RENT with gar- g.mss .goers. Large cove rea. patio, with two story older foU~ LAMBERT'S OYSTER Bay Store for [ Fifth Ol-m-la 'Wash' Phone 352- 1956 CHEV. -- 2-door hardtop, S x cyl- 426-6418. K 10/28 tfn FOR RENT --- Mt, View Community I age Phone 426-3397 or 426-4i420. [ ~nC~o~K.~ia~aa~olacKd'tOPmSt[e~eLh~orlscK. hoym adjoining. Walker sale or lease. Liberal terms to right I o,,, ' , v , " ~t~ +e,, lnder, stick shift, $650. Radio, heater. --~ Club House, anytime. For informs- ] G 11/4 tfn [ ~re.....t~ ~_... w..~...:.'~ +~ ¢o~ n~A a~v-z~J~. party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton. [ o,~. _ ..... "Z" .... ~ i Phone 426-6539. P 9/16 tfn ..................................... 24~" ' ' " '# ..................... '~ ........ WA~'I'~U -- ironlng in my nome, vt~c l uuu u~ttl ~u-o~o~ ur ~u- u~. [ ~-- [ incl,,~llnr- ~U~-~ ~nd d~.n~ ~f~ I~ ' tfn front F rnl -~-~ " ~ .......v .....,~-~ e n Phone 426-8768. 9/23 tfn [ ONE MODEL A buzzsaw. Mobile and f ~-- an hour. Phone 426-6420, L 11/12 tfn . M 6/18 HOOD CANAL water . u shed [ "H" St on Mt Vie"" ~r ~1/~1 2r. THREE BEDROOM hous . ] extra ptrts $90 or make me an 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-door ~ [ .... or unfurnished beach home for year- " ...... "" " ~ stores and churches. FHA ~um~v~ w~,r~lE~ Dy AL reanut l offer, See it at 1232 Railroad Ave., hardtop. Excellent condition. Extrem- WILL DO BABY-SITTING at my home i FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ] round living. Electric beat. Sun [ ~ $11,950. Phone 426-4791. brittle a specialty. Many others [ 426-6516 H 11/4-25 ely low mileage. 426-2442, N 10/7 tfn or yours. Day or night, bedroom apartments, two blocks I deck. Adults omy. luuerences. Star I .... ur~ ar or sate. available. Order now! Phone 426- [__" ........ [ .... , H 6/17 tfn from bank, shopping center. Appll- Route, Box_ 104 Lilliwaut)..Phot~e wail evenings, 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn FOR SALE --- Rental propSr 8267, E 5/20 tfn |GOOD USED UNDERWOOD (electric) i FOR SALE --- '59 Pontiac. Phone 426- -- [ ances heat hot water garbage ser- { Hoousport S77-oo0~. r~ ~/~ t n I ~ bedroom one 2-bedroom, ' .... th RESIDENTIAL BUILDING L O T S ' ou e. Good | typewriter, pica type, $95, Call Angle ] 4//45. S 9/16 tin HOME REPAIR WORK, carpentry, I ~ul~e f~lr~Shrs°d'AmTt~edstoSirnks' 2t?Iet'[E--~-~OOD APTS. -- Two bedrooms [ Water, sewer and streets in, Variety llb;2~°°mchhl ~ed busine SEVERAL USED house trailers, large | Agency 426-8272. 11/11-25 ~-- cement anu ormK wor~, roonng:._us- ] ~lo.~ ~Hr-~tive ~{rroundin~.'s ~Also [ furnished Large rooms, lots of clos- ] of locations on Mt, View. $1700 to 7~7~-~,~,7~" .qt nhone 428 2457,Handand smallstore,fOr426.3532sale. Herb'Sor UnionH 6/10' Second898_tfn ||CHRISTMASI ................. day, 520 Franklin,CANDLEBar-DIns,~SALE the-- shopi-[,IFOR.~trucK.- ..... ~SALE~]rec~mnal~.Y ..... "U" ........ 1952.~ m..,..mgnmsV'8 ,~,aF°rdau,, ~.a~.l-t°nsteei ~426-6241.borne t~cnerai Contracting,{9 ~t/l'r'n°netxn [} electric~''~'acl~el°=" unit s. kitchens,f°rtlledsin~'leshowers,~" %;ersons~. ex-' [[ Referencesets" Clean und. equired.neat' PhoneS55 Per426.8584,month. ]l $3000. Glen Watson, 506 Eastw 11/11-25H St. ~--" .............. of 1000 hand-mades. B 11/18 tfn "~'¢;~"~v"~'°~C~, ~u ~o .......... %';/'~'~'%~;':,,~ *w~ ~-, WANTED Ced-~ l~go V .... p-"ol I haust fans, built-in dressing rooms. I S 3/18 tfn I~ FOR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, I ~-- ] " . . automatic wa ~ 10 ACRES lo ed COMFORTABLE 2 bedroom -- ~ ............. ] Three laundry rooms, - -- gg off land, all fenced home nice ard ara e Port of Shelton Industrial Park. e NICE LIGHT fireplace apartment one and cr ' Y ' g g ' pulleys and shafts. All typee sal-[LOVELY old walnut buffet. $50. Oil I~r,~ ~^~ ~o w ..... ,~ P-..,.n ,~,, ' shers dryer, Abundance hot wat r , oss fenced. 2 bedroom house i¢ rage, Shelton JunkCo., First and | heater 'with fan, 200-gallon oil drum [ " ~i~n~$'~-- ~I~s ne~w~t'i'res'~42A~ 441"9,- John s Prairie. Phone 426-6426. ~.a '~÷ r~_~..~ ............... ) ,~¢ ........ bedroom furnished. Inquire 718 , w .... .... ., ..~--~.i ............. ~ome other outouna-' afterOWnernoonm°Vlng'dallyWlll sacrlf , Mill, phone 426-8626, 9/8tfn[ andoil $60.426-6739, Mll/1812/2] ' " '1028 tfn J 2/18 tfn] ~.'awton~=Xpt~/,~7th & 'Pine. Shown[ North Sixth St. I:) 8/26 tfn[ lngs: 4½ miles out Arcadia road. "~ ............... - ........................... __ S / AUTO PAINTINO $40 and un Also [ z. ~/ln tfn [ WAREHOUSE FOR RENT downtown [ ~ FOR SALE -- Twenty-acre , ~ by appointment. Phone 426-2121. ~ Route 3, Box 394. S 11/11 - 2/10 r FOR SALE Large selection of re- FOR SALE or will take smaller trailer conditioned ranges, refrigerators, | for equity for $1200. Nashua 10'x50' I l~b'~ VOL.K.~WA~, lb~,s~;~, var~anr~ house trailers, boats, etc. Phone ] location, clean, dry storage, Phone [ FOR SALE -- One 60 x 120 ft lot on miles out Bayehore RoaU. washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- | '62 model balance at $46.76, Call af- / ~La~un wat;u~: -~:le.O;~-~o~.~;~X~ 426-4322. Inquire 1202 Cota St. THREE ROOM furnished apartment 426-8211. L 3/4 tfn I Hillcrest. Lot 12, Block 4 on East room home, 2-car garagO,~ pliance Center. 6/5 tfn | ter 6 l).m: 426-2634. ~,~1/25 12/16 ~ ~rr°m ~ermany~, ~,,~,~n;,,~.~,7..~,~ R 4/9 tfn ." ...... ' I ~ [ Cascade. Terms available. Phone 426 ...... I downtown area water anu neat lur- [ ~zr~VT~Tr~.EPiNG APTS One and I 3361 ~=~ ~/oa ,¢, BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grad- ntshcd ....... Adults 119 E Cedar 426-I two rooms Dishes linens utilities I~ HOUSE FOR SALEldebYare.O_ DON'T SELL IT! Have your uphol- ]FOR SALE -- Three good oil heaters. I for showing, Gll/11 tfn ing back filling sewage systems. 4895 o~ 426-44~1 G 11/18 tfn I supplied 426-2081. B 5/27 tfn FOR SALE -- Three bedroom 1~ bedrooms, Anglcs~ ~. stery cleaned by Cleaning Services/ Exceptional condition $30 $25 and ~ ........... ~ ....~l .... t.= 'r~i=t,. ~eloun nh I ' ' [----~] bath home by Mt. View school. Will nix ~outn ~tn, phone ~ Company phone 426-4376 or 426-8138 / -~20 Phone 877 5521 " K'11/25 12/9 I l~os ~'oru Tnames ~us, ~ passenger, ' 1/'; tfn! ..... [ 3000 miles since motor overhaul. $475. ~6-'68"93~. .................... 7/2~. ~fn ,~] ;~. ~ ~ ;. " rvice F~oRwnRENTnowntown. ~a- ~u-~allT~6l~2~pac~I ................ ~l~/s2 tto FHA for $450 down. 426-652~. 9/9 tfn ~-.~ I I "- / ~~e I 506 East H St Mt View W 11/1'1-25 ~ . ..ass..m erv.ce , , NEWt MelOl?rN. ymou°bil~eh°~n;~,' DNe~rl°~,l ] a22~7° So. ] 1ValnFt?RoDo;82d~l~ (~gin~l bAack ~elPa~d, 7fSnY81?ngthniPho~8.3d~3~s ,~orRN:SVj~? tw~obedr~omChll ~2~6t~420, r3oOr 4abc~d~O~)cn~eh, O~reeplL::2e laiVai~ge Mobile Homes 1617 Fones Road I 8th Street. Phon - • *- ...' ..... " :" ........ C 2/11 tfn O 11/11 tfn Olympia. Phono 852-2907. D 10/15 tfn| A 11/18-25) _H ~L, ML view. w ...~o SEPTIC TANK i l and workshop. $5.750. Terms. Call l ~O~lllm~ I~II~ [ [1959 FORD Fairlane 500 convertible, WELL GROOMED local man, retail[ [NgTAIJ,A'P[('}NR :Bill Pearson 426-2471. P 7/15 tfn l ~i~l~ II~B~' TRY OUR CATALOG SERVICE --- | ..... ] new top, rebuilt engine $525, fullexperience preferred.. Good cnanc, e [ ................. ['-unfurnished. Available Dec .15: Cali/WANT TO INVEST in rental prop'erty? [ ~.~ ~l~~] Many thousands of items to choose / ~l)orl~lng ~OO{lS ] price. Phone 426-8122. H 11/18 tfn ior auvancement. ~ppiy ~ox o c/o I ' ~ "" reel r~eai Es from. Large discounts. We pay/ -~ ~" ~~---- Journal. 9/23 tfn 500-gal., 750~gal., 1000-gal. I 426e854~26 l)I~v?r¢7~"l~u ' 11/25[ Call evenings 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn I I!1 ~l~lll~l~ll~" freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- [.~ ~ ~^~ ..~ --fi-ished All ['59 PONTIAC CATALINA, 2-door, red, _ ................... OK.] Drain Fields, Ditch Digging [ ................. [100 x 150 FT. WOODED building site I ~ _. ~rod~ crest. M 8/8 tfn/-~ ~,*; :~:.:::;:: ~;,'.' ¢7D7,',~. ~h.,,,~ ] hdtp. coupe, good shape. Call 426- I "22~%',2 .... e, ~, ....... "~,~'~'~,~'~"';:~,~ ] 8747. V 11/25 12/2 W AI~'~J~ 27. "_v°u.rycappa°m u r~£ ,._ I Backhoe, Trencher for Hire ...... ~,~ffiv a T I on Cole road. $750. Call 426-2120. I / ,~ - --r-z--'~ ~OR SALE --- Good, effecti;7 and l a~o-aivo ........... ~ --~rcu°ver ~tore, mu view. -/ ..... ]1 SHARER DIGGING SERVICE I' ~Jk~l~/" ......... ~j~.~j~J.N[~Jk.~a '~M 11"11-25 I ..... ~'~'~-~'~-~ i' ~ inexpensive advertising, Ju ca ]~) ........ .~ m--^.LER.~ e-uln [1959 FORD V-8, Fordor, good condi-WHAT BETTER TIME than now tln Phone 426 3660 [DO YOUR FLOORS LOOK DINGY noNOY no m The Journal, 426-4412. 8/19 tfn |~:~', .:~"~z~","~' G:~'-7~o ~;,~',q~" ~n' tion. reasonable. Phone Hoodsport tune-up your sewing machlne? [ " | WANT ADS i rod"Or ,.,'-+ ..... o_. l ~i~ / ~ ~~~ ] b'ea'u~tlfu~l H"oo~l~Ca'nai-'~ho~n'e"~H'~ods_ 87%5352. Real clean. P 11/25 tfn your home for only $6 75 Any make ] CR fl 2157, Belfair 8 18tfn I ' lc ............................. #" ¢~,,~ ~-~ --- ~,,~., .... v ............. • ........ ' ~la ,~ i ~ ' ' " h " " es Co., phone 426-4376, 426-8138. haul or we haul. Call 426 6760 por~ "x~ Po ............ ~~[ [~l~ [ " -'~~~ • ~..'- .. / FOR SALE-- '48 Ford pickup. Runs Olympia "357-7586. nt2/ri P~n F 9/lti tin ]GUNSMITHING, new and used guns, [ good, $175. Phone 426-8788. /~ tfn SEWING ALTERATIONS and ironing. LOTHES -- Reason- scopes and reloading. Dean's Gun l ~ "-'"~- :BARBIE DOLL C 8-21 3 ~ . , f' ' H 11/11 tfn Hill $350 each Your telms Phone ~v~ uul able prices, dresses 50c up; skate out- ] Shop, Union, Wash. Phone89 .. 3] • ] 1963 FORD F 100 PICKUP -- V-8 en- phonereachV426Cal14376Cleaningor 426 8138Servicesl/7Cot n [[ Apt, o()3 Edgewood Apts I[ II AVAILABLE...... []|] _^~ '-_2_g , . " ty . on, Capitol || ~.w~$$ vu,flllr ~ _/¢g~" Man more D 814 tin .... ( pno ...........- .......... ~ll I! awo-8035. N 6/10 tfn [ 0fferin s! fits $1.00; pajamas 75c. Y • [ [ gine, custom cab, radio-heater, wid: Contact Laura Sheffield 426-22116d tfn | "~ ~ T * . ~ ] box heavy-duty rear springs and LADY WANTS WORK of any kind |LET'S MAKE a date to decorate For ] At the beautiful new |[ ~ I UII~;IIII];~)"K~I~['--" v/ | tel;s) LIYeSl;OCK I bumper. Three-speed irans., two ex- " 4"16 tfn " ...... "rin '' ........ I,ISLAND LAKE for summer fun or l - £~ff'~ Call 426-4378 evenings. V / I expert palnung 'anu wau pape g. II lIdf~T Tl"h~lJ~ S-N| |l I.~;,E |1 "ear round livin- 115 ft of water ' -- / I t,a wh $1695 Phone 898-231] • ack ...... -'- __eels. _ • .... call Bennett Pa' t g (~ p y • ' " = e '' front suitable for one or two fam BRAND NEW Polaroid color.p ..v. [ ........ w ~ONY mare for sale Two [Union S 11/25 12/9 WANTED "7 Christmas tree stumpag^. ] 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn I 1 bedroom garden court [[ ilie ........... " I , me as. J~'ull automauc from ~o~.vo. o~,~-,,-- %: .... . .,,~ i " ChristmastownTree ~o,"L:ait ~zu- i" .... " ~ • %- I . s' enjoyment, uall ,lzb-~o~v any- I • m= __ |_= _ ~,ml' Z~gl;r's C~aYera Shop, 124 N. 2nd. [ years old. ~75. Genue. ~n~/~la~_~n[~~ 8163. 9/60 tfn|EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation. I[ apartmen • . I| time. L 7/16 tfn I Him]ie ~eal z 7/1 tfn | ............. [ good condition. $150. Phone 426-4379. ~| Jim Pauley Inc., 501 Railroad Ave. [I Sparkling new, carpets, arape% I1~ [ ............ ~..~M CONSIGNMENT SALES We ll sellPhone 426 8231 4/28 tin Westln house a phances, off ton a~c ~ 1717 Olympic MIg-" FOR A FREE HOUR of beauty call /S~T2TA~w~cCO~R~S~i~i~ll~ra~9 o~are~i[ A 11/25 • - ' ,e;t / - ' ' II g p " " II '.a, $1,000 down payment. Call I lZlZ olymp)c rl_lgn-- -. Y. ' g Y. - "- -=;'ROOFING blown lock wool insula II street parking II venings 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn I 426-3369 for.a Merle N?rman C(>smetdi~ d~: | 836:.'2458 Y' ' L'11/11-25 ] ~iLET PANEL, $85. Tru.m= an thin ou nave