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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 26, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 26, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hoodsport , ] -.. °Sode " " Islan opula By CORKY DORN HOODSPORT - The holiday season is upon us once again, and has already been well greeted by several gatherings in the Hoodsport area. Arnold and Leona Tahja, were honored at a dinner attended by Gene and Betty Johnston, Mabel Anderson, and Martha Marshall to celebrate the 22nd wedding anniversary of the Tahjas. Herb and Viola Piedt's 32nd anniversary was celebrated by the twosome last Wednesday by a dinner for two at The Old Mill and was followed by an evening out and about with several well wishers on hand to listen while Herb entertained with music Piedt style, played on local pianos. Another party gathered for dinner and dancing to really welcome home Bob Reed, after his long stay in the hospital following a car accident which took the life of his wife, Lois, and left Bob hospitalized for some time. Everyone was happy to see Bob, and his son Rick. Needless to say the dinner table, was a very popular place with many friends stopping by to say hello. Those attending the dinner were Lou and Lila Spaulding, Alice and Mort Godding, and Lorna and AI Pile. Stdl another gathering which was a joint birthday party celebrating as they do annually, the birthday's of mother and son whose date of birth fall very close together. At this dinner table were seated Mr. and Mrs. Whitley Rogers of Shelton, with daughter Linda Densley and son and daughter-in-law Ron and Sharon Rodger from Olympia. IN HOSPITAL Upon receiving word lhat Vivian Bladel was ira the Mason General, a phone call to ext. 251 let yours truly have a short chat with her. Vivian was taken to the hospital Oct. 30 and after several tests then medication is on her way out, however not for a couple of more weeks, so there is still time for a visit, phone call, or a card. William Gilbert was taken to the hospital this week, but is expected home in time for turkey. Gilbert was taken in for observation. It was not due to his recent heart attack, but for symptoms of dehydration. Gilbert is still under tleavy sedation with visitors limitcd however cards are welcome. Jeannne Everndon had surgery Monday to start repair work on broken limbs from a recent auto accident. Jeanne is improving rapidly, and all visitors are more than welcome. Pat Noreen is wished a speed?,,' recovery after her recent surgery, and her team along with all others at Timber Bowl are anxiously awaiting her return especially this gal, who hates to keep score. ('ol. Jefferies has almost completed his visit to Mason General and will be able to return to his abode as soon as a live-in housekeeper can be acquired, Slippery pavement and black ice were the cause of two minor accidents over the weekend. The vehicles of Bob Moore, and l)on tiooven both went into the ditch in separate accidents in almost the same area north of Itoodsporl. By CARMEN YATES HARSTINE - With the arrival of two new families as permanent residents last week the population of the Island has increased by 19. A week ago this past weekend the Dale Hinchcliff family and the Bert Campbells completed their transaction. As of last Monday Bert and (;race officially became the new owners of the Spencer Lake Tavern. At the same time Dale and Audne Hinchcliff moved their 1 2 youngsters to the Campbell home. Bet there's one thing many of the early morning commuters will miss as they pass the Tavern nowadays; the sight of 10 or so assorted small-fry lined up at the bar having breakfast just bcfore bus time. For the daily commuter the familiar sight caused just a passing amused smile, but for a stranger it was enough to produce a real double take and his car to swerve a bit as he looked back to make sure he wasnt't seeing things. As for the island bus, one of the Pioneer staff expressed it best when watching the extra kids climb aboard, he remarked "It looks like an overpopulated roller Matlock By DORA HEARING MATLOCK -- The Mary M. Knight Alumni will have their annual dance this Saturday night at the Matlock Grange Hall. Many relatives and friends attended the wedding of Janice skate". Four boys, Rollie, Wayne, Roger and Corky wait at the Hall for the run which meets the high school bus at the Bridge. On the return four more brothers, Rodney, Buster, Chris and Tim along with their sister, Debby, are ready on the return trip. And down on the low road the five members of the A1 Nagel family after waiting three long months since they originally had hoped to be Islanders finally accomplished that goal last week. Besides A1 and Alberta there are three children, Andy who graduated last spring and is now employed in Shelton, Gerry a freshman and Tammy who is in the third grade at Pioneer. One lucky Islanders and his partner came home with a cow elk for their efforts a little over a week ago. Martin Goetsch and his newphew Jim Thompson accompanied by their wives headed for their favorite hunting grounds in the Ellensburg area. Since then the two men have done a bit more elk hunting in the Matlock area hoping for a second animal to split between the two families. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Bridges and daughter spent Sunday at the I. C. Ford home. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith and children of Aberdeen and David Davis of Whiskaw were weekend guests at the Archie A week ago this past weekend October birthd:~},. Lila Peugh and Mirja Bridges were Time and space being at a the victims of a fender-bender on premium this week due to the ME. View the Spencer Lake Road. Both the Holiday we'll have to save a gals emerged from the collision couple of the stories for next Alliance Church Church pretty shakey but otherwise time. We hear via the grapevine Washington & "l" Sts. 910 East DearbOrn uninjured, that the John Niemis are back Earl Evers, Pastor LEWIS B.WYSONG,Paa° A few Islanders witnessed a after a lenghthy stay up north. Hear The 45a| sight last Sunday which Also we will have a report on "CHALLENGERS" Sunday School ..... 9:_^a,' heretofore hasn't been an ttelen Lammers recent trip down ofPortiand, Ore.-Arefreshing MornJngWorship .. l l:U.U.'i approach to gospel music. C.Y.'s & Cadets .... 6"~).V'l everyday sight. Two Continental south. Evening Service .... 7:0 ~.I Trailways buses came on the This one last time which will SUN., NOV. 29 Bible Study (W~ Island last Sunday morning be of interest to Pickering 7 P.M. apparently headed for Hartstene residents as well as Islanders, JimNORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHU ] Pointe. and Orvaline Olds accompanied The Grange held its electionby A. J. (Robe) Robillard and here last week without too many Janice Thurman headed for Phone426-2488 changes. Phil Chapman was eastern Washington amidst some 123W. C.St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev PaulButterfield.,J elected Master for the third term very convincing winter weatherBible Study ......................... : ..... 7--'.--..9.~g1 and his wife, Dorothy, who does early last Sunday morning to visit Worsbip ............................... 11 a.m.& I:~.~,~11 such an excellent job was retained their close friend Marie Tanasse Midweek Service ~......Tues.,7"~ as secretary. The main changes who underwent surgery in was Helen Olsen taking over the Yakima last week. They found Home Ec department for the her in good spirits and looking coming year. forward to spending the ttoliday FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH [ Bert Campbell agreed to let at the home of her daughter, Arcadia and Lake Boulevard 1 ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister .^,, 7..~u the gels take his combination Esther h~,ward. Bible School ....... 9:45a.m. Family Service ..... ,'~'00t electric and wood cook stove on a Worship ...................................... 