November 26, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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VETERAN SQUAREDANCER Mark Deyette partners
beginner Witma Minor under the supervision of Ed and
Shirley Matthews, instructors.
Party Planned
Participants in the square
dancing class sponsored by the
Salty Sashayers Square Dance
Club will celebrate the halfwayO
mark in the course with a party to rgonizotion Is Her Secret
be held in Olympia on Wednesday
evening. Classes currently taught Efficiency itself is extremely weeks. Modeled after four such
by Ed Matthews, instructor and well-organized Kay Boyd who homes in Canada, it will be the
caller from Bremerton, will holds down a full time job, first of its kind in the United
convene for the event, participates in civic affairs, States.
Matthews and his wife, attends a college course, keeps Kay attends an Olympic
Shirley, who work as a team, house, cares for her family and College psychology course
supervise classes held each finds plenty of time to entertain weekly. "I try to take at least one
Wednesday night at the guests, class every year," she declares. "I
fairgrounds. Lessons in round "It's all a matter of planning, enjoy it as much or possibly more
dancing will be available if and preparing things ahead of than any other activity. Some day
warranted by local interest. The time," says Mrs. Boyd. I hope to finish college, and will
Christmas Town Rounders, While majoring in education probably major in Sociology.
Round Dance Club, meet from 8 in Washington State University, There's nothing more rewarding
p.m. until l0 p.m. at the Kay met Don Boyd. She married than to work with, and to help,
fairgrounds on the first and third him and quit school to take a job people."
Thursdays of each month. All until his graduation, but somehow Publicity chairman for the
interested persons are welcome to has found herself constantly Southside PTO, Kay is active in
visit both the Round Dance Club attracted back to the business preparations for the annual
and the Square Dance Club which world, and has learned to manage carnival to be held on December
meets on the second and fourth her time so successfully that she 5. Her son Scott, who is 11 years
Saturdays of each month, copes with ease with a schedule old, is a Southside fifth-grader
Dancing begins at 8:30 p.m. that would leave most women in a and drummer in the school band.
Ten-year-old Mark Deyette, state of utter exhaustion. He plays football, and he is a 4-H
who has been square dancing for Her husband's work with the member. He is fond of sports and
the past four years, is one of the Department of Natural Resources all outdoor activities and has
many club members who involves much traveling, and the recently passed a course on
attend lessons to act as partners Boyds have moved 21 times in 12 firearm safety. Eight year old
for the students, years. "I was a 'Kelly Girl'," Leslie Kay is in the third grade.
The Salty Sashayers wilt meet stated Kay, "in California, "She's just like me," Kay
Saturday at the fairgrounds with a Washington and Michigan. It was remarked, "She's involved in
business meeting at 8 p.m. and fascinating and offered endless everything. She studies
dancing starting at 8:30 p.m. variety." baton-twirling with the
Bennie Berndson will call. For Mrs. Boyd remained at home Robinettes, takes piano lessons,
each second Saturday night dance most of the time when her and is active in 4-H. She wants to
the caller is Ed Matthews. children, Scott and Leslie Kay, take dancing lessons, too, but her
were babies and pre-schoolers. In mother can't quite keep up!"
Kirkland she was a licensed Day Mrs. Boyd, who emphasizes
Bo q et Held mot or in charge of ten that organization is her entire way
n o children. "Never again!" she of life, gives much credit to her
In Tumwote She wasalsoatthistime husband and children for their
r a Welcome Wagon Hostess. "I help. "I couldn't begin to do all
found it very interesting," Kay that I do without their
"ORGANIZATION IS my whole way of life," says
who most successfully combines a career with the
One of her quick make-ahead
dinners consists of frozen chuck
or round steak, whole, placed on
a large sheet of aluminum foil and
covered with one package of dried
onion soup mix. Seal completely
with foil and place in oven.
Surround with baking potatoes
and set oven to turn on at 350
degrees for one hour and 15
minutes. The meat will be
Continue beating at high
adding confectioner'S
gradually. Scrape sides of
necessary to make sure
undissolved sugar remainS.
sugar is added and stiff
begin to form, add
Continue beating till
thick and satiny and
stiff peaks. Spread
circles on baking sheet,
By continued. "I love meeting people c ..... browned and fork-tender. Add a rim at edge. Bake at
ooperat]on, she resisted.
salad and vegetable and the meal allowing an hour for
and welcoming newcomers." She "The kids work as a team," is ready, shells or 45 minutes f¢
T O D A Y I S A candlelight ceremony for wrote a weekly column and she explained. "They are both Famous for her fudge, Kay shells. Turn off heat at1,
Mrs. Bill Loving was conducted feature stories for a newspapervery self-sufficient. Scott washes makes quantities of it as family meringues to remain in ov~
by president Mrs. Harry Peterson during this period as well. all dishes and he vacuums. Leslie Christmas gifts. The confection is 45 to 60 minutes, ac,:ord
at the pledge banquet of Beta Kay Boyd served as a board Kay irons, doing all of the flatknown as size.
Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma member of the initial local work. She sets the table and clears
Jan Danford, Society Editor Alpha held in Falls Terrace, Welcome Wagon. "I am still away, putting away the food. She To serve, place ice ¢r
Tumwater, at 7 p.m. on interested in the activities of the changes her own bed too." The Kay'sDream Fudge center of meringue. CoY!
November 18. A ceremony will be club," she says, "and I attend B oyds who fled suburbia, 4½ C. sugar warmed frozen strawbeffJ
held at a future date for Miss when I can." according to Kay, to settle on two 1 large can of evaporated milk top with a sugar cube wh
been soaked in lemonc
,~,~ 4"H NEWS For two and ahalfyears, Mrs. acres on the Sound near Walker 1 tsp. vanilla
b I Diane Pearson who was unable to Boyd has been employed in the Park, have many pets which one 8 oz. jar marshmallow cream Ignite the cube for a
New Mem ers We com attend, flaming dessert.
g V_,oll LVQ A welcomegiftwaspresented Seattle-First National Bank as include chickens, ducks, guinea ¼C. butter Kay suggests that 0
At VFW Auxiliar7 Meetln e queros toMrs. Loving by the chapter and secretary. A yearagoshejoineda pigs, rabbits, a dog and numerous ltsp. salt sliced and frozen in littlel
a no-host dinner followed the group within the bank to form a cats. The children care for the 18 oz. chocolate bits which can be quickly uti
new employee's association called livestock. One l-lb. bar milk chocolate
Elect Officers ceremony. Firstbank Independent Mrs. Boyd bakes in quantity, ll/2C, pecans the making of
The Mason County VFW Postjourneyed to Elma to participate Office,,= ele,-¢,,n h,, ,h,. van=, Pallas Athene awards, issued Employee s Association, of which making five pies at a time. One Is Mix sugar, salt, milk and butter; Skillet Stroganoff
No. 1694 a~d'Auxiliary met at 8 in officers' practice for fifthVa u "~ ~`" ":7" "~7", "":'"~
......... q eros ,¢-n rtorse ~lun at a by ESA International for hours =
p.m Friday in the Memorial Hall. district J)epartment presment ..... . ....... of service, were given to Mrs. Bill she is a board member, to eat and four are to freeze. She bring to boil. Cook over medium 1% lbs. sirloin steak "
• . , , . , .... Hluutlng on uctooer gu were
New members welcomed into the Marge Ronweoaer writ make her Rhonda En~c ..... She is also a board member of doubles or triples a cookie recipe, heat for exactly 4½ minutes, 2 tbsp. flour
.... ul oft, presment; Kimbel, Mrs. Floyd Ridout and the Mason County Home for to store and freeze the surplus in stirring constantly to prevent 3/4 tsp. salt
auxiliary were Carol Reichert and official visit to District No. 5 m j_ . .......
. , , , ._ .... aym taunter, vlce-preslaent" Mrs. Harry Peterson.
Anita Morer ano Agnes Anoerson EJmaont)ecemner~ .......... ' Independent Mothers, a group good quality plastic containers, scorching. Break chocolate bar 1/8 tsp. pepper
. . '~ r~ancl t)ean, secretary; ~neuoy Mrs. Glenn Sowers announced interested in forming a She makes cupcakes, using cake into pieces and mix in a large 2 tbsp. salad oil
was remstatecL.,. York, treasurer; Sherrie York, that the chapter will cater at the group-home for unwed mothersmix, to freeze and use as needed bowl with chocolate bits, 3/4 C. finely chopped oniC
~ne .aux~.~fary voted t.o reporter; and Sharleen York, Shelton Golf Club on Friday and of the community who have for school lunches, marshmallow, and vanilla; pour 'Alb. fresh mushroom , "
S sll(
anPUrcnaSeannualrne l.U.donationOOno, wmcnAt theJS . . . ser~eantoA s "at'~arms-. ~ - theSaturdaY'chapterThewillneXtbe heldmeetingMonday°f elected to keep their children.Informality is the keynote in over hot mixture. Mix well. Allow 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
• " " " pOOK house was a feature
request of VFW Commander- Hospital Auxlhory of the Halloween harry held atin the home of Mrs. Tom Ogden. Mrs. Boyd announces that thethe Boyd household. Kay lovesto stand until partially cooled, 1 can (10½ oz.) coJtc
in-Chief tI R Rainwater th " ~
.... Schedules So/-'- e Jim Hunter home onOctober home will be operating within a few people and enjoys her many then beat. Add nuts and pour as of celery, c
donations will be made to ~ ........... guests, serving much of her food soon as thoroughly mixed, into mushroom soup
~o, ann a meetmg was neia m me
"'Operation Help" where the buffet style. "The kids can eat at buttered 10 inch by 14 inch pan. 1 C. sour cream
A table of new items made by
money will be used for the the ladies of the Mason General
purchase of artificial limbs for Hospital Auxiliary will be
Cambodian servicemen. There are included in the rummage sale to
no funds in Cambodia for this be held by the organization in the
purpose and no agencies to supply PUD building from 10 a.m. until
them. 5 p.m. on December 3 and 4.
On Sunday Colleen Gephart,Toys, Christmas brooms and
Jo Sparks, Jessie Cox, Betty decorations will be available as
Godwin and Fae Robinson
well as quality rummage.
Dean home in Potlatch on
November 9.
The next meeting is set for
December 7 in the Tobey's home
in the Skokomish Valley.
by Sherrie York, reporter.
When Kay walks in the doorkeep indefinitely in tight 2 tbsp. chopped pimiento
at night after a full day of work in container. 1 1/3 C. Minute Rice
: ~ ~I~ ' ~ II~,,~ ~1 the bank, she is greeted by the Another of Kay's Pet recipes1 1/3 C. beef bouillon
savory scents of seasoned meats is the one for Cut steak into thin
By San Dtnford and the aroma of fresh baked pie. with flour, salt and
- _ How does she do it? Her frozen Strawberry Meringues brown quickly in oil.
The Hood Canal Hi Riggers Benjamin Franklin Patrick Henry
4-H group on November 12 They said to him "Go fly a kite!" To compromise, this fellow was,
e 1 e c t e d o fficers including But since he had a knack To say the least, quite loathe;
Shannon Bloomfield, president; For writing, first he scribbled off He asked for liberty or death,
Kenny Drake, vice-president; Pam Poor Richard's Almanac. And what he got was both.
Bloomfield, secretary; Vicky
Bloomfield, reporter; and Donna * * * * * *
Bloom field, treasurer.
Chairmen are Billy Bryant, George Washington Betsy Ross
community service; David
Bloomfield, refreshments; and Honesty, without a doubt, To make a flag with 13 stars
Robby Treadwell, Recreation.Was what he was adept in; She used her underwear;
During the meeting owls wereBut, perhaps, he fibbed about Were she to try that stunt today
made of pine cones, and names The many beds he slept in. She'd find herself quite bare.
were drawn for a gift exchange. * * * * * *
The next meeting will be held
today, and a Christmas party is Alexander Graham Bell Methuselah
planned for December 17.
by Vicky Bloomfield, reporter He made, at last, a telephoneIn wild enthusiasm
Which was, I think, just peachy; His offspring were begotten;
And by some rare coincidence He lived unto a ripe old age,
He looked like Don Ameche. Then lived some more, tit rotten.
• J,,,~t:cers t-, ,u"lec'eJ ahead foods are put into the oven 4 egg whites and mushrooms; saute
before she leaves in the morning, ¼ tsp. salt heat till lightly
with the timer set to begin 2/3 C. confectioners sugar Worcestershire sauce,
cookery at the proper time. In the ¼ tsp. cream of tarter sour cream, and bring
VWWI To Meet
refrigerator celery and carrot 2/3 C. granulated sugar Add salt, pimiento and
,,,-Doauct" PTO To Meet sticks are crisping in water and -½tsp. vanilla bouillon. Make
other salad vegetables are waiting Ingredients should be room center of meat mixutre
for the last minute addition of temperature. Beat egg whites at into it the rice. Cover
Veterans of World War I and Pioneer PTO will meet at 7:30 dressing. "If I am bringing moderately low speed until boil. Simmer about five
Auxiliary, Madrona Barracks No. p.m. Tuesday in the school
1462 will meet December 3 in the library, guests," Kay stated, "I usually go foamy. Add cream of tarter and Serves six persons.
Memorial ttall for a noon potluck A program will be presented home at noon to set the table, salt and beat to blend. Begin to "My husband does
lunch and regular meeting. New with Mrs. Ruth Van De Reit. Dinner will be served within a few beat at moderately high speed, cooking, too," Kay
officers for the coming year will speaking on "Wise Christmas minutes of my return in the adding granulated sugar gradually, marvelous 3k."
be installed. Shopping". evening, and there will be no fuss,
no trouble and confusion --just a
pleasant meal in the company of
friends and family."
Bill Steinbacher from the
Shelton High School art
department will speak on balance
and construction in art at the
Christmas meeting of the Shelton
Adult Art Club set for 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the PUD building.
A "One Man Art Show" will
feature Helen Knudsen with her
art and hobbies. Bey Townsend
and Pat Swartos will co-hostess and
members will exchange paintings
in lieu of drawing gifts.
Grange Schedules
Christmas Party
Nero Jesse James
He didn't play it pretty His brothers followed where he
And the neighbors called a cop; For Jesse had the brains;
I think they burned the city And like most other little boys
Just to make him stop. He liked to play with trains.
Napoleon Lizzie Borden
He posed upon a plunging steed She looked her lawyer in the eye
But mounted, as a rule, And said, "I guess I'm Senna
To ride across the slippery Alps catch it!"
A slow sure-footed mule. But never shall I tell a lie -
... I did it with my little hatchet."
Abraham Lincoln
The annual Christmas party
and a regular meeting of the Fair * * *
Harbor Grange will be held at 6
MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR ME LL announce the engagement p.m. December 3 in the Grapeview Davy Crockett
of their daughter Patricia JeAnne to James Emery Borst, son Fire Hall.
Santa Claus will attend and aTime was when every shirt and
of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burst. Both are graduates of Sheiton gift exchange will be held. Each Portrayed his visage glorious;
High School. The bride elect is a senior at WWSC and her member should bring his own It almost made a mother wish
fiance is a senior at CWSC. A summer wedding is planned, table service. The b'ar had been victorious.
He read by flickering firelight glow
When others were in bed ;
I'll bet his mother didn't know
What sort of books he read.
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 26, 1970
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