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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.Pe 2 G COACH PICKS l 1-MAN VARSITY SQUAD; KANSAS TRANSFER ONE With just a week renlaining be- at center on the first five, along fore he sends his maple court war- with Cardinal. Tobey, Clary and riors into their first pre-season Anderson, but if Buck isn't ready practice game, Coach Chet Dora for action Harmon's size may be broski is beginning to see where the answer in the way of Telief. the cogs mesh in his 1948 High- At tlle same time as Dombroski (,limber basketball machine and selected his varsity squad, Grant has selected an eleven-man vat- Packard chose a 15-man B-team sity squad from the original group composed of Doug Cole, Bob Ash- of abopt 50 aspirants for the team. lay, Don Cole, Ken Gohrick, Jim The varsity squad, as of now Hopper, TolJyVasbinder, and Gene is composed of Lettermen Ken Wells. juniors; and Ted Dale, War- Cardinal, Norm Buck, Glen An. ran Edgley, Deb Getty, Bernie derson and Bob Rice, and B-team Heuer, George Hunter, Stuart graduates Bob Tobey, Wayne L0ughnan, Lyl,e Ware arid Ed 1"" Clary, Ken Carlson, Ken Boice laKWhite' soI)h;;0rh;, E d Quent McPherson, and Jim Skag- Chevrolet Parts are r3ad(t to stand the gaff or hard usage. They fit perfec0y an, 1" ... and wear longer. They The eleventh member is a new- are manufactured from comer to Highclimber athletic ac- e s ng n s, the finest stock available , tivities, L. C. Harmon, a Steelh d Se and p=cisioned tO rigid 0he-inch, we.-huilt junio," who an- ea ason ¢,...,., ,a.,.,, S.,,. 0. e,'ed .chool this week from 0p W k d ticatlon,, plaih, Kan., where he played two ens on ee en We will sell hes¢ parts tb years of varsity' basketball. you or REASONABLE DombroSki .haWt }tad time Last licks on the fading' fresh PRIC|S, so ha't yu may 'z.a enough yet, no[* has Harmon had water fishing season will imve t o continue to enjoy the s a m e dependable, ace- i" /)# // enough workouts, to get a real be nmde by Mason County fisher- nomitai performance or- line on the Kansas lad's ability men between now and sundown iginally built into your )/ but he has, dies himself well and Sunday, which brings the end of Char;o let Car or Tuck. seems to know his way around the lowland lake angling for 1947. SEEIJ$ FQR lily OHEVROLET the maple court. But fishermen won't ,be without pMW YOg Rlll Ha:p/on is sure tp see action eir. fresh water activities never- , when "the'Highclimbers meet SiN theless, because one day ,later, on . verdate here-Dec. 5, especially if December 1, the winter steelhead Norm Buck is s.£ill bothered by fishing season 9pens, to run thru ankle injuries olboh, legs which next Ip Year Day, February 29. Mell Chevrolet er0P, ped' this week's rends, Mason county rivers in which 1st and Grove Phone 777 tionlrlg worJout, ateelhead fishing i .lermitted hl- v--.-qg---  -- Dombr08ki had been .using Buck elude the Skokomish river and its ' two forks (to within 400 feelL of • " - the lower dam on the north fork all the south fork, Collter Amerioan Legion ma Harems river, Tahuya river ' from its mouth to the Dewatto ' v.oad and the Union river ft'om it mouth to the upper bridge on the MEETS AT $ P. M. IN MEMORIAL HALL old Navy Ymd highway. " . Steelhead fishei'men must this rd so,, possess, in addition to their 1st and TUESDAYS su., fishing license, the special permit punch card (free at any ' license dealer) on Which steelhead ..... - catches are recorded to enable the state, game department to ' stud FOR AN EPICAN PARADISE steellead donditions 'through the state with a vidw'to imlrc tANQUET TO HONOR FOOTBALL 1 "rokoy • Sherry FULL 00UART 81 ment of same. The season bg limit 'of steel- head is 24 this Tear,' Of which not more than three may be taken in any single dY oi:' six in ahy(al- endar week, and all us.t be of 16 inches ormore in lengtt to le le'al