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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 25, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 25, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Uhr etrnastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, November #£W BABY Start building for his, or her, future security right now. Metropolitan offers a number of sound plans which help to safeguard your baby's future through insur- 8n¢¢. JIM DONAHOE 603 Seattle St.---426-3468 Metropo!ita Lif :NEW YORK, N. I/., BNNNNNNNNNN Former Mississippi Tea©her 1"o Speak To Wednesday gh ers Wednesday MiLers will meet Dec,. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Soiie will present a program which will be of extreme interest to people con- cerned with race problems. The Solies have spent the last two :,,ears teaching at the Piney Woods School in Mississippi. Mrs. Solie, retired teacher from Central Kitsap, was chosen a few years ago by the Methodist church as an observer to the United Na- tions. She and her husband have travelled extensively in Mexico and are astute observers of human problems and needs both abroad and at home. Mrs. Sells will strip off the mask of Southezn respectability and ex- pose the truth about the life the Mississippi negro must live to stay alive. She will be asked to explain her own personal plan for rehabilitation of young high school boys and girls from that area. Wednesday Miters expect this to be one of the most challenging programs of the year. Hey Dad! Why wait until Mother's Day to treat your best girl? Treat her to a Thanksgiving Dinner of your choice at SHE LTON H OTEL "For the Finest in Dining Cuisine" UNTIMELY -- Camelias in November? Thls year •there are, a bush simply loaded with lovely pink and white variegated blos- soms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paterson, 2305 Cal- lanan street (Mt. View). Mrs. Peterson (Jeanne) shows how beautiful one of the mixed-up blossoms looks as a corsage. There have been numerous other reports of flowers blossoming out-of- season in this comrnunlty as the result of this fall's extremely mild weather. r, O00 BRAND NEW! NOT RETREADSI m I 190 TRACTOR-TYPE CLEATS BUILT DEEP TO BITE DEEP with extra-mileage TUfSFn Rubber and Nylon Cord 6.50 x'23 tubeless blackwall SlZE TYPE Black Tubeless Black Tubeless •PRICE 2e s33s° 7.50x 14 7.75x 14 8.00 x 14 8.25 x 14' 2 for s37°° 8,50 x 14 8.55 x 14Black Tubeless 2 for s41so 6.70x 15 7.75x 15 BlackTubeless 2 furS33sO 7.60x 15 8.45x 15 8.00x 15 8.20x 15 Black Tubeless Black Tubeless 2 for S41so 2 for S47°o All prices plus tax and 2 old tires All this for less than the cost of an ordinary brake adjustmentl • ~I wheals removed, brakes • adjusted at each wheal • Front wheel bearings cleaned and repacked • Grease seals bzspected,A,,V,,.S~ for leakage • Heavy duty brake fluid, added- and tested ~J~4~ C0~l=tl S=lm ~ NO MONEY DOWNI FREE MOUNTING ! Limit" Guaranteel @OODYEAR NATION-WIDE'NO LIMrlr" GUARANTEE- No limit on months. No limit on miles, .No .mR as to.roods. No lim!t as to .speed: For the entire life of the tread, • ALa ~IEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED asa nat defects in worKrnanshipano materle!s normal roa o n azaraS, exce re airable punctures. • IF A GOODYEAR TIRE FALLS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any of more than ou,uuu ~oooyear oemers In tne unJteo ~tates P 0 , and ~tanada wi make allowance on a new t re based on ori~ naJ luraad depth ramalnin;z and Goodyear'sprinted 'Exchange price' current at the tln~! of adjustment, not on the hisher "No Trade.In Price." Balancing Front & Grove 19th & Pac. Ave.5th & E Main Tune-up SHELTON TACOMA PUYALLUP SERVING NORTHWEST MOTORISTS FOR 45 YEARS Alig,tment Truck Tire BE'SURE TO SEE NCAA COLLEGE FOOTBALL SATURDAY and NFL PRO FOOTBALL SUNDAY= I D BROUGH_T TO YOU GOODYEAR CHECK YOUR pAPER FORTIME and STATION e, PTO At e By NADINE RHODES PIONEER--Agate Grange will meet at 8 p.m. Friday in the Grange Hall. The Pioneer PTO Executive Board will meet Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. instead of the usual Thursday, be- cause of Thanksgiving. The meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Ray Walker. Mrs. Kay Sushak reminds those ~who are sewing wardrobe items for the doll project to tuim them in i before Nov. 30. Items may be left at the home of either Mrs. Sheila Fitchett or Mrs. Sushak. The Pioneer football team closed the season with a game at Kamil- che last Wednesday. The score was 24 to 