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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 26, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 26, 2020
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Page A-6 — Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 VIEWERS, continuedvfrvorrlrpage A's Thanks for support Editor, the Journal, A wonderful thing happened in Mason County during the month of October. For many years, I have “trick or treated” to collect groceries for a local food bank, but this year, be— cause of the pandemic, I could not do that, so I decided to trick or treat to raise donations in the form of checks made out to the Mason County Senior Center. I started calling friends and neighbors, and the checks started arriving soon after. By a week after Halloween, these checks totaled over $4,000. To all of you who made these dona— tions, thank you for your generosity and for supporting the Senior Center financially. It was very much appreci- ated and seriously needed. Marilyn Olson Shelton Blame media for Trump loss Editor, the Journal, William Busacca in the Nov. 19 Journal says President Donald Trump lost because of his COVID virus re- sponse. I kind of doubt that. I think it’s much more likely that the incred— ible mendacity of the national media and double-standard reporting, along with the suppression of the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden China corruption story by the same media. It is unfor- tunate that all of the major media in this country is owned by the same four or five corporations and investigative reporting is dead on arrival. Consider that Biden has repeatedly said that Trump was too tough on China, and a Harris administration, oops Biden, ‘ would take a softer, more collabora- tive approach to China. Of coursehe will; his son and probably himself have received millions of unearned dollars from them. Do you really think China did not intend to achieve influ- ence with Biden with that money, even if Biden himself never received a dime? You are naive, if so. Bruce Finlay Shelton Care for caregivers Editor, the Journal, Every November, Washington state honors the 850,000 family caregivers who are the backbone of our long-term care system. This year’s theme is “Caregiving in Crisis.” These individu— als provide an estimated 770 million hours and nearly $11 billion in unpaid assistance to loved ones, friends and neighbors with chronic illnesses and disabilities. Due to COVID-19, many people have found themselves thrust into a caregiving role, some for the first time. For family caregivers, their responsi- bilities do not end at 5 p.m., for family caregivers there is no opportunity to “clock out.” Caring for a'loved one who is ill, aging or disabled is a challenge under any circumstances and the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged them even further. If you are caring for a loved one or know someone who is, there are a few steps you can take to improve both your own wellness and the safety and well-being of your loved one. 1. First, and most importantly, take care of yourself. 2. Take precautions to keep your- self and your loved one safe. Follow all the standard COVID—19 precautions. 3. Keeping your distance? Use apps ' and websites to order home delivery of groceries, food and even medicine. 4. Take time for you to connect with your loved one. Use the time to discuss your favorite memories, work on a project together, make a family photo album or learn how to make a family recipe. For more information, contact the Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging at 1-888-545-0910. Lynn Ford LMTAAA Advisory Board Chair Chehalis Watch for Trojan Horse Editor, the Journal, ' Rep. Drew MacEwen and Sen. Sheldon have offered a Trojan Horse in their call for a special session of the Legislature to “help Washingtonians deal with the fallout of the pandemic.” Given their voting records of reduc- ing services in order to reduce taxes, these legislators liker intend to do nothing to help the unemployed, alle- viate small business stress or address hospital overload. Do not be fooled by the sweet talk of helping Washingto- nians that hides their reduce—taxes, reduce-services intentions. ' I hope that the Journal’s editorial board will advocate for true support for Washingtonians impacted by the pandemic rather than budget-balanc- ing service reductions. “People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” — Lewis Cass Bob Gilby Port Orchard 5-.) VW Abattle of wits Editor, the Journal, In his recent letter to the Journal, Ardean Anvik commented about my remarks in an earlier issue. I heartin support his right to his own opinion, but not to his own facts. To steal a quip from Winston Churchill: “I prefer not to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.” Put another way, I am not prone to argue. Toby Kevin Shelton Living through viruses Editor, the Journal, I do not understand. I View things on Facebook every day that honor our vets. My father started in the Korean conflict and then spent the next 26 years in the military. My father-in- law was a World War II veteran, he took eight stab wounds to the back, receiving many medals. With one hand we celebrate their devotion and sacrifice to our country, with the other hand we slap them in their faces. We hold these truths to be self-ev- ident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Cre— ator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Congress shall make no law respecting an es- tablishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Govern- ment for a redress of grievances. ' I am confused. When did we as a people choose to tell all those who have served our country that your service was only for us the people to live under martial law? This is sup- posed to be the government of the people, and by the people. I am con- fused. In 1918, influenza killed an esti— mated 50 to 100 million people. Since 1980, HIV/AIDS infected has 60 million with 30 million dead. In 2002, SARS hit 37 countries with 8,000 infected and 800 dead. In 2010, malaria infected 219 mil- lion with 660,000 dead. In 2018, tuberculosis infected 8.6 million with 1.3 million dead. We lived through these viruses without a lockdown. Why did they choose to lock us down now? Corona- virus was first studied in the 19303. , It was first treated on people in 1965. It was given the name coronavirus in. 1968. They have been studying this virus for 79 years. Are they going to use our lockdown to study this virus Your Full Service Roofer Since 1959! 1119 One Doctor Thar Still Makes House Calls! Make 2020 the Yar for Your New Roof! for another 79 years? I am confused. Ted Kyllonen Shelton A dose of COVID reality Editor, the Journal, I would like to say that we should be very careful in criticizing leadership. I am a retired Navy captain. I learned really fast that the whole world looks very different when you are the one in charge. What we engage in here is a lot of breezy speculation. When your name is on the results, and your neck will be the one on the chopping block if it goes badly, it is a lot more sobering. Lockdowns should be avoided for all sorts of good reasons. That is why lesser precautions have been advanced, precautions that too many of you are blowing off. Nobody wants to wreck the economy, and anyone who thinks they do is engaged in a bad faith argument. We must look at the facts on the ground. The daily increase in cases have more than doubled in the last three weeks to approaching 200,000 per day. Even with a rosy expectation of 0.6% fatality rate, that is 800 antici- pated deaths per day. This success rate is only possible with our best frontline care. Additionally, the success rates in rural areas that do notrhave facilities that are as robust is quite a bit higher. Right now, we are seeing states that have virtually exhausted their ICU ca- pacity. So, their medical infrastructure is meeting or exceeding 100% capacity. Is anyonegoing to try and convince me that the current success rate will be maintained as we go past that? And when these facilities are at 125% or worse, what happens when they roll you in from an auto accident or other medical event? And let us not even talk about what the economic cost of this will be. This is going to be a first-rate mess and it could collapse our medical system. Even if it does not, the ramifi- cations will be more than anyone here can imagine. Therefore, we are seeing governors who were previously cavalier about this changing their tune very quickly. Look at it this way. Mother Nature has given us a biological problem. Peo- ple like Dr. Scott Atlas are advocating their own little theories on how to deal with it. Their suggestions are simply a lab experiment. They have no idea what the human or economic toll will be. Just remember, in this experiment, you are the lab rat. Andrew Makar Hoodsport seeILETI'ERS, page A§7 Estimates. 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