on conslgnn ) ~ • e r tmn ~lalne's nonu u- = ..... house trailers, cement mixers, cars [ tion guaranteed, Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn ]l Drive by 7th & Cedar Street. [ ] ~ onet a . ' P ~ 6/4 tfn 1 ..... ~-- | pet, $10. Phone 426-8o9'7. D 11/25 lz/u ~ucn as: town mowers, Deal anu/ , " " • " -- " " " c- ~urro ack i ----~ ....... GENTLE MEXICAN pa..K o , P FOR SALE: 3 tt.P. DeWalt 14" radial [ saddle and bags, saddle bridle, etc. J and tro~fksS[oWOsod S~u~t(a~to~s~)~7:2 ] ~ [ J ust a .few steps, from I| rT°m h2me' 1o325 ft. floor, space, fir~- ~. ~'"" ~ • ' ~" .... '' +~-s ~nnor ool.,a'~- of all' kinds ~m oomplete Shopping II P . . uw u z oors. plastereo, s x ~ri'~i"i~rl IPAN/% saw. mounted on trailer wiLh exten- / $125. Phone Union 898-2448. [ @ ~ tools, power saws, out~oara motorS,., [ ~,',~l'+~7,~"~',~'t, ~," ~n,h.~) ~nd 'Mi]{ [ [ ~,,,,v Nn P~+~l ] [ years old, double carport, built=in ~U~ ~z~a.-o" etc Come see us Hillcrest Hawr ~ *~"~ ................................ ~' ........ ran e Fenced k sion tables. Exeelhmt condition. $550. | B 11/11-25 [ J ~ " 4 ' 4 7 tfn "" g bac yard Located " ine u ~l 1209 Ol znp Y $8g 50 per month n Westslde ic Hw Streets Phone 26 8626 S / 50(i East H St.. Mt. View, W 11/11-25 |~ I I~ mme m Ma;, s p, y, ' y ' •/ • '- . " II . • II o ll() x 140 ft. lot on ~It. View. / . , , li , ,... .... d d .-. / stallatlons, oil conversions. Sheltonll ~=a || .......... '" =~'-res ${}gt ~-O()D -- $20.pc~" load, d.eliv~d~phWoell ]FO~diSA.~bon-"e 42,26'/z.6~0;°Id 11S~1~tl~/d [ ~._~e ~ S. Phone 426-8163, 10/14 tfn ~ Also, furn shed apt. available I i Phone 426-8431. M 9/9 tfn ~.~i,,.l. ouble beach ~I ~!~i°~ii~7)'f~°A}h(W~(":R~' [ lengp 11/1125 IMc~T: :i..~.o [~"~):'~ ] ~~(~~ ADULT WILLhomebaby-S,tor mlneday Or.none nlgnt |.~.. Sheet) (Metal Co.. 321 So. Third. Dial,| Io~ IIFOR SALE--Older home at 004 Ce ........... ~ ...... -l in your • _ ....,~.. ] 426-4792. S 5/1 tfn[l =.===m= mmmlmmelpn II dar Street. Make offer. Phone 426- ~., "r-itnn Cove --- ;~, 4304. ~ V/z tin .... 3361 ..... ~ H 6/ tfn ...... e t F; ( ' ' i - Mi ,d cD2AaTdEIP k'l [GRACE PIANO SERVICE -- Tunb, r l 1 ,,:.~V~a~aU~n II ~ cotlage, 77 ft. frontag )~,I Seattl~ Si.. at Minor's A~W Drive'In / 'i:: , • ' on Mt. View. 11/25[ ss • , a.. • .s ] I~ ~~ WANT TO RE~.T __ Two thre ] and technician, "t~.egular C~e Pre-II: =,.. ~,i~ i| II ' ;V|tW, gooa acreage, i]*" -------------'-~--for wall-USe ourna warn acs .,. area. Call collcct Essex 7-4101 any- 943-6712 or 357-6622, or Shelton 426- ~l'l| sly= • • II ~:'~'"l In H~d.~I}0I' / J ~ ~ bcdroom £urnisneu nouse ,n ~neitou/ vents Costly ±tepaw". ~ai, u,ympial/ : ...... lllklMill II~ill I I II ~,,~.:~. ' +. ..i time after 5 p,m. W 11/18 12/t~ / 8267. G 3/12 tfn ] [ 426 2549 II , ~ I ......... ~- ;; SLAVED ----~/ .... ,/ " II ~'~--~ I 90 view lots, $2,500. o wall (.al et.. Keep it new with Blue / rED 600 Christmas h(es Will TREES TOPPED trimmed removed. ~[ ~,~,1~ I o~a ft beach front ~tmt,'e R~)nt clectrk' shampooer $1" ~[ U~ C]UR FI HTRH / WAN' • 7- ........ : ........ n~" Phone| Larry's Tree Surgeon Service 426-I~----, . -- ,_ . ,~,, Coast-to-Coast st~re. Wl~'in--'~'el-:'11/25 ]]|[ ~~ ~UYomaoutr153~.3766.,nt o ........ g,,,,eK 11/12 ~' 11/25 [ 4823.-" 2/13' tfn It` ~[ ~ ~-~ ~" I lanos, right in town. FO'-~SA LE--D-------~ 1 u'--xe--Ke n m o r e washer,. New condition. Call 4 -6 8.1.2 "/I Wl nu-m-cn w ! .. •. ,,u' CHRISTMAS l st EEos W. fED l [1 ] C RfETSanDn }viC° 8 nm C° . I Mt. View n[ I Southslde --- ;" " " ' 11/25 r,/,~,~i I LWUUU |1 I rooms, fireplace, 2 car,mi E Mason also 1uu T][ OT no U~t.r~ ------ ~/ chimneys planters call R. . , I I now ~V~llaDIO I I ........ oT";al~ or tirlade ~6'8808" "/I ....... I ON REMAINING was.. " IFOR EXPERT MASO . , irep,aces, ,= ..... _-._!_._ I, - ..... , ............ F "'''1251223i./,, wi%norwl,nou% ' 65MODELS': w....o ,..o....o.,o ,,,,,,, ,,,... I[ I °°'°n'°°'°°° ~'~°~:!!:!~:'°i:~u ~"~ ~/I Buildings.,. I PLUS Re s--- t" • I ~ /I • . | SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS r eting an a~i 5ALl: Ii .,m,,e Realty I " Y" i " " .Laundryfaclll e I we week. Must have own transportatmn CHAIN SAW ~.H. ARPENING, speedy, ]1 --0 Lau?dry facilities I[ I:,n~!I_K:ULye I For Rent • e reclsion rinuln I"~OW at I, ~F~,,-,'~- IVe I anda non-smoker. Ihone 426-2445. accurat P r he gHlllc~gst Phone/ L n 1:!1e 0~ 1717 Olympic Highway N' TOP •QUALITY w 10/28 tfn Saeger Moto S p. :...... I ; ;~#'a;;";~lrklng II ,,, oo '7 '+ I Two bedroom home E :: e;J2 tau Ly 11 ,=,=,, [ US fE C oAo S exper,eneeO help, m/426-46o2.II "'rlvate, 1 i SwImn~lng.i=iSt°ragepo~l =,m'll/ "'LanaoTtnePree"! =|Beacn. lOO.nlsnea__unu, June,,., '62 for ncw Mobile Homes Factory. Good SAND AND ORAVEL, top 0oil,_peatl I I awlmm,ng ~'oo, NN] -. • --- -es and steady w()rk, Apply. She|., soil, custon tractor wor_~:~_Jonns $ 60 --------- | .3 t)e.~room.s.--~= on %n~ ~( 1 Full Size Mattress$ 50|l ,, ,|l 4 DOOR SEDAN w,~gM,mile 1tomcs Siieiton Airport.[ Creek, Sand&Gravel Co., pim,iy_4~-Ill $~lJ50 month ill .............. I -- ' A[~ /~ I Radio - Heater - P. Steering ............ 11/18 tfn | 3552. ~/1~ t,n]l .......... I/ '""""'"'""" I per month. Box S rln ='lr~ & p " g ........ / ...... --~t Auto.- Real Clean ....... ----I~lm Contact Manager, 426-3100 ill Greetings From I i~ 1--Full Size Foam, Rubber /I N=~m~lll'll~ .... Ill| ~ IRONING DONF~-fast. efficient serv- .OAV~ ............ --- .... ad" " ice 90c her hour. Call /vh's. William [ ing, road buildln.g, .e.xcav~ting, g r, -I I .... 1/7=ttu m/ the Staff at I 3 bedrooms, 17 aorelb raat :s Xadboar:8960/I '61BU ICK INVlCTA l i (RefHeo;DeqcT; Davenport & Chah', ,o,,,o,., Rad?o?OO:t A )? O ring Used Cars Real Estate I Himlie Realty wood knuckle arm ~ .... II Reglstered--Small, llvoly, /I P. Brakes-DynaflowTrans., ,I ttsfaa,n'is'guarantced. Fre csti:l l 171701ympicHighway-N. II II lloodoompanlons, /I ~ I| mates,_You,'re always w~c?me ~1~/ ...... U - II llJ~u~i.ii i~i~a.