12 in favor of Kamilche. The team's two touchdowns were set up by 20 and 30 yard runs by Richard Walker. Then Ernie John- son went over to score from the two and four yard line. I The score was 12 to 12 until Ka- milche scored on a long pass, then PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 26 & 27 ONLY! SWANSON TURKEY, BEEF, CHICKEN 0 again on a long run. Spectators reported an exciting P game, with good playing on the r part of both teams. Bill Smith has done a good 80Za coaching job and thanks go to him for his efforts. MINUTE MAID 12 oz. 39 F 0 6 OZ. R No. 2 Tin ARGO HAWAIIAN I JOHN SCHROEDER wishes to thank everyone for the many cards he has received while at Madigan Hospital in Tacoma. John will re- main in the hospital for some time with injuries from an accident. Jeanice Welch celebrated her llth birthday Thursday afternoon R with a party at her home on Deer Creek Road. Guests were Wanda Doyle, Scan Simpson, Laurie Puderbaugh, Dana Boe, Becky Brand, Cheryl Han- son, Kathy Jones, Judy McCleary and Wretha Rhodes. Listening to records and playing games were part of the activities. Refreshments consisted of cokes, cake and ice cream. Sue Dickinson was honored at ~a birthday party last Tuesday. It ~as her ninth birthday. Guests were Jenny Knudsen, ~arlene Landsaw, Dawn Rhodes, Kelly and Johnny VanderWal, and Debbie and Valerie Castle. Surprise guests were young Sue's cousins, Mary and Jenny Pearce, and their mather, Mrs. Gladys Pearce, of Port Angeles. Cake, jello dessert and milk made up the party refreshments. Miss Judy Sushak, of Milwaukee, arrived at Sea-Tac Airport Sun- day for a visit with Mrs. Kay Su- shak. HUNTS WHOLE UNPEALED G.I. MORTGAGE INSURANCE ADVANTAGES OUTLINED Peacetime veterans have a defi- nite advantage under the Federal Housing Administration Mortgage Insurance for Veterans provided by the new Public Law 89-117, but war veterans will benefit more under the G.I. Loan Guaranty Pro- gram, John B. Kirsch, Manager of the Seattle Veterans Administra- tion Regional Office, explained to- day. 2½ Tin e~F 0 R HALEYS War veterans who still have en- titlement for a GI loan are not ~ required by law to make a down 0 payment. They pay an interest :~½ Tin rate of only 5~/~ percent with no r, mortgage insurance premium. K They pay no prepayment fee and the CVA encOurages extensions :and/or reamortization when need- ed to help a veteran keep his home. Under the FHA plan, down pay- ments are required on a graduated scale running from none for a loan of up to $15,000 of appraised value to ten percent of the next $5,000 and 15 percent of the next $10,000. The interest rate, like the GI loan rate, is only 5]/, percent but an additional one-half percent mort- gageed, insurance premium is requir- 1~ OZ= However, the peacetime veter- an, who is not eligible for the pro- visions of the GI loan guaranty program, Will find he has a defi- nite advantage over the non-vet- eran under the FHA program. World War II veterans with maximum eligibility will have un- til July 25, 1967, to take advent- age of the GI Loan Guaranty Pro- gram. The Seattle VA Regional Office will be glad to figure out any veterans remaining eligibility by use of the established formula, Kirsch said. The formula adds ten years to the date of the veteran's discharge from active wartime service, ~and then adds one additional year for each three months of service to :eaCh a date that becomes the ter- minating deadline for that partic- ular veteran's entitlement. Korean Conflict veterans with naximum entitlement Will have until J.anuary 31, 1975, to take advantage of a VA GI loan. War veterans who have not used their GI entitlement hut who have already passed their eligibil- ity deadline will find the FHA mortgage insurance plan to their advantage, Kirsch said. $ $ $ V,F,W. POST NEWS At the V.F.W. post meeting which was held Friday evening it was announced that John Cole was the local winner of the Voice of Democracy contest here. The final rmaoff will be in Olympia sometime in January. Larry Godwin wishes to thank all those who helped at th'e cere- monies of the dedication of the new post office addition. Plans were made for the V.F.W. Post and Auxiliary family Christ- mas dinner. Milton Patterson's name was drawn for the $50 jackpot, but he was not there to receive it. The small jackpot was won by Oren Brumbaugh. NALLEY'S R FRESH GROUND HOURLY U.S. NO. 1 L Prices effective Fri. & ~;tt., Nov. 26 & 27, 1965. No s:~le to dealerS. Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer.