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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ber, V'r Briefs V min Reporter ‘Everetta. Z. Baldwin 1 Nov. 23~—Mr. and Mrs. Allen and sons Kenny Jerry, and Dale Ruck- Ympia, visited the Glen me over the week end. ty is a brother of Mrs. d has to report to Fort ‘ duty in the Army on Ving day. d Mrs. Virdon Savage , Dewain and daughter , Skokomish Valley, were ,' visitors at the W. E. home last week end. ,“ Mrs. Claunce Baker ‘Droud parents of a new .Viola Louise. Mrs. Bak— “ home Saturday. 1' E. Baldwin, who has ill, was able to return Tuesday. " Cross rooms are open 8 and general Red Cross day Thursday, begin- 0:00 a. m. and until 5:00 .Y FOLKS: 5 been said that 'the ‘ ent ban on building 0tion will increase the -value of every existing . Now as good Ameri- 8 can all get rich sell— .5. homes to one another. * * fine to be rich, but it always mean a lot There was the party . ed a yacht, an airplane e automobiles and still , in his sleep. ‘k "and poor, alike, enjoy . .ndly atmosphere about b. Drop in and get ted. Luncun Jay 1: ,, November 27, 1942. Pickering News , Briefs Related ito visit Mr. and Mrs. J. . lon and family. J. B. is now home The Pickering Homemakers Club met with Mrs. Frank Wylie on Thursday afternoon. A short busi- ness meeting was held and it was decided to have just one meeting of the club in December and make that the usual Christmas party. Each member is asked to bring a small gift, cost not to exceed 250 and names will be exchanged at the part; Mrs. L. A. Fitts will be hostess and the date, December 17th. ! Mr. and Mr"). Carl Greenback were gilcris Sum ay of Mr. and‘ Mrs. Frank ‘lfi/‘ylic. Mr. Greenback has .st returned from Alaska and is new at the naval station at Astoria, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gibble and son Bobbie, were overnight guests Tuesday at the home of her mo- ther, Mrs. Judkins, of Mt. Ver- non. Mr. and Mrs. _A. J. Bemis and children of Hoquiam, spent Sat- urday night at the Claude Hanlon home. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon to Olympia Sunday B. Han- from the hospital adorned with a brace on his neck. Mrs. P. L. Trudeau of Oscura, ,New Mexico, spent last. week at dor Lundquist. Seattle, visited Saturday evening at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Claude Hanlon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Droscher, of: Richmond, Calif., spent a Week l with his mother, Mrs. Isabel Dros— cher. Other guests at the Droscher Mrs. Chas. Droscher and Jerry, of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Don Droscher, Henry Brant and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner of Seattle. Mrs. Isabel Droscher accompan- ied her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Droscher to Seattle for a two—day visit. INTERLOCTULORY DEGREE An interlocutory decree of di— ivorce was granted Fern Wilkin— ison from George Wilkinson in Su- lperior Court last Saturday. l i FINAL DEGREE l A final decree of divorce was ‘granted Madge M. Miller from ‘VVllliam C. Miller in Superior Court last Saturday. Ill the home of her sister, Mrs. Mal-' Mr. and Mrs. Don Plebuch, of: home on Sunday were Mr. and; YR ‘llEll i News About Our 1 Boys In Uncle ) (Continued from Page One) MEL OLSON W'RITES OF LIFE IN NAVY Mel Olson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson, and a former employe! of the local J. C. Penney Co. store, dropped his former boss, S. B. Anderson a few lines telling him of his life at sea. Some of the excerpts are of interest to read— lers. Olson is aboard the U.S.S. Procyn. “We left San Diego during the, last part of August and sailed south, through the canal and then up the East coast, Where we are now. I haven‘t been seasick yet but the ship didn’t bounce around1 “Our ship is all metal and the port holes are welded over with' steel plates to keep the light. much on the trip. l" iMatlock Residents Matlock residents for the past 16 ljoin in wishing them the best of iluck in their new surroundings. ,1 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS it! from showing at night. Believe, in the hot sun and stayed that" yiay all night. “This ship was a cargo ship,, and had the reputation of being; one of the best in the Pacific. It: is now a