-- 2--Swivel Rockers, _ 00II • S hi perkes, A.K.C. /I )($0 VALIANT V-200 I llllll II OlsCn 'urmture. 4th anu ,, - ...... PI ......... Ilel:n ll.... ,, 4702, 011/18 tfnl ULYIVI . Vll-W / .zl~-;:i31i9 |1Hoodsport " q ................ II blaok fellows /I Radio- Heater- Auto. ~l~i~llll~ UI~IIU J[Fo A REALLY PERSONAL Ch.] - ~^~" SALE BY OWNER ........ ) ILoveSeat $'=00 " " One Adult Female Pekingese " ~ , Musta.: ,.o,,. II Daveno ............................. II. [, --Small Sable, Loveable $3, [[ '59 RAMBLER '65 ~a~:td:~ .. _ :~.~'t~venaz~p~t°t°~ 1--Beige Naugahyde Recllner II __.._ ....... /I CUSTOM 4 DOOR ,=.d Canrm,t be told $..,50,1 ~I"D ~RRVlUE I' STATION WAGON ::6} !:{:!::iW:::nII[ i I IIERB R011ER nEAt ESIA from new ......................... ~li~ II /I 6 Cyl,- Heater- Auto. Needed At Once!! " 1--7-piece Bronze Dinette, II Australian Terriers,ll ,63 Fairlane Wagon II/ I BRITE STAR / -- -- -- . . -- -- h--..u,. ,.o.0,, oooo.,, ., =oooo. o.oo n/ I ' I m ee chairs .............................. /~ /I ~,,~o~,,,j /I 4 DOOR HARDTOP 3 or 4 Bearoom , , 1-~Biltwell Swivel $oe~so/I 'IF____ iV .... I-/I Radio- Heater- Auto. Homes under $13,000 NnorCth of Rocker .............................. ~' II IRAIlI! IItP.illIP.i$/I ~. P. Brakes ~. F .......5011 m~.a••l =.m--•===--=----, ~ '61 Chevrolet Monza II/ "Fixer homes II Hoodsport'- 3 bedroom unfurnish-/ 1---7-piece uronze i , Dinette ............................ 39 II St. Rt. 1, Box 34 A l[ 57 PLYMOUTH V8 :;~ ;:;; G;i?ite V8, At, II/ under'" $5,000 Ill place.ed home,s85 perelectriCmonth.heat and fire-l] OFFICE PHONE 426-6642~.. 1--Lounge Chair & $4~1111501| Phone 426-6152 "] 4 ~OO. ,,.;. _ II/ . , WALTER GEORGE- ASSOCIATE BI 0 Ottoman /-~ II , /] r.nglne Heconaiuonea 'rio Buick 4-Dr H.L II/ "" " ~" I, stes 10 miles North of Shelton. (1) A real buy, one mile lrom nighway, Just 2 miles frou'.41i Gas itot;en ................. $----601 , . ......... • i Radio- Heater-Auto. '. _ I / CALL 42 3369 I/ 2. Large wooded mob.e home ....... ¢111 ' " _ .'ag I Classified Ser I I -- ', Ii/ lle.__l_~_ ~ __i~L__ I: ..... := ~-d utilities $1,750 - $100 Shelton. An exceptional small country home surrou~ll '59 Olds Dynamic 88 rlllrnlle Keal¢ co- Y r mo ac~es of the fmeot arden ll m ll ri Hange ............................ I- I ........ I UI 1/AIIIE' .... ., ....... Ill I down-$17.50pe • "" ' " g so" " thecounty. Fu p 6--Matched Wood $¢~I~50/ ........... / Ill !¢ ~l~ll,.~wi~ o~ ualaxle z-ar. I.t.1., v-u, /~./. I[I I .o5 i °'"'"° °""'-'" .... II Wise h0pl0 . il us~. .uc.3. New A frame on creek. Water, (2).26 acres of timberland, $11,000.00. Approximately "" New Furnitu /I , -- -- =mRllAIWA III ~ I power and septic tank in. Beach timDerlana at $135.00 per acre. /I Will Not Compromise I] '62 INTERNATIONAL =BH,a=== =- ,,, lr~.l~BIIIl~lnlmlll~lll~! I privileges on Hood Canal $11,250, mnu ao I/I II~Jlllllll\V/lll~llilTIIl~l I Good terms. (3) 80 acre farm in Matlock arca, 50 acres e]earea. W,.,"--o, ',O",, Oo='0'' ' ,'O'P'O