1~:- l trial basis, since they were talking ~- ----- -------- Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m.l about getting something else for Child Care Service Available at I I:00 Service the Hall. Pat and John Dunlap recently attended a birthday party for First Church of Christ, Scientist Pat's step-father, D. Amich of Tacoma. The scene of the 302AIderSt.,Shelton,Wash. celebration was at Pat's sister's Saturday, Dec. 1 2 Sunday School I I :00 a.m. -- Church I I :00 a.m. home at Lakebay. Penny and Don Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Richards has recently added |0:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours twenty new thoroughbred horses 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Fri. j to their farm which we'd bet TIMBERS MOTEL j probably was one of the main topics of converstation. Coin exhibits will be on she 'Club Other news from the Dunlaps display and your exhibits are Fi rmen s is that a piece of their talented welcome. Also, there will be work now graces the Governor's dealers ready to buy your From 9: lS a.m. to l0:30 a.m. every Sunday Mansion. It seems some of the coins in largeor small staff purchased a plaque madc of amounts. Sunday, November 29, 1970 weathered oak which has a For Information dogwood motif and presented it Call George Booth Bible Study: keland Wilkinson to Gov. Daniel J. Evans for his 426-4719 Speaker: To Be Announced ' "--- Gwinnett, the daughter of Mr. Kelley home. Sunday drop in ~------------------': ---.--~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-._-_-_- and Mrs. Stanley Gwinnett, and callers were Mr. and Mrs. John I Ll~ John Tupper at the Mount Olive Summerfield of Edmonds. ' PubJklltiONS Lutheran Church last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer St. David's Church Southside night in Shelton and children and Mr. and Mrs NOTICE OF Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Mike Brehmeyer and son of Fourth & Cedar,Shelton,Washington J~,]~ PRIVATE SALE OF a n d Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grisdale spent Sunday at the n G REALESTATE Homel Trenckmann from Matlock HerbertBrehmeyerSr. home. r_ur rode to 8:00 A.M.- Holy Communion k NO. 4127 Grange attended Mason County Expert Services In Mason County 10:00 A.M.- Family Service ~ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CI b H O~ 7 70~ O F T H E S T A T E 0 F U Pomona Grange last Friday night. "'~-"'--"~" WASHINGTON FOR MASON M ti The TwanohGrangewashostfor Red Cross Aut CO NT ,NPROBAT a0: 0 pm dinner Election of I I IHOL,DA MA ,C COSMET'CSI ee ng for a two year term was ESTATE OF CHAR LES H. I Expert Installation I I Free Demonstrations on l SHEEDY, Deceased. in order. From Matlock Grange Is Taking , ,, Skin Care , '1~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN By MRS. RAY KRATCHA Mrs. Melba Trenckmann was f F d I ,,M PAULE*,,NC. I I Basic/Corrective Makeup. I I CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SA#I that pursuanttotheOrderofthe SOUTIISII)F Southside elected Chaplain, Nellie Relie un S MtView Court2Oth nayenteredof November,in this estate1970, the°n the 1f omemakers met Tuesday. Rossmaier. Home Activities, and Kneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 428 Henry St 426 1317 Pr " .... " undersigned will, on or after the November 17 at the home of Joan Lud Rossmaier, Gate Keeper. The Thurston-Mason County Sunday School . ~ ....... ll!~t~. 7th clay of December, 1970, at Herrick. Matlock Ladies Club met last Chapter American Red Cross is . ~:,- i Sacrament Meeting . ... : ..... . .................. Shelton, Washington, ~1| the Attending were Monna Heinis, week,Wednesday at the Grange accepting voluntary contributions following-described real property: Ruth Chambers. Vcta Ilolh~rf, ttall with 12 members out. Sadie from local residents who wish to Automotive i Drugs Real estate situated in Mason County. Washinqton, described as Evelyn Kriefels and Joan llerrick, Dawson was hostess. Members assist with relief to victims of theTune u" * Brakes I J --Helena Rubinstein " " J follows: A tract of land in theRuth Chambers had gone to answered the roll call, with what cyclone which devastated parts of - v I I --Cosmetics Tires * tube NWII4 of the SEII4 of Section 32, one of the council meetings and they were thankful for using the Pakistan. " I | --Prescriptions CHURCH t fe ,,= I1~ Township 20 North, Ranqe 3 told of care and handling of food first initial of their two names. Pakistan officals fear the Free Pickup & Delivery J J --Hypo-AllergicCosmetics SHELTON NAZAREN: West W.M., particularly described as follows: The North 150 feet ofand preparation of turkey. Danny Goodburn of Shelton death toll from the disaster, TOM'S RICHFIELD l l NEIL'S PHARMACY the South 991 feet of the West Me m be rs discussed the spent a few days last week with which struck Thursday night, may i 1,~,t & Railroad 426-3930 I [ 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Franklin ,~ half of the following described Christmas Open tlouse they had Mr. and Mrs; R. E. Bradberry. run into the hundreds of Lowell Keene, Pastor Phone 426"=~- tract of land to w=t Commencing seen , - : " ' . Mrs. Augusta Portman and thousands. at the East quarter corner of the T " o were T Sunday School ........................... 9:45 a';:! said Section 32- run thence . . hey made. plans for the Carl P rtman hursday In response to the urgent plea Floor Covering , Morning Worship ........................ 11:0_0"~.| Westerly alonQ the auarter section Clmstmas party m December atluncheon guests of Mrs. Marie of the East Pakistan Red Cross, Auto Repairing line 19.'38 chains to an iron pipe Evelyn Kreifels. McKay of Shelton. through the League of Red Cross I -- Major Overhauls J --Linoleum --Carpeting j I Evening Service . . . 7-0Or'0.| atl/16thfenCecornerCOrnerofmarkingth~ SEl/4theofN°rthsaid ma MemberSe discussed~ , proiects, to Mr and Mrs Fay Hopkins .... of Societies, the American Red Cross II --Welding-- Brakes && Tune-ups Ignition I --Tile --Formica I ..... t- nee southerl "k for the Christmas ()pen Tacoma were Sunday droner has made an mthal allocation of ~X~crrl°;2~egrr~s ff~') 172 feet tYo ltouse next fall. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. $25,000 for aid to the victims. I -- Special Winterizing I I the "existing South right-of-wayFriendship Club met Nov. 18 Bradberry. Drop in guests were Contributions may be sent to I ED'S SERVICE i REX FLOOR COVERING I line of the County Road (Cole at the home of Martha Wood.Road) and the pomt of begmnmg Mrs. MerlandGoodburnandJeff the Red Cross chapter, P.O. Box 1219So. lst 426-1212 IMt-view Ph'426"2292I " 1,. ronChrII thence continue" sout e y'h ~1 o~ There were eleven members ..... Barnes of Shelton They took 1547 Olympia They should be Faith .-u,.e u ch same variation 112] feet. more or present. Danny Goodburn home. marked, "For Pakistan Relief." 7the dn Franklin ! less, to the SE corner of the NWV4 They discussed their Mr. and Mrs. Larry Health and welfare inquiries | of the SEV.4 .of sa!d S.ection 3.2,,; Christmas party which will be Chamberlin and family of Port about Pakistani citizens in the Beauty , Masonry , t.nence.west {~ha;in~/37r~e~qu/~;,] held at the home of Julia Bare Orchard spent Sunday at the Lud disaster area should be addressed I - Complete Hair Care J --Fireplaces I WORSHIP: 8:30and 11:00 a.m. | along me sou s Dec 1 6 " e of SEV4 160 feet; thence North '. • Rossmaier hom . to the Embassy of Pakistan, 2315 I -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches I --All Brick and I CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 am. _ _.., J I -- Merle Norman Cosmetics I --Block Work I more(Var" 22or lessdegreeSto 21)a pomtI144onfeet'the luncheonH°Stess Martha Wood served Mr. and Mrs. John Massachusetts Avenue N.W., j -- Free Demonstrations Ch "~mn'S-e'rvi-c~A~dq . .:, ..... f " . Summerfield and girls and Mrs. Washington, D.C 20008. I ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON j Phone426-2278 J existing soutn r0gnt-or-way nne o ....... ! MASON'S MASONRY I th= foe Road- thence easterly ~n e y celeorated the Jessie Tupper of Edmonds and Inquiries about U.S. citizensliving 16th & Laurel 426-4582 (Mar "~ 10 degrees 45'1 167 feet November birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tupper, Boise, in the affected area of Pakistan -more or-less, to point of Four Leaves 4-H Club met at idaho, were weekend guests at the should~ be directed to Special beginn~nu~[i TOaGseEmTHnEtRfoWrlTHa~ the home of Mrs. Bakke Nov. 14. Dick Tupper home, Consular Services, Department of pe pe a ............... Lisa Wheeler calledthe Mr and Mrs LeRoy Boothe State, Washington, D C 20520 Bicycles Rawleigh Products . purposes over aria dcros~ [ne F_d~t , * .... 10 feet of the land conveyed by the meeting to order. I New and Re-Built | I Grantor, Turner , to Redman, by Vallerie Rains gave a -, ~ ~ I Factory Trained Mechanic I F or Rawleigh Products I deed recorded in Vol. 155 of d mun trat]on' on " a er jm I Complete Line of New Parts | In Shelton CallI • r' P P ~ I and Accessories Deeds, page 439, under Audrto s flowers" nm o o I 426-6150 I File No. 152982 being the same Judy" Hurst led the fla- salute B Cut The Hlgh Cost Of Housing! I SWANSON'S BIKE SHOP I Food Proclucts, Extracts, Spices, I easement as reserveo in the saio "e, " 1 I Open 7 clays week, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. I Meclicines, Cosmetics. I deed to Oliver J. Redman and wife. Oct- 31 members had a 1 .... = J 3 bl°ckseast °f Airp°rt Gr°cery °n I Earl Westman -- Dealer I [ MT. OLIVE M J TO HAROLD F. HOPKINS and Halloween party. I P J I B P | S,ringRoacl Phone426-4989 AMY V. HOPKINS, husband and The next meetin- is Nov ~81 L Jl I JW ~- wife for the sum of $3 500 00 ...... ~ LUTHEIU~,. CHURCH c -' ' " Mr and Mrs John (ookson • ~ ~~ aSn's//Jack B. Sheedy and Jackie, Mr. "and Mrs. John 1 --~ ~l~ __ll Cable TV Rental Service ] J MISSOURI SYNOD .... ,.~Cl41~,t Personal Representative Kratcha of Silverdale and Mr. and 1 | I Almost Anything Anywhere] I ~ -EDWIN C. zscHOCr'~' ! Glenn E. Correa Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Michael and • 1W. ,h &e W'nu Wa.t qifh,_ I For Service Call Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps Attorney at Law .............. 1 z~i~,~s ~-~.= ~v ~=~ ~ ".~,~kl,,_ I Folding Banquet Tables [ I Sunday N, ovember 29, 1970 ! 121 S 4th Street bneney visited Mr. an(] Mrs. Kay • ._ .a~K..'~lk Shelton Washington Kratcha on various days last li [ 426 ]69] | &Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. li SundaySchoo al ndB'bl_~.~s a,t~ Divine Service at 10:30 1,5,,-- |0 I ' 11/26-1t week 1 : i I LEW RENTS I Th~~HE,CHRIST CHILD A I\ /I • IO0'SOFPLANSTOCHOOSEFROM--ORUSFyOUROWN j Chain Saws ' Rubl~r Staml~ [ i Ch I New and Used--Rentals ! For FastDependableService First Bapt st urch! | Orecjon Chains & Accessories | GAEDES I {CONSERVATIVE} I il FromFrom the.the... "~~''' " N' " I| Small motor tune-up&repairs |Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.,daily | StarPh°ne 877-5411Rt,_ Box 24A II Fifth & Cota JamesO. A. Luckman, lnterim Past_or'Tel. 426-8.1 ~ II You can save enough to afford a /arger and better Capp- I Mike's McCulloch Shop | Lilliwaup, We. 98555 I Sunday, Nov. 29, 1970 ~ ill nl ,- • n Home! Do some or all of the easy finishing work yourself U215 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-4639 J NOW serving Mason County ml Lrew in j • at your convenience. Or sub-contract and still save. In J 9~lasses for all ages ~[k, n~ . -~ • this day of soaring prices it's like money in the bank! J 11~ncarnation.- ~_._~~ nn, nA 1 YOU also save with Capp's complete free plans service, I A S "arms 1 J~irth, FMorniag "~-~ I!1 ~''~ ~l//l~j • factory-cut materials, volume purchasing--and low cost Concrete Sign Painting | I The Promises I 'TRmadCa~,'~ I~ . .. I ~'~M~' II -lmli~l ,• financing. I --Ready-mix Concrete * A,, wo s I I 7~n tcome~]:~ ' II, ~' "--~ ~l ll Wedeltveranywh ...... ~ctthehomeofyeurchel~eonFeurlot,,ndfur- *Truc:kLettering II wead a.y J~ .. "~,A! I nlsh ¢omprete finishing materiels for inside and out--at • firm prl¢el I --Concrete Culverts & Blocks * Cartoon Illustratecl SignsI I --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone . Personalized Business Cares & iI I/ ~di, s P!aY .... "" "~ ...... ~'~" ~l 1 Study "1,st CenturY Christianity" Jl of Mark Howell's Art in our Lobby. ~ • m "- - - - - -" - " - - " - "-- I Fireplace Screens & TOOls Letterhead Designs I I/ .... \t • J 7'470 n START $AVINGnMAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! m[ / 1 -- I Portland, Oregon 97219, Dept.• Capp-Home=, 9155 S.W. Berbur Blvd., | GRAYSTONEpark of SHELTON426.3344 Phil Sharpe 323 S. Front St. IJ 0 • Annual PercentageRate L7the" Phone426'2661 i I SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GO- | Send FREE CATALOG 668 i .,,;7,