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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 26, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 26, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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)Ol’ 30) )SS ' improvements. Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A-31 Classifieds. ~ SERVICES PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR, by appointment only. In- terviewing a select few cli- ents for private chauffeur- ing (SUV, not a limousine) at an hourly rate.’Contact mobile. (360) 239-7816 (K 11/19-12/17) MICHAEL’S HOME Main- tenance , LLC; roof and gutter cleaning and home Licensed, bonded and insured. 360- 490—3611 (M 10/22-1/22) RANDOLPH BRAND, Gunsmith. 1985 Gradu- Trades. 30+ years experi- , ence and knowledge as a skilled gunsmith and pre— cision machinist. Repairs, customizing, refinishing. Monday-Saturday, 9am- 6pm. Shelton, WA. 360- 427-0767 (B tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con- struction 8. Tree Service LLC, Residential, commer- cial, free estimates. Brush cleaning, edging, thatch: ing, hauling, lawn mow- ing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss remov- al, painting, bank clear— ing, gutters, roof clearing, pressure washing, floor cleaning, concrete pour- ing, irrigation, constructiOn, siding, rock and retaining walls, remodeling, exca- vating. Licensed, bonded, insured. General contractor #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on Facebook and Google+ free estimates, call or text, references available. Zacharias 360-463-4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ (Z tfn) CHEHALIS SHEET Metal, CSM Heating 8. Cooling, Roofing. “Dedicated to your comfort." Serving you for over 55 years! We‘re here to stay. Our quality work— manship is second to none! Independent Trane dealer — it’s hard to stop a Trane. Call today for your Free Estimate: 360-352-1996 or 855-OLY-HEAT, csmheat— #CHE- HASM252MH (C tfn) WANT YOUR newspaper to follow you, your family 8. friends wherever you go? We welcome address up- dates, vacation instructions and gift subscriptions. The Post Office will only forward mail for a few weeks. Our goal is for your subscriber address information to be correct, to make sure you get your paper on time. Don’t miss an issue! Call 360-426-4412, email circu- or visit www.masoncounty. com (J tfn) SPORTING GOODS RANDOLPH BRAND, Gun- smith. Repairs, custom- izing, refinishing. Monday- Saturday 9:00 AM — 6:00 PM. Shelton,‘WA 360-427- 0767 (B tfn) SUPPORT GROUPS LOSS OF a Loved One Grief Support group, NCCU New Community Church of Union 951 E Dalby Rd. Union, WA 98592, Last Monday of the month, 3:00 pm 4:30 pm (N tfn) WANTED ONE OF the Journal’s 20,000 readers might have something you want. If there's something you col- lect or are looking for, try running an ad under “Want- ed.” For up to 20 words it's just $12 per week and 20¢ per word over 20. Run 3' weeks, get the 4th Week free‘. Call 360-426—4412, you can place your ad by phone! (J tfn) ate of Colorado School of PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE ' Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a pub- lic hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Building 1, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 9:15 A.M. . SAID HEARING will be held, in compliance RCW 90.94 regarding the adoption of the Addendum to the Chehalis Basin Partnership Watershed Management Plan original- ly adopted in‘ 2004. This addendum addresses changes in RCW 90.94 from 2018 and calculates consumptive water use for WRIA. and develops projects to off- set that consumptive to attain a net ecological benefit. It you have any questions, please contact David Windom, MSHS, Director, Mason County Department of Com— munity Services, at (360) 427—9670, Ext. 260. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Com- missioners’ office, (360) 427—9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 17th day of November, 2020 BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McK- enzie Smith Clerk of the Board c: Jou r- nal Publish 2x: November 25, 2020 and December 03, 2020 (Bill: Community Services — 615 W. Alder St., Shel- ton, Wa 98584) 2800 November 25, December 3 2t PUBLIC NOTICE RESOLUTION NO. 2020 BUDGET BUDGET SUP- PLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND AMENDMENT REQUESTS NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS, by reason of conditions which could not be reasonably fore- seen at the time of making the budget for the year 2020, it is necessary to make provisions for supplemental ap— propriations and amendments to the budget as required UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON In re: Chapter 11 PNW HEALTHCARE HOLDINGS, LLC, etai, Lead Case No. 19—43754-MJH _ Debtors (Jointly Administered) WWW PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Debtors in the above-captioned chapter 11 cases are: PNW Healthcare Holdings, LLC; North Auburn Health, LLC dba NorthAubum Rehabilitation 8. Health Center; Sequim Health, LLC dba Sequim Health 8. Rehabilitation; Bremerton Health, LLC dba Bremerton Convalescent 8. Rehabilitation Center; Crestwood Convalescent-Port Angeles, LLC dba Crestwood Health 8. Rehabilitation Center; Fir