fish,  Blazer Basketeers In Battle For Squad Spots bY Harold Cart Basketball is progressing very rapidly in the junior hig h school. The boys haw ben turning out the past week und¢r the direction of Coaches RaY'patrlek and Loren B czzo a t the Lincoln gym. , Mr. Patrick whose squad at first numbered 19, has cut some and plans to carry a travelihg sqpad of 1'0 or 11. One letterman is back from last year, Jack Davidsofi. Mr, Bezzo, second string coach, has narrowed his,, team down to 14 and also plans to carry a squad of 10 or 11, The basketball schedule has not been determined yet but they are planning' the first l nactice i 'davly,. December. ,, r, . Shaw's Used Car Lot Formerly located at First and Cots NOW OPEN AT FIRST and PINE I I We Invite You To Look Over These Special Buys Now On Our Lot SUPER SPECIALS 1947 Packard 5-passenger Convertible Brand New, with radio and heater 1947 Ford 5,passenger Coupe  Brand new, equ|pped with heater COD BUYS IN USED '46 CHEV. Pleetline, low mileage, lit & H '4 FORD Special DeLuxe 6, R & H '42 CHEV. 4-door Sedan, R & H '41 OLDS. 4-door Sedan, R & H '41 CHEV. Coach, R & H '41 PLYMOUTH oupe '41 FORD Coach, R & H '41 CHEW. 4-door Sedan '40 FORD Coupe '39 FORD Tudor Sedan '38 CHRYSLER Royal 4-door Sedan '35 CHEV. 4-door Sedgn '35 CHEV. 2-door Sedan '31 CHEV. Coach USED TRUCKS READY TO GO 1947 FORD DUMP, low mileage, R & H 1938 CHEVROLET PANEL 1936 FORD PANEL Maintenance Runs Victory String To. Ten, Lead to Five RAYONIER BOVI,ING W L Maintenance .............. 26 7 Supervisors .... i..! ........ 21 12 Office ................ : ........ 21 12 Grease Balls .............. 18 15 Bleach Plant ............. 16 :17 Chemists .: .................. :1:1 22 Electricians ............... ]0 23 Research Girls .......... 9 2,1 High game--Ernie Lemley. 210 High total---Ernie Lemley 579 [Season's record Ten straight games have roiled by since Maintenance last sipped the dregs of defeat in Rayonier bowling league circles and in the interim Tiff SkelseY's crew has padded its circuit lead to five games over the knotted rmmers- up Supervisors and Office. Latest victim of the Mainten- ance stear.n'oller was the Chem- ists last Monday night. Stu Stedh- ler again fattened his average but had lielp fi'om Btd Temple ahd Norm Westlund. Office and Supervisors stayed tied in second place.with 2 to 1 victories over the Grease BalIs and Electricians respectively but lost ground to Maintenance. Roy Peaeher and Bruce Thorpe paced the Office victory, losing a ten- pill verdict to }larry Cole's 177 middle game, while Ernie lemley lmng up a new season's total at 579 and also had the night!s best single game at 210 in showing the way for the Supervisors. Walt Jensen ,snatched one for tle Elec- tricians. The tailend Research Girls topped the 900-pin mark twice to win a pair from the Bleach Plant with Wilda :Bi§hop, Evelyn Pace and Gloria Mays all ,ltaving their delicate hands in the victory pie. The scoring: Research Girls (2) BI. Plant (1) Handicap 10471J-Iandieap • 630 "W.Bishop 374 t Lunsford 390 V.Gray 301] Joslin 286 P.Cormier 293 IWolden , ' 403 E.Pacc 360[Lemke 384 G,Mays 3121Cab Rains 352 791 937 959 2687 803 865 777 2445 Office (2) , Gremse Balls (1) Handicap 549 Handicap 588 Thorpe 42 H.Cole 464 Briggs 386 Olivet" 438 Peacher 429 Edmiston 387 Dunseath 391 Zeitler 368 Holt 478 Wright 348 881 896 885 2662 835 906 852 2593 Maintenance (3) Chemists (0) Handicap 411 Handicap 67 N.Westlund 521[ Peach 472 Jacobsen 436 Lynch 28¢ Steehler 463 Rex Howetry 354 Temple 454] Perkins 343 Skelsey 495[ l'obler 451 943 968 869 27801 919 855 1808 2582 Supervisors (2) Electricians (1) Handicap 537[ Handicap .570 /,emtey 579] Frtltiger , 4il LaMarsh 3871.L,Bae "," tr 351 'J..'More 401 / Jansen. r + '','  45 Hawks 371]W.Carlson :, 4 McCann 432 Stevenson... 