combination of about everything. It is the mo— .ther ship of a flock of jeep and tank lighters (that is, boats for carrying jeeps and tanks) has provisions for troops and cargo, l I don’t know what’s in the wind or how long we will be here, but by the looks of things it Willi .be serious business.” This letter was mailed October , that young Olsen’s ship may have 1the attack on North Africa. ‘ SHELTON YOUTH GRADUATES FROM MARINE CORPS Robert Loudin Pearson, 19, of Shelton, recently graduated from Marine Aviation Ordnance School ,at Jacksonville, Fla., as one of 1the highest ranking men in his , class. In recognition of his‘ high av- erage and exceptional ability he was promoted to the rank of Cor- poral and will probably be assign- ed to an air squadron for further I duty. Enlisting on December 11th of last year, Pearson was first sent to the Marine Training Center at San Diego, Calif., for basic military traing before his trans- fer to the Jacksonville Service School and Naval Air Station. just I and lots of firing power. ,1942' line When We gOt Close to Panama l ed. has been filed in the office of thel it got plenty warm. The hull ofl Board of the Ship got about like an oven sald County, said road being describ- l l l SOILEZO, so chances are pretty good} Ralph DTOSCher. i been one of thos which joined in IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 1 l SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J OURNAE MoveBShelton Mr. and Mrs. George Koch, years, have moved to Shelton and purchased a home on Angleside from Don McKay. Mr. Koch was, formerly con- struction foreman for the Simp- son Logging Company and is now i in‘the Reed Mill No. 2. ‘ Their home in the Matlock dis-‘ trict has been sold to Ole Brown of Aberdeen. Matlock residents NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF WASHINGTON. )) ss. COUNTY OF MASON ) In the Matter of the Petition oi" l i J. E. Swiger, ct al, for a County Road to be known as Swigell Road. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the. report of the County Engineer in the matter of the road above mention— County Commissioners of ed in said report as follows: Commencmg at Corner to Sections 27. 28, 33 and 34 of Twp. 20 N. R. 3‘ W. W. M. running thence East on Section line to the NW. Corner of NElA of NWH, Sec. 34 above twp. and range. the whole distance being 1,3 miles. Therefore. it is ordered by the) Board that the hearing of said petition will be held by the Board of County‘ Commissioners of said County at then- office at the Court House in Shelton, Washington, on the 7th (lily of Decoln~ ber. 1942 at two o'clock p. in. Dated this 9th day of HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Mason Couli- ty, Washington. 11-20—27~—2t. November, NO. 1495 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE i In the Matter of the Estate of' Axel Frekman, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, the undersigned, A. L. Bell, W111, on or after the 12th day of December, 1942, offer for sale, all of the right, title, claim, equity and interest of the said Axel Frekman, Deceased, in and to Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4, Beverlyl Heights Addition to Shelton. Mason County, Washington. All bids must be in writing and may be left at the addresses hereinafter given, may be personally delivered to the undersigned Administrator, or wmay be filed in the office f the Clerk of the above cli- titled ourt at any time after the first publication of this Notice and before the making of the sale. All bids shall be accompanied 'by 10% of the amount of the bid. certified check or cash, and said real property shall be sold for cash or for cash[ and credit, subject to the ratification,l approval and confirmation of the above entitled Court. Dated this 16th day of November, 3 FOR SALE: F-.-...__._—____. __.___,._.____. .-_....._.__.._—__._. 'WV Real Estate AAA‘AAAAAAAA“AAAA‘A‘A.\A 3-room house with bath, garage and woodshed. Within walking distance of mill. Phone 153-R. L~g11-27--12-4—11-g~3t FOR SALE: 40 acre ranch with' 20 acres cleared. Four—room ’l‘louse, electricity. miles out on Arcadia road. Clyde Townsend, 818 Pine. 11-27V1t. FOR SALE: 9 room house on large let, one block from busi- ness center. Easily converted into apartments. $2500, terms. SAW FILING: Lewis Hensel, 311 Pa e Seven M_. . ,__.__.. i "Vvvvvwvvvvvmwm l ! Classified Service Wanted MAAM“ -AAAA AAA AA: WANTED: woman to assist with housework two days a week. In- quire Journal. Df—11-27 1t. i small used wood or FLOOR SANDER AND metal turning lathe- or other. B D Hour small tools. Phone 49.. y ay or Hw11-27Wtfn. J. L. CATTO HARDWARE time housework and care. of two 11 i r e Pantorium children. I n q 11—27--12-4—2t. Cleaners. WANTED: woman or girl fo Arcadia Ave“ 11'20'27'42'4—‘3t' general housework. Full or part Mrs. C. E. Runacres. 20-23—tfn FOR SALE 4-room modern home, plastered, hardwood floor, fireplace, locat-i ed close to mills. $2700, terms $1260 down, balance $25 per month including interest. 2.: 2: :5 l l I i I 5-room modern home, 3 bed rooms, fireplace and well located. Pric- ed at $3750 with terms. =i= * 35 acres with 700 feet of water- front, Cabin, good spring, good beach. Priced at $1400.00 Also 4:50 acres of oyster grounds planted with Pacific Oysters, Priced at $350. Can be purchas-l ed with the above waterfronti property at some reduction in1 price. =l= =1"- >1: 131/, acres of land and water— front on Spencer Lake. Excel- lent property for summer homes or year around homes. Excellent buy at $2250 terms, or $2,000! cash. , a: * a: 2 lots with foundation of house, water and sewer connected, garage and woodshcd. Also fruit trees. $550.00. Terms. HERBERT G. ANGLE vvvvvv Ow vvvvvvv-a w-y-yvvv Used Cars "mvvvmvvvvvvvv FOR SALE: 1936 Ford V-8 2 door sedan. Radio, heater, five good tires. $250 cash. W'ritc or see Donald , Treischel, Union, Wash. 11-20-27--12—4i3t. 1935/ Ford good tires. 1937 Elkhart 16-foot; trailer house. Inquire W. B. FREE! If excess acid causes you OUTBOARD MOTOR . ""vvvvv 7V- VVVVVVV'VV" LOST: Rose gold Morman wristl LOST: Nov. 16th pair of glasses. L—OST: ladies brown pocketbook. .LOS'I‘: swim—ming float and green1 contracted by Mrs. Jack or Cor-- time. Phone Beth Perduep 200 WANTED: woman or girl for full [ days, or 122 evenings. ‘ pains of Stomach, Ulcers, In- __ digestion, Heartburn, Belching, . 11 20 27 2t. Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, TWO NEAT YOUNG MEN would get free sample, Udga, at Fir like board and room in private Drug Store. 11-20-—2—26—15t. home, walking distance to Ray— , onier, day shift. Can furnish rei"llll"1r:rg'l very good references. Jay B. Hfill'27—4‘n-‘I—Ierrington, Wallace J. Hansen, Room 14, Cameron Hotel. LOSt and FGflnd l 11-13-20—27_3t. ; CHRISTMAS TREE corral—{s I i Phone 499. i wanted at once, full or part time; men or women. Cut on your land or ours. Wages or piece work earnings better than i average. Will buy Christmas i trees standing or cut. J. HOF- ERT, 106 N. Columbia, Olym- pia; 121 s. 4th, Shelton or seel W. W. Walker, Route 1, Box 40,| Oialla. 11-134-12-24—7t. ' 'CAN PAY 45 CENTS PER BALE for Christmas trees. to be from two to eight feet. Phone Olym- pia 3759, C. P. Roundtree, 1700 watch belonging to Arthul'l Trotter. Finder return 401 So.i Seventh or Journal office. 11-27--12-4-11—3t. __.‘_-.—._._ Inside case, Pete Crevlan, opto- metrist, Kirkland, Wash. Finder please phone 432. Reward. 11-27——1t. Finder may take cash but leave! purse and papers at some storey: Yew AVe., Olympia. 11-13.-27--3t or mail to Mrs. Frank Amell,i H S _ n_ -WANTED: experienced Christ- OOdSport’ W3 1" 11 2‘ 1t'i mas Tree cutters. Top prices. 709 North 6th. S—11-13-20—27—3t. iWANTED AT ONCE: carloads or truckloads of large, smooth, sound Alder, Maple and Hem-, lock logs. Higher prices. Liber- al scale. Prompt settlements. Northwest Chair Company, Ta- coma, Wash. 11-6-27—4t. WANTED: men for defense work. i Good wages and overtime pay. Shelton Concrete Products. 10—23tf. 'VW" "vurvvvvvvvvvvvvv Trade or Swap 1 (15-foot) row boat. Federal reg- ister 30W468. Reward. D. H. Christofferson, Medical Dental Bldg, Seattle, Wash. 11-27--12-4-11w3t. rm'v'v“ a we'wv‘yvvvvww‘ For Rent Qua MAI. nmoAu‘mg-‘ NOTICE I will be responsible for debts delia Miller. JACK MILLER JOURNAL WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c.. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3!: per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 75c; original poetry 50c per inch; classified di:play rates on request. Advertisements accepted over' the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany other orders or payment made be: fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of ICC will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 mmvwv'vvvwvvvw' For Sale 'QAMAMAA” AA‘ -AAAAAAAAI FOR SALE: old newspapers, So for seven pound bundle. Jour- nal office. FOR SALE: picked apples, Kings, Northern Spies, Gravenstein. Orchard run, $1.00 box. Bring containers. J. Jacoby, Route 2, Shelton. 11—20-27-~12-4———3t. FOR SALE: 4 dozen new No. 2 traps, $5.00 dozen; six dozen uSed, $2.50 dozen; cedar posts 10c each; 15 acres and house $1500 cash, $2,000 terms. Chas. E. Greene, Kamilche. ll-Z7—«1t. FOR SALE: nice 17—month old heifer. Be fresh the first of April. L. C. McCowan, Route 2, Box 320, Shelton. 11-27——1t. FOR SALE: Cocker Spaniel pups. 5-room modern house, barn, chicken house, garage. About 1 acre ground. Phone 483-W or 132. 8—11-27—tfn. FOR SALE: dinette set and radio. Phone 2-F-3. W—11-27—1t. FOR SALE OR TRADE: good work horse, 1600 pounds, will work anywhere. Will trade-in on good cow or heifer. S. W. Blan- ton, Route No. 1, Elma, Wash. 11-27——1t. __F Nos. 1418 and 1490 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITION OI“ I'IXECUT“IX—ADMINISTRATEIX FOR SETTLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION At the Aviation Ordnance 1942. Jackson, 1 h and Mt. View. 11-20-27--12-4~3t. . A. L. BELL, ,_ _ __ _ _ ,_ . . _. AND DISCHARGE. School he went through an inten- Administrator Of‘tho Estate A“ 11 27 12 4 11 3t. l ‘A““AA‘AA‘”A_A“ u“; ,IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF. THE Sive course of Instruction that ln-i ,or Axel Frekman. Deceased, FOR SALE -- ,, ,, N0. 1432 _ . . h. STATE OF WASHINGTON 1N_A1\HJ eludedithe assembly and disassem-l Bell Building, 119 Fourth St. 1933 D. 74 NOTICE OF HEARING. ON FINAL WILL TRADE- Clea“? was {"5 FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. m of an the Wea OHS used in; Shelton, Mason County, motorcycle. Phone 483—J. REPORT AND PETITION FOR machine for gas machine. Write IN PROBATE I y, .p . [ Washington. D___11_27_1t l DISTRIBUTION Route 3 Box 199A R__11_27__1t In the Matter of the Combined aerial combat. Marine aerial gun- CHAS. R. LEWIS, ' _ ‘ ' IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Estates of Hattie B. Garfield and Guy lners are among the beSt trained Attorney for the Said Estath £77533“ ' STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR. “‘16— 4”; *"“"r“" Garfield. Both YDcceghea v . y in the world 'SUlte 1, Lumbcrmens Building, V0.11“, T6 éfiFmTong , MASON COUNTY ammo“ FO-R PUBLwATION NOTICE is liEnhnY elvEN. that 1 WITH DOOR DEL'VERY 'N SHELTON I '- Shem?“ M350“ Cum” A Tii‘Fll l“ Cl lime L l 'N I‘“””‘“‘” V0 “{E SUPERIOR COURT 033' THE Rhea Ruth Howard Execmnx‘mmm' . Pearson ~ first attended thelwashmkmh, 11.20—27.—12—4—‘3t.'IN THE SUPEPI‘O‘R ‘ In the Matter of the Estate of I‘sgiTE OF ‘VASHINGTON FORi istratrlx of the above entitled com- :. he Freight Should be routed Via Sn} Indian' Ferry DOCK' glympla high igloo}: m Clampliii NOTICF 01,. “FAR”; : STATE OF WASHINCTIOR: Mhuoiiceh'isSIEthggy Dgfiigaifedihm Mar-l MASON COUNT . Piiiifld r3351»: m8. Freight via Str. Skookum Chlef, Milwaukee Dock. 9r one ygar’ e t en con lnue STATE OF WJASHINGrfON ‘) I FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, cia l“. Shorter. Execuli‘ix Of the above All“) Ami 1:13an 1ff~ )settlement and distribution of the No. 2 ~ his education at the Irene S. Reed‘ ' ) 58_ IN PROBATE ‘ entitled Estate. has filed with thel T. O AXLE; m1 Jane DOV combined estates of said deceased per— hlgh school at Shelton from which. coumy 0F MASON ) t I," “10 Matte" 0f the Estate of Clerk of the above entitled Court A Wmfmh t 0 6,1,4. mé,sons. wherein the Court 15 asked to ' ‘- I he graduated He then made use In the Matter of the petition of Jon,“ B9113”? Dylflégfii’d; n - her Final Report and Petition forI . “both V2059 we {‘15 ‘g‘ n’fpd approve _said account and report. and a». Tlme SChedlfle as fOHOWS: ' . L.’ E. Callahan et a] for a county . BOTICF‘ IS HEU‘LEIDY GIVEN. that Distribution, asking the Court to ap-l ‘5 to Pla‘ntiff. unknov’n' ecea‘si ' make distribution, 0f 113“ combined é .. of his opportunities to furt er his 0 d t b k l I d Letters Testamentary on the Estate of prove said mm,“ distribute. the prop. ' Husband and WIfC- The unknown he” 1 estates. and discharge the Execumx- 1 Leaves Tacoma daily' execept “unday' at 5 p'm' for education at the Vocational chool 3‘3 wfiofi 1%Ofifiyaséaifififififii' ma ' John Baum". ,deceasod. were granted erty to the persons thereto chliucuji 0‘ Twyma“ .0- Abb‘m- Decease‘l- “‘0 Administrfltrixl . $ Olympia and Shenon . ,, . to the undersigned on the 7th day of and to (“song”) the Execumx, 'unknown heirs of Jane Doe Abbott NOTICE Is FURTHER GIVEN. that ii" , at Boemgs at Tacoma, In hls NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that , x , . g , . ,,. . . _ . . l . . Noxemoer, 1942, by said Su erlor n 'c 4 l Dtveased‘ and all Other personhv “n in accordance With . or u Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday junior year at theirene S Reed the report of the County Engineer in Court D NOTICEIIS IURTiinR GIVEN, iha.‘ , known having or claiming to have Court made and tuning” dcr “oi; Said k; CLARENCE CARLANDER, President high school he Wa's a men;er of the. matter .of the road above .menn NorfICE Is FURTHER GIVEN that 31% Ref-Ti”, ‘fndh Iffimim 1‘“ .any fight, title, estate,’1ien, interest day of Odo-oer 19319341; 1:: r}; 3 :fi n5 _ :tioned. has been flied in the office of u . h .- r .1 . . 5- .' . 1‘ n u ’0’? “l K" ea! ,In thei or e uit in and to tho hereinafter “l ', a “I: W‘ a " » the Americanism Oratorial Con- the Board Of COunty Commissioners of. gstaltglignhreqiiiiingd :08”ng edgilvigii‘it isziiiil courtroom m the courthouse m Shel-idescrtibedy Real Estate V Fizalhad giftme thet cod“t C1? said 5 . . . . . .. n ‘e s. in . , v r . . acco ,re ' I test. lifi‘qincggfifiytegigfi mafiofigwg, descnb‘i the lice ary vouchers, upon the un- 3,93,,szfinmtrifemg;reigoirtmimgguifilaigI THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Saturday, the “Emmi;va pjcgtécggbg: 5-" Corporal Pearson worked on the: Commencing at the Easteriy end of derslgnd at the Law Olflce of 'Alden the 2nd day Of januaryv 1943 TO: The stud Twyman 0. Abbott 1942,_ at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on said . . . . IC. Bayley, Title Insurance Building, 14.,th min 21% da. of November and Jane Doe Abbott, Whose true day 111 the Court Room of said Court ~ Na‘fal Air Statlon m Kodiak Ala" ‘Igyusfireeg atStthet Fafierlyt .Slde. 0f Shelton. Washington, that being the 1942, ’3 I) A ‘ ', Christian name is to Plaintiff un- in the Court House at Shelton Wash— a __ ___._ . durm 1941 and was a, helmsman 5. .mg on re“ 1'1 ("m 31? Vmw place designated as the place for the V lknown, Deceased, Husband and Wife, in ton. g Addition to Shelton Washington ~ ‘ ESTHER ROLES. I g . on ship from Kodiak to Seattle. and mum then " . ;' transactlfill‘ .Of the busmess 0f ‘the Acting Clerk of Mason Conn-'31e unknown hells 0f Twyman 0: Ab' Dated this 319i day of October. 1942. . 1 d en di. 08 mm" bgrlthegst. estate, Within Six months after the [y Washington bott, Deceased, the unknown heirs of CLARE ENGELSEN, PreVlously he had been emp OYe 0:311; “29013101; agrosts fes fits. '11” date of the first publication of thlleHAS LEWIS Jane Doe Abbott. Deceased, and all Clerk of the Superior Court ' 11, as a sheet metal mechanic by the T 0h. SSNQ 31” e" 0 60 \10'1 3: notice. towit: within six monthsafteri “mm”. for Excéutrix other persons unknown, having or for Mason County Washing- 1 . Ive S Boeing Aircraft Company aggntshmgv togithlfof Falgge 4 wilt. the 13111 day of November, 1942, ant: sum. ,’ Lhmb'e‘rmenvs jgldg claiming to have any right. title. ton. M ' _e 65 ,a . 0 OTth , 95“ file the same with the Clerk of this . ghplion' Manon Cm t " estate, lien, interest. or equit in and By ESTHER ROLES The young Corporal ‘5 th‘? 5°“. ‘gflff‘ofOfnggog fiégfl‘owislfip Court. together with proof of such washm'gmnf 1322¥;,12_4,11_18_4t' to the hereinafter described eal Es- Acting Clerk. g ‘of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Pearson. land .of J. F. Bichsel. t’encé sane.-.503352;,°{'fi§"¥3{i,‘“d2§122‘3‘§2.%i§ti‘2' giggingggdmt‘g 38130132301; sycfilhizhrefidledig}; %o§%§§gl¥£l —Ad ' “ ‘ i 317 South 2nd Street, Shelton. eastézrlty to the present Cougity road- 1942. i N0 4177 after the date of this first publication Title Idsurance Building mlmsuatnx' .l V , WaSh~ ?eet.‘s “08 Of gppwxmmfily 1600 frAiiER'ant Will . SIMMONS Siyéhiilt§Plflé°“§het°3?itile“Si‘r‘lindfg Shelton“ wasmngton' 11 13 20-274 i . Representative in Mason county for NEIGEL HERRIFOR'D IdflgREEOIt‘hE' IT IS ORDERED by and Testament and the 155- i 1%ngEESLéDIP of October, 1942, and defend the above _ - t” . SENDS LETTER . gziitionoa‘gm birthethg ‘3};flatl‘kllgngérgll-ig ALDEN iattl ()f'JOilEl Bauer, Deceasedi MASON COUNTY entitled action in the above emitm’d WWW. n----.‘ I p I Journal, Shelton County Commissioners of said County AttorneycforB Helen Kenneuy' Plaintiff, :Slfou glafilfigffafgxsigrégea (233‘)? 131?ng i i ‘ i 3‘15“ to let you know my Chang“ v Chaim: ngillrigttgie Oiolilhte 221390133 ‘ Tme Insu‘n‘lC-‘i Blinding ' Milton Kennelgirbliefendant. Answer I! 01.1 the undersigned attor- 7 i of address from Cam Carson, of Decehber 1942 at. two 0, loo “.1. Shelton, W'asnlligtol; “ STATE OF WASHINGTON to Mm ney for lalntiff at his office below "vvv¢VVvvvvyyvvvv , ‘ '0010 to Cam Hal Cello Dated this' 16th day of ‘Nov‘bngber 11'13'2w0'27 12 4_llt'lton Kermedy. Defendant: State“ and- m “‘59 Of yo“ mm” ‘ ‘ ' ‘ I I’ve been 11% heree a cCuple of 1942' l V No {5—46 5 -Y°-“ we hereby summoned to app-ea“igaifistd‘ilodugcfiié‘ingiit ltfierfireliirgdg I I in I _- I days, 10,000 feet above sea level. $11232? 3.23%???“ Comm. CONSENT“ .CRPEDI'FM‘ISAIKL lglibtiigadgltyoisoghigaYSuIiifriibiisEhetoEfii 0f the complaint iwmc" ’3“ been med J ames E Limam i '1 w- I will undergo mountain training Commissioners, Mason Couli- IN if???27:.§;E§¥5},135{¥R$f‘Ofi erE i within sixty days after the 23rd day wgi‘h tthef Cl?“ Of. a}? 3%“! 09‘1'351'1‘.“ ' . ' 1y, Washington, ‘ . ‘ '3 , , .N. iof October, 1942. and defend the above 0. .80 this MUG-n ‘3 “me am’ V warfare. 11_20_27H2t ijTJX‘F‘E {)3 Y VWASBIINGTON For. ! entitled action in the court aforesaid. uth title in and to the West 100 feetl uctloneer . This is a brand new camp, high ' ._.___._ ' I MAS N (f: “1:115”; ATE l and answer the complaint of the plain: (Igorfilot 011; $3220? vagéstT°gfiEMP R I Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils iIltp Inbthi heart 01:1 the ligcfilesfi VOTICE N3; mums JMIn th? ‘lViiijtierldofI the Estate of ; glgfyggganfggpeggénaiggeSgigge,g,,§ggg Mason’ Clounty, vWashington. and to ea ESQ“ 3"“ “Val-0°" i . i ui ’ wi i A- , ‘ air—turn. in one . Deceaset. l . . . . l perpetual bar and en oin on and _. _.- Sc 1 m a V3 ey g -ro FILE CLAIMS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN. that atto‘f‘".y f0! . “mm” at “'5 0m” each of ydu from assertilng 32in right, Leave Inquiries at Journal l peaks all around protected from IN THE SUpERIOR )UR .. , _. H , addriss helelubelow stated, and in . . . . . . _ . , PROMPT SERVICE , I“, y . , T OF THE i “It undomlgneduhm c been appointed cage of your failure go to do judgment title. claim, eqult , lien or interest | _ ’Wmdv bat nOt from Snow by any IN AND and “have qilalllled'as' joint Excitw will be rendered against y'ou accord- therein, _ or .there 0. or adverse to , m and Franklm phone 397 means. I hear we get plenty of IN PIEIOBA“, IASON. mm. o. the Last VVVll‘l and. Tmitd-l mg m the demand of the complaint Plaintiffs_ title thereto. and for a , snow later on. In the Matter of the Estate of i gfiiigli-ianili.m%§$§i slid 3:: which “as been filed With "‘0 Cm“ 0‘ DDfeCtllf: :gbudiiidgs her to be the owner ALDEN VG BAY LEY _,_ . _ __. I. . It is four bblow Zero this morn' Whol‘fllllggmfé GIVFN sons having cl'iilils against the said sailethF‘EJLgitéct of this action is to secum CHAS" R. LEWIS' ATTORNE-Y T mg’ but .you‘ .cquld n91; ten It as Letters of Administmtion on'Jth'e till}? Esmiiikiiiiictdwlé‘ l:(‘xlivbtiwt‘lri‘Wd:ililiiif: l a divorce. in favor 0f the plaintiff and rigii§3igé address V LAW A the sun “1. shining brlght and an tate of W'. M. Blairnrdeceased. wg orifled. with the not y voucher agamst “39 gxfifegrfiflfiAM Suite 1, Lumbermen's Bldg; Title Insurance Building of us are in shirt sleeves. granted 90 the underslmod 0n the -.zl.ll.:ll‘l‘.cll, upon ihl‘. uh imcd axial ' , r i Shelton, Mason, County, . . . . . .. day 0, November 1942. _ ,. H ,_ . , . , , H , I Atiolncy for Plaintiff . Opposite First National V Our training, consxsts of Skiing All person; haying clam? q aiv‘qttcutilus in their Atioincy ‘olv art-lid 0mm Address Sum, 5 , Washington. . . . . . 