November 27, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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_ SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE Fridayfloviambcr 2:7, 0 y. Nover
V.‘ .M...___‘ n....._'41 M
. , F__.__,.__.-._, A, A. 7.1—.
Out-Of-TOWII Friends 1 Visitors From Tacoma Last of Pinochle Series - Mr.
and Mrs. William "
Gather on Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Reeves of To Be Held December 1st
McGhee Weber Potlatch Gll‘l tended tgetcairlson igau IdSEW‘E
Visitors at the home of Mr. and l Tacoma were visiting friends in The last
in the series of pin- ' ' ' ding on a ur ay m ea V. V or
Mrs. Ben Banner on Sunday were i Shelton last Saturday. Mr. Reeves ocme
parties to be held by the "r EinSlgIl _.‘ A’“ ”““‘ 1
. :—
Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Hasbrauck of l is employed on the construction at
Capitol H111 Club is slated for oh SEIV‘S‘S
Elma, .MISS Marjorie Robinson of { McChord Field. Tuesday, December lst. It
will~ __-——:——-——— HOOdSport potlatch, Nov, 24—Miss
Esther; 0b??? Eggd‘
Slyxggtra’Blgs' Jacfkccl‘lfoff' 823% i Att 1 s m Weddi lbe held
in the home Of Mr' and ’Carls‘m' young" daughter of M“ P
"o Novcml
“er 0 a1 ma n ‘ 9'" ~93 "3 ,Mrs. I. Carter accordin to .
and Mrs. Ernest Carlson. W35 ’ '
Mr’s. Bonnie Banner and baby. Mn and Mrs. Ed Elliott sit—[plans made
at the last megfing LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor By Lois Pierce married
last Saturday to Ensign ' esday, afte
:Roy Banner is spending a fur" tended the wedding of Esther held in
the home of Mrs. Bernard PHONE 1‘» HOOdSPOI‘tv NOV- 23—11“ Chumh
Maury, Jr., of the Shelton wash i: Cthhg
laugh in Shelton' i carlson on sunday in seattle. Ristine, Prizes for
the six series
Contact Circle voted November 18 Coast Guard The wedding was ’ '
Is getting Goods in
rapidly and will soon
be Restocked . . . watch
the Journal for news
of Our Christmas
Gift Selectionsl!
Wedding Sets
Genuine Registered
Engagement and Wedding
$25 to $460
Dressing Table Sets
$6.50 to $35
Men’s Rings
$6.50 up
Special 26-piece Set
Men’s Billfolds
will be presented during the final
During the same meeting they
elected the following officers:
Mrs. George Turner, president;
Mrs. Newton Townsend, vice-pres-
ident; Mrs. Charles Borst, secre-
itary; and Mrs. William Carter,
treasurer. They will take office in
January. '
l W.C.T.U. Holds
Friday Meeting
The Women's Christian Tem-
perance Union met last Friday at
the home of Mrs. W. M. Elliott
for a regular business and social
meeting. Mrs. Robert C. Johnson,
Ithe new president, presided.
Mrs. Lewis Wiley led the de-
votions using “Thanksgiving” as
her topic. The “Plan of Work”
sent by the national president for
the coming year was presented by
Mrs. Elliott and the membership
campaign by Mrs. Snelgrove.
Light refreshments were served
by the hostess.
! Circle No. 4 Holds
I Wednesday Meet
Last Thursday Circle No. 4 of
the Methodist Church met at the
home of Mrs. W. A. Witsiers.
Guests included Mrs. Frank Hous-
ton and Mrs. C. Smith.
‘ warm“ fiffiéifléfifflfliéfié’ fiaswaflmmmxmmsfig
-iMiss Jenssen's pupils gave the
r work pictures
'Miss Esther Carlson Weds
In Seattle Church Sunday
The picturesque Church of Epi—
phany in Seattle was chosen by
Miss Esther Ernestine Carlson,
daugther of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Carlson of Potlatch for her wed-
ding Sautrday, November 21. She
plighted her troth at 3 o‘clock in
the afternoon to Herndon J.
Maury Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Maury and grandson of Mrs.
Stephen J. Chadwick of Olympia.
The Reverend Elmer B. Christie
l officiated.
With her heirloom veil of Brus-
sels lace, the bride wore a. wed-
ding gown of soft ivory satin
fashioned on classic lines with a
modified sweetheart neckline, and
a full skirt which fell in folds
from pointed princess panels.
She carried a praybook with white
orchids and stephanotis.
Her sister, Mrs. T. Robert Shel-
don, came from Washington D. C.
to be her matron of honor. Her
gown was of burgandy chiffon
velvet and her flowers, yellow
roses. She wore a short veil at-
tached to. a. wreath of flowers
Matthew F. Maury was best man
for his brother.
