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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 26, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 26, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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an m 3e 0t 1e 1e 56 ) LETTERS, continued fronipageVA-VG Whitewashed history Editor, the Journal, Mr. Anvik’s Nov. 12th letter, with helpful reminders on gun rights, ig- nores the 500-pound elephant in the room. President Donald TrUmp lost the election. President Trump’s refus- al to concede speaks to his low morals and traitorous intentions. It seems like he’s now verging on dementia. Realty checks are not registering.‘ My ancestors came to America on the Mayflower (John Howland, Eliza- beth Tilley, Capt. John Tilley). I’m 11th generation American. Mr. Anvik states: “When the Constitution was enacted, the frontier was an unsafe place, with both animal and human invaders.” Earth to Mr. Anvik: We were the invaders. And that’s not even the worst of the truths that have been whitewashed by American his- torians. One last thing President Donald Trump is the epitome of insulting, hateful language and you, Mr. Anvik, are a fan? Karen Skinner Shelton Correcting misinformation Editor, the Journal, I RE: Former trustee letter to the editor, Nov. 19, 2020 This Q&A is intended to provide additional information and context in response to a letter you received from a former trustee concerning the Tim- berland Regional Library (TRL). Question: Did administrative sala- ries increase from 2019 to 2020? Answer: Yes. TRL completed an organizational Classification and Compensation Study in 2019 by an outside consultant. The results of that study showed that the majority of TRL staff members were being paid below market and administrative po- sitions were reclassified and received new salary ranges. Existing members of administration tookon additional responsibilities and, in most cases, vacated administrative positions were not filled. TRL saw a savings of more than $500,000 in salaries and benefits by consolidating the work of nine (9) administrative positions into six (6) administrative positions. Question: The TRL Board of Trust- ees were unaware of these salary changes? Answer: This is not true: The Board of Trustees were made aware of changes well before they occurred. See the timeline about the 2018- ' 2020 Classification and Compensa- tion Study. The Board of Trustees approved the salary increases for all staff, including administrative positions, at the Dec.18, 2019, board meeting. Question: Did administration get raises in a pandemic? Answer: The salary changes were approved pre-pandemic. Question: Did one member of ad- ministration get a 23 percent raise from 2019 to 2020? Answer: Not exactly. This indi— vidual’s salary has increased in a new position. The position they held previ- ously was in a different classification and salary range than the position they are now holding. Question: Are you planning to close libraries? Answer: No. We have no plans or proposals to close any of our libraries. In fact, we are adding three (3) ad- ditional service points and beginning mobile services (bookmobiles) in 2021 to increase community engagement. We are staffing these services with existing staff. Question: Will we start getting fewer new books? Answer: Any delays in receiving new materials is a direct result of US. printing and distribution issues and the pandemic. Our materials budget is getting an increase in 2021 which will result in more materials, not fewer, for our patrons to access both digitally and physically. Our goal is always to provide the widest access with our limited resources and to bridge the digital divide for patrons wherever they may be located in our five counties. Question: Will the libraries be open fewer hours? Answer: We have no plans to re- duce the hours our libraries are open. Quite the opposite, in fact. We are asking for Board approval to fund ac- cess controls which will increase the security of our libraries and their con- tents. Our McCleary Library has been successful using expanded access hours for almost two years and we would like to implement this service in additional libraries. Question: Are you planning to go out for a levy lid lift? Answer: The Board of Trustees has not made a decision to pursue a levy lid lift. ‘ Timberland Regional Library administration For right thinkers Editor, the Journal, This letter is for those who still think on their own instead of letting the mainstream media do their think- ing for them. For those who saw the video of Joe Biden bragging about getting a proseCutor fired for investigating his son Hunter Biden to a group of people who laughed about it. This was with President Barack Obama’s blessing, as Joe pointed out. Can you imagine the reaction if that had been Vice President Mike Pence bragging abOut getting a pros- ecutor fired with President Donald Trump’s blessing for investigating one of his relations? Oh, the hue and cry of righteous indignation and of course immediate impeachment proceedings. But not the same for good old Joe, that pillar of integrity. The main- stream media doesn’t even mention it let alone show the video. They most likely would deny it exists even though I’ve seen it about four times. Anyway, what do they do to good old Joe, they nominate him for president. Just one example of the hypocriti- cal double standard liberals live by. Ralph E. Aldrich Shelton “I routine Serving Western Washington for over 50 years #A1ROOI*111PR $399 on 10% on: WW1?! GREAT“ ON ANY NEW ROOF Oil RE-ROflF ,Call us now for a free estimate (360)456~3822 in: ma Mn my W m WVO‘TW m mmam a: w» otxcwfiamu «W i W (WWW Jams:an ATRéUM M “mm perms-mm #AlROOI*111PR Get up to your stay Book now 15 MINUTES NORTH or OLYMMA on HWY 101, LlTTLECREEK.COM O 1.800.667.7711 LITTLE CREEK CASINO’RESORT