45i 935 916 856 2707, 927 847 888 2662 NewPrep Bowling Leaguein Action Higt school bowling" made its debut in Shelton pin circles Man= day afternoon whell a four-team Circuit composed of two boy and two girls four-player liffeups opened play on the Shelton. Rec- reation alleys.  Opening wctorms, each by 2 to 1 margins, were 89ored by Mill- er's Men's Shop over Texaco Ser vice 'Station, and by Hedrtck's Fountain Lunch over 'Union Oil. Don Lund of Texaco hung ul the top nlTldual scores of thb first matqhe's with a i59 game' and a'443 total, Barbara Bates toppefl the girls with her 122 game and 299 tota, l, closely followed by Donrla Demon's 296 total. Both bow1 with Hedrick's' team. Chuck Berets paced the Millet" victorr, although Bob Wentz' 142 pgame as irstrumental in a four- in deBision, for the men's wear team. Lund's top game won the finale for Texaco. Union Oil's only Victory over HedriCk's was by a one-pin mar- gin with Betty Kerhat having the top game. Bob Wentz is of the Butler Berets !eagu.e Mac's Corner Only Gainer as Girls Matches go 2 to 1 WOMEN'S BOWLING W L Old Mill .................... 24 12 McConkey Pharmacy 23 13 Ritner's Corner . ....... 21 15 P.antorium Cleaners .. 18 18 Shelton Groeery ........ 16 20 Mac's Corner. ............. 15 21 Dotson Tire Store . 14 22 • Werbergcr Winery .... 13 23 High game--lnez Dodds 195 High total----Bessie Hall 505 Matches 'I'uesday 7 -Mac's v, McConkey's Pantorinm 's Ritliol"s 9 -Werbcrger vs Dotson's • Old Mill v. GPoc.ery All decisions were 'settled by 2 to 1 margins in the feminine bowl- ing play TueSday. ]ight with Mac':s Corner the only :club to mow.., uP in the standings. Old Mill and McConkey Phar% macy continued their one;two race atop the league with thitM place Ritner's Corner, 1 o sin g ground by losing to the pharmac- isLq and Bessie Hall's 505 league- pacilg total. The only Ritner vic- tory came by a single pli the middle game as Emily Ieir and Terry Edmiston topped their .'¢- erages. . . ' , " Old Mill whipped Do,son's "yire Shop when Inez Dodd tilting ill when Eyely Smith was late arrWr in.g:, posted 'a 195' (and b'lew the last frame at that} for the. best single' figure of the nigt,and Mea Miflln and Edna'R0binson scored strongly in the flnale.*Mary Sutherland's :[66 Won the middle gaie for Dotson's. , • r Mac s Corner moved into' sixth . 'plac by deoisioning Pantorium Cleaners behind Rubye Frisken's scoring and Ruth Edgley's big opener, Phyllis Tembruell and Lu- cilia Daniets collaborated to sal- vage the closing tussle for ttie cleaners. Sheltofl Cash Grocery slid Wer- berg'er Winery a. little farttler l down the steps as Hazel Ferrier enjoyed an over-average evening. The scoring: Ohl Mill (2) . Goodrich (1)'i Handicap 248i -Iandicap 321 E.Smith 422 Staley 458 Sharpe 417 Kopprman 362 Mifflin 414 Dotson 319 Congress. scores: Hedldck$ (2) Union 011 (1) Handicap 777[ Handicap 754 B.Batbs. 299JS.FerguSon 242 D.Demllon 296[ M,Morer 223 .Ashbaugh 182] E.Kerhat 268 T:Sketsey 270J J.Magneson ,265 597 594 635 1824 598 566 588 1752 Millers (2) Texaco (1) Handicap 444 Handicap 452 erets 405[ Brown 380 Wentz 383 Land 443 Strzbe 351 Stevens 322 Weirauch 295 Stewar ,, 364 660 653 565 18781656 62 681 1961 Schneidrs Prairie Pavilion P,operiing In SoUth Seas Motif Re-op,_ning of the Schneider's Prairi satire hall under the nSw name of "The Tropics" ,iS sched- uled this coming saturday eve- nihg with one of the most p0pu'- la ror, ehestras in the pst sevelml year# in and around OlYmpia up- plying the 'music in a completely r,edecoratexi pavilion. Lefty Farmer's musicians° who have been engaged for Virtually every big dance in and around Olympia fox" several years past, will play £he music for the regular dances which will be held each Saturday night hereafter. The hall has been completely redecorated, in a South Seas motif and will provide' its dancers ith omt!1g new i.n the way of at- , '0Splrd for their terpslch0rean entertainment. , November 27. 