A wedding reception followed
the ceremony and was held in the
gold room of the Edmond Meany
hotel. Pouring were Mrs. Chad-
wick, Mrs. Wm. J. Phillips and
Miss Kathryn Wilson. Many Shel-
ton friends of the couple attend-
ed the ceremony and reception.
The young couple both attended
the University of Washington, the
bride a member of the Alpha Del—
ta Pi sorority having graduated
from the Shelton high school
with the class of 1935. Mr. Maury
also matriculating at Menlo jun-
ior college and Standford univer-
After a Canadian honeymoon
they will make their home in the
Broadway Apartments in Seattle.
Lincoln P. T. A. Holds
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Lin-
coln Parent-Teachers Association
which was held on Tuesday at the
Lincoln School with Mrs. Laurence
Munson president, presiding. The
imeeting was opened in the usual
manner with the Flag Salute and
singing of America.
The two 5th grades gave a very
i enjoyable program. A group of
History of Thanksgiving from its
first memorial day to the official
lbegining in 1865.
Patmore’s group gave
talks on important subjects they
have been studing with scratch-
illustrating each
subject. A demonstration of po~
tato printing was given with the
Washington Farmer used as the
subject. ' ,
Mrs. Rolla Halbert, publication
chairman 'gave interesting sug-
gestions sent from the State ,of-
ficc as to how the P. T. A. can
help in War activities.
Mrs. Clyde Wells, membership
chairman gave a report on the
recent campaign for 205 members,
and thanked all who had contri-
buted in any way to this success-
ful drive.
The meeting adjourned to the
tea room were the 6th grade mot-
hers had planned a delightful tea
hour. Chrysanthemums of differ-
ent hues decorated the main lace
covered table and the smaller tab-
les. The Thankgiving motif was
carried out in the tea service. Mrs.
Jackson and Mrs. Sawyer were in
charge of the arrangements.
W.C.T.U. Suggests
Hot Holiday Drink
A tasty hot drink suitable for
use during the holiday season or
as a substitute for coffee has
been suggested by the Women’s
Christian Temperance Union. Fol-
}lowing is the recipe for Hot. Spic-
led Tea: 1 whole cloves, 1 inch
stick cinnamon, 3 qts. water, 2%
T black tea, juice of 3 oranges,
juice of 11/2 lemons, 1 cup sugar
Shelton Gardqn Club
Will Make Wreaths
At the regular meeting of the
Shelton Garden Club to be held
Monday, November 30 at thel
Memorial Hall at 2 p. m. the mem-
bers will start making small
wreaths which will be sent to the
Shelton General Hospital to be
placed on every breakfast tray on
Christmas morning.
These wreaths will be made from
anyone’s gardening questions.
Arrangements in the Christmas
spirit, chrysanthemums and ber—l
ried shrubs should be brought for
the display.
Anyone interested in making
wreaths or attending the meeting
small rubber jar rings covered
with red ribbons, greens, small
is invited to attend the meeting
cones and tiny bells. The club will
furnish the ribbon but each mem-
ber is requested to bring several
jar rings, wire or string, small
cones, little silver bells or any-
thing that gives a cheery effect
and is in scale suitable for the
small wreath.
At the December meeting which
will be forwarded to the middle
of the month, the greens will be
attached. Greens suitable for this
are Cedar, Arvorvitae, Boxwood
and Retinospora especially, others
are also suitable. Members will
be asked to bring these greens
at the December meeting.
While making the wreaths the
members will b easked to tell
“The Funniest Thing that Ever
Happened in My Garden,” so mem-
bers, come prepared. There will
also be a roundtable to answer
From Auburn Academy
Miss Ellen Adams is home to
spend the holiday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Dave Ad-
ams. She attends the Auburn
meet on December 3 at the home
DeMolay Mothers Club
Schedule Meeting
The DeMolay Mothers Club will
of Mrs. W. D. Coburn, 611 Bell-
vue. It is hoped all mothers will
Moves to Port Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. John Yarr left
on Saturday to make their home
in Port Townsend where Mr. Yarr
will be employed with the Glen-
dale Dairy. He had been an em-
ployee of the Mason County
Creamery Association for a num-
ber of years before he moved.
Royal Neighbors Will
Elect Officers
The Royal Neighbors will elect
officers at their meeting on Dec-
ember 3 at the Odd Fellows hall.'
The meeting will start at p. m.
and during the meeting the doll
and child’s rocking‘chair‘will be
and invigorating
lay the luxury
3 Bars
Lavender fragrance.
to hold their December meetings
on the 2nd and 16th respectfully.
The meeting the 2nd will be at.
Mrs. D. H. Pierce’s home. The
meeting at Mrs. Pickerings was
well attended. Three new members
joined, Mrs. H. R. Dickinson, Mrs.