1 ,_ and mule packing of supplies and said estate‘arc required [to servd'gth‘dm, :iul “1951p “(33.3fm up} “[32:13an l 10 2,, 30 glgg‘llg’gekfin' was“ 1043-301-‘11-6.13-20'21-42-4—7t. Phone 23.. - - 7 , . perhaps in the spring we will go with the necessary vouchers, upon the the moonlit sort wilh‘iho Clcrki "_ " ' T l ' , to a combat zone. As I am attach ! leggéslgéled Bgilmtyhe Ilia? grime“? ! of the above entitled Court wilhinl __ l l ~ ,. . ' 5 l r l 2% ‘ 9 six month: an‘l‘ the (late o‘ lllv" . . ‘Y . ' . * 539.3%]tia§i§§$a1263a33t$éff will???»SSFJE‘Sn’de‘QiSnZififimi‘ar ‘i‘fii’f‘l’f‘ {Jubii‘ “097 “iruihis ""‘i‘ml ‘0’ NOTE“(Sysahffi‘h SALE Computed for Oakland Bay - l ,. . _ . . . I“; “ wi i ovem L. . E, ‘. or sal c alnlsl . 1 x“ i; ' ' i might mention that Roy John- lgi‘gszsgiggln0;,gllgoglggglgpeyf,$50,153; Will be form r barred. Y 17131; P13323501. (Hood Canal tides are one hour INSURANCE _‘ son of Camp 3 is stationed in orthe first publication of this, notice JESSE}? MW”““L‘D CLH‘TON' IN THE sUPniilon COURT OF THE a 55 minutes earlier) > , , , . 1 Headquarters company of this towit. within six months after thé E31113?Stwbrfilifiiglifienm‘ “as” STATE. 01“ WASHINGTON FOR. - . . . HERBERT G-ANGLE. ' ' saméi division. He is now a cor- lfighsgggg ,ggfigggmglggk {git-£11303}; c. McDONALD‘ CWvNig-smg and Wendell W ed aa'rxg' ' office at Aggie ’- . ‘ Dora. and my OWn rating is. as tog thler with proof of such service, ' ‘ ‘ . A. Lessing. Plaintiffs, l ' ' ' ' ', , .. , . ‘ . , f” . 129 East Railroad Avenue,.Shcl- _ _ ‘Nov 25 Low 3:26 ,m_ 6_7 ft, L ' Staff sergeant. . odeltisd‘tlliisbiiltgiredgxy bgil'HKTIOvember mn’ Mason.Cwmliuwashmgwn Ralph H. Smalis'and Kathrine N. . High 8203 12.8 ft. i ' Yours sincerely. 1942. " CHAS P EXLLL‘TRICES- iSmgiil, Defendants. . 21’ ‘ ngel Herrlford. 'ng’ilihlsli’rlda‘igp'of the Estate Qétgfniy Igor Eigtlfite' extécr'ldit‘ibnmigsu’gl YidiucofOfali‘d LOW 3:13 a.m. -0.7 ft" ’ i ' SERVICE MAWS WINDOW ALDEN é: xylghglair, Deceased. shim, Mglgne'agggfy g" 3:8 Eff;th 01;. age lsugteljurmcl'ugt fof‘Thurs. High 10:33 a.m. 14.8 IN ELLIOT B SPRING ‘- . ‘ ‘ ,Z. _ . (i asnn, OI, an Or . l 8 ' %ttorney for Administrator, Washington. 11-21--12 4-11 18 4t. sald County‘ on the 9th day of Nov_ ,NOV. 110W p.m. . . , , All Parents or relatives of ser-l me Insurance Building No 1'77 ember" 1942? upon a judgment ren' Elgh 8:39 'pm' 123 ft. Accounting Tax sewn. H ‘ . . Shelton Washington. . , m ' 0; .. dered in said Court, on the 3151 day __.— , , Vice men are asked,to bring new 11-13-20-27~—12—4—4t “0.919” T0 CREDITOE‘S T0. of October, 1942. in favor of plain— . Bookkeeping Stem In a reciation of former Pictures of local men now in the . NO 15.10 — IN tiffis %ndhaga¥insfl Defendantths and each Fri 23' 123 4th st wPh ' . , v arm , . .' an o 0 cm for e sum of . Z . . . .‘ I 9“ f...2535282.?dialysis; M showcase were“ New Low 524 Pm 6-8 ft- 5“ i 1. 4. ' , . .. 0 ms. 0 . el' 1 . employees now In the Arm- of the window displays we had IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE u NIN rRohArL E ,. torneys's fees, interest, costs and in- Hlfih 9-20 P'm' 11'8 gt' . . this Spring- v ggUIVITNéSI-IINGTON FOR Aral,“ f; Gjfiégr Biceng State Oilgreased dcosts and ate me dlfectecli1 :ltllild £140: 4:33 3111- f:- .j». . '. , , l , 1 v eivei‘e , comman ing me 0 se e j ; a.m. , . ed SeerceS Of our Country t A111) pictureswnl be returned af- I th NINt PROfBAt’rhE E thlgognlcgggiéieé-Hifégfgegfvggbht?gé followiing gescrlbedt property to satis~ 28 ng légz pm 67 ft ' . 81‘ em in ' , n e at or o e state of .‘ y sai ju gmth “wit: . ' . . . . . g or two g the wmdow 9' week Robert c. Michael, Deceased. and have qualified as Executors of The West half (wl/Z) of the Nomi- High 10:11 p.m. 11.2 ft. F UNERAL HOME -- NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that the East W111 and Testament and of east quarter (Neil) and the North- _.._ Remember, bring in your pic- the undersigned, Hannah C. Michael, th‘lhstat‘i of Arthur Bo Goveyv 136- west quarter (Nwlg) of the South- Low 5.15 am 09 ft Licensed Embaimers i tures of that sailor soldier or has, been appointed and has qualified Qfaf’e‘} alld. that.all Persons havmg east quarter (SE11) of Section 25, . ' . . eh R F U S N V Marine to th J '1 ff th- as Administratrix With the Will an— calm». against the said Estate. 