1947. PLAYERS NEXT WEDNESDAY INE High climber focflhall pl-lyers by l:lank 1;ac,m. lormer University rec(dve their anF, ual niter-season of ¢Vashillgton teeth'all player now accol:ates, next Wednesday niKht genernl mnnager of the Lllmher- when the Kiwaais Chfl) invites this ] lnen's Mercantile. who will also act elmmmnily's masculine lmblic to I as nlaster-of-ceremonics. sii in on the yearly gridiron ban- t?rincipal speaker for the b"tn- quet in the Masonic lhdl. A staK affair, the crowd will be limited to ,ppx)ximatcly 160 per- soils to avoid overcrowding ill the somewhat limited quarters, and on- ly a handful of those tickets are b,ft at this writing for those who may wish to sit ill on the prograrn. Tickets 'e -wailable at Beck- with', Jeweh y store. T H E E N TI R E Highclimber fooL- ball squad varsity and B-team members both along with the coaching staff of both the high school and jtmior high school, will he guests of the Kiwanis C/tttl for lhe OCC:tSlOI1. GRISDALE PINMEN VICTORS OVER L. M. One more "city slicker" team has fallen victim of those big bad timbal'wolves from Camp Grisdale ill bowling competition ' r£e pin-lJunishers from the tall ah d uncut slapped a 2572 to 2517 defeat on the Lumbermen's Met'- erectile squad on the new Camp Griadal alleys last Sunday largely because Ehner Lord and George Husk were firing bulls-eyes at the 1-3 pocket. Lord bagged a 539 total and Hus a 559. queL will be 1)or:ett V. ITubby) Graves. one of the most popular athletic 1)anquet speakers in the Northwest and a three-sI)ort coach at the University of Washington for over 25 years. OTHER details of the banquet program include brief remarks from Principal George Hermes. Coach Norm Hillyard, and Team Captain Ken Cardinal. along with the announcement of tile several honorary awards to players for the season. Musical interludes will be provided by an octet comtlosed of members of the football team and by the "German band," both directed by Lynn Sherwood. school nmsic instructor. The dinner will be prepared and served by the Eastern Star ladies; which insures its fine quality with- out ,further .saYing. Well WANT ADS PUMP HOME For Prvos L 0 A N S ELE.CTRI£1 Terms Govey Bldg. Rates I DELAY Savings Meets Every We 8 il;L Association I.O.O.F. H-JAtle Insurance Bldg. Visiting Member Cordially Wel.-... W. S. RAWDIN(}; GUY CALL, Ruby Rebekah econd md Mary Dobson Tlme Elizabeth Buler For Water Wells--Test Hole OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED PINE STREE  Simpson 416 Dummy 354 Robinson 453 Sutherland 406 852 763 755 2370 721 792 707:2220 Mac's Corner (2) Pantorium (1) Handicap 3241 Handicap 309 Frisken 478 Dummy 402 H.Smith 423 P.Tembruekl 382 Tiffany 327 L.Daniels 401 Dickie ,345 E:Berets 355 . The scores: '.M. , Camp Grisdale Bedell Drilling .o.,.o....oou.. B.Stwart 52 o J.uh.t'andicap 76"1  R.ustafson 407. E.Lord 539 McCaslin 453,S.Hansen 461 LAURENCE BEDELL "SPEEDY" J.Stewart 566G.AdmS 452 G.Gustafson 512,G.I-lusk 559 (formerly Davidson Drilling C).) Total 517] TOtal 2572 The program has been arranged Route 3, Box 101, Shelton [,0=V|CE, sPeeDYAN011Nx'r "1 r, ,, • __ 2 SEPARATE BUT ALLIED FIRMS UNDER')NE ROOF QUALITY ELECTRIC WIRING Guaranteed Material --aBe-- Workmanship WE HAVE IT---OR WILL GET IT FOI ! We Still Have Our Regular Lines of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES : BUT -- Ro."""aiW" NOW THAT THANKSGIVING IS PAST We are  ung We Have Christmas Tree Lig T  and Decorations Jl of Various Kinds as Well as USEFUL ELECTRICAL GIFT For Bette Fender and Bad and Co: Estimat, "TH] Edgley 437 A.Carr .320 ,''C ' 788 750 796 2334 688 660 821 2169 ' P. Eliot COMPLETE "FORMAT,ON ON ELECT.,C "H' Casll Groc (2) Werberger's (1), • Registered Fixtures -- Anoliances -- Su Plies 15andicap • 537[ Handicap ' 380'! Electrical Engineer ' ,Quality P --E. Farrier 489] Pearce 350 ] , , . . • . D.Durand - 236[ White 3t5 [ • . "' e , G.GraYsargent 2821286i LindbergKimbel '  37735411 . Tztle::Insurance, Building, SheIton Phone 645 M.Durand 421 Lund  94": .':,>.;,:..'