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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eigh‘t __ m Grapeview News Reports Given The Rhythm Band of the school made its first appearance at the Thanksgiving program on Friday, November 20. The pupils, under the leadership of Mrs. W. R. Spooner, have been practicing on- ly two weeks‘ but made a very cerditable showing. Other numbers completed the program which was enjoyed by several visitors. The Women’s Club held its first fall meeting on Thursday, Novem- ber 19, at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. H. E. Peterson. There was quite a little business to take, care of but there was time for! an interesting talk by Miss Pet-I erson, who has just returned! from mission work in China. She was on the Grispholm, which .1 .-_—. brought a number of missionar-, V ies and diplomats from the war; zone. She is visiting her brother' and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Peterson. Miss Hattie Barker and Mrs. H. E. Housen were hostesses for this meeting of the club. A new member, Mrs. Ed Westberg, was welcomed. The community extends is sym— pathy to Mrs. E. C. Merritt and Mr. L. Wren whose brother, Ed— win Wren, died at Port Angelesl on Thursday. They drove to that city for the funeral on Saturday. The Zizz family have moved, into their new home, an attrac- tive cottage near the schoolho so. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ree es went to Seattle on a business trip: An item which reached us late: ' Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Eckert en- tertained the choir of the Shelton Methodist church at dinner at! their home on Stretch Island on; the 11th. Although there were thirteen at the table and it was[ almost Friday the 13th, only at pleasant time is reported. Scout Conference (Continued from Page One) Arthur Forsythe of Fe Ell will present a slate of officers at the meeting. At the council executive board meeting recently, a secret vote was cast to determine the selec- tion of the oneflor in unusual caseswtwo men who, because of their outstanding work with boys, I are to receive the Silver Boaver Award which is given only once a year to an outstanding Scouter. This coveted award has been given the entire history of the council. They are Hans Cleland, formerly of Olympia, Jude Laspa of Olym- pia, Dr. Eugene Browning of Shelton, Dr. Arthur Forsythe of Fe E11 and Harry T. Martin. Scout Movie The programmed evening will include a report of the activities of Thurston district of Tumwater council as well as the report .of I the Thurston district nominating! committee which committee in— cludes as chairman, C. V. Aspin- wall, S. P. Totten and Ernest Suko. as well as an outstanding, Scout colored, sound movie. I The address of the evening will be given by Judge John M.‘ Wilson. Leland P. Brown will be master of ceremonies. A bugle call by Bob I Kotick will call the group to din-1‘ ner. Two senior Scouts, Harry; Bragg of Troop 4 of Olympia and Ed Meneghetti, Troop 14, Tenino,| will put on a special Scout demon- I stration. All arrangements for the: banquet and program have been! made by Robert Bratton of Olym- ‘ pia, council chairman of leader- ship training and A. B. Hiatt,, Scoutmaster of Troop 3. I The dinner will be served by a group of Central Baptist Church ladies under the direction of Mrs. Henry Gaines. I 'In addition to the annual coun- cil meeting and the Thurston dis- trict annual meeting, each district will have an annual meeting in December or early January. The Mason district meeting will be held at Shelton, Thursday,,Decem- ber 3rd; Centralia district, Mon- It day, December 7th. Southern and, Chehalis district meeting time iSI yet to be announced. Dean McKenzie (Continued from Page One) 'noon. At 3:45 he will address members of the teaching staff of all the schools. The public is cordially invited to attend this address at 3:45 p. m. at the Jun— ior high as the evening Kiwanis meeting will be very crowded. The visiting professor will be entertained by members of the Kiwanis and their wives at a dinner at 6:30 p. m., following which the general public will be invited to attend the forum dis- cussion at p. m. Well Informed Few men in the United States are in a better position to present to the residents of the Shelton district a concise and authentic first hand report on the actual war situation than is Dean Mc- Kenzie. For the thirteen months immed- iately preceding October 1, Pro- fessor McKenzie acted as Ameri-l- can adviser to the British In- formation Service, spending his time in London, New York and Washington, D. C. During thirty- flve years as reporter, editor and author, he has served on the staffs of 26 magazines and newspapers in the United States, Great