Dave Mathews and Mrs. Don
Soule were appointed to take
charge of the sewing for three
Mr. and Mrs. B. Ball are mov-
ing from Lake Cushman to Mil-
ton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Shaull have moved to Tacoma.
A group of friends gathered at
the Ralph Hilligoss home Friday
evening and enjoyed a song fes-
In a beautiful ceremony with
the Reverend C. A. Pickering offi-
ciating, the marriage of Miss Em-
ma Christine Weber of Buffalo,
New York, to Donald Stewart Mc-
Gee, Chief Petty Officer of the
U. S. Navy, was witnessed by
nearly a hundred church mem-
bers and friends.
The wedding was held in the
Hood Canal. Community Church,
Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m., Nov-
ember 22nd.
The bride wore a two-piece aqua
blue silk crepe afternoon dress and
hat to match with brown accessor-
ies. Her corsage was an orchid.
Her matron of honor, Mrs. Abhran
L. Shallenberger, wore an after-
noon dress of dusty pink silk
crepe with hat to match and wine
accessories. Her corsage was gar-
denia and roses. The bride was
given in marriage by her cousin,
John Kaufman of Seattle.
Gordon Dickinson acted as best
man for the bridegroom.~
Mrs. Frank Aliphant of Olym-
pia, played the wedding music.
Ushers were Dean Gilbert and
William Hilligbss. A reception was
held in the Sunday School room
with Mrs. J. H. Nance, Mrs. H.
R. Dickinson and daughter Mrs.
Claude Smith in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. McGee plan to
make their home in Hoodsport for
a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yount and
baby were Seattle visitors over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Pierce and
family visited Mr. Pierce’s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pierce
of Littlerock, Sunday.
The Young Woman’s Club met
at the home of Mrs. Iris Chris-
Say It
They Bring Comfort
and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, anytime
Travis Floral Shop
Shelton Hardware Bldg.
Phone 232 270—W
B r u n c t to s.
Old English
She'll en-
of really fine
.... $1.00
Max Factor's
Beauty Kit
Blondes—A handsome
rouge and tru-color
an exciting beauty set that the
lovely lady will adore!
$2.50 $3.55 $4.55
solemnized at the Church of the
Epiphany in Seattle.
Mrs. T. Robert Sheldon, sister
of the bride, was present from
her home in Washington, D. C., to
act as matron of honor.
The young couple have the con-
gratulations and best wishes of
all the members of this commun-
ity in which the bride grew up.
Mrs. Thomas Pace of Halifax,
Nova Scotia, has been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. West-
rickv for the past two weeks.
From here she returned to Port
Angeles to visit a brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and two
children of Puyallup, spent the
week end at the Neil Simmon's
home. On Sunday other guests of
the Simmons were Mr. and Mrs.
F. Johnson and two children of
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Reader and
family visited the Ronald John-
sons in Port Angeles over the
week end.
Mrs. Frank Morrison is spend-
ing several days in Tacoma, com-
bining business, Christmas shop—
ping and visiting.
well Wednesday evening. Thirteen
were present. Doris Soule and
Phyllis Pierce were taken as new
members. Bingo and a game of
vocabulary test were played. The
next meeting will be with Mrs.
Betty Goodpaster, December lst.
Don’t forget the Thanksgiving
services on Thanksgiving morn—
ing, 10 to 11 o'clock. Reverend
Pickering will preach the Thanks-
giving sermon and Mrs. T. B.
Smith is in charge of the music.
Friday Saturd
SAGE” ‘ Morethanan
'- .' Obligation. In
e it to your
'on—to Get“
./ Pharmacyi
and maintai
The Show You’ve He ‘2 usasset—Hea
A M It. rent, ‘get you dov
bout 5 G V Clan; bring h
Sunday to Thur-
John Wayne, Pat 0'3"i
(Adults 40¢ this She
Starts Friday, D 'r' ‘
Walter Pidgeon, G V
Extended Engagem 1
Gift photographs of
youngsters will be a
gift treasured by par-
ents, grandparents and
other relatives because
they so vividly bring
the spirit of cheerful
youth wherever they
3W 749M131 Shelton 4M
Lentheric—Lucien LeLong—Yardley
Yardley's Old English
Lavender Soap
Luxurious beauty for the bath.
scented with
Factor’s Yan
Brownettes and The All—Ame
sot of fresh Yanky
face p o w d c r. oritc
Opened with
Capture Their Yout
Forever 1
Gift Set ,
Richard Hudnut
ranre of thousands of women.
Christmas morning.
‘. MIL
r Long Di:
.c of calls
Qtion for w
he mater
- "Ve gone to 1
111' minutes
alf of tele}
Although i
:V',‘most of w
kc any Ll
. ,ly necess.