-.r,r',\>. '7.26 771.754 2251-716 7.88 6fl6 ,21'0 ...... McConkey's (2) Ritncr's (1). Handicap 1951 HandS,cap 426 ]Y[cConkey 477 Duncan 377 Schirmer 322 Edmiston 367 Hall 505 i Hunte 332 Price 3321Willou' 296 Blaha 396 Keir 390 744 77 756 2227 708 728 752 2:188 SHELTON IIDES Thursday, Nov6mber 27 High ....... 6:35 a,m. 14.1 ft. I.K)w .......... 11:41 a.m. 6.6 ft. High ........ 4:48 14.4 ft. Friday, November 28 Low .......... 12:04 a.m, -1.9 fL High ........ 7:30 a.m. 14.8 ft. Low .......... 12:29 p.m. 7.1 ft. High ...,...'5:20 p.m. 14.4 ft. Saturday, November 29 Low .......... 12:43 a.m. -2.7 ft. High ........ 8:{)7 a.m. 15.3 it, Low .......... 1:18 p.m. 7.6 ft. High ........ 5:57 p.m 14.4 ft. Sunday,' November 30 Low .......... 1:25 a.m. -3.1 ft. High ........ 8:56 a.m. 15.6 ft. Low. .......... 211 p.m. 7.9 ft. High ........ 6:37 p.m. 14.2 ft. .Monday, December 1 Low . ......... 2:11 a.m. -3 0 ft. High ........ 9:48 a.m. 15.7 ft. Low .......... 3:08 p.m. 8.0 ft. High ..... ::-7:25' p.m. 13.8 ft. Tuesday, December 2 Low .......... 3:00 a.m. -2.6 ft. High ........ 10:40 a.m. 15.7 ft. LOW .......... 4:12' p.m. '7.8 ft. Hlg'h ........ 8:20 p,m. 13.1 ft. Wednesday, December' 3 Low ..... ' ..... 3:52 a.m. -1.7 ft. GET READY FOR WINTER- NOW !! -- CHECK -- WAR SURPLUS NAVY ALPACA-LINED COATS This is the coat that you have asked for--ideal for See these features- @ Water Repellent. • Bedford Cord • Alpaca Lined @ Zipper-Button Combinations • Sizes 36-38-40-48-50 Each ........ $12.95 SOAP 4-OZ. BAR Hand soap --- for use in the home--St(ck up now for ony-- . Per Bar .............  ROPE -- COTT0 3-S" WHITE For numrrpus uses in the home a d --any amount. Per Foot . ' High ........ 11:3:t a.?n, 15.6 ft. Low .......... 5:25 p.m. 7,2 ft. High ........ 9:30 p.m. 12,2 'ft. Shelton Aerie 2079 FRATERNAk ORDER OF EAGLES. Weekly, Metlnos 8 P.M. '-. MONDAY in the 'EAGLES HALL Second an dGrove EAGLE BIFET OPEN 11 A.M. to MIDNIGHT Monday thru Friday MUSIC Each Saturday Night .Eagles and their invited friends are invited to enjoy the privi- leges of th club and the danc- Ing Saturday. nights. SPOONS-- NAVY SILVERPLATE Teaspoons direct from the navy to yOU. If you miss the-e, You will always.regret it. 2 for .............. 3* KNIVES- NAV1 SILVERPLATE Table knives make the ideal steag You cannot afford to mis tlese. Each ............. • DON'T DELAY -- GET YOURS TODAY BARGAINS GALORE RAIN PARKAS ............................................ 2.95 PANTS ............................................................ 2.50 PANTS, Alpaca Lined .................................. 6.95 SWEATERS, Heavy Weight 5-Button ...................................................... 3.49 SOCKS, Cushion Foot ........................ 3 for 1.00 SOCKS, Wool ............................................ Pr. 69¢ SHOE GREASE, Can ............................... : .... 10€ -- WHY • PAY PANTS, 00% Wool O. D ..................... GLOVES, Leather Faced, Wool Back, pair ............................................. €''i JEEP C, ANS, 5-gal. with Spout ........ JUN,GLE HAMMOCKS ach ............... i. DISHPANS, Stainless Steel. ................ i'...' BLANKETS, 00e/o Virgin Wool ......... * * Exceptional Value * TENT -- 16' x 32' S uad Tent 12 oz Heavy Wel t q r '-'"-' ";'r' - :- " 'gh DIJck, Reinforced Seams, Fire eslstant, MIIOeW i-" oct, Water Pr-of - n nt s R ' u .over me co t $221.4. OUR PRICE .... ' ..................... ' .......  ..................... SbECIAL SERVICEMEN'S MERCA EVERYONE WELCOME_ "Our Aim Is To Serve 407 South First St. i j/I d(I/I When you use or buildings, y¢ spoiling the lob As a matter of coal spring am NIore and man one of the fine stock it in ten , Ca, Full informatio methods for MI 4 I