Lane Health-Shelton, LLC dba Fir Lane Health 8. Rehabilitation Center; Forest Ridge Health-Bremerton, LLC dba Forest Ridge Health 8. Rehabilitation Center: Meadow Park Health—St Helen, LLC dba Meadow Park Health 8. Specialty Care Center; Cherrywood Place-Spokane, LLC dba Cherrywood Place; Riverside Nursing»Centralia, LLC dba Riverside Nursing 8. Rehabilitation Center; PNW Master Tenant I, LLC (9824); Franklin Hills Health-Spokane. LLC dba Franklin Hills Health 8. Rehabilitation Center; Aldercrest Health-Edmonds, LLC dba Aldercrest Health 8. Rehabilitation Center; PNW Master Tenant II, LLC; Gardens on University-Spokane Valley, LLC dba The Gardens on University; Puget Sound Healthcare-Olympia, LLC dba Puget Sound Healthcare Center; Care Center East Health-Portland, LLC dba Care Center East Health 8. Specialty Care Center; LaCrosse Health-Coeur d'Alene, LLC dba LaCrosse Health 8. Rehabilitation Center; Ivy Court-Coeur d'AIene, LLC dba Ivy Court; Cornerstone Healthcare Services, LLC; and CRN Pool, LLC. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the above-listed Debtors are seeking confirmation by the Bankruptcy Court of their Chapter 11 plan of reorganization, the Debtors' first Amended Plan of Reorganization Dated November 10, 2020 (as modified, amended, or supplemented from time to time, the “Elam PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT, on November 10, 2020, the United States Bankmptcy Court for the Western District of Washington (the "MU entered an order (the Statementfirder") approving the Disclosure Statement to Accompany first Amended Plan of Reorganization Dated November 10, 2020 (the “Disclosure Sgtement") with respect to the Plan. Copies of the Plan and Disclosure Statement are available on the Debtors' chapter 1 1 case website at httpszllomnlagentsolutlonscom/PNWHealthcareL PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT objections to confirmation of the Plan or proposed modificationsto the Plan, If any, must (I) be in writing, (ii) state the name and address of the objecting party and the amount and nature of the claim or interest of such party, (iii) state with particularity the basis and nature of any objection or proposed modification to the Plan, and (iv) be filed, togetherwith proof of service, with the Court and served so as to be actually received by counsel for the Debtors. Foley 8. Lardner LLP. 555 S. Flower St., 33rd Floor. Los Angeles, CA 90071 (Attn:AshIey McDowI, and counsel for the Creditors‘ Committee, Troutman Pepper LLP, 3000 Two Logan Square, Eighteenth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (Attn: Francis Lawall and Don Detweller), no later than December 7, 2020 (the PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the deadline to vote on the Plan is December 7, 2020 at 5:00 pm. (P1) (the It you believe you should be entitled to vote on the Plan and did not receive a Solicitation Package, including a Ballot, you may request a solicitation package and Ballet by: (1) writing to PNW Healthcare Holdlngs. LLC, PNW Ballot Processing. c/o Omnl Agent Solutions, 5955 De Soto Avenue, Suite 100, Woodland Hills, CA 91367; (Ii) emailing at: PNWHeaItttcareBallotsO; and/or (iii) calling Omnl at(866) 662-2072. , PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the hearing'dhe “mtirmatign Heaflng") to consider the confirmation of the Plan shall be held on Decembor14,2020 at10:00 e.m. (PT) beforethe Honorable Mary Jo Heston, in the United States Bankmptcy Court for the Western District otwashlngton. Telephonlc Hearing Dial-In Information: Dial: 1-888-363-4749, Enter Access Code: 563594", Press the it sign. Enter Security Code when prompted: 3887A, Speak your name when prompted PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the claim or claims of any potential creditor or claimant, whose claim or claims were not scheduled and Who has not filed a proof of claim, may be barred unless the creditor or claimant acts prior to the Objection Deadline. BIEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT Article XII of the Plan contains Release, Exculpation. and Injunction provisions. Thus. you are advised to review and consider the Plan carefully because yourrlghts mlghtbeaitocted thereunder: BINDING NATURE OF THE PLAN: IF CONFIRMED, THE PLAN SHALL BINDALL HOLDERS OF CLAIMS AND INTERESTS TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH HOLDER WILL RECEIVE 0R RETAIN ANY PROPERTY OR INTEREST IN PROPERTY UNDER THE PLAN, HAS F|l£D A PROOF OF CLAIM IN THESE CHAPTER 11 CASES, 0R FAILED TO VOTE TOACCEPT 0R REJECTTHE PLAN ORVOTED T0 REJECTTHE PLAN. ' PUBLIC NOTICES by RCW 36.40.100, and RCW 36.40.195; and WHERE- AS, the revenue and expenditure adjustments to County funds, as listed in Attachment A B to this Resolution, are required in order to incorporate into the budget the revenues and expenditures now identified, which were not known at the time of original budget adoption; and WHEREAS, the net total of adjustments to 2020 autho- rized expenditure appropriations in the General Fund is an increase of $4,292,055; and WHEREAS, the net total of adjustments to 2020 authorized expenditure appropria- tions in funds other than the General Fund is an increase of $14,337,538; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Mason County CommissionerszThat the 8th day of December, 2020 at the hour of 9:15 am, in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers in Courthouse Building I, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the time and place for a public hear- ing upon the matter of Budget Amendment Requests to the 2020 Budget as provided in Attachment A B to this Resolution. Contact person: Jennifer Beierle, Budget Man- ager, (360) 427—9670 ext. 532 A copy of this resolution and the proposed amendments to the 2020 budget is avail- able by contacting Kelly Bergh at (360) 427-9670 ext. 644. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to cause notice of such hearing to be pub— lished as provided by law. DATED this 17th of November, ATTEST: McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board AP— PROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA CC: Auditor — Financial Services Publish 2x 11/25 8. 12/3 bill to Commissioners, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Sharon Trask, Chair Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Kevin Shutty, Commissioner 2799 November 25, December 3 2t PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MA— SON In Re the Estate of SUZANN DORA ATKINSON, Deceased.No. 20-4—00239-23 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 The personal representa— tive named below has been appointed as personal repre- sentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal repre- sentative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be pre- sented within the later of (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the credi- tor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar Is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonpro- bate assets. Date of First Publication: November 25, 2020 Personal Representative: Cynthia R. Beres Attorney for Personal Representative: Judith E. Luther—Shiflett, WSBA 43650 Address for Mailing or Service: Lee Street SW, Suite 112, Tumwater, WA 98501 Mason County Superior Court Cause No. 20-4—00239-23 2798 November 26, December3, 10 3t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF REALTY PURSUANT TO THE‘REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON CHAP- TER 11.56.080. NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVENthat the undersigned Attorney for the Estate of STANLEY JUS- TIN STRUTZ, Superior Court of Thurston County Cause Number 20-4—00537-34, will sell by private sale on or after DECEMBER 4, 2020, the following described real prop- erty, situated in the County of MASON, State of Washing- ton, to-wit: commonly referred to as vacant lots located PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES between streets Hill and Center in Shelton, Washington, with no access and legally described as: Lots 9 and 10 of Block B of Replat of Bay View Home Tracts, as recorded in Volume 4 of Plats, page 44, records of Mason County, Washington. Tax Parcel Number: 3-20—20-54—06009 The above-described real property is listed for sale with Van Dorm Realty, Inc., 1530-F, Black Lake Blvd, SW, suite F, Olympia, Washington. The sale will be made on or after DECEMBER 4, 2020, but no longer than 12 months from date of first publication. ALL OFFERS TO PURCHASE must be in writing and delivered to: Linda Hodge, Van Dorm Realty, Inc., 1530-F Black Lake Blvd, SW, Suite F, Olympia, WA 98502 DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: No- vember 19, 2020. MELANIE K. HANTZE, WSBA #27673, Attorney for Executor of the Estate of STANLEY JUSTIN STRUTZ, 1441 WEST BAY DRIVE SW, SUITE 102B, OLYMPIA, WA 98502 : i 2796 November 19, 26 2t PUBLIC NOTICE . r RATE INCREASE Beginning January 1, 2021, the City of Shelton Solid Waste utility rate increase of 2.5% (two point five percent) will take effect. Any adjustments to the Eells Hill Municipal Transfer Station Tipping Fees will be reflected on the monthly billing statement as well. 2793 November 26, December 3, 10 3t PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY NO. 20-4-00151-23 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me as Personal Repre— sentative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after served or mailed this Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred ex- cept as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent’s pro- bate and non probate assets. Date of First Publication of this Notice: Decedent’s SSN (for WDSHS only): Darcia M. Long, Personal Representative Probate Notice to Credi- tors RCW 11.40.030 Rick Biehl Law PO. Box 1064 Allyn, WA 98524 360—552-2662 WSB 51245 2790 November 19,26, December 3 3t PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY NO. 20-4—00144-23 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me as Personal Repre- sentative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barTed by any appli- cable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The-claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice'as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred exr cept as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent's pro- bate and non probate assets. Decedent’s SSN (for WD- SHS only): Probate Notice to Creditors RCW 11.40030 Page 1 of I Rick Biehl Law PO. Box 1064 Allyn, WA 98524 3605522662 WSB # 51245 2789 November 19, 26, December 3 3t