' can.
a {For this 01
to help yo
ky Clover
rican Gift Spicy.
Clover is the fav-
real pleasure on
" (or Ml cup honey and 1/“) cup of Yanky Clover Old Spice Max
Factor's Lg.
Meeker and Texas Tanning 1 sugar). 'Tie spices in bag and bring Dustmg
Powder Dusting POWdeI' Pancake Makeup
1 to bod in the.water. Add. tea and
$ 0 5te§P fill/e mlflUteS, strain. Heat Gift with sweet memories and
glluxuryh gift for th" b‘tu‘uto Give Her Lovclincss —- In a
fruit Juices and sugar and add as exhilarating as the early wigs: the
fifgrgzoélufsfiigdl‘3’13 Christmas package containi g.
toGiiafiejieié‘Zeiuiih 1 cu S r! breath of the frosty-fresh
lsong-lasttiiilig fragrance of, Old th‘gétgg’gfg‘g? “gngmggn;
: _ u a ' ' ' t ‘ -' >
S or honey, 2 cups water’pz cgps c10\er fields. aalfgcuvae con amer 15
mos proof.
grapejuice, juice of 2 lemons, 1/
t0 cup orange juice, 1 cup grated BOX Box
""""""" "
. pineapple or juice, 4 springs mint,
. _n%inera(li 3r ice twater, few halves L P f
. 0 see e whi e grapes. Make
:yrup (if sugar and water—boil
minu e, coo. Add fruit juices,
pingapple and mint. Crush mint
"""""""" ‘7
"""" "; """ -- $2’50’
o ring out the flavor. S'erve cold
058 with mineral or ice water, garn- A
"""""" $1'50’ $2.75’
c . 2 ish with grapes floating on top. , SHANGHAI ........ ...... ..
$1.50, $2.75, $5.00
L k Mrs. W. M, Dickie TWEED --------------- -»‘ -------- -- $140, $250,
0.0 ets. up Entertains Club
. Mrs. W. M. Dickie entertained ' '
‘ naembers of her bridge club Ideas 0f. Quallty
- ' - urs ay evening, with Mrs, Hare o r “ -
Heisey and Ransgll om Mead, George Gilmore and Distmction
and. Mrs. Harry Gole winning
" honors. Mrs. Frank Fentiman and '
'daughter Frances were guests of Lenthelilc Tweed Bouquet
""""""" “ up
I ,the club. P P T011611 Water .............................. $1.10
.I 0. E, s, Ssheduie Friendship Garden Toilet Water $1.00 3mm our Beam.
. .nwuomo 33.3% m r , Old Splce Bath Dusting Powder $1.00 zu. Xmasiree the
IF A g a 89 mg L d B t F most useful and loved WJZI be :1
FAMILY IS IN THE gil‘ftlgzagrdfi of Eaastegrsl Stir tan a y “X on 1
Olds -------------------- -- $250 SHEAFFER'S LIFETIME‘ FEATllERTOUCll
. . . , ovem er , a e ' ' ’ ‘ '1
SERVICE p Masonic Temple at p. m” a keno Amlty Servme Men s Blllfolds
________ __ $250 Pen matched With a FINELINE Pencu.
.party held, according to . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ . , . . , _.
.Nothing could better serve as (1
Come in and let us Mrs. V1012, Klmbely worthy matron Harriet Hubbard Ayer-
Compacts reminder of your kindness and wis.
dom than a SHEAFFER gift—in use
every day,
(Loose Powder)
, Richard Hudnut Campacts $3.50 $3.75 $5.00
Bath Sets, Dusting Powder & Cologne $1.49
up. Matched Sets, $3.95 up.
Lentheric Pink Party Sachet $1.25
Old Spice Bath Salts .......................... $1.00 sflEAFFEKS
‘favmflow '
H Fllllfl PflESCRlPllflllS IS'THE fllflSl llllPflRlflfll
Pflfllflf Ullll BUSIHESS ‘
Couple United In
‘ tMarriage Saturday
l Amy Peterson and David Lewis,
iboth. of Mason County were unit-
. ed in marriage by Justice of
Peace Walter Magoon, in his of-
fi. fice on Saturday, November 21.
Mrs. Edith Strong and Helen
Wilbur attended the couple.
Will Visit Mother
Mrs. May Burgess returned last,
Friday from Crescent City, Calif.,
-where she was visiting her mo—
that, who is seriously ill. She
plans to return“ to Crescent City
soon to be with her mother.
present you with a
Service Placque
There is No Charge
Gifts and Jewelry ., ,. . v
"Dry-prool” Desk Sets for office and home,
$5.00 and up. Pens, $2.36 up. Pencils-$1.00