01'; Township 20 North. Range 5 West. i Sun, High 12=45 P-m- 14-6 ft- W- A- Witswrs. Prop- n aymond ourre ' - ' a y k. e ourna 0 ice 15 nexed of the Estate of Robert C. Mi- th‘i Sald Deceased are herebY .requ‘lied W. M. 'subject to the reservations 1 Nov, 29 Low 7:07 p.m. 6.2 ft. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. l, . wee chael, Deceased, and that all persons ti; serve the 5‘1va dilly verlfled Wlm and exceptions appearing in a deed H- h 11.18 m 107 ft , having claims against the said Estate the necessary voucher attached, “Don recorded in Vol. 7 of Deeds page 1g P' ' ‘ ' . nOId Brannon . . . . . U. S. Army ' or the said Deceased are hereby re— t e unde‘SISn‘ld Exfiecuml‘s at Room 11v 477 in ’the records of Mason County, —-—o~—~ V: Yarrs M B k quired to serve the same duly veri- .Lumbermens Buud‘nfiv Shelton» W33” situate in the County of Mason. Low 6:04 a.m. 1.8 ft, . is U “V3 a“ his”: thinners” "sari 31%"lilac?“lifliebil‘aaséamél‘l it: News GIVEN n. Mon High 1-29 pm 14 6 ft CHARLES R LEWIS I , ‘ ' ac upon e un erSigne min- *. , CT I HER Y , at ' ' ' EdmlStOI’l . . . - - Navy T0 Port Townsend istl‘atrix or her Attorney of Record, business Or the Said Estate- 0r_ upon on Saturday the 26th day of December, Nov.30 Low 8:11 p.m. 5.5 ft. ' , . ii ~—l Suite 1. Lumbermen’s Building Shel— fine/1" Attorney 0‘ Record at his 941' 1942 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of _._._. ATTORNEY AT LAW ‘ , ‘ - Mr. and ton, Mason County. Washington; the “.55 “91'1'mbBIOWSiVeY1. and file Slim and day. I will sell the above de— . ,3. he Llndberg . _ _ Navy week sold tnil/[rah John Yarr last same being. degignated as the place claims. together With Proof of Service, scribed property. or so much thereof: High 12.29 a.m. 10.4 ft. n to Perry Bell: omedon Hillgre'tst for the guano?” ofdthe business of ElgggtthethClerk of tl’tlli} abfttive tintiéleid as may be necessary to satisfy salleues. Low 6:59 a.m. 2.6 ft. Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. j -, . 3 er an move 0 the sai Sta 6:. an to file such W1, "1 SIX "3011}5 a 01‘ .e 30 judgment, together with attorney's De ,1 1 h 2:11 ,m, 143' ft" She} W v"_ n Garrison . . . . . . U. Navy Port Townsend v’vhere he has tak- claims together with the proof of sen— (if the fll'st Qum'catlon ,Qf “‘15 NO' fees. interest, costs and increased. c liogw 9.0n p m 4; ft “Huston l “ en a position ’ .th th G1 (11 vice With the Clerk of the above en- “99' tfijw'it: boyiember 21th. 1942. 01' costs. in all amounting to the sum ' p' ' ' , ,1 x ‘1'. . C1, W1. 9 3311 a titled.Court. within Six months after Said Claims W11l be forever barl‘ed- lof One Thousand One Hundred Fifty— ‘ —-—— "" , . bert Neweu I . _ , , U, S, Navy me‘ifllfilgrgg ang Will be at hlS for- thewiftirsk Ogggifigtlggthofl £1215 0:03:53 EOVéIEKfACRES lSeg'gind a;ng Whole tg;}l£157.«ll%)ceDgltlaigie High 2:08 a.m. 14.5 ft. . , 3 The Yarrs ahn among 01d. fnends' claims. will be forever barred. k Executom of the Last W’ill! East door 0 the Clouft House at WCd. L_0W 7:59 a.m. 3.5 ft. I purl. U S A ave been residents-of HANNAH c,'MICHAEL, and Testament Oi Arthur b.' Sh(‘\[0n in said County and, State, Dec.2 High 2:49 p.m. 14.5 It. F .. ion Anderson . . . . .. . . rmy Sheltonvfor 15 years, duri hlch Administratrix with the Will Govey: Room 11. Lumber- and will be at public auction, for Low 9:50 .m, 3,4 ft,‘ ' ' i l r i P l ._ _ Mr. Yarr was 1 ed 1‘. th annexed 0f. the Estate 01‘ mens Bldg-i Shellonv WaSh‘ Cash in hand to the highest and best ' L' d p by A l i . . .. local cream emp 0y 8‘. 9 Robert C. Michael, Deceased. ington. .bidder. . wen” u '0 ccountang l n Johnson . . . . . - U. S. Navy gret leav. "y Fla-“tr and they re‘ CHAS. R- LEWIS. , R.- LEWIS. , H i _ Dated at Shelton. Wash., this 24th High 3:32 a.m. 10.9 ft. Notary Public 1 In. fr- 5“ W the “W” and his“? fillntlidélgs are surly lonelier. are 0‘ Neurons Thurs Low 9200 4-3 ft. .. . l it; halgn-ts’ by? the new °pp°rtum s” elton: Mason County, g“ Shelton: walking-an 5“ Sm,“ of mm 'C,,,,,,,,._ Dec.3 High 3:27 p.m. 14.5 ft. 025 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 ‘ ‘ 3 9- Wntfigefi wellington 1.1-1.3—20-27—12‘4-4t. 1127-4524—1118 fit. 11-2{—«12—4-11-18—25—5t. Low 10:30. p.m. 2.1 1t. ., ,,