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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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17%:an 7 7 7 7 7 N 7 SEELTONMASONMCOUNTY JOURNAL 7 77 7 7MP 7,Friday,, November, ’, New,Ir ' ."r Brie prom R 1 veretta Z. :NOV. 23—: ,Allen and ‘ Jerry, ant ympia, visi‘ me over tl ty is 3. br( d has to r« ‘ duty in 1 g day. (1 Mrs. Vi 4Dewain a Skokomish 4 visitors a home last v d Mrs. C] proud pare! Viola. Loui I‘ home Sa E. Baldv ill, was a Tuesday. ‘I Cross to E and gene: ‘ day Thu‘ 0:00 a. m. ‘ ‘BETWE ‘5 FRIENI By Mervin 8 been sa ent ban tion will 77 7 ,e . . 7 ,, _. . , . -Value of e‘ .. .' ‘ ' . “ ‘ ' . - ' . e v ' “Now as l ' ‘ 8 can all g _ homes to , * line to be always r . There wa . ed a yacht e automob 7 in his slee 7 1k "and poor, tie Freight ma. Freigh‘ . . . e . . , V . . o . , ISTER, if you think this war’s a ClnCh, better read your 7 And if, every payday, we don t set aSldC every nickel, dime, or . T. . i . , ‘ v ’> i I. '1 s 1 paper or listen to the radio. You 117 change your dollar we can possibly scrape together for War Bonds, we I: Leaves Tat ' _ ' , lettin ur s n. . I Am mind g 0 boy dow . p CLN If you think we’re going to march to Berlin and Tokio just That’s the truth, every word of it—rmzl we .énow it! \ because we’re right—forget it! People just- as clean and decent as we are—just as righteous-- . - . ., —_ just as patriotic, have been ground to the dust under the hob- nailed' boOts of other people trained and toughened for one v purpose—war. - DO YOU KNOW? Choose now. Either we give our boys the planes, tanks, guns, when you buy WAR BONDS, yofle saving, not giving! Séries E WAR BONDS are worth 33% percent more in 10 years! You get back $4 for every $3 you invest! These BONDS, when held to maturity (10 years), yield 2.9 percent per year on your investment, compounded semi-annually! ‘ and ships they’ve got to have to win—or we’re letting them marchtotheir defeat and our destruction. Planes cost money. Tanks don’t grow on trees. And the storks don’t bring subchasers. , i , . . oinin 21 Pa -Roll Savin 5 Plan makes 59. in eas ! We’ve got to pay for them. “We means all of us—including J g y g v g y you. H ' How? By buying IWAR BONDS. 7 By putting 10 percent of every dollar we earn into the Pay-Roll Savings Plan. A dime out of every dollar—adollar out of every ten—every payday. , And every timeonr savings amount to $18.75 we get a Bond, worth $25 in 107 years. .That’s $4 back for every $3 we put in. joining your bank’s Victory Club (it works like any Thrift or Christmas Club) is a convenient way to save for War Bonds for/those who aren’t members of a Pay- Roll Savings Plan. ' You can have enough money to do a lot of things you’d like to do, and to buy the many things you’ll need after the war is over, if you [save enough in War Bonds every payday NOW! You can start buying WAR BONDS by buying War Stamps for as little as 10 cents. Isn’t that the least we who ,stay at home can do to help win the war? Stop and think about it—next time you’re tempted to buy something you don’t really need. Remember the Presi- dent’s words—"We cannothave all we want if Our soldiers and sailors are to have all they need.” 7 ‘ ..... .. o ‘. t r ] This page is one of a series sponsored by the individuals and firms listed below who have m . pledged 100 per cent Support of America’s Fight for Freedom 7 e. ' “ ‘ -' " "‘ w " “rt: ‘1’, f «a l ( Olsen Furniture Co: Simpson LoggingJCompany WeineleOlstead Insurance Mason County Creamery Lumbermen”s Mercantile Co. ‘ Rube Cohn; Auto Parts " Andrews Fhoto Studio Witswrs Funeral Home , Agency , Association . .Munro’s .Men’sStore , o . Mason CotmtyeAbstraot Shafer 8 Bakery Olympic Plywood 00- Bates 20th Century Store - Charles T. Wright Miflo’sMarkeMoodsport ' TitleCo.,=, .,~ ,_ ,1] R Fessler, s Super-Creamed Shelton Gas Co. St. CharlesWinery Shelton Hardware Co. SheltonAuto Body Works r, Wiloox 10¢ Store .n’ a chll 5 Texaco Servwe PantoriumCleaners Western Supply Co. Local 38, I.W.A., Sawmill , HillcrestHai-dware Stretch Island Wihefiyf 5‘ nold' E _ J. C. Penney Co. . Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop Kimbel Oil Co. & Timberworkers Union Dr. M. C. Melcum Needham Food Store : GeorgeA. LeCompte, MD. 7 Hotel Shelton Olympia Feed Co. 7 Elliott B. Spring x" .- Gilbert Frisken, Washington Service 7 Edm FIT “fut: Store Sanitary Market Grant Lumber Co. . Pigmon Motors Associated 0n Distributor Shelton ElectrioCm , . an L. Ralph, s Grocery . Werberger Winery Nash Brothers Shelton Sporting Goods A] Dickinson Watkins Productsfltby, e m‘ M?“ 5 power C‘ty Market Herbert G- Angle Ivan Neuenschwander. Jeweler B..‘N..Collier, MD. Shelton-Mason County ' Gar Wilson 5 Cafe Paramount Theatre ‘ Charles R. Lewis Hilltop Tavern J, Graham ‘ t Journal , ; Lawton Lumber Co. Hi-School Service M & S Food Store 4-E Dairy Mason County Saving & be“ N H. L. Kennedy, M. D. F. E. Beckwith M. O. (Neil) Zintheo Al-Huerby Motors Loan Ass’n. Shelton Meat & Ice Co. M. H. ’Needham Men’s Wear Rayonicr Incorporated ’ McConkey Pharmacy Daviscourt Bakery Any individual or firm who wishes to have. his or their name on this list in succeeding pages, call The Journal m. i ,,.,,n t