Bri- tain and Canada. Dean McKenzie is the author of a number of books including “War in Europe in 1940" (publisher in 1934), “Through Turbulent Years,” and “Here Lies Goebbels." He has been director of the University of Washington School of Journalism since 1926. Once a lad joins Uncle Sam's Navy his vocabulary changesl Floors are “decks,” windows are “ports,” stairs are “ladders,” walls '- are “bqu heads.” And upstairsl is “topside” and downstairs is “below.' _ The $5,800,000 interstate bridge which crosses the Columbia River at Longview was built without a loss of life, a record believed to still remain unequalled on pro- jects of similar size. , Monday. Mflflgfigflféfls’fSXST 3s. sssasgsawssirssss to only a small group of men in E g i ll i I l i The United Mike Rector Runs In Cross Country Mike Rector, II‘vL‘Cenibm' 5. The lhas been gm} ‘ Northwest. carries son of Mr. 'MrS, Roy Rector and track 13¢. 1 movies, exhibits and thrills. ' ‘ The general public will be in- ‘vitcd to inspect the streamlined terman at the University of We iil- . ington, was chosen on the Univers- 1 ity's cross-country team winch 1 Navy (711118012 In ‘ S oka Thursda". I raced {line—m- :— l Navy what makes HOSPITALIZED .‘ ”"""" """V’i' T W " Receiving treatment at the , 11‘ HOSPITAL Shelton Hospital is Mrs. Lew Wil- . ey. She entered the hospital on} pnedical treatment. 7'! at! us. Quilted Satin Robes 8.90 Satin Flowered print Robe, quilted for added warmth. Lapels, tie belt, swing skirt. In royal blue with rose lining and maroon " with rose lining. Sizes 12 to 20. ' Chenille Tufted Robes Chenille tufted robe in lovely swirl pattern. In cheery bright colors, rose, aqua, white, yellow, red, blue. Sizes 12 to 44. Ready-Tthrar Department States Rte-l l'cruiting Cruiser will be in Shelg ,lfll‘ all day and evening Saturday,l touring vealed the inside workings of the i recruiters have SHEL,"1‘..01‘T-MAS0N. COUNTY JOUBNAE . ' NAVY’S LAND (Taoism SCHEDULED DEC. 5 l\“:/ recruiters will I l E Navy I advantages, schools it will be re-1 —~ »~—»~-«~~WE perplexing you. Watch for the wheels go the Navy’s wheels. Must-Have Robes for this Heat “Rationed” Winter . . . When the snow begins to fly and wintry winds howl ’round the eaves . . . just burrow a little deeper into the luxurious warmth of one of these robes! They’re ideal compan- ions for nights when you’ve a date with your radiator . . . and are yours at a thrifty price! around in the world‘s mightiest ships of the line. It will show you. your country’s First Line of At- Cruiser, whichf tack in all its strange and fasci- the Pacific ating detail. with it sound A half dozen specially trained be aboard the Cruiser to explain the many and special- ties offered by the Navy. These the answers to all the questions that have been land 3 Mrs. Betty Godwin entered the' Cruiser Saturday, December 5, ini ‘Shelton Hospital on Tuesday for Shelton. It is the latest thing on} 3 t' lews Brevities I From Harstine' l l Harstino, Nov. 18. Mr. and Mrsi iH. A. Glascr were called to Tm, Ycoma Tuesday eve 11-" to attend, ithe funeral VVednes ,Ir' 0.” Mrs“ Glaser's aunt, Mr's. Joseph Klee. Mrs. Mary Beckwitli spent lasti :week at the home of her daugh-f ter and family, Mr. and Mrsl Chas. Mattson of Elma. I Mrs. Bill Evans of Raymond isl spending a few days at the home; lof her daughter and family, Mr. land Mrs. Arlo Wingert. Mr. and Mrs. George White andi ldaughter and husband of Seattle, iwere week end visitors at the August Carlson home Sunday. A]- so calling at the. Carlson home; were Ernest Booth and George} Carlson, of Pickering, who helpedi 'Mr. Carlson butcher a cow. , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hitchcock; Pauline and Lyle were visiting ov- : er the week end at the. homes of! IMrJ and Mrs. Paul Hitchcock ofI Ocosta and Mr. and Mrs. Waltei'l Sewell of Hoquiam. I Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Glaser: ,and family of Tacoma, and Helen; and Bud Glaser, were Saturday? night and Sunday visitors at the' 1H. A. Glaser home as also was iJoe Glaser of Bremerton. Vestei'. IFarrell, of Bremerton, ' was also l I NEGLIGEE & GOWN 72 x 90 ................... .. Satin Quilted Hosiery Boxes Quilted Tissue Cases Cheese Boards Fancy Playing Cards Diaries DANCE SETS ........... ._ LUNCH CLOTHS .. Syroco Wood Trays, Book Ends Cigarette Cases and Ash Trays RAYON SATIN GOWN S .............. .. 1.98 to 3.98 Lace trim, full cut, figured and plain Rayon satin, lace trimmed. a: there Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Edwards! nee Bessie Yeck) and baby were on the island Sunday for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ardiuc Halloway were giving the island the once' over Sunday. . I Mrs. Lottie Uggen was called= away Tuesday to the funeral of. her son, Floyd Basket. Harry Sinclair and Mrs. Earl Harriman are on the local gas rationing board with our teacher, Mrs. Jessie Simmons. Don’t forget our Grange meets this Friday night at the school house with election of officers. Journal Want-Ads—phone 100 The Abstract Man of Mason County A. L. BELL Abstracts, Real Estate Loans and Insurance BELL BUILDING SHELTON, WASH. 1 4y Taffeta and Rayon Satin ‘SLIPS 1.19 to 2.98 Here’s the practical gift with the luxury look . . . made to order for this sensible gift-giving Yule! All are trimly made for that smooth fitting look and will give smart wear- ing pleasure long after Christmas. Lace trimmed and tailored styles. Rayon Satin PANTIES 69¢ to 1.98 SETS .......... .. 4.25 to 6.25 With long and short coat. Figured satin and plain colors. .............................. 1.49 WILBAR-RY LACE CLOTHS .50 x 50 .................. .. 60 X 80 .................. .. __________________________ .. $1.69 .................... $1.98 ......... .. $3.98 to $1050 ............ .. $1.69 to $3.25 VARIED GIFT SUGGESTIONS Wood Salad Bowls (3 sizes) Waste Paper Baskets Bible and New Testaments Fancy Stationery Fancy Bath Towels Guest Books Scrap Books Velvet Covered Hangers MBEMENS MEREFINTILE. t” RECEIVING TREATMENT Frank Cayting entered the Shel~ 1, l ton Hospital on Monday for med-r “19 Shelton Hospital on Q daughter of Puyallup and friend‘ i031 attention 1’ j. Friday, November 2T, l FAUBERT IN HOSP ‘ E. H. Faubert was ad . for In odical treatment. ,. n, . .. .. ._., ». . “3,...1 .9 , ,, Order Now '. . . . MUJ.WA MIXED HEAVY SLAB?,,_NO AN HEART wow,“ CAN DELIVER TO SHELTON _: in CORD LOTS for I ’- fl gasoline I PER CORD ' 7'11 swing in 1 ALL DELIVERIES C.O.‘D. ' ~e station 0] V: 4' little acti‘ White Star lumber Co. to a ac't Whites, Washington . . . Phone: Elma 125-J .I C p l Phone or Write Wright. 1 ’ . County W2 "= states ‘ not receive< . or who: “IOWed is no , 8, should W .' tal gasoline er before b1 ‘0 the board. . I ergency Ra ‘ Ineantime th I “ persons a 2 Shopping r ,lOntinue thei‘ 7," has time ations that .11 has been 5. time so she Panel and I , . . “snowed in )ie M ‘ Several days ’1 out. seeking a 1 6 also remi “ k for compa nued on Pa We advise you to Shop Early so as to get W you want. You are gomg to be surprised to X] I the large variety of gifts we have selected. "7;, oratiOI are sure you Will agree It Will not be necess“ to go out of town to, get the gift you want. feel our personnel will give you better se I miss Shel and we hope when you come In that you WIll szieet . . . .1 e e ma so Impressed by our friendly serVIce you Hof comme come again and again. Here are a few of . ‘ fihlgmfifl ' ' l..-| city off many items we have for your selection. numbers 0‘ adivce agam is SHOP EARLYH » ‘1: and cm: “dispense w ., lightingr 1' kitted out .ing requii "IWGI'M, power and general 4 .now unde .rd is not ristmas 1i; E ‘ t, i, I i_ at i -‘ \ MR mm mm or TIIE YEA ROBES _____________ __________________ _, 5.50 to '1' £335.“; ".32 .1 With in war SWEATERS .......................... __ 2.69 to 7. ' . SKI SWEATERS ______________________________ _. 8.9 SPORT SHIRTS ________________ __,, 2.50 to 4.. First Nighter Pajama Sets ............ .. 3. PAJAMA and ROBE SETS .......... .. 11. ARROW SHIRTS ............... .. 2.25 and 2 ;‘ WOOL and RAYON SCARFS .... .. 1.00 . MEN’S WALLETS ________________ .. 59¢ to 6.. ' MEN’S TIES .......................... .. 55¢ to 1. BOYS’ TIES in Box ................. ......... .. ' ., MER TA Mens Brush and Comb Sets... 49¢ to 1. . -‘ 11:0“. 1 s een 1 ‘- er Taylor the Wes , , for a . period of a "‘ he will 11 tion for dul For the Service Man % OPPELT, J HOME 01“ Oppelt anc #Wl , of the p8 . 88‘, North Hole Proof Sock{_t’1eave tor er" th Packed 6 in box f“: rtuii‘ieir fr: mailing f “‘ . The OPP 2 “if: ,llre of a ............. .. $ ‘ Z «ther son, It I Red Cross ARMY and NAVY SWEATERS .... .. 4-95 WOOL GLOVES ................................ .j b ooNs'n AIR PILLOWS .................. .. 1.50 and 2- ' i erofiréa‘fn’fieg BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS .......... .. 95‘“ iireahigé‘i Sterling Silver NECK CHAINS ...... .. 2-5“ . ' i N 1 WALLETS _______________________________ ,_ 59¢ to 6 ‘ arys'sapre‘i . EN’S PI( MEN’S WRISLEY TOILET SETS Y MAG. Mel emplc cal J. store meml ited will ture I “ early Day” publii Lavender Shaving Bowl .................. .- Spruce Shave Mug .............. .._ ............. Spruce Lotion and Soap .............. .. Spruce Lotion, Soap and Talc ........ .. , Spruce Lotion ...................................... ' Saddle Club Soap and Lotion .......... .. Lavender Jr. Size Lotion and Soap...- Lavender Reg. Size Lotion and Soap-- ‘3 local ma 1 h this st: “h win he 3‘ another ye in thl nIted Stat: